diff options
18 files changed, 773 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/.tito/packages/openshift-ansible b/.tito/packages/openshift-ansible
index 28c51977b..b3b195473 100644
--- a/.tito/packages/openshift-ansible
+++ b/.tito/packages/openshift-ansible
@@ -1 +1 @@
-3.6.17-1 ./
+3.6.19-1 ./
diff --git a/ b/
index 35e057af3..2499e01d4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -38,4 +38,6 @@ Here is an example of how to run a containerized `openshift-ansible` playbook th
-e PLAYBOOK_FILE=playbooks/certificate_expiry/default.yaml \
-The [playbook2image examples]( provide additional information on how to use an image built from it like this one.
+Further usage examples are available in the [examples directory](examples/).
+Additional usage information for images built from `playbook2image` like this one can be found in the [playbook2image examples](
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e412244d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# openshift-ansible usage examples
+The primary use of `openshift-ansible` is to install, configure and upgrade OpenShift clusters.
+This is typically done by direct invocation of Ansible tools like `ansible-playbook`. This use case is covered in detail in the [OpenShift advanced installation documentation](
+For OpenShift Container Platform there's also an installation utility that wraps `openshift-ansible`. This usage case is covered in the [Quick Installation]( section of the documentation.
+The usage examples below cover use cases other than install/configure/upgrade.
+## Container image
+The examples below run [openshift-ansible in a container](../ to perform certificate expiration checks on an OpenShift cluster from pods running on the cluster itself.
+You can find more details about the certificate expiration check roles and example playbooks in [the openshift_certificate_expiry role's README](../roles/openshift_certificate_expiry/
+### Job to upload certificate expiration reports
+The example `Job` in [certificate-check-upload.yaml](certificate-check-upload.yaml) executes a [Job]( that checks the expiration dates of the internal certificates of the cluster and uploads HTML and JSON reports to `/etc/origin/certificate_expiration_report` in the masters.
+This example uses the [`easy-mode-upload.yaml`](../playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml) example playbook, which generates reports and uploads them to the masters. The playbook can be customized via environment variables to control the length of the warning period (`CERT_EXPIRY_WARN_DAYS`) and the location in the masters where the reports are uploaded (`COPY_TO_PATH`).
+The job expects the inventory to be provided via the *hosts* key of a [ConfigMap]( named *inventory*, and the passwordless ssh key that allows connecting to the hosts to be availalbe as *ssh-privatekey* from a [Secret]( named *sshkey*, so these are created first:
+ oc new-project certcheck
+ oc create configmap inventory --from-file=hosts=/etc/ansible/hosts
+ oc secrets new-sshauth sshkey --ssh-privatekey=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
+Note that `inventory`, `hosts`, `sshkey` and `ssh-privatekey` are referenced by name from the provided example Job definition. If you use different names for the objects/attributes you will have to adjust the Job accordingly.
+To create the Job:
+ oc create -f examples/certificate-check-upload.yaml
+### Scheduled job for certificate expiration report upload
+**Note**: This example uses the [ScheduledJob]( object, which has been renamed to [CronJob]( upstream and is still a Technology Preview subject to further change.
+The example `ScheduledJob` in [scheduled-certcheck-upload.yaml](scheduled-certcheck-upload.yaml) does the same as the `Job` example above, but it is scheduled to automatically run every first day of the month (see the `spec.schedule` value in the example).
+The job definition is the same and it expects the same configuration: we provide the inventory and ssh key via a ConfigMap and a Secret respectively:
+ oc new-project certcheck
+ oc create configmap inventory --from-file=hosts=/etc/ansible/hosts
+ oc secrets new-sshauth sshkey --ssh-privatekey=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
+And then we create the ScheduledJob:
+ oc create -f examples/scheduled-certcheck-upload.yaml
+### Job and ScheduledJob to check certificates using volumes
+There are two additional examples:
+ - A `Job` [certificate-check-volume.yaml](certificate-check-volume.yaml)
+ - A `ScheduledJob` [scheduled-certcheck-upload.yaml](scheduled-certcheck-upload.yaml)
+These perform the same work as the two examples above, but instead of uploading the generated reports to the masters they store them in a custom path within the container that is expected to be backed by a [PersistentVolumeClaim](, so that the reports are actually written to storage external to the container.
+These examples assume that there is an existing `PersistentVolumeClaim` called `certcheck-reports` and they use the [`html_and_json_timestamp.yaml`](../playbooks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml) example playbook to write timestamped reports into it.
+You can later access the reports from another pod that mounts the same volume, or externally via direct access to the backend storage behind the matching `PersistentVolume`.
+To run these examples we prepare the inventory and ssh keys as in the other examples:
+ oc new-project certcheck
+ oc create configmap inventory --from-file=hosts=/etc/ansible/hosts
+ oc secrets new-sshauth sshkey --ssh-privatekey=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
+Additionally we allocate a `PersistentVolumeClaim` to store the reports:
+ oc create -f - <<PVC
+ ---
+ apiVersion: v1
+ kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
+ metadata:
+ name: certcheck-reports
+ spec:
+ accessModes:
+ - ReadWriteOnce
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ storage: 1Gi
+With that we can run the `Job` once:
+ oc create -f examples/certificate-check-volume.yaml
+or schedule it to run periodically as a `ScheduledJob`:
+ oc create -f examples/scheduled-certcheck-volume.yaml
diff --git a/examples/certificate-check-upload.yaml b/examples/certificate-check-upload.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b10a0b614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/certificate-check-upload.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# An example Job to run a certificate check of OpenShift's internal
+# certificate status from within OpenShift.
+# The generated reports are uploaded to a location in the master
+# hosts, using the playbook 'easy-mode-upload.yaml'.
+# This example uses the openshift/openshift-ansible container image.
+# (see in the top level dir for more details).
+# The following objects are xpected to be configured before the creation
+# of this Job:
+# - A ConfigMap named 'inventory' with a key named 'hosts' that
+# contains the the Ansible inventory file
+# - A Secret named 'sshkey' with a key named 'ssh-privatekey
+# that contains the ssh key to connect to the hosts
+# (see examples/ for more details)
+apiVersion: batch/v1
+kind: Job
+ name: certificate-check
+ containers:
+ - name: openshift-ansible
+ image: openshift/openshift-ansible
+ env:
+ value: playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml
+ value: /tmp/inventory/hosts # from configmap vol below
+ - name: ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE # from secret vol below
+ value: /opt/app-root/src/.ssh/id_rsa/ssh-privatekey
+ value: "45" # must be a string, don't forget the quotes
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: sshkey
+ mountPath: /opt/app-root/src/.ssh/id_rsa
+ - name: inventory
+ mountPath: /tmp/inventory
+ volumes:
+ - name: sshkey
+ secret:
+ secretName: sshkey
+ - name: inventory
+ configMap:
+ name: inventory
+ restartPolicy: Never
diff --git a/examples/certificate-check-volume.yaml b/examples/certificate-check-volume.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c19dc1f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/certificate-check-volume.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# An example Job to run a certificate check of OpenShift's internal
+# certificate status from within OpenShift.
+# The generated reports are stored in a Persistent Volume using
+# the playbook 'html_and_json_timestamp.yaml'.
+# This example uses the openshift/openshift-ansible container image.
+# (see in the top level dir for more details).
+# The following objects are xpected to be configured before the creation
+# of this Job:
+# - A ConfigMap named 'inventory' with a key named 'hosts' that
+# contains the the Ansible inventory file
+# - A Secret named 'sshkey' with a key named 'ssh-privatekey
+# that contains the ssh key to connect to the hosts
+# - A PersistentVolumeClaim named 'certcheck-reports' where the
+# generated reports are going to be stored
+# (see examples/ for more details)
+apiVersion: batch/v1
+kind: Job
+ name: certificate-check
+ containers:
+ - name: openshift-ansible
+ image: openshift/openshift-ansible
+ env:
+ value: playbooks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml
+ value: /tmp/inventory/hosts # from configmap vol below
+ - name: ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE # from secret vol below
+ value: /opt/app-root/src/.ssh/id_rsa/ssh-privatekey
+ value: "45" # must be a string, don't forget the quotes
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: sshkey
+ mountPath: /opt/app-root/src/.ssh/id_rsa
+ - name: inventory
+ mountPath: /tmp/inventory
+ - name: reports
+ mountPath: /var/lib/certcheck
+ volumes:
+ - name: sshkey
+ secret:
+ secretName: sshkey
+ - name: inventory
+ configMap:
+ name: inventory
+ - name: reports
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: certcheck-reports
+ restartPolicy: Never
diff --git a/examples/scheduled-certcheck-upload.yaml b/examples/scheduled-certcheck-upload.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0a97361b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scheduled-certcheck-upload.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# An example ScheduledJob to run a regular check of OpenShift's internal
+# certificate status.
+# Each job will upload new reports to a directory in the master hosts
+# The Job specification is the same as 'certificate-check-upload.yaml'
+# and the expected pre-configuration is equivalent.
+# See that Job example and examples/ for more details.
+# NOTE: ScheduledJob has been renamed to CronJob in upstream k8s recently. At
+# some point (OpenShift 3.6+) this will have to be renamed to "kind: CronJob"
+# and once the API stabilizes the apiVersion will have to be updated too.
+apiVersion: batch/v2alpha1
+kind: ScheduledJob
+ name: certificate-check
+ labels:
+ app: certcheck
+ schedule: "0 0 1 * *" # every 1st day of the month at midnight
+ jobTemplate:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: certcheck
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: openshift-ansible
+ image: openshift/openshift-ansible
+ env:
+ value: playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml
+ value: /tmp/inventory/hosts # from configmap vol below
+ - name: ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE # from secret vol below
+ value: /opt/app-root/src/.ssh/id_rsa/ssh-privatekey
+ value: "45" # must be a string, don't forget the quotes
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: sshkey
+ mountPath: /opt/app-root/src/.ssh/id_rsa
+ - name: inventory
+ mountPath: /tmp/inventory
+ volumes:
+ - name: sshkey
+ secret:
+ secretName: sshkey
+ - name: inventory
+ configMap:
+ name: inventory
+ restartPolicy: Never
diff --git a/examples/scheduled-certcheck-volume.yaml b/examples/scheduled-certcheck-volume.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74cdc9e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scheduled-certcheck-volume.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# An example ScheduledJob to run a regular check of OpenShift's internal
+# certificate status.
+# Each job will add a new pair of reports to the configured Persistent Volume
+# The Job specification is the same as 'certificate-check-volume.yaml'
+# and the expected pre-configuration is equivalent.
+# See that Job example and examples/ for more details.
+# NOTE: ScheduledJob has been renamed to CronJob in upstream k8s recently. At
+# some point (OpenShift 3.6+) this will have to be renamed to "kind: CronJob"
+# and once the API stabilizes the apiVersion will have to be updated too.
+apiVersion: batch/v2alpha1
+kind: ScheduledJob
+ name: certificate-check
+ labels:
+ app: certcheck
+ schedule: "0 0 1 * *" # every 1st day of the month at midnight
+ jobTemplate:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ app: certcheck
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: openshift-ansible
+ image: openshift/openshift-ansible
+ env:
+ value: playbooks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml
+ value: /tmp/inventory/hosts # from configmap vol below
+ - name: ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE # from secret vol below
+ value: /opt/app-root/src/.ssh/id_rsa/ssh-privatekey
+ value: "45" # must be a string, don't forget the quotes
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: sshkey
+ mountPath: /opt/app-root/src/.ssh/id_rsa
+ - name: inventory
+ mountPath: /tmp/inventory
+ - name: reports
+ mountPath: /var/lib/certcheck
+ volumes:
+ - name: sshkey
+ secret:
+ secretName: sshkey
+ - name: inventory
+ configMap:
+ name: inventory
+ - name: reports
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: certcheck-reports
+ restartPolicy: Never
diff --git a/openshift-ansible.spec b/openshift-ansible.spec
index 819b6973b..7124bfa63 100644
--- a/openshift-ansible.spec
+++ b/openshift-ansible.spec
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
%global __requires_exclude ^/usr/bin/ansible-playbook$
Name: openshift-ansible
-Version: 3.6.17
+Version: 3.6.19
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: Openshift and Atomic Enterprise Ansible
License: ASL 2.0
@@ -270,6 +270,24 @@ Atomic OpenShift Utilities includes
+* Fri Apr 07 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot <> 3.6.19-1
+- Add example scheduled certificate check (
+- Switch from ignoring to passing on checks (
+- Add tests for action plugin (
+- Remove unnecessary code (
+- Make resolve_checks more strict (
+* Fri Apr 07 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot <> 3.6.18-1
+- master-api: add mount for /var/log (
+- master: add mount for /var/log (
+- unexclude excluder if it is to be upgraded and already installed
+ (
+- Bump calico policy controller (
+- Fixed a string format and a lint space issue (
+- Fixed name and selector to be mutually exclusive (
+- Adding ability to delete by selector. (
+- Adding delete with selector support. (
* Thu Apr 06 2017 Jenkins CD Merge Bot <> 3.6.17-1
- Adding signed router cert and fixing server_cert bug. (
diff --git a/playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml b/playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..378d1f154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This example generates HTML and JSON reports and
+# Copies of the generated HTML and JSON reports are uploaded to the masters,
+# which is particularly useful when this playbook is run from a container.
+# All certificates (healthy or not) are included in the results
+# Optional environment variables to alter the behaviour of the playbook:
+# CERT_EXPIRY_WARN_DAYS: Length of the warning window in days (45)
+# COPY_TO_PATH: path to copy reports to in the masters (/etc/origin/certificate_expiration_report)
+- name: Generate certificate expiration reports
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_generate_html_report: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_show_all: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_warning_days: "{{ lookup('env', 'CERT_EXPIRY_WARN_DAYS') | default('45', true) }}"
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+- name: Upload reports to master
+ hosts: masters
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ destination_path: "{{ lookup('env', 'COPY_TO_PATH') | default('/etc/origin/certificate_expiration_report', true) }}"
+ timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Ensure that the target directory exists
+ file:
+ path: "{{ destination_path }}"
+ state: directory
+ - name: Copy the reports
+ copy:
+ dest: "{{ destination_path }}/{{ timestamp }}-{{ item }}"
+ src: "/tmp/{{ item }}"
+ with_items:
+ - "cert-expiry-report.html"
+ - "cert-expiry-report.json"
diff --git a/playbooks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml b/playbooks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2189455b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Generate timestamped HTML and JSON reports in /var/lib/certcheck
+- name: Check cert expirys
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ become: yes
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_generate_html_report: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_show_all: yes
+ timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}"
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_html_report_path: "/var/lib/certcheck/{{ timestamp }}-cert-expiry-report.html"
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_json_results_path: "/var/lib/certcheck/{{ timestamp }}-cert-expiry-report.json"
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/init.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/init.yml
index bcbc4ee02..01d151eb9 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/init.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/init.yml
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
- name: Check if iptables is running
command: systemctl status iptables
- ignore_errors: true
changed_when: false
+ failed_when: false
register: service_iptables_status
- name: Set fact os_firewall_use_firewalld FALSE for iptables
diff --git a/roles/calico_master/templates/calico-policy-controller.yml.j2 b/roles/calico_master/templates/calico-policy-controller.yml.j2
index 66c334ceb..3fb1abf0d 100644
--- a/roles/calico_master/templates/calico-policy-controller.yml.j2
+++ b/roles/calico_master/templates/calico-policy-controller.yml.j2
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ spec:
serviceAccountName: calico
- name: calico-policy-controller
- image:
+ image:
# The location of the Calico etcd cluster.
diff --git a/roles/openshift_certificate_expiry/ b/roles/openshift_certificate_expiry/
index df43c3770..107e27f89 100644
--- a/roles/openshift_certificate_expiry/
+++ b/roles/openshift_certificate_expiry/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ to be used with an inventory that is representative of the
cluster. For best results run `ansible-playbook` with the `-v` option.
# Role Variables
Core variables in this role:
@@ -51,8 +50,8 @@ How to use the Certificate Expiration Checking Role.
Run one of the example playbooks using an inventory file
representative of your existing cluster. Some example playbooks are
-included in this role, or you can read on below after this example to
-craft you own.
+included in this role, or you can [read on below for more examples](#more-example-playbooks)
+to help you craft you own.
$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode.yaml
@@ -69,11 +68,47 @@ Using the `easy-mode.yaml` playbook will produce:
> `/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode.yaml`
> instead
+## Run from a container
+The example playbooks that use this role are packaged in the
+[container image for openshift-ansible](../../, so you
+can run any of them by setting the `PLAYBOOK_FILE` environment variable when
+running an openshift-ansible container.
+There are several [examples](../../examples/ in the `examples` directory that run certificate check playbooks from a container running on OpenShift.
## More Example Playbooks
> **Note:** These Playbooks are available to run directly out of the
> [/playbooks/certificate_expiry/](../../playbooks/certificate_expiry/) directory.
+### Default behavior
+This playbook just invokes the certificate expiration check role with default options:
+- name: Check cert expirys
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ become: yes
+ gather_facts: no
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+**From git:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/certificate_expiry/default.yaml
+**From openshift-ansible-playbooks rpm:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/certificate_expiry/default.yaml
+> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/certificate_expiry/default.yaml)
+### Easy mode
This example playbook is great if you're just wanting to **try the
role out**. This playbook enables HTML and JSON reports. All
@@ -104,35 +139,70 @@ $ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/ce
> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode.yaml)
+### Easy mode and upload reports to masters
+This example builds on top of [easy-mode.yaml](#easy-mode) and additionally
+uploads a copy of the generated reports to the masters, with a timestamp in the
+file names.
+This is specially useful when the playbook runs from within a container, because
+the reports are generated inside the container and we need a way to access them.
+Uploading a copy of the reports to the masters is one way to make it easy to
+access them. Alternatively you can use the
+[role variables](#role-variables) that control the path of the generated reports
+to point to a container volume (see the [playbook with custom paths](#generate-html-and-json-reports-in-a-custom-path) for an example).
-Default behavior:
+With the container use case in mind, this playbook allows control over some
+options via environment variables:
+ - `CERT_EXPIRY_WARN_DAYS`: sets `openshift_certificate_expiry_warning_days`, overriding the role's default.
+ - `COPY_TO_PATH`: path in the masters where generated reports are uploaded.
-- name: Check cert expirys
+- name: Generate certificate expiration reports
hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
- become: yes
gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_generate_html_report: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_show_all: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_warning_days: "{{ lookup('env', 'CERT_EXPIRY_WARN_DAYS') | default('45', true) }}"
- role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+- name: Upload reports to master
+ hosts: masters
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ destination_path: "{{ lookup('env', 'COPY_TO_PATH') | default('/etc/origin/certificate_expiration_report', true) }}"
+ timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Create directory in masters
+ file:
+ path: "{{ destination_path }}"
+ state: directory
+ - name: Copy the reports to the masters
+ copy:
+ dest: "{{ destination_path }}/{{ timestamp }}-{{ item }}"
+ src: "/tmp/{{ item }}"
+ with_items:
+ - "cert-expiry-report.html"
+ - "cert-expiry-report.json"
**From git:**
-$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/certificate_expiry/default.yaml
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml
**From openshift-ansible-playbooks rpm:**
-$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/certificate_expiry/default.yaml
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml
-> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/certificate_expiry/default.yaml)
+> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml)
-Generate HTML and JSON artifacts in their default paths:
+### Generate HTML and JSON artifacts in their default paths
@@ -158,7 +228,38 @@ $ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/ce
> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_default_paths.yaml)
+### Generate HTML and JSON reports in a custom path
+This example customizes the report generation path to point to a specific path (`/var/lib/certcheck`) and uses a date timestamp for the generated files. This allows you to reuse a certain location to keep multiple copies of the reports.
+- name: Check cert expirys
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ become: yes
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_generate_html_report: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results: yes
+ timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}"
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_html_report_path: "/var/lib/certcheck/{{ timestamp }}-cert-expiry-report.html"
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_json_results_path: "/var/lib/certcheck/{{ timestamp }}-cert-expiry-report.json"
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+**From git:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml
+**From openshift-ansible-playbooks rpm:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml
+> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml)
+### Long warning window
Change the expiration warning window to 1500 days (good for testing
the module out):
@@ -186,7 +287,7 @@ $ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/ce
> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/certificate_expiry/longer_warning_period.yaml)
+### Long warning window and JSON report
Change the expiration warning window to 1500 days (good for testing
the module out) and save the results as a JSON file:
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/action_plugins/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/action_plugins/
index cf0fe19f1..03c40b78b 100644
--- a/roles/openshift_health_checker/action_plugins/
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/action_plugins/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Ansible action plugin to execute health checks in OpenShift clusters.
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,missing-docstring,invalid-name
import sys
import os
+from collections import defaultdict
from __main__ import display
@@ -41,20 +42,11 @@ class ActionModule(ActionBase):
return result
args = self._task.args
- requested_checks = resolve_checks(args.get("checks", []), known_checks.values())
- unknown_checks = requested_checks - set(known_checks)
- if unknown_checks:
- result["failed"] = True
- result["msg"] = (
- "One or more checks are unknown: {}. "
- "Make sure there is no typo in the playbook and no files are missing."
- ).format(", ".join(unknown_checks))
- return result
+ resolved_checks = resolve_checks(args.get("checks", []), known_checks.values())
result["checks"] = check_results = {}
- for check_name in requested_checks & set(known_checks):
+ for check_name in resolved_checks:
display.banner("CHECK [{} : {}]".format(check_name, task_vars["ansible_host"]))
check = known_checks[check_name]
@@ -81,10 +73,7 @@ class ActionModule(ActionBase):
known_checks = {}
- known_check_classes = set(cls for cls in OpenShiftCheck.subclasses())
- for cls in known_check_classes:
+ for cls in OpenShiftCheck.subclasses():
check_name =
if check_name in known_checks:
other_cls = known_checks[check_name].__class__
@@ -94,26 +83,45 @@ class ActionModule(ActionBase):
cls.__module__, cls.__name__,
other_cls.__module__, other_cls.__name__))
known_checks[check_name] = cls(execute_module=self._execute_module)
return known_checks
def resolve_checks(names, all_checks):
"""Returns a set of resolved check names.
- Resolving a check name involves expanding tag references (e.g., '@tag') with
- all the checks that contain the given tag.
+ Resolving a check name expands tag references (e.g., "@tag") to all the
+ checks that contain the given tag. OpenShiftCheckException is raised if
+ names contains an unknown check or tag name.
names should be a sequence of strings.
all_checks should be a sequence of check classes/instances.
- resolved = set()
- for name in names:
- if name.startswith("@"):
- for check in all_checks:
- if name[1:] in check.tags:
- resolved.add(
- else:
- resolved.add(name)
+ known_check_names = set( for check in all_checks)
+ known_tag_names = set(name for check in all_checks for name in check.tags)
+ check_names = set(name for name in names if not name.startswith('@'))
+ tag_names = set(name[1:] for name in names if name.startswith('@'))
+ unknown_check_names = check_names - known_check_names
+ unknown_tag_names = tag_names - known_tag_names
+ if unknown_check_names or unknown_tag_names:
+ msg = []
+ if unknown_check_names:
+ msg.append('Unknown check names: {}.'.format(', '.join(sorted(unknown_check_names))))
+ if unknown_tag_names:
+ msg.append('Unknown tag names: {}.'.format(', '.join(sorted(unknown_tag_names))))
+ msg.append('Make sure there is no typo in the playbook and no files are missing.')
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException('\n'.join(msg))
+ tag_to_checks = defaultdict(set)
+ for check in all_checks:
+ for tag in check.tags:
+ tag_to_checks[tag].add(
+ resolved = check_names.copy()
+ for tag in tag_names:
+ resolved.update(tag_to_checks[tag])
return resolved
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a877246f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_health_check import ActionModule, resolve_checks
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException
+def fake_check(name='fake_check', tags=None, is_active=True, run_return=None, run_exception=None):
+ """Returns a new class that is compatible with OpenShiftCheck for testing."""
+ _name, _tags = name, tags
+ class FakeCheck(object):
+ name = _name
+ tags = _tags or []
+ def __init__(self, execute_module=None):
+ pass
+ @classmethod
+ def is_active(cls, task_vars):
+ return is_active
+ def run(self, tmp, task_vars):
+ if run_exception is not None:
+ raise run_exception
+ return run_return
+ return FakeCheck
+# Fixtures
+def plugin():
+ task = FakeTask('openshift_health_check', {'checks': ['fake_check']})
+ plugin = ActionModule(task, None, None, None, None, None)
+ return plugin
+class FakeTask(object):
+ def __init__(self, action, args):
+ self.action = action
+ self.args = args
+ self.async = 0
+def task_vars():
+ return dict(openshift=dict(), ansible_host='unit-test-host')
+# Assertion helpers
+def failed(result, msg_has=None):
+ if msg_has is not None:
+ assert 'msg' in result
+ for term in msg_has:
+ assert term in result['msg']
+ return result.get('failed', False)
+def changed(result):
+ return result.get('changed', False)
+def skipped(result):
+ return result.get('skipped', False)
+# Tests
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('task_vars', [
+ None,
+ {},
+def test_action_plugin_missing_openshift_facts(plugin, task_vars):
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert failed(result, msg_has=['openshift_facts'])
+def test_action_plugin_cannot_load_checks_with_the_same_name(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ FakeCheck1 = fake_check('duplicate_name')
+ FakeCheck2 = fake_check('duplicate_name')
+ checks = [FakeCheck1, FakeCheck2]
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_checks.OpenShiftCheck.subclasses', classmethod(lambda cls: checks))
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert failed(result, msg_has=['unique', 'duplicate_name', 'FakeCheck'])
+def test_action_plugin_skip_non_active_checks(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ checks = [fake_check(is_active=False)]
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_checks.OpenShiftCheck.subclasses', classmethod(lambda cls: checks))
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert result['checks']['fake_check'] == {'skipped': True}
+ assert not failed(result)
+ assert not changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+def test_action_plugin_run_check_ok(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ check_return_value = {'ok': 'test'}
+ check_class = fake_check(run_return=check_return_value)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda: {'fake_check': check_class()})
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_health_check.resolve_checks', lambda *args: ['fake_check'])
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert result['checks']['fake_check'] == check_return_value
+ assert not failed(result)
+ assert not changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+def test_action_plugin_run_check_changed(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ check_return_value = {'ok': 'test', 'changed': True}
+ check_class = fake_check(run_return=check_return_value)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda: {'fake_check': check_class()})
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_health_check.resolve_checks', lambda *args: ['fake_check'])
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert result['checks']['fake_check'] == check_return_value
+ assert not failed(result)
+ assert changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+def test_action_plugin_run_check_fail(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ check_return_value = {'failed': True}
+ check_class = fake_check(run_return=check_return_value)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda: {'fake_check': check_class()})
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_health_check.resolve_checks', lambda *args: ['fake_check'])
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert result['checks']['fake_check'] == check_return_value
+ assert failed(result, msg_has=['failed'])
+ assert not changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+def test_action_plugin_run_check_exception(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ exception_msg = 'fake check has an exception'
+ run_exception = OpenShiftCheckException(exception_msg)
+ check_class = fake_check(run_exception=run_exception)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda: {'fake_check': check_class()})
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_health_check.resolve_checks', lambda *args: ['fake_check'])
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert failed(result['checks']['fake_check'], msg_has=exception_msg)
+ assert failed(result, msg_has=['failed'])
+ assert not changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('names,all_checks,expected', [
+ ([], [], set()),
+ (
+ ['a', 'b'],
+ [
+ fake_check('a'),
+ fake_check('b'),
+ ],
+ set(['a', 'b']),
+ ),
+ (
+ ['a', 'b', '@group'],
+ [
+ fake_check('from_group_1', ['group', 'another_group']),
+ fake_check('not_in_group', ['another_group']),
+ fake_check('from_group_2', ['preflight', 'group']),
+ fake_check('a'),
+ fake_check('b'),
+ ],
+ set(['a', 'b', 'from_group_1', 'from_group_2']),
+ ),
+def test_resolve_checks_ok(names, all_checks, expected):
+ assert resolve_checks(names, all_checks) == expected
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('names,all_checks,words_in_exception,words_not_in_exception', [
+ (
+ ['testA', 'testB'],
+ [],
+ ['check', 'name', 'testA', 'testB'],
+ ['tag', 'group', '@'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['@group'],
+ [],
+ ['tag', 'name', 'group'],
+ ['check', '@'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['testA', 'testB', '@group'],
+ [],
+ ['check', 'name', 'testA', 'testB', 'tag', 'group'],
+ ['@'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['testA', 'testB', '@group'],
+ [
+ fake_check('from_group_1', ['group', 'another_group']),
+ fake_check('not_in_group', ['another_group']),
+ fake_check('from_group_2', ['preflight', 'group']),
+ ],
+ ['check', 'name', 'testA', 'testB'],
+ ['tag', 'group', '@'],
+ ),
+def test_resolve_checks_failure(names, all_checks, words_in_exception, words_not_in_exception):
+ with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
+ resolve_checks(names, all_checks)
+ for word in words_in_exception:
+ assert word in str(excinfo.value)
+ for word in words_not_in_exception:
+ assert word not in str(excinfo.value)
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
index bf717ae85..d16401260 100644
--- a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
import os
import sys
-# extend sys.path so that tests can import openshift_checks
-sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
+# extend sys.path so that tests can import openshift_checks and action plugins
+# from this role.
+openshift_health_checker_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+sys.path[1:1] = [
+ openshift_health_checker_path,
+ os.path.join(openshift_health_checker_path, 'action_plugins')
diff --git a/roles/openshift_master/templates/docker-cluster/atomic-openshift-master-api.service.j2 b/roles/openshift_master/templates/docker-cluster/atomic-openshift-master-api.service.j2
index eef0f414e..155abd970 100644
--- a/roles/openshift_master/templates/docker-cluster/atomic-openshift-master-api.service.j2
+++ b/roles/openshift_master/templates/docker-cluster/atomic-openshift-master-api.service.j2
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Requires=docker.service
EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-api
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm -f {{ openshift.common.service_type}}-master-api
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --privileged --net=host --name {{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-api --env-file=/etc/sysconfig/{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-api -v {{ openshift.common.data_dir }}:{{ openshift.common.data_dir }} -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v {{ openshift.common.config_base }}:{{ openshift.common.config_base }} {% if openshift_cloudprovider_kind | default('') != '' -%} -v {{ openshift.common.config_base }}/cloudprovider:{{ openshift.common.config_base}}/cloudprovider {% endif -%} {{ openshift.master.master_image }}:${IMAGE_VERSION} start master api --config=${CONFIG_FILE} $OPTIONS
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --privileged --net=host --name {{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-api --env-file=/etc/sysconfig/{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-api -v {{ openshift.common.data_dir }}:{{ openshift.common.data_dir }} -v /var/log:/var/log -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v {{ openshift.common.config_base }}:{{ openshift.common.config_base }} {% if openshift_cloudprovider_kind | default('') != '' -%} -v {{ openshift.common.config_base }}/cloudprovider:{{ openshift.common.config_base}}/cloudprovider {% endif -%} {{ openshift.master.master_image }}:${IMAGE_VERSION} start master api --config=${CONFIG_FILE} $OPTIONS
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/sleep 10
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop {{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-api
diff --git a/roles/openshift_master/templates/master_docker/master.docker.service.j2 b/roles/openshift_master/templates/master_docker/master.docker.service.j2
index be7644710..13381cd1a 100644
--- a/roles/openshift_master/templates/master_docker/master.docker.service.j2
+++ b/roles/openshift_master/templates/master_docker/master.docker.service.j2
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Wants=etcd_container.service
EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm -f {{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --privileged --net=host --name {{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master --env-file=/etc/sysconfig/{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master -v {{ openshift.common.data_dir }}:{{ openshift.common.data_dir }} -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v {{ openshift.common.config_base }}:{{ openshift.common.config_base }} {% if openshift_cloudprovider_kind | default('') != '' -%} -v {{ openshift.common.config_base }}/cloudprovider:{{ openshift.common.config_base}}/cloudprovider {% endif -%} {{ openshift.master.master_image }}:${IMAGE_VERSION} start master --config=${CONFIG_FILE} $OPTIONS
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --privileged --net=host --name {{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master --env-file=/etc/sysconfig/{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master -v {{ openshift.common.data_dir }}:{{ openshift.common.data_dir }} -v /var/log:/var/log -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v {{ openshift.common.config_base }}:{{ openshift.common.config_base }} {% if openshift_cloudprovider_kind | default('') != '' -%} -v {{ openshift.common.config_base }}/cloudprovider:{{ openshift.common.config_base}}/cloudprovider {% endif -%} {{ openshift.master.master_image }}:${IMAGE_VERSION} start master --config=${CONFIG_FILE} $OPTIONS
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/sleep 10
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop {{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master