From 93619d7f090f633ddbd57bb5a41a4d67c83c7c10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Rutkovsky <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 18:22:32 +0100
Subject: Fix indentation to make yamllint happy

Signed-off-by: Vadim Rutkovsky <>
 roles/openshift_web_console/tasks/install.yml | 138 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

(limited to 'roles/openshift_web_console')

diff --git a/roles/openshift_web_console/tasks/install.yml b/roles/openshift_web_console/tasks/install.yml
index 08640d093..ab6613567 100644
--- a/roles/openshift_web_console/tasks/install.yml
+++ b/roles/openshift_web_console/tasks/install.yml
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 - name: Set default image variables based on deployment type
   include_vars: "{{ item }}"
-    - "{{ openshift_deployment_type | default(deployment_type) }}.yml"
-    - "default_images.yml"
+  - "{{ openshift_deployment_type | default(deployment_type) }}.yml"
+  - "default_images.yml"
 - name: Set openshift_web_console facts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
     name: openshift-web-console
     state: present
-      - ""
+    - ""
   register: create_console_project
 - name: Make temp directory for web console templates
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
     src: "{{ item }}"
     dest: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/{{ item }}"
-    - "{{ __console_template_file }}"
-    - "{{ __console_rbac_file }}"
-    - "{{ __console_config_file }}"
+  - "{{ __console_template_file }}"
+  - "{{ __console_rbac_file }}"
+  - "{{ __console_config_file }}"
 # Check if an existing webconsole-config config map exists. If so, use those
 # contents so we don't overwrite changes.
@@ -62,69 +62,69 @@
 # Generate a new config when a config map is not defined.
 - when: existing_config_map_data['webconsole-config.yaml'] is not defined
-    # Migrate the previous master-config.yaml asset config if it exists into the new
-    # web console config config map.
-    - name: Read existing assetConfig in master-config.yaml
-      slurp:
-        src: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml"
-      register: master_config_output
-    - set_fact:
-        config_to_migrate: "{{ master_config_output.content | b64decode | from_yaml }}"
-    - set_fact:
-        cro_plugin_enabled: "{{ config_to_migrate.admissionConfig is defined and config_to_migrate.admissionConfig.pluginConfig is defined and config_to_migrate.admissionConfig.pluginConfig.ClusterResourceOverrides is defined }}"
-    # Update properties in the config template based on inventory vars when the
-    # asset config does not exist.
-    - name: Set web console config properties from inventory variables
-      yedit:
-        src: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/{{ __console_config_file }}"
-        edits:
-          - key: clusterInfo#consolePublicURL
-            # Must have a trailing slash
-            value: "{{ openshift.master.public_console_url }}/"
-          - key: clusterInfo#masterPublicURL
-            value: "{{ openshift.master.public_api_url }}"
-          - key: clusterInfo#logoutPublicURL
-            value: "{{ openshift.master.logout_url | default('') }}"
-          - key: features#inactivityTimeoutMinutes
-            value: "{{ openshift_web_console_inactivity_timeout_minutes | default(0) }}"
-          - key: features#clusterResourceOverridesEnabled
-            value: "{{ openshift_web_console_cluster_resource_overrides_enabled | default(cro_plugin_enabled) }}"
-          - key: extensions#scriptURLs
-            value: "{{ openshift_web_console_extension_script_urls | default([]) }}"
-          - key: extensions#stylesheetURLs
-            value: "{{ openshift_web_console_extension_stylesheet_urls | default([]) }}"
-          - key: extensions#properties
-            value: "{{ openshift_web_console_extension_properties | default({}) }}"
-        separator: '#'
-        state: present
-      when: config_to_migrate.assetConfig is not defined
-    - name: Migrate assetConfig from master-config.yaml
-      yedit:
-        src: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/{{ __console_config_file }}"
-        edits:
-          - key: clusterInfo#consolePublicURL
-            value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.publicURL }}"
-          - key: clusterInfo#masterPublicURL
-            value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.masterPublicURL }}"
-          - key: clusterInfo#logoutPublicURL
-            value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.logoutURL | default('') }}"
-          - key: clusterInfo#metricsPublicURL
-            value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.metricsPublicURL | default('') }}"
-          - key: clusterInfo#loggingPublicURL
-            value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.loggingPublicURL | default('') }}"
-          - key: servingInfo#maxRequestsInFlight
-            value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.servingInfo.maxRequestsInFlight | default(0) }}"
-          - key: servingInfo#requestTimeoutSeconds
-            value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.servingInfo.requestTimeoutSeconds | default(0) }}"
-          - key: features#clusterResourceOverridesEnabled
-            value: "{{ openshift_web_console_cluster_resource_overrides_enabled | default(cro_plugin_enabled) }}"
-        separator: '#'
-        state: present
-      when: config_to_migrate.assetConfig is defined
+  # Migrate the previous master-config.yaml asset config if it exists into the new
+  # web console config config map.
+  - name: Read existing assetConfig in master-config.yaml
+    slurp:
+      src: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml"
+    register: master_config_output
+  - set_fact:
+      config_to_migrate: "{{ master_config_output.content | b64decode | from_yaml }}"
+  - set_fact:
+      cro_plugin_enabled: "{{ config_to_migrate.admissionConfig is defined and config_to_migrate.admissionConfig.pluginConfig is defined and config_to_migrate.admissionConfig.pluginConfig.ClusterResourceOverrides is defined }}"
+  # Update properties in the config template based on inventory vars when the
+  # asset config does not exist.
+  - name: Set web console config properties from inventory variables
+    yedit:
+      src: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/{{ __console_config_file }}"
+      edits:
+      - key: clusterInfo#consolePublicURL
+        # Must have a trailing slash
+        value: "{{ openshift.master.public_console_url }}/"
+      - key: clusterInfo#masterPublicURL
+        value: "{{ openshift.master.public_api_url }}"
+      - key: clusterInfo#logoutPublicURL
+        value: "{{ openshift.master.logout_url | default('') }}"
+      - key: features#inactivityTimeoutMinutes
+        value: "{{ openshift_web_console_inactivity_timeout_minutes | default(0) }}"
+      - key: features#clusterResourceOverridesEnabled
+        value: "{{ openshift_web_console_cluster_resource_overrides_enabled | default(cro_plugin_enabled) }}"
+      - key: extensions#scriptURLs
+        value: "{{ openshift_web_console_extension_script_urls | default([]) }}"
+      - key: extensions#stylesheetURLs
+        value: "{{ openshift_web_console_extension_stylesheet_urls | default([]) }}"
+      - key: extensions#properties
+        value: "{{ openshift_web_console_extension_properties | default({}) }}"
+      separator: '#'
+      state: present
+    when: config_to_migrate.assetConfig is not defined
+  - name: Migrate assetConfig from master-config.yaml
+    yedit:
+      src: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/{{ __console_config_file }}"
+      edits:
+      - key: clusterInfo#consolePublicURL
+        value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.publicURL }}"
+      - key: clusterInfo#masterPublicURL
+        value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.masterPublicURL }}"
+      - key: clusterInfo#logoutPublicURL
+        value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.logoutURL | default('') }}"
+      - key: clusterInfo#metricsPublicURL
+        value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.metricsPublicURL | default('') }}"
+      - key: clusterInfo#loggingPublicURL
+        value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.loggingPublicURL | default('') }}"
+      - key: servingInfo#maxRequestsInFlight
+        value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.servingInfo.maxRequestsInFlight | default(0) }}"
+      - key: servingInfo#requestTimeoutSeconds
+        value: "{{ config_to_migrate.assetConfig.servingInfo.requestTimeoutSeconds | default(0) }}"
+      - key: features#clusterResourceOverridesEnabled
+        value: "{{ openshift_web_console_cluster_resource_overrides_enabled | default(cro_plugin_enabled) }}"
+      separator: '#'
+      state: present
+    when: config_to_migrate.assetConfig is defined
 - slurp:
     src: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/{{ __console_config_file }}"
cgit v1.2.3