path: root/test/units
diff options
authorDevan Goodwin <>2016-05-30 12:55:50 -0300
committerDevan Goodwin <>2016-05-30 12:55:50 -0300
commitf24cc239bcd10d51427a751044b73d1c6470b9b2 (patch)
treeee5beb65f650c1c76466acb1da11f999504e958b /test/units
parent265daf6b65206fc17ad35e682640477d08efbc43 (diff)
parent4b734695abf9ca112c9ad3be33f03fcd1a1e7abf (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into upgrade33
Diffstat (limited to 'test/units')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/test/units/ b/test/units/
deleted file mode 100644
index 78a02c3ea..000000000
--- a/test/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Location for python unittests.
-These should be run by sourcing the env-setup:
-$ source test/env-setup
-Then navigate to the test/units/ directory.
-$ python -m unittest multi_inventory_test
diff --git a/test/units/ b/test/units/
deleted file mode 100755
index 168cd82b7..000000000
--- a/test/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
- Unit tests for MultiInventory
-import unittest
-import multi_inventory
-# Removing invalid variable names for tests so that I can
-# keep them brief
-# pylint: disable=invalid-name
-class MultiInventoryTest(unittest.TestCase):
- '''
- Test class for multiInventory
- '''
-# def setUp(self):
-# '''setup method'''
-# pass
- def test_merge_simple_1(self):
- '''Testing a simple merge of 2 dictionaries'''
- a = {"key1" : 1}
- b = {"key1" : 2}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"key1": [1, 2]})
- def test_merge_b_empty(self):
- '''Testing a merge of an emtpy dictionary'''
- a = {"key1" : 1}
- b = {}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"key1": 1})
- def test_merge_a_empty(self):
- '''Testing a merge of an emtpy dictionary'''
- b = {"key1" : 1}
- a = {}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"key1": 1})
- def test_merge_hash_array(self):
- '''Testing a merge of a dictionary and a dictionary with an array'''
- a = {"key1" : {"hasha": 1}}
- b = {"key1" : [1, 2]}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"key1": [{"hasha": 1}, 1, 2]})
- def test_merge_array_hash(self):
- '''Testing a merge of a dictionary with an array and a dictionary with a hash'''
- a = {"key1" : [1, 2]}
- b = {"key1" : {"hasha": 1}}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"key1": [1, 2, {"hasha": 1}]})
- def test_merge_keys_1(self):
- '''Testing a merge on a dictionary for keys'''
- a = {"key1" : [1, 2], "key2" : {"hasha": 2}}
- b = {"key2" : {"hashb": 1}}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"key1": [1, 2], "key2": {"hasha": 2, "hashb": 1}})
- def test_merge_recursive_1(self):
- '''Testing a recursive merge'''
- a = {"a" : {"b": {"c": 1}}}
- b = {"a" : {"b": {"c": 2}}}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"a": {"b": {"c": [1, 2]}}})
- def test_merge_recursive_array_item(self):
- '''Testing a recursive merge for an array'''
- a = {"a" : {"b": {"c": [1]}}}
- b = {"a" : {"b": {"c": 2}}}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"a": {"b": {"c": [1, 2]}}})
- def test_merge_recursive_hash_item(self):
- '''Testing a recursive merge for a hash'''
- a = {"a" : {"b": {"c": {"d": 1}}}}
- b = {"a" : {"b": {"c": 2}}}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"a": {"b": {"c": [{"d": 1}, 2]}}})
- def test_merge_recursive_array_hash(self):
- '''Testing a recursive merge for an array and a hash'''
- a = {"a" : [{"b": {"c": 1}}]}
- b = {"a" : {"b": {"c": 1}}}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"a": [{"b": {"c": 1}}]})
- def test_merge_recursive_hash_array(self):
- '''Testing a recursive merge for an array and a hash'''
- a = {"a" : {"b": {"c": 1}}}
- b = {"a" : [{"b": {"c": 1}}]}
- result = {}
- _ = [multi_inventory.MultiInventory.merge_destructively(result, x) for x in [a, b]]
- self.assertEqual(result, {"a": [{"b": {"c": 1}}]})
-# def tearDown(self):
-# '''TearDown method'''
-# pass
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/units/ b/test/units/
deleted file mode 100755
index 09a65e888..000000000
--- a/test/units/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
- Unit tests for yedit
-import unittest
-import os
-# Removing invalid variable names for tests so that I can
-# keep them brief
-# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-name-in-module
-from yedit import Yedit
-class YeditTest(unittest.TestCase):
- '''
- Test class for yedit
- '''
- data = {'a': 'a',
- 'b': {'c': {'d': [{'e': 'x'}, 'f', 'g']}},
- }
- filename = 'yedit_test.yml'
- def setUp(self):
- ''' setup method will create a file and set to known configuration '''
- yed = Yedit(YeditTest.filename)
- yed.yaml_dict =
- yed.write()
- def test_load(self):
- ''' Testing a get '''
- yed = Yedit('yedit_test.yml')
- self.assertEqual(yed.yaml_dict,
- def test_write(self):
- ''' Testing a simple write '''
- yed = Yedit('yedit_test.yml')
- yed.put('key1', 1)
- yed.write()
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict.has_key('key1'))
- self.assertEqual(yed.yaml_dict['key1'], 1)
- def test_write_x_y_z(self):
- '''Testing a write of multilayer key'''
- yed = Yedit('yedit_test.yml')
- yed.put('x.y.z', 'modified')
- yed.write()
- yed.load()
- self.assertEqual(yed.get('x.y.z'), 'modified')
- def test_delete_a(self):
- '''Testing a simple delete '''
- yed = Yedit('yedit_test.yml')
- yed.delete('a')
- yed.write()
- yed.load()
- self.assertTrue(not yed.yaml_dict.has_key('a'))
- def test_delete_b_c(self):
- '''Testing delete of layered key '''
- yed = Yedit('yedit_test.yml')
- yed.delete('b.c')
- yed.write()
- yed.load()
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict.has_key('b'))
- self.assertFalse(yed.yaml_dict['b'].has_key('c'))
- def test_create(self):
- '''Testing a create '''
- os.unlink(YeditTest.filename)
- yed = Yedit('yedit_test.yml')
- yed.create('foo', 'bar')
- yed.write()
- yed.load()
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict.has_key('foo'))
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict['foo'] == 'bar')
- def test_create_content(self):
- '''Testing a create with content '''
- content = {"foo": "bar"}
- yed = Yedit("yedit_test.yml", content)
- yed.write()
- yed.load()
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict.has_key('foo'))
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict['foo'], 'bar')
- def test_array_insert(self):
- '''Testing a create with content '''
- yed = Yedit("yedit_test.yml")
- yed.put('b.c.d[0]', 'inject')
- self.assertTrue(yed.get('b.c.d[0]') == 'inject')
- def test_array_insert_first_index(self):
- '''Testing a create with content '''
- yed = Yedit("yedit_test.yml")
- yed.put('b.c.d[0]', 'inject')
- self.assertTrue(yed.get('b.c.d[1]') == 'f')
- def test_array_insert_second_index(self):
- '''Testing a create with content '''
- yed = Yedit("yedit_test.yml")
- yed.put('b.c.d[0]', 'inject')
- self.assertTrue(yed.get('b.c.d[2]') == 'g')
- def test_dict_array_dict_access(self):
- '''Testing a create with content'''
- yed = Yedit("yedit_test.yml")
- yed.put('b.c.d[0]', [{'x': {'y': 'inject'}}])
- self.assertTrue(yed.get('b.c.d[0].[0].x.y') == 'inject')
- def test_dict_array_dict_replace(self):
- '''Testing multilevel delete'''
- yed = Yedit("yedit_test.yml")
- yed.put('b.c.d[0]', [{'x': {'y': 'inject'}}])
- yed.put('b.c.d[0].[0].x.y', 'testing')
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict.has_key('b'))
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict['b'].has_key('c'))
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c'].has_key('d'))
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c']['d'], list))
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c']['d'][0], list))
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c']['d'][0][0], dict))
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c']['d'][0][0]['x'].has_key('y'))
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c']['d'][0][0]['x']['y'], 'testing')
- def test_dict_array_dict_remove(self):
- '''Testing multilevel delete'''
- yed = Yedit("yedit_test.yml")
- yed.put('b.c.d[0]', [{'x': {'y': 'inject'}}])
- yed.delete('b.c.d[0].[0].x.y')
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict.has_key('b'))
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict['b'].has_key('c'))
- self.assertTrue(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c'].has_key('d'))
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c']['d'], list))
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c']['d'][0], list))
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c']['d'][0][0], dict))
- self.assertFalse(yed.yaml_dict['b']['c']['d'][0][0]['x'].has_key('y'))
- def tearDown(self):
- '''TearDown method'''
- os.unlink(YeditTest.filename)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()