# These are the core component plays that configure the layers above the control
# plane. A component is generally considered any part of OpenShift that runs on
# top of the cluster and may be considered optional. Over time, much of OpenShift
# above the Kubernetes apiserver and masters may be considered components.
# Preconditions:
# 1. The control plane is configured and reachable from nodes inside the cluster
# 2. An admin kubeconfig file in /etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig that can
#    perform root level actions against the cluster
# 3. On cloud providers, persistent volume provisioners are configured
# 4. A subset of nodes is available to allow components to schedule - this must
#    include the masters and usually includes infra nodes.
# 5. The init/main.yml playbook has been invoked

- import_playbook: ../../openshift-glusterfs/private/config.yml
  when: groups.oo_glusterfs_to_config | default([]) | count > 0

- import_playbook: ../../openshift-hosted/private/config.yml

- import_playbook: ../../openshift-web-console/private/config.yml
    - openshift_web_console_install | default(true) | bool
    - openshift.common.version_gte_3_9

- import_playbook: ../../openshift-metrics/private/config.yml
  when: openshift_metrics_install_metrics | default(false) | bool

- import_playbook: ../../openshift-logging/private/config.yml
  when: openshift_logging_install_logging | default(false) | bool

- import_playbook: ../../openshift-prometheus/private/config.yml
  when: openshift_hosted_prometheus_deploy | default(false) | bool

- import_playbook: ../../openshift-service-catalog/private/config.yml
  when: openshift_enable_service_catalog | default(true) | bool

- import_playbook: ../../openshift-management/private/config.yml
  when: openshift_management_install_management | default(false) | bool