/* Copyright (C) 2014 Timo Dritschler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA */ /** * SECTION: kiro-client * @Short_description: KIRO RDMA Client / Consumer * @Title: KiroClient * * KiroClient implements the client / active / consumer side of the the RDMA * Communication Channel. It uses a KIRO-CLIENT to manage data read from the Server. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kiro-client.h" #include "kiro-rdma.h" #include "kiro-trb.h" #include /* * Definition of 'private' structures and members and macro to access them */ #define KIRO_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE((obj), KIRO_TYPE_CLIENT, KiroClientPrivate)) struct _KiroClientPrivate { /* Properties */ // PLACEHOLDER // /* 'Real' private structures */ /* (Not accessible by properties) */ struct rdma_event_channel *ec; // Main Event Channel struct rdma_cm_id *conn; // Connection to the Server }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (KiroClient, kiro_client, G_TYPE_OBJECT); static void kiro_client_init (KiroClient *self) { KiroClientPrivate *priv = KIRO_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(self); memset(priv, 0, sizeof(&priv)); } static void kiro_client_finalize (GObject *object) { //KiroClient *self = KIRO_CLIENT(object); //KiroClientPrivate * priv = KIRO_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(self); //PASS } static void kiro_client_class_init (KiroClientClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); gobject_class->finalize = kiro_client_finalize; g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(KiroClientPrivate)); } int kiro_client_connect (KiroClient *self, char *address, char* port) { KiroClientPrivate *priv = KIRO_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(self); if(priv->conn) { printf("Already connected to server.\n"); return -1; } struct rdma_addrinfo hints, *res_addrinfo; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_port_space = RDMA_PS_IB; if(rdma_getaddrinfo(address, port, &hints, &res_addrinfo)) { printf("Failed to contruct address information for %s:%s\n",address, port); return -1; } printf("Address information created.\n"); struct ibv_qp_init_attr qp_attr; memset(&qp_attr, 0, sizeof(qp_attr)); qp_attr.cap.max_send_wr = 10; qp_attr.cap.max_recv_wr = 10; qp_attr.cap.max_send_sge = 1; qp_attr.cap.max_recv_sge = 1; qp_attr.qp_context = priv->conn; qp_attr.sq_sig_all = 1; if(rdma_create_ep(&(priv->conn), res_addrinfo, NULL, &qp_attr)) { printf("Endpoint creation failed with error: %i\n", errno); return -1; } printf("Route to server resolved.\n"); struct kiro_connection_context *ctx = (struct kiro_connection_context *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct kiro_connection_context)); if(!ctx) { printf("Failed to create connection context.\n"); rdma_destroy_ep(priv->conn); return -1; } ctx->cf_mr_send = (struct kiro_rdma_mem *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct kiro_rdma_mem)); ctx->cf_mr_recv = (struct kiro_rdma_mem *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct kiro_rdma_mem)); if(!ctx->cf_mr_recv || !ctx->cf_mr_send) { printf("Failed to allocate Control Flow Memory Container.\n"); kiro_destroy_connection_context(&ctx); rdma_destroy_ep(priv->conn); return -1; } ctx->cf_mr_recv = kiro_create_rdma_memory(priv->conn->pd, sizeof(struct kiro_ctrl_msg), IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE); ctx->cf_mr_send = kiro_create_rdma_memory(priv->conn->pd, sizeof(struct kiro_ctrl_msg), IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE); if(!ctx->cf_mr_recv || !ctx->cf_mr_send) { printf("Failed to register control message memory.\n"); kiro_destroy_connection_context(&ctx); rdma_destroy_ep(priv->conn); return -1; } ctx->cf_mr_recv->size = ctx->cf_mr_send->size = sizeof(struct kiro_ctrl_msg); priv->conn->context = ctx; if(rdma_post_recv(priv->conn, priv->conn, ctx->cf_mr_recv->mem, ctx->cf_mr_recv->size, ctx->cf_mr_recv->mr)) { printf("Posting preemtive receive for connection failed with error: %i\n", errno); kiro_destroy_connection_context(&ctx); rdma_destroy_ep(priv->conn); return -1; } if(rdma_connect(priv->conn, NULL)) { printf("Failed to establish connection to the server.\n"); kiro_destroy_connection_context(&ctx); rdma_destroy_ep(priv->conn); return -1; } printf("Connected to server.\n"); struct ibv_wc wc; if(rdma_get_recv_comp(priv->conn, &wc) < 0) { printf("Failure waiting for POST from server.\n"); rdma_disconnect(priv->conn); kiro_destroy_connection_context(&ctx); rdma_destroy_ep(priv->conn); return -1; } printf("Got Message from Server.\n"); ctx->peer_mr = (((struct kiro_ctrl_msg *)(ctx->cf_mr_recv->mem))->peer_mri); printf("Expected Memory Size is: %u\n",ctx->peer_mr.length); ctx->rdma_mr = kiro_create_rdma_memory(priv->conn->pd, ctx->peer_mr.length, IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE); if(!ctx->rdma_mr) { printf("Failed to allocate memory for receive buffer.\n"); rdma_disconnect(priv->conn); kiro_destroy_connection_context(&ctx); rdma_destroy_ep(priv->conn); return -1; } printf("Connection setup completed successfully!\n"); return 0; } int kiro_client_sync (KiroClient *self) { KiroClientPrivate *priv = KIRO_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(self); struct kiro_connection_context *ctx = (struct kiro_connection_context *)priv->conn->context; if(rdma_post_read(priv->conn, priv->conn, ctx->rdma_mr->mem, ctx->peer_mr.length, ctx->rdma_mr->mr, 0, ctx->peer_mr.addr, ctx->peer_mr.rkey)) { printf("Failed to read from server.\n"); rdma_disconnect(priv->conn); kiro_destroy_connection_context(&ctx); rdma_destroy_ep(priv->conn); return -1; } struct ibv_wc wc; if(rdma_get_send_comp(priv->conn, &wc) < 0) { printf("Failure reading from server.\n"); rdma_disconnect(priv->conn); kiro_destroy_connection_context(&ctx); rdma_destroy_ep(priv->conn); return -1; } return 0; } void* kiro_client_get_memory (KiroClient *self) { KiroClientPrivate *priv = KIRO_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(self); if(!priv->conn) return NULL; struct kiro_connection_context *ctx = (struct kiro_connection_context *)priv->conn->context; if(!ctx->rdma_mr) return NULL; return ctx->rdma_mr->mem; } size_t kiro_client_get_memory_size (KiroClient *self) { KiroClientPrivate *priv = KIRO_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(self); if(!priv->conn) return 0; struct kiro_connection_context *ctx = (struct kiro_connection_context *)priv->conn->context; if(!ctx->rdma_mr) return 0; return ctx->rdma_mr->size; }