path: root/include/astra/FanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl
diff options
authorWillem Jan Palenstijn <>2014-04-16 11:12:40 +0000
committerwpalenst <>2014-04-16 11:12:40 +0000
commit86cf9a0f73ecd204a8b6783c9a2557a640619b2d (patch)
tree2026827f31ef4d2e45e7379fde9df8a83c68e463 /include/astra/FanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl
parent42ee607447b19db9ab86533fbf8f96a87a8d4d37 (diff)
Remove code duplication in templated projectors
Diffstat (limited to 'include/astra/FanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 618 deletions
diff --git a/include/astra/FanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl b/include/astra/FanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl
index e3f8b29..f95a065 100644
--- a/include/astra/FanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl
+++ b/include/astra/FanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl
@@ -29,11 +29,32 @@ $Id$
using namespace astra;
template <typename Policy>
void CFanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D::project(Policy& p)
+ projectBlock_internal(0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngleCount(),
+ 0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), p);
+template <typename Policy>
+void CFanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectSingleProjection(int _iProjection, Policy& p)
+ projectBlock_internal(_iProjection, _iProjection + 1,
+ 0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), p);
+template <typename Policy>
+void CFanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectSingleRay(int _iProjection, int _iDetector, Policy& p)
+ projectBlock_internal(_iProjection, _iProjection + 1,
+ _iDetector, _iDetector + 1, p);
+template <typename Policy>
+void CFanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectBlock_internal(int _iProjFrom, int _iProjTo, int _iDetFrom, int _iDetTo, Policy& p)
// Some variables
@@ -65,7 +86,7 @@ void CFanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D::project(Policy& p)
// loop angles
- for (iAngle = 0; iAngle < m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngleCount(); ++iAngle) {
+ for (iAngle = _iProjFrom; iAngle < _iProjTo; ++iAngle) {
// get values
theta = m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngle(iAngle);
@@ -84,7 +105,7 @@ void CFanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D::project(Policy& p)
if (theta < PIdiv4) {
// loop detectors
- for (iDetector = 0; iDetector < m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(); ++iDetector) {
+ for (iDetector = _iDetFrom; iDetector < _iDetTo; ++iDetector) {
iRayIndex = iAngle * m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + iDetector;
@@ -345,617 +366,3 @@ void CFanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D::project(Policy& p)
delete[] sin_alpha;
-template <typename Policy>
-void CFanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectSingleProjection(int _iProjection, Policy& p)
- ASTRA_ASSERT(m_bIsInitialized);
- // Some variables
- float32 theta;
- int row, col;
- int iDetector;
- float32 res;
- int x1L, x1R;
- float32 x2L, x2R;
- int iVolumeIndex, iRayIndex;
- CFanFlatProjectionGeometry2D* projgeom = static_cast<CFanFlatProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry);
- // Other precalculations
- float32 PW = m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthX();
- float32 PH = m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthY();
- float32 DW = m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorWidth();
- float32 inv_PW = 1.0f / PW;
- float32 inv_PH = 1.0f / PH;
- // calculate alpha's
- float32 alpha;
- float32* cos_alpha = new float32[m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + 1];
- float32* sin_alpha = new float32[m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + 1];
- for (int i = 0; i < m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + 1; ++i) {
- alpha = -atan((i - m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount()*0.5f) * DW / projgeom->getSourceDetectorDistance());
- cos_alpha[i] = cos(alpha);
- sin_alpha[i] = sin(alpha);
- }
- // get values
- theta = m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngle(_iProjection);
- bool switch_t = false;
- if (theta >= 7*PIdiv4) theta -= 2*PI;
- if (theta >= 3*PIdiv4) {
- theta -= PI;
- switch_t = true;
- }
- // Precalculate sin, cos, 1/cos
- float32 sin_theta = sin(theta);
- float32 cos_theta = cos(theta);
- // [-45?,45?] and [135?,225?]
- if (theta < PIdiv4) {
- // loop detectors
- for (iDetector = 0; iDetector < m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(); ++iDetector) {
- iRayIndex = _iProjection * m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + iDetector;
- if (!p.rayPrior(iRayIndex)) continue;
- float32 sin_theta_left, cos_theta_left;
- float32 sin_theta_right, cos_theta_right;
- // get theta_l = alpha_left + theta and theta_r = alpha_right + theta
- float32 t_l, t_r;
- if (!switch_t) {
- sin_theta_left = sin_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector+1] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector+1];
- sin_theta_right = sin_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector];
- cos_theta_left = cos_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector+1] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector+1];
- cos_theta_right = cos_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector];
- t_l = sin_alpha[iDetector+1] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- t_r = sin_alpha[iDetector] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- } else {
- sin_theta_left = sin_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector];
- sin_theta_right = sin_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector+1] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector+1];
- cos_theta_left = cos_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector];
- cos_theta_right = cos_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector+1] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector+1];
- t_l = -sin_alpha[iDetector] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- t_r = -sin_alpha[iDetector+1] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- }
- float32 inv_cos_theta_left = 1.0f / cos_theta_left;
- float32 inv_cos_theta_right = 1.0f / cos_theta_right;
- float32 updateX_left = sin_theta_left * inv_cos_theta_left;
- float32 updateX_right = sin_theta_right * inv_cos_theta_right;
- // Precalculate kernel limits
- float32 S_l = -0.5f * updateX_left;
- if (S_l > 0) {S_l = -S_l;}
- float32 T_l = -S_l;
- float32 U_l = 1.0f + S_l;
- float32 V_l = 1.0f - S_l;
- float32 inv_4T_l = 0.25f / T_l;
- float32 S_r = -0.5f * updateX_right;
- if (S_r > 0) {S_r = -S_r;}
- float32 T_r = -S_r;
- float32 U_r = 1.0f + S_r;
- float32 V_r = 1.0f - S_r;
- float32 inv_4T_r = 0.25f / T_r;
- // calculate strip extremes (volume coordinates)
- float32 PL = (t_l - sin_theta_left * m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowToCenterY(0)) * inv_cos_theta_left;
- float32 PR = (t_r - sin_theta_right * m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowToCenterY(0)) * inv_cos_theta_right;
- float32 PLimitL = PL + S_l * PH;
- float32 PLimitR = PR - S_r * PH;
- // calculate strip extremes (pixel coordinates)
- float32 XLimitL = (PLimitL - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- float32 XLimitR = (PLimitR - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- float32 xL = (PL - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- float32 xR = (PR - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- // for each row
- for (row = 0; row < m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridRowCount(); ++row) {
- // get strip extremes in column indices
- x1L = int((XLimitL > 0.0f) ? XLimitL : XLimitL-1.0f);
- x1R = int((XLimitR > 0.0f) ? XLimitR : XLimitR-1.0f);
- // get coords w.r.t leftmost column hit by strip
- x2L = xL - x1L;
- x2R = xR - x1L;
- // update strip extremes for the next row
- XLimitL += updateX_left;
- XLimitR += updateX_right;
- xL += updateX_left;
- xR += updateX_right;
- // for each affected col
- for (col = x1L; col <= x1R; ++col) {
- if (col < 0 || col >= m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridColCount()) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- iVolumeIndex = m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowColToIndex(row, col);
- if (!p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // right
- if (x2R >= V_r) res = 1.0f;
- else if (x2R > U_r) res = x2R - (x2R-U_r)*(x2R-U_r)*inv_4T_r;
- else if (x2R >= T_r) res = x2R;
- else if (x2R > S_r) res = (x2R-S_r)*(x2R-S_r) * inv_4T_r;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // left
- if (x2L <= S_l) {}
- else if (x2L < T_l) res -= (x2L-S_l)*(x2L-S_l) * inv_4T_l;
- else if (x2L <= U_l) res -= x2L;
- else if (x2L < V_l) res -= x2L - (x2L-U_l)*(x2L-U_l)*inv_4T_l;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, PW*PH * res);
- p.pixelPosterior(iVolumeIndex);
- x2L -= 1.0f;
- x2R -= 1.0f;
- } // end col loop
- } // end row loop
- p.rayPosterior(iRayIndex);
- } // end detector loop
- // [45?,135?] and [225?,315?]
- // horizontaly
- } else {
- // loop detectors
- for (iDetector = 0; iDetector < m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(); ++iDetector) {
- iRayIndex = _iProjection * m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + iDetector;
- if (!p.rayPrior(iRayIndex)) continue;
- // get theta_l = alpha_left + theta and theta_r = alpha_right + theta
- float32 sin_theta_left, cos_theta_left;
- float32 sin_theta_right, cos_theta_right;
- float32 t_l, t_r;
- if (!switch_t) {
- sin_theta_left = sin_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector];
- sin_theta_right = sin_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector+1] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector+1];
- cos_theta_left = cos_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector];
- cos_theta_right = cos_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector+1] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector+1];
- t_l = sin_alpha[iDetector] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- t_r = sin_alpha[iDetector+1] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- } else {
- sin_theta_left = sin_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector+1] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector+1];
- sin_theta_right = sin_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector];
- cos_theta_left = cos_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector+1] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector+1];
- cos_theta_right = cos_theta * cos_alpha[iDetector] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[iDetector];
- t_l = -sin_alpha[iDetector+1] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- t_r = -sin_alpha[iDetector] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- }
- float32 inv_sin_theta_left = 1.0f / sin_theta_left;
- float32 inv_sin_theta_right = 1.0f / sin_theta_right;
- float32 updateX_left = cos_theta_left * inv_sin_theta_left;
- float32 updateX_right = cos_theta_right * inv_sin_theta_right;
- // Precalculate kernel limits
- float32 S_l = -0.5f * updateX_left;
- if (S_l > 0) { S_l = -S_l; }
- float32 T_l = -S_l;
- float32 U_l = 1.0f + S_l;
- float32 V_l = 1.0f - S_l;
- float32 inv_4T_l = 0.25f / T_l;
- float32 S_r = -0.5f * updateX_right;
- if (S_r > 0) { S_r = -S_r; }
- float32 T_r = -S_r;
- float32 U_r = 1.0f + S_r;
- float32 V_r = 1.0f - S_r;
- float32 inv_4T_r = 0.25f / T_r;
- // calculate strip extremes (volume coordinates)
- float32 PL = (t_l - cos_theta_left * m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelColToCenterX(0)) * inv_sin_theta_left;
- float32 PR = (t_r - cos_theta_right * m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelColToCenterX(0)) * inv_sin_theta_right;
- float32 PLimitL = PL - S_l * PW;
- float32 PLimitR = PR + S_r * PW;
- // calculate strip extremes (pixel coordinates)
- float32 XLimitL = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PLimitL) * inv_PH;
- float32 XLimitR = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PLimitR) * inv_PH;
- float32 xL = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PL) * inv_PH;
- float32 xR = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PR) * inv_PH;
- // for each col
- for (col = 0; col < m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridColCount(); ++col) {
- // get strip extremes in column indices
- x1L = int((XLimitL > 0.0f) ? XLimitL : XLimitL-1.0f);
- x1R = int((XLimitR > 0.0f) ? XLimitR : XLimitR-1.0f);
- // get coords w.r.t leftmost column hit by strip
- x2L = xL - x1L;
- x2R = xR - x1L;
- // update strip extremes for the next row
- XLimitL += updateX_left;
- XLimitR += updateX_right;
- xL += updateX_left;
- xR += updateX_right;
- // for each affected row
- for (row = x1L; row <= x1R; ++row) {
- if (row < 0 || row >= m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridRowCount()) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- iVolumeIndex = m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowColToIndex(row, col);
- if (!p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // right
- if (x2R >= V_r) res = 1.0f;
- else if (x2R > U_r) res = x2R - (x2R-U_r)*(x2R-U_r)*inv_4T_r;
- else if (x2R >= T_r) res = x2R;
- else if (x2R > S_r) res = (x2R-S_r)*(x2R-S_r) * inv_4T_r;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // left
- if (x2L <= S_l) {}
- else if (x2L < T_l) res -= (x2L-S_l)*(x2L-S_l) * inv_4T_l;
- else if (x2L <= U_l) res -= x2L;
- else if (x2L < V_l) res -= x2L - (x2L-U_l)*(x2L-U_l)*inv_4T_l;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, PW*PH * res);
- p.pixelPosterior(iVolumeIndex);
- x2L -= 1.0f;
- x2R -= 1.0f;
- } // end col loop
- } // end row loop
- p.rayPosterior(iRayIndex);
- } // end detector loop
- } // end theta switch
- delete[] cos_alpha;
- delete[] sin_alpha;
-template <typename Policy>
-void CFanFlatBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectSingleRay(int _iProjection, int _iDetector, Policy& p)
- ASTRA_ASSERT(m_bIsInitialized);
- // Some variables
- float32 theta;
- int row, col;
- float32 res;
- int x1L, x1R;
- float32 x2L, x2R;
- int iVolumeIndex, iRayIndex;
- CFanFlatProjectionGeometry2D* projgeom = static_cast<CFanFlatProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry);
- // Other precalculations
- float32 PW = m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthX();
- float32 PH = m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthY();
- float32 DW = m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorWidth();
- float32 inv_PW = 1.0f / PW;
- float32 inv_PH = 1.0f / PH;
- // calculate alpha's
- float32 alpha;
- float32* cos_alpha = new float32[m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + 1];
- float32* sin_alpha = new float32[m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + 1];
- for (int i = 0; i < m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + 1; ++i) {
- alpha = -atan((i - m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount()*0.5f) * DW / projgeom->getSourceDetectorDistance());
- cos_alpha[i] = cos(alpha);
- sin_alpha[i] = sin(alpha);
- }
- // get values
- theta = m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngle(_iProjection);
- bool switch_t = false;
- if (theta >= 7*PIdiv4) theta -= 2*PI;
- if (theta >= 3*PIdiv4) {
- theta -= PI;
- switch_t = true;
- }
- // Precalculate sin, cos, 1/cos
- float32 sin_theta = sin(theta);
- float32 cos_theta = cos(theta);
- // [-45?,45?] and [135?,225?]
- if (theta < PIdiv4) {
- iRayIndex = _iProjection * m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + _iDetector;
- if (!p.rayPrior(iRayIndex)) { delete[] cos_alpha; delete[] sin_alpha; return; }
- float32 sin_theta_left, cos_theta_left;
- float32 sin_theta_right, cos_theta_right;
- // get theta_l = alpha_left + theta and theta_r = alpha_right + theta
- float32 t_l, t_r;
- if (!switch_t) {
- sin_theta_left = sin_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector+1] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector+1];
- sin_theta_right = sin_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector];
- cos_theta_left = cos_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector+1] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector+1];
- cos_theta_right = cos_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector];
- t_l = sin_alpha[_iDetector+1] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- t_r = sin_alpha[_iDetector] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- } else {
- sin_theta_left = sin_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector];
- sin_theta_right = sin_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector+1] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector+1];
- cos_theta_left = cos_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector];
- cos_theta_right = cos_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector+1] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector+1];
- t_l = -sin_alpha[_iDetector] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- t_r = -sin_alpha[_iDetector+1] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- }
- float32 inv_cos_theta_left = 1.0f / cos_theta_left;
- float32 inv_cos_theta_right = 1.0f / cos_theta_right;
- float32 updateX_left = sin_theta_left * inv_cos_theta_left;
- float32 updateX_right = sin_theta_right * inv_cos_theta_right;
- // Precalculate kernel limits
- float32 S_l = -0.5f * updateX_left;
- if (S_l > 0) {S_l = -S_l;}
- float32 T_l = -S_l;
- float32 U_l = 1.0f + S_l;
- float32 V_l = 1.0f - S_l;
- float32 inv_4T_l = 0.25f / T_l;
- float32 S_r = -0.5f * updateX_right;
- if (S_r > 0) {S_r = -S_r;}
- float32 T_r = -S_r;
- float32 U_r = 1.0f + S_r;
- float32 V_r = 1.0f - S_r;
- float32 inv_4T_r = 0.25f / T_r;
- // calculate strip extremes (volume coordinates)
- float32 PL = (t_l - sin_theta_left * m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowToCenterY(0)) * inv_cos_theta_left;
- float32 PR = (t_r - sin_theta_right * m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowToCenterY(0)) * inv_cos_theta_right;
- float32 PLimitL = PL + S_l * PH;
- float32 PLimitR = PR - S_r * PH;
- // calculate strip extremes (pixel coordinates)
- float32 XLimitL = (PLimitL - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- float32 XLimitR = (PLimitR - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- float32 xL = (PL - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- float32 xR = (PR - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- // for each row
- for (row = 0; row < m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridRowCount(); ++row) {
- // get strip extremes in column indices
- x1L = int((XLimitL > 0.0f) ? XLimitL : XLimitL-1.0f);
- x1R = int((XLimitR > 0.0f) ? XLimitR : XLimitR-1.0f);
- // get coords w.r.t leftmost column hit by strip
- x2L = xL - x1L;
- x2R = xR - x1L;
- // update strip extremes for the next row
- XLimitL += updateX_left;
- XLimitR += updateX_right;
- xL += updateX_left;
- xR += updateX_right;
- // for each affected col
- for (col = x1L; col <= x1R; ++col) {
- if (col < 0 || col >= m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridColCount()) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- iVolumeIndex = m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowColToIndex(row, col);
- if (!p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // right
- if (x2R >= V_r) res = 1.0f;
- else if (x2R > U_r) res = x2R - (x2R-U_r)*(x2R-U_r)*inv_4T_r;
- else if (x2R >= T_r) res = x2R;
- else if (x2R > S_r) res = (x2R-S_r)*(x2R-S_r) * inv_4T_r;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // left
- if (x2L <= S_l) {}
- else if (x2L < T_l) res -= (x2L-S_l)*(x2L-S_l) * inv_4T_l;
- else if (x2L <= U_l) res -= x2L;
- else if (x2L < V_l) res -= x2L - (x2L-U_l)*(x2L-U_l)*inv_4T_l;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, PW*PH * res);
- p.pixelPosterior(iVolumeIndex);
- x2L -= 1.0f;
- x2R -= 1.0f;
- } // end col loop
- } // end row loop
- p.rayPosterior(iRayIndex);
- // [45?,135?] and [225?,315?]
- // horizontaly
- } else {
- iRayIndex = _iProjection * m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + _iDetector;
- if (!p.rayPrior(iRayIndex)) { delete[] cos_alpha; delete[] sin_alpha; return; }
- // get theta_l = alpha_left + theta and theta_r = alpha_right + theta
- float32 sin_theta_left, cos_theta_left;
- float32 sin_theta_right, cos_theta_right;
- float32 t_l, t_r;
- if (!switch_t) {
- sin_theta_left = sin_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector];
- sin_theta_right = sin_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector+1] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector+1];
- cos_theta_left = cos_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector];
- cos_theta_right = cos_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector+1] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector+1];
- t_l = sin_alpha[_iDetector] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- t_r = sin_alpha[_iDetector+1] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- } else {
- sin_theta_left = sin_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector+1] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector+1];
- sin_theta_right = sin_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector] + cos_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector];
- cos_theta_left = cos_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector+1] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector+1];
- cos_theta_right = cos_theta * cos_alpha[_iDetector] - sin_theta * sin_alpha[_iDetector];
- t_l = -sin_alpha[_iDetector+1] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- t_r = -sin_alpha[_iDetector] * projgeom->getOriginSourceDistance();
- }
- float32 inv_sin_theta_left = 1.0f / sin_theta_left;
- float32 inv_sin_theta_right = 1.0f / sin_theta_right;
- float32 updateX_left = cos_theta_left * inv_sin_theta_left;
- float32 updateX_right = cos_theta_right * inv_sin_theta_right;
- // Precalculate kernel limits
- float32 S_l = -0.5f * updateX_left;
- if (S_l > 0) { S_l = -S_l; }
- float32 T_l = -S_l;
- float32 U_l = 1.0f + S_l;
- float32 V_l = 1.0f - S_l;
- float32 inv_4T_l = 0.25f / T_l;
- float32 S_r = -0.5f * updateX_right;
- if (S_r > 0) { S_r = -S_r; }
- float32 T_r = -S_r;
- float32 U_r = 1.0f + S_r;
- float32 V_r = 1.0f - S_r;
- float32 inv_4T_r = 0.25f / T_r;
- // calculate strip extremes (volume coordinates)
- float32 PL = (t_l - cos_theta_left * m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelColToCenterX(0)) * inv_sin_theta_left;
- float32 PR = (t_r - cos_theta_right * m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelColToCenterX(0)) * inv_sin_theta_right;
- float32 PLimitL = PL - S_l * PW;
- float32 PLimitR = PR + S_r * PW;
- // calculate strip extremes (pixel coordinates)
- float32 XLimitL = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PLimitL) * inv_PH;
- float32 XLimitR = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PLimitR) * inv_PH;
- float32 xL = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PL) * inv_PH;
- float32 xR = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PR) * inv_PH;
- // for each col
- for (col = 0; col < m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridColCount(); ++col) {
- // get strip extremes in column indices
- x1L = int((XLimitL > 0.0f) ? XLimitL : XLimitL-1.0f);
- x1R = int((XLimitR > 0.0f) ? XLimitR : XLimitR-1.0f);
- // get coords w.r.t leftmost column hit by strip
- x2L = xL - x1L;
- x2R = xR - x1L;
- // update strip extremes for the next row
- XLimitL += updateX_left;
- XLimitR += updateX_right;
- xL += updateX_left;
- xR += updateX_right;
- // for each affected row
- for (row = x1L; row <= x1R; ++row) {
- if (row < 0 || row >= m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridRowCount()) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- iVolumeIndex = m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowColToIndex(row, col);
- if (!p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // right
- if (x2R >= V_r) res = 1.0f;
- else if (x2R > U_r) res = x2R - (x2R-U_r)*(x2R-U_r)*inv_4T_r;
- else if (x2R >= T_r) res = x2R;
- else if (x2R > S_r) res = (x2R-S_r)*(x2R-S_r) * inv_4T_r;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // left
- if (x2L <= S_l) {}
- else if (x2L < T_l) res -= (x2L-S_l)*(x2L-S_l) * inv_4T_l;
- else if (x2L <= U_l) res -= x2L;
- else if (x2L < V_l) res -= x2L - (x2L-U_l)*(x2L-U_l)*inv_4T_l;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, PW*PH * res);
- p.pixelPosterior(iVolumeIndex);
- x2L -= 1.0f;
- x2R -= 1.0f;
- } // end col loop
- } // end row loop
- p.rayPosterior(iRayIndex);
- } // end theta switch
- delete[] cos_alpha;
- delete[] sin_alpha;