path: root/include/astra/ParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl
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authorWim van Aarle <>2015-03-12 11:40:56 +0100
committerWim van Aarle <>2015-03-12 11:40:56 +0100
commit2c1999b1bbfb7ef2ca1ae22b43e2a0ab8108073f (patch)
tree0cc0dc584ebc18fd361f13df5e581a11fcfd451c /include/astra/ParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl
parent043005e280194ab529bae7863ba50d33f34daa42 (diff)
parallel projectors now always use vector geometries internally
Diffstat (limited to 'include/astra/ParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 298 deletions
diff --git a/include/astra/ParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl b/include/astra/ParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl
index 684408b..31d222a 100644
--- a/include/astra/ParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl
+++ b/include/astra/ParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D.inl
@@ -29,305 +29,51 @@ $Id$
template <typename Policy>
void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::project(Policy& p)
- if (dynamic_cast<CParallelProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry)) {
- projectBlock_internal(0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngleCount(),
- 0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), p);
- } else if (dynamic_cast<CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry)) {
- projectBlock_internal_vector(0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngleCount(),
- 0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), p);
- }
+ projectBlock_internal(0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngleCount(),
+ 0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), p);
template <typename Policy>
void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectSingleProjection(int _iProjection, Policy& p)
- if (dynamic_cast<CParallelProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry)) {
- projectBlock_internal(_iProjection, _iProjection + 1,
- 0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), p);
- } else if (dynamic_cast<CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry)) {
- projectBlock_internal_vector(_iProjection, _iProjection + 1,
- 0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), p);
- }
+ projectBlock_internal(_iProjection, _iProjection + 1,
+ 0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), p);
template <typename Policy>
void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectSingleRay(int _iProjection, int _iDetector, Policy& p)
- if (dynamic_cast<CParallelProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry)) {
- projectBlock_internal(_iProjection, _iProjection + 1,
- _iDetector, _iDetector + 1, p);
- } else if (dynamic_cast<CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry)) {
- projectBlock_internal_vector(_iProjection, _iProjection + 1,
+ projectBlock_internal(_iProjection, _iProjection + 1,
_iDetector, _iDetector + 1, p);
- }
template <typename Policy>
void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectBlock_internal(int _iProjFrom, int _iProjTo, int _iDetFrom, int _iDetTo, Policy& p)
- ASTRA_ASSERT(m_bIsInitialized);
- // Some variables
- float32 theta, t;
- int row, col;
- int iAngle;
- int iDetector;
- float32 res;
- float32 PL, PLimitL, PLimitR;
- float32 xL, xR, XLimitL, XLimitR;
- int x1L,x1R;
- float32 x2L, x2R, updateX;
- int iVolumeIndex, iRayIndex;
- float32 sin_theta, cos_theta, inv_sin_theta, inv_cos_theta;
- float32 fabs_sin_theta, fabs_cos_theta, fabs_inv_sin_theta, fabs_inv_cos_theta;
- float32 PW, PH, DW, inv_PW, inv_PH;
- float32 S, T, U, V, inv_4T;
- // loop angles
- for (iAngle = _iProjFrom; iAngle < _iProjTo; ++iAngle) {
- // get values
- theta = m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngle(iAngle);
- bool switch_t = false;
- if (theta >= 7*PIdiv4) theta -= 2*PI;
- if (theta >= 3*PIdiv4) {
- theta -= PI;
- switch_t = true;
- }
- // Precalculate sin, cos, 1/cos
- sin_theta = sin(theta);
- cos_theta = cos(theta);
- inv_cos_theta = 1.0f / cos_theta;
- inv_sin_theta = 1.0f / sin_theta;
- fabs_sin_theta = (sin_theta < 0.0f) ? -sin_theta : sin_theta;
- fabs_cos_theta = (cos_theta < 0.0f) ? -cos_theta : cos_theta;
- fabs_inv_cos_theta = (inv_cos_theta < 0.0f) ? -inv_cos_theta : inv_cos_theta;
- fabs_inv_sin_theta = (inv_sin_theta < 0.0f) ? -inv_sin_theta : inv_sin_theta;
- // Other precalculations
- PW = m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthX();
- PH = m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthY();
- DW = m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorWidth();
- inv_PW = 1.0f / PW;
- inv_PH = 1.0f / PH;
- // [-45?,45?] and [135?,225?]
- if (theta < PIdiv4) {
- // Precalculate kernel limits
- S = -0.5f * fabs_sin_theta * fabs_inv_cos_theta;
- T = -S;
- U = 1.0f + S;
- V = 1.0f - S;
- inv_4T = 0.25f / T;
- updateX = sin_theta * inv_cos_theta;
- // loop detectors
- for (iDetector = _iDetFrom; iDetector < _iDetTo; ++iDetector) {
- iRayIndex = iAngle * m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + iDetector;
- if (!p.rayPrior(iRayIndex)) continue;
- // get t
- t = m_pProjectionGeometry->indexToDetectorOffset(iDetector);
- if (switch_t) t = -t;
- // calculate left strip extremes (volume coordinates)
- PL = (t - sin_theta * m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowToCenterY(0) - DW*0.5f) * inv_cos_theta;
- PLimitL = PL - 0.5f * fabs_sin_theta * fabs_inv_cos_theta * PH;
- PLimitR = PLimitL + DW * inv_cos_theta + PH * fabs_sin_theta * fabs_inv_cos_theta;
- // calculate strip extremes (pixel coordinates)
- XLimitL = (PLimitL - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- XLimitR = (PLimitR - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- xL = (PL - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_PW;
- xR = xL + (DW * inv_cos_theta) * inv_PW;
- // for each row
- for (row = 0; row < m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridRowCount(); ++row) {
- // get strip extremes in column indices
- x1L = int((XLimitL > 0.0f) ? XLimitL : XLimitL-1.0f);
- x1R = int((XLimitR > 0.0f) ? XLimitR : XLimitR-1.0f);
- // get coords w.r.t leftmost column hit by strip
- x2L = xL - x1L;
- x2R = xR - x1L;
- // update strip extremes for the next row
- XLimitL += updateX;
- XLimitR += updateX;
- xL += updateX;
- xR += updateX;
- // for each affected col
- for (col = x1L; col <= x1R; ++col) {
- if (col < 0 || col >= m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridColCount()) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- iVolumeIndex = m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowColToIndex(row, col);
- if (!p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // right
- if (x2R >= V) res = 1.0f;
- else if (x2R > U) res = x2R - (x2R-U)*(x2R-U)*inv_4T;
- else if (x2R >= T) res = x2R;
- else if (x2R > S) res = (x2R-S)*(x2R-S) * inv_4T;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // left
- if (x2L <= S) {} // - 0.0f
- else if (x2L < T) res -= (x2L-S)*(x2L-S) * inv_4T;
- else if (x2L <= U) res -= x2L;
- else if (x2L < V) res -= x2L - (x2L-U)*(x2L-U)*inv_4T;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, PW*PH * res);
- p.pixelPosterior(iVolumeIndex);
- x2L -= 1.0f;
- x2R -= 1.0f;
- } // end col loop
- } // end row loop
- p.rayPosterior(iRayIndex);
- } // end detector loop
- // [45?,135?] and [225?,315?]
- // horizontaly
- } else {
- // Precalculate kernel limits
- S = -0.5f * fabs_cos_theta * fabs_inv_sin_theta;
- T = -S;
- U = 1.0f + S;
- V = 1.0f - S;
- inv_4T = 0.25f / T;
- updateX = cos_theta * inv_sin_theta;
- // loop detectors
- for (iDetector = _iDetFrom; iDetector < _iDetTo; ++iDetector) {
- iRayIndex = iAngle * m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + iDetector;
- if (!p.rayPrior(iRayIndex)) continue;
- // get t
- t = m_pProjectionGeometry->indexToDetectorOffset(iDetector);
- if (switch_t) t = -t;
- // calculate left strip extremes (volume coordinates)
- PL = (t - cos_theta * m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelColToCenterX(0) + DW*0.5f) * inv_sin_theta;
- PLimitL = PL + 0.5f * fabs_cos_theta * fabs_inv_sin_theta * PW;
- PLimitR = PLimitL - DW * inv_sin_theta - PH * fabs_cos_theta * fabs_inv_sin_theta;
- // calculate strip extremes (pixel coordinates)
- XLimitL = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PLimitL) * inv_PH;
- XLimitR = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PLimitR) * inv_PH;
- xL = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - PL) * inv_PH;
- xR = xL + (DW * fabs_inv_sin_theta) * inv_PH;
- // for each col
- for (col = 0; col < m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridColCount(); ++col) {
- // get strip extremes in column indices
- x1L = int((XLimitL > 0.0f) ? XLimitL : XLimitL-1.0f);
- x1R = int((XLimitR > 0.0f) ? XLimitR : XLimitR-1.0f);
- // get coords w.r.t leftmost column hit by strip
- x2L = xL - x1L;
- x2R = xR - x1L;
- // update strip extremes for the next row
- XLimitL += updateX;
- XLimitR += updateX;
- xL += updateX;
- xR += updateX;
- // for each affected col
- for (row = x1L; row <= x1R; ++row) {
- if (row < 0 || row >= m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridRowCount()) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- iVolumeIndex = m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowColToIndex(row, col);
- if (!p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // right
- if (x2R >= V) res = 1.0f;
- else if (x2R > U) res = x2R - (x2R-U)*(x2R-U)*inv_4T;
- else if (x2R >= T) res = x2R;
- else if (x2R > S) res = (x2R-S)*(x2R-S) * inv_4T;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- // left
- if (x2L <= S) {} // - 0.0f
- else if (x2L < T) res -= (x2L-S)*(x2L-S) * inv_4T;
- else if (x2L <= U) res -= x2L;
- else if (x2L < V) res -= x2L - (x2L-U)*(x2L-U)*inv_4T;
- else { x2L -= 1.0f; x2R -= 1.0f; continue; }
- p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, PW*PH * res);
- p.pixelPosterior(iVolumeIndex);
- x2L -= 1.0f;
- x2R -= 1.0f;
- } // end row loop
- } // end col loop
- p.rayPosterior(iRayIndex);
- } // end detector loop
- } // end theta switch
- } // end angle loop
-// PROJECT BLOCK - vector projection geometry
-template <typename Policy>
-void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectBlock_internal_vector(int _iProjFrom, int _iProjTo, int _iDetFrom, int _iDetTo, Policy& p)
// variables
- float32 detX, detY, detLX, detLY, detRX, detRY, S, T, update_c, update_r, offsetL, offsetR, invTminS;
- float32 lengthPerRow, lengthPerCol, inv_pixelLengthX, inv_pixelLengthY, pixelArea;
- int iVolumeIndex, iRayIndex, iRayIndexL, iRayIndexR, row, row_top, row_bottom, col, col_left, col_right, iAngle, iDetector, colCount, rowCount;
+ float32 detLX, detLY, detRX, detRY, S, T, update_c, update_r, offsetL, offsetR, invTminS;
+ float32 inv_pixelLengthX, inv_pixelLengthY, pixelArea, res, fRxOverRy, fRyOverRx;
+ int iVolumeIndex, iRayIndex, iAngle, iDetector;
+ int row, row_top, row_bottom, col, col_left, col_right, colCount, rowCount, detCount;
const SParProjection * proj = 0;
- const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D* pVecProjectionGeometry = dynamic_cast<CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry);
+ // get vector geometry
+ const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D* pVecProjectionGeometry;
+ if (dynamic_cast<CParallelProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry)) {
+ pVecProjectionGeometry = dynamic_cast<CParallelProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry)->toVectorGeometry();
+ } else {
+ pVecProjectionGeometry = dynamic_cast<CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry);
+ }
+ // precomputations
inv_pixelLengthX = 1.0f / m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthX();
inv_pixelLengthY = 1.0f / m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthY();
pixelArea = m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthX() * m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthY();
colCount = m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridColCount();
rowCount = m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridRowCount();
+ detCount = pVecProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount();
// loop angles
for (iAngle = _iProjFrom; iAngle < _iProjTo; ++iAngle) {
@@ -336,27 +82,29 @@ void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectBlock_internal_vector(int _iPro
bool vertical = fabs(proj->fRayX) < fabs(proj->fRayY);
if (vertical) {
- S = 0.5f - 0.5f*fabs(proj->fRayX/proj->fRayY);
- T = 0.5f + 0.5f*fabs(proj->fRayX/proj->fRayY);
- update_c = -m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthY() * (proj->fRayX/proj->fRayY) * inv_pixelLengthX;
+ fRxOverRy = proj->fRayX/proj->fRayY;
+ update_c = -m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthY() * fRxOverRy * inv_pixelLengthX;
+ S = 0.5f - 0.5f*fabs(fRxOverRy);
+ T = 0.5f + 0.5f*fabs(fRxOverRy);
invTminS = 1.0f / (T-S);
} else {
- S = 0.5f - 0.5f*fabs(proj->fRayY/proj->fRayX);
- T = 0.5f + 0.5f*fabs(proj->fRayY/proj->fRayX);
- update_r = -m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthX() * (proj->fRayY/proj->fRayX) * inv_pixelLengthY;
+ fRyOverRx = proj->fRayY/proj->fRayX;
+ update_r = -m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthX() * fRyOverRx * inv_pixelLengthY;
+ S = 0.5f - 0.5f*fabs(fRyOverRx);
+ T = 0.5f + 0.5f*fabs(fRyOverRx);
invTminS = 1.0f / (T-S);
// loop detectors
for (iDetector = _iDetFrom; iDetector < _iDetTo; ++iDetector) {
- iRayIndex = iAngle * m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + iDetector;
+ iRayIndex = iAngle * detCount + iDetector;
if (!p.rayPrior(iRayIndex)) continue;
- detLX = proj->fDetSX + (iDetector+0.0f) * proj->fDetUX;
- detLY = proj->fDetSY + (iDetector+0.0f) * proj->fDetUY;
+ detLX = proj->fDetSX + iDetector * proj->fDetUX;
+ detLY = proj->fDetSY + iDetector * proj->fDetUY;
detRX = detLX + proj->fDetUX;
detRY = detLY + proj->fDetUY;
@@ -364,9 +112,9 @@ void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectBlock_internal_vector(int _iPro
if (vertical) {
// calculate cL and cR for row 0
- float32 xL = detLX + (proj->fRayX/proj->fRayY)*(m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowToCenterY(0)-detLY);
+ float32 xL = detLX + fRxOverRy*(m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowToCenterY(0)-detLY);
float32 cL = (xL - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_pixelLengthX - 0.5f;
- float32 xR = detRX + (proj->fRayX/proj->fRayY)*(m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowToCenterY(0)-detRY);
+ float32 xR = detRX + fRxOverRy*(m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowToCenterY(0)-detRY);
float32 cR = (xR - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_pixelLengthX - 0.5f;
if (cR < cL) {
@@ -384,23 +132,23 @@ void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectBlock_internal_vector(int _iPro
if (col_left < 0) col_left = 0;
if (col_right > colCount-1) col_right = colCount-1;
+ offsetL = cL - float32(col_left);
+ offsetR = cR - float32(col_left);
// for each column
- for (col = col_left; col <= col_right; ++col) {
+ for (col = col_left; col <= col_right; ++col, offsetL -= 1.0f, offsetR -= 1.0f) {
iVolumeIndex = row * colCount + col;
if (p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) {
- offsetL = cL - float32(col);
- offsetR = cR - float32(col);
// right ray edge
- float32 res = 0.0f;
if (T <= offsetR) res = 1.0f;
else if (S < offsetR) res = 1.0f - 0.5f*(T-offsetR)*(T-offsetR)*invTminS;
else if (-S < offsetR) res = 0.5f + offsetR;
else if (-T < offsetR) res = 0.5f*(offsetR+T)*(offsetR+T)*invTminS;
+ else res = 0.0f;
// left ray edge
if (T <= offsetL) res -= 1.0f;
@@ -408,7 +156,6 @@ void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectBlock_internal_vector(int _iPro
else if (-S < offsetL) res -= 0.5f + offsetL;
else if (-T < offsetL) res -= 0.5f*(offsetL+T)*(offsetL+T)*invTminS;
p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, pixelArea*res);
@@ -420,9 +167,9 @@ void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectBlock_internal_vector(int _iPro
else {
// calculate rL and rR for row 0
- float32 yL = detLY + (proj->fRayY/proj->fRayX)*(m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelColToCenterX(0)-detLX);
+ float32 yL = detLY + fRyOverRx*(m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelColToCenterX(0)-detLX);
float32 rL = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - yL) * inv_pixelLengthY - 0.5f;
- float32 yR = detRY + (proj->fRayY/proj->fRayX)*(m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelColToCenterX(0)-detRX);
+ float32 yR = detRY + fRyOverRx*(m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelColToCenterX(0)-detRX);
float32 rR = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - yR) * inv_pixelLengthY - 0.5f;
if (rR < rL) {
@@ -440,23 +187,23 @@ void CParallelBeamStripKernelProjector2D::projectBlock_internal_vector(int _iPro
if (row_top < 0) row_top = 0;
if (row_bottom > rowCount-1) row_bottom = rowCount-1;
+ offsetL = rL - float32(row_top);
+ offsetR = rR - float32(row_top);
// for each row
- for (row = row_top; row <= row_bottom; ++row) {
+ for (row = row_top; row <= row_bottom; ++row, offsetL -= 1.0f, offsetR -= 1.0f) {
iVolumeIndex = row * colCount + col;
if (p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) {
- offsetL = rL - float32(row);
- offsetR = rR - float32(row);
// right ray edge
- float32 res = 0.0f;
if (T <= offsetR) res = 1.0f;
else if (S < offsetR) res = 1.0f - 0.5f*(T-offsetR)*(T-offsetR)*invTminS;
else if (-S < offsetR) res = 0.5f + offsetR;
else if (-T < offsetR) res = 0.5f*(offsetR+T)*(offsetR+T)*invTminS;
+ else res = 0.0f;
// left ray edge
if (T <= offsetL) res -= 1.0f;