- name: Launch instance(s)
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no

    inst_names: "{{ oo_new_inst_names }}"
    machine_type: n1-standard-1
    image: libra-rhel7

      - vars.yml

    - name: Launch instances
        instance_names: "{{ inst_names }}"
        machine_type: "{{ machine_type }}"
        image: "{{ image }}"
        service_account_email: "{{ gce_service_account_email }}"
        pem_file: "{{ gce_pem_file }}"
        project_id: "{{ gce_project_id }}"
        tags: "{{ oo_new_inst_tags }}"
      register: gce

    - name: Add new instances public IPs to oo_hosts_to_config
      add_host: "hostname={{ item.name }} ansible_ssh_host={{ item.public_ip }} groupname=oo_hosts_to_config"
      with_items: gce.instance_data

    - name: Wait for ssh
      wait_for: "port=22 host={{ item.public_ip }}"
      with_items: gce.instance_data

    - debug: var=gce

    - name: Wait for root user setup
      command: "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@{{ item.public_ip }} echo root user is setup"
      register: result
      until: result.rc == 0
      retries: 20
      delay: 10
      with_items: gce.instance_data

# Apply the configs, separate so that just the configs can be run by themselves
- include: config.yml

# Always bounce service to pick up new credentials
#- name: "Restart instances"
#  hosts: oo_hosts_to_config
#  connection: ssh
#  user: root
#  tasks:
#    - debug: var=groups.oo_hosts_to_config
#    - name: Restart OpenShift
#      service: name=openshift-node enabled=yes state=restarted