#! /bin/bash #Example options: # ./autotrigger.sh --threads 4 - use multiple threads for preprocessing # ./autotrigger.sh --data raw --format raw - test raw_data_callback functionality # PCILIB_DEBUG_MISSING_EVENTS=1 IPECAMERA_DEBUG_HARDWARE=1 ./autotrigger.sh - debug missing frames function pci { APP_PATH=`dirname $0`/.. if [ -d $APP_PATH/../pcitool ]; then PCILIB_BINARY="$APP_PATH/../pcitool/pcitool/pci" PCILIB_PATH="$APP_PATH/../pcitool/pcilib" else PCILIB_BINARY=`which pci` PCILIB_PATH="" fi LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PCILIB_PATH" PCILIB_PLUGIN_DIR="$APP_PATH" $PCILIB_BINARY $* } echo "Starting the grabber" pci -g -o /dev/null --run-time 10002000000 --verbose 10 $@ & pid=$! trap "{ kill -s INT $!; }" SIGINT sleep 0.1 pci -w 9040 80004a01 sleep 10000 pci -w 9040 80000201 echo "Waiting grabber to finish" wait $pid