--- # These tasks dispatch to the proper set of docker tasks based on the # inventory:openshift_docker_use_system_container variable - include: udev_workaround.yml when: docker_udev_workaround | default(False) | bool - set_fact: l_use_system_container: "{{ openshift.docker.use_system_container | default(False) }}" l_use_crio: "{{ openshift_use_crio | default(False) }}" l_use_crio_only: "{{ openshift_use_crio_only | default(False) }}" - name: Add enterprise registry, if necessary set_fact: l2_docker_additional_registries: "{{ l2_docker_additional_registries + [openshift_docker_ent_reg] }}" when: - openshift.common.deployment_type == 'openshift-enterprise' - openshift_docker_ent_reg != '' - openshift_docker_ent_reg not in l2_docker_additional_registries - not l_use_crio_only - name: Use Package Docker if Requested include: package_docker.yml when: - not l_use_system_container - not l_use_crio_only - name: Use System Container Docker if Requested include: systemcontainer_docker.yml when: - l_use_system_container - not l_use_crio_only - name: Add CRI-O usage Requested include: systemcontainer_crio.yml when: - l_use_crio - openshift_docker_is_node_or_master | bool - name: stat the docker data dir stat: path: "{{ docker_default_storage_path }}" register: dockerstat - when: - l_use_crio - dockerstat.stat.islink is defined and not (dockerstat.stat.islink | bool) block: - name: stop the current running docker systemd: state: stopped name: "{{ openshift.docker.service_name }}" - name: "Ensure {{ docker_alt_storage_path }} exists" file: path: "{{ docker_alt_storage_path }}" state: directory - name: "Set the selinux context on {{ docker_alt_storage_path }}" command: "semanage fcontext -a -e {{ docker_default_storage_path }} {{ docker_alt_storage_path }}" register: results failed_when: - results.rc == 1 - "'already exists' not in results.stderr" - name: "restorecon the {{ docker_alt_storage_path }}" command: "restorecon -r {{ docker_alt_storage_path }}" - name: Remove the old docker location file: state: absent path: "{{ docker_default_storage_path }}" - name: Setup the link file: state: link src: "{{ docker_alt_storage_path }}" path: "{{ docker_default_storage_path }}" - name: start docker systemd: state: started name: "{{ openshift.docker.service_name }}"