path: root/cuda/2d/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cuda/2d/')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 610 deletions
diff --git a/cuda/2d/ b/cuda/2d/
index c1e6566..b39e0a9 100644
--- a/cuda/2d/
+++ b/cuda/2d/
@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@ $Id$
#include <fstream>
#include <cuda.h>
+#include "../../include/astra/GeometryUtil2D.h"
#include "../../include/astra/VolumeGeometry2D.h"
#include "../../include/astra/ParallelProjectionGeometry2D.h"
+#include "../../include/astra/ParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D.h"
#include "../../include/astra/FanFlatProjectionGeometry2D.h"
#include "../../include/astra/FanFlatVecProjectionGeometry2D.h"
@@ -64,515 +66,6 @@ enum CUDAProjectionType {
-class AstraFBP_internal {
- SDimensions dims;
- float* angles;
- float* TOffsets;
- astraCUDA::SFanProjection* fanProjections;
- float fOriginSourceDistance;
- float fOriginDetectorDistance;
- float fPixelSize;
- bool bFanBeam;
- bool bShortScan;
- bool initialized;
- bool setStartReconstruction;
- float* D_sinoData;
- unsigned int sinoPitch;
- float* D_volumeData;
- unsigned int volumePitch;
- cufftComplex * m_pDevFilter;
- pData = new AstraFBP_internal();
- pData->angles = 0;
- pData->fanProjections = 0;
- pData->TOffsets = 0;
- pData->D_sinoData = 0;
- pData->D_volumeData = 0;
- pData->dims.iVolWidth = 0;
- pData->dims.iProjAngles = 0;
- pData->dims.fDetScale = 1.0f;
- pData->dims.iRaysPerDet = 1;
- pData->dims.iRaysPerPixelDim = 1;
- pData->initialized = false;
- pData->setStartReconstruction = false;
- pData->m_pDevFilter = NULL;
- delete[] pData->angles;
- pData->angles = 0;
- delete[] pData->TOffsets;
- pData->TOffsets = 0;
- delete[] pData->fanProjections;
- pData->fanProjections = 0;
- cudaFree(pData->D_sinoData);
- pData->D_sinoData = 0;
- cudaFree(pData->D_volumeData);
- pData->D_volumeData = 0;
- if(pData->m_pDevFilter != NULL)
- {
- freeComplexOnDevice(pData->m_pDevFilter);
- pData->m_pDevFilter = NULL;
- }
- delete pData;
- pData = 0;
-bool AstraFBP::setReconstructionGeometry(unsigned int iVolWidth,
- unsigned int iVolHeight,
- float fPixelSize)
- if (pData->initialized)
- return false;
- pData->dims.iVolWidth = iVolWidth;
- pData->dims.iVolHeight = iVolHeight;
- pData->fPixelSize = fPixelSize;
- return (iVolWidth > 0 && iVolHeight > 0 && fPixelSize > 0.0f);
-bool AstraFBP::setProjectionGeometry(unsigned int iProjAngles,
- unsigned int iProjDets,
- const float* pfAngles,
- float fDetSize)
- if (pData->initialized)
- return false;
- pData->dims.iProjAngles = iProjAngles;
- pData->dims.iProjDets = iProjDets;
- pData->dims.fDetScale = fDetSize / pData->fPixelSize;
- if (iProjAngles == 0 || iProjDets == 0 || pfAngles == 0)
- return false;
- pData->angles = new float[iProjAngles];
- memcpy(pData->angles, pfAngles, iProjAngles * sizeof(pfAngles[0]));
- pData->bFanBeam = false;
- return true;
-bool AstraFBP::setFanGeometry(unsigned int iProjAngles,
- unsigned int iProjDets,
- const astraCUDA::SFanProjection *fanProjs,
- const float* pfAngles,
- float fOriginSourceDistance,
- float fOriginDetectorDistance,
- float fDetSize,
- bool bShortScan)
- // Slightly abusing setProjectionGeometry for this...
- if (!setProjectionGeometry(iProjAngles, iProjDets, pfAngles, fDetSize))
- return false;
- pData->fOriginSourceDistance = fOriginSourceDistance;
- pData->fOriginDetectorDistance = fOriginDetectorDistance;
- pData->fanProjections = new astraCUDA::SFanProjection[iProjAngles];
- memcpy(pData->fanProjections, fanProjs, iProjAngles * sizeof(fanProjs[0]));
- pData->bFanBeam = true;
- pData->bShortScan = bShortScan;
- return true;
-bool AstraFBP::setPixelSuperSampling(unsigned int iPixelSuperSampling)
- if (pData->initialized)
- return false;
- if (iPixelSuperSampling == 0)
- return false;
- pData->dims.iRaysPerPixelDim = iPixelSuperSampling;
- return true;
-bool AstraFBP::setTOffsets(const float* pfTOffsets)
- if (pData->initialized)
- return false;
- if (pfTOffsets == 0)
- return false;
- pData->TOffsets = new float[pData->dims.iProjAngles];
- memcpy(pData->TOffsets, pfTOffsets, pData->dims.iProjAngles * sizeof(pfTOffsets[0]));
- return true;
-bool AstraFBP::init(int iGPUIndex)
- if (pData->initialized)
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (pData->dims.iProjAngles == 0 || pData->dims.iVolWidth == 0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (iGPUIndex != -1) {
- cudaSetDevice(iGPUIndex);
- cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
- // Ignore errors caused by calling cudaSetDevice multiple times
- if (err != cudaSuccess && err != cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- bool ok = allocateVolumeData(pData->D_volumeData, pData->volumePitch, pData->dims);
- if (!ok)
- {
- return false;
- }
- ok = allocateProjectionData(pData->D_sinoData, pData->sinoPitch, pData->dims);
- if (!ok)
- {
- cudaFree(pData->D_volumeData);
- pData->D_volumeData = 0;
- return false;
- }
- pData->initialized = true;
- return true;
-bool AstraFBP::setSinogram(const float* pfSinogram,
- unsigned int iSinogramPitch)
- if (!pData->initialized)
- return false;
- if (!pfSinogram)
- return false;
- bool ok = copySinogramToDevice(pfSinogram, iSinogramPitch,
- pData->dims,
- pData->D_sinoData, pData->sinoPitch);
- if (!ok)
- return false;
- // rescale sinogram to adjust for pixel size
- processSino<opMul>(pData->D_sinoData,
- 1.0f/(pData->fPixelSize*pData->fPixelSize),
- pData->sinoPitch, pData->dims);
- pData->setStartReconstruction = false;
- return true;
-static int calcNextPowerOfTwo(int _iValue)
- int iOutput = 1;
- while(iOutput < _iValue)
- {
- iOutput *= 2;
- }
- return iOutput;
-bool AstraFBP::run()
- if (!pData->initialized)
- {
- return false;
- }
- zeroVolumeData(pData->D_volumeData, pData->volumePitch, pData->dims);
- bool ok = false;
- if (pData->bFanBeam) {
- // Call FDK_PreWeight to handle fan beam geometry. We treat
- // this as a cone beam setup of a single slice:
- // TODO: TOffsets affects this preweighting...
- // We create a fake cudaPitchedPtr
- cudaPitchedPtr tmp;
- tmp.ptr = pData->D_sinoData;
- tmp.pitch = pData->sinoPitch * sizeof(float);
- tmp.xsize = pData->dims.iProjDets;
- tmp.ysize = pData->dims.iProjAngles;
- // and a fake Dimensions3D
- astraCUDA3d::SDimensions3D dims3d;
- dims3d.iVolX = pData->dims.iVolWidth;
- dims3d.iVolY = pData->dims.iVolHeight;
- dims3d.iVolZ = 1;
- dims3d.iProjAngles = pData->dims.iProjAngles;
- dims3d.iProjU = pData->dims.iProjDets;
- dims3d.iProjV = 1;
- dims3d.iRaysPerDetDim = dims3d.iRaysPerVoxelDim = 1;
- astraCUDA3d::FDK_PreWeight(tmp, pData->fOriginSourceDistance,
- pData->fOriginDetectorDistance, 0.0f, 0.0f,
- pData->dims.fDetScale, 1.0f, // TODO: Are these correct?
- pData->bShortScan, dims3d, pData->angles);
- }
- if (pData->m_pDevFilter) {
- int iFFTRealDetCount = calcNextPowerOfTwo(2 * pData->dims.iProjDets);
- int iFFTFourDetCount = calcFFTFourSize(iFFTRealDetCount);
- cufftComplex * pDevComplexSinogram = NULL;
- allocateComplexOnDevice(pData->dims.iProjAngles, iFFTFourDetCount, &pDevComplexSinogram);
- runCudaFFT(pData->dims.iProjAngles, pData->D_sinoData, pData->sinoPitch, pData->dims.iProjDets, iFFTRealDetCount, iFFTFourDetCount, pDevComplexSinogram);
- applyFilter(pData->dims.iProjAngles, iFFTFourDetCount, pDevComplexSinogram, pData->m_pDevFilter);
- runCudaIFFT(pData->dims.iProjAngles, pDevComplexSinogram, pData->D_sinoData, pData->sinoPitch, pData->dims.iProjDets, iFFTRealDetCount, iFFTFourDetCount);
- freeComplexOnDevice(pDevComplexSinogram);
- }
- float fOutputScale = (M_PI / 2.0f) / (float)pData->dims.iProjAngles;
- if (pData->bFanBeam) {
- ok = FanBP_FBPWeighted(pData->D_volumeData, pData->volumePitch, pData->D_sinoData, pData->sinoPitch, pData->dims, pData->fanProjections, fOutputScale);
- } else {
- ok = BP(pData->D_volumeData, pData->volumePitch, pData->D_sinoData, pData->sinoPitch, pData->dims, pData->angles, pData->TOffsets, fOutputScale);
- }
- if(!ok)
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool AstraFBP::getReconstruction(float* pfReconstruction, unsigned int iReconstructionPitch) const
- if (!pData->initialized)
- return false;
- bool ok = copyVolumeFromDevice(pfReconstruction, iReconstructionPitch,
- pData->dims,
- pData->D_volumeData, pData->volumePitch);
- if (!ok)
- return false;
- return true;
-int AstraFBP::calcFourierFilterSize(int _iDetectorCount)
- int iFFTRealDetCount = calcNextPowerOfTwo(2 * _iDetectorCount);
- int iFreqBinCount = calcFFTFourSize(iFFTRealDetCount);
- // CHECKME: Matlab makes this at least 64. Do we also need to?
- return iFreqBinCount;
-bool AstraFBP::setFilter(E_FBPFILTER _eFilter, const float * _pfHostFilter /* = NULL */, int _iFilterWidth /* = 0 */, float _fD /* = 1.0f */, float _fFilterParameter /* = -1.0f */)
- if(pData->m_pDevFilter != 0)
- {
- freeComplexOnDevice(pData->m_pDevFilter);
- pData->m_pDevFilter = 0;
- }
- if (_eFilter == FILTER_NONE)
- return true; // leave pData->m_pDevFilter set to 0
- int iFFTRealDetCount = calcNextPowerOfTwo(2 * pData->dims.iProjDets);
- int iFreqBinCount = calcFFTFourSize(iFFTRealDetCount);
- cufftComplex * pHostFilter = new cufftComplex[pData->dims.iProjAngles * iFreqBinCount];
- memset(pHostFilter, 0, sizeof(cufftComplex) * pData->dims.iProjAngles * iFreqBinCount);
- allocateComplexOnDevice(pData->dims.iProjAngles, iFreqBinCount, &(pData->m_pDevFilter));
- switch(_eFilter)
- {
- // handled above
- break;
- {
- genFilter(_eFilter, _fD, pData->dims.iProjAngles, pHostFilter, iFFTRealDetCount, iFreqBinCount, _fFilterParameter);
- uploadComplexArrayToDevice(pData->dims.iProjAngles, iFreqBinCount, pHostFilter, pData->m_pDevFilter);
- break;
- }
- {
- // make sure the offered filter has the correct size
- assert(_iFilterWidth == iFreqBinCount);
- for(int iFreqBinIndex = 0; iFreqBinIndex < iFreqBinCount; iFreqBinIndex++)
- {
- float fValue = _pfHostFilter[iFreqBinIndex];
- for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < (int)pData->dims.iProjAngles; iProjectionIndex++)
- {
- pHostFilter[iFreqBinIndex + iProjectionIndex * iFreqBinCount].x = fValue;
- pHostFilter[iFreqBinIndex + iProjectionIndex * iFreqBinCount].y = 0.0f;
- }
- }
- uploadComplexArrayToDevice(pData->dims.iProjAngles, iFreqBinCount, pHostFilter, pData->m_pDevFilter);
- break;
- }
- {
- // make sure the offered filter has the correct size
- assert(_iFilterWidth == iFreqBinCount);
- for(int iFreqBinIndex = 0; iFreqBinIndex < iFreqBinCount; iFreqBinIndex++)
- {
- for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < (int)pData->dims.iProjAngles; iProjectionIndex++)
- {
- float fValue = _pfHostFilter[iFreqBinIndex + iProjectionIndex * _iFilterWidth];
- pHostFilter[iFreqBinIndex + iProjectionIndex * iFreqBinCount].x = fValue;
- pHostFilter[iFreqBinIndex + iProjectionIndex * iFreqBinCount].y = 0.0f;
- }
- }
- uploadComplexArrayToDevice(pData->dims.iProjAngles, iFreqBinCount, pHostFilter, pData->m_pDevFilter);
- break;
- }
- {
- int iProjectionCount = pData->dims.iProjAngles;
- int iRealFilterElementCount = iProjectionCount * iFFTRealDetCount;
- float * pfHostRealFilter = new float[iRealFilterElementCount];
- memset(pfHostRealFilter, 0, sizeof(float) * iRealFilterElementCount);
- int iUsedFilterWidth = min(_iFilterWidth, iFFTRealDetCount);
- int iStartFilterIndex = (_iFilterWidth - iUsedFilterWidth) / 2;
- int iMaxFilterIndex = iStartFilterIndex + iUsedFilterWidth;
- int iFilterShiftSize = _iFilterWidth / 2;
- for(int iDetectorIndex = iStartFilterIndex; iDetectorIndex < iMaxFilterIndex; iDetectorIndex++)
- {
- int iFFTInFilterIndex = (iDetectorIndex + iFFTRealDetCount - iFilterShiftSize) % iFFTRealDetCount;
- float fValue = _pfHostFilter[iDetectorIndex];
- for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < (int)pData->dims.iProjAngles; iProjectionIndex++)
- {
- pfHostRealFilter[iFFTInFilterIndex + iProjectionIndex * iFFTRealDetCount] = fValue;
- }
- }
- float* pfDevRealFilter = NULL;
- cudaMalloc((void **)&pfDevRealFilter, sizeof(float) * iRealFilterElementCount); // TODO: check for errors
- cudaMemcpy(pfDevRealFilter, pfHostRealFilter, sizeof(float) * iRealFilterElementCount, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
- delete[] pfHostRealFilter;
- runCudaFFT(iProjectionCount, pfDevRealFilter, iFFTRealDetCount, iFFTRealDetCount, iFFTRealDetCount, iFreqBinCount, pData->m_pDevFilter);
- cudaFree(pfDevRealFilter);
- break;
- }
- {
- int iProjectionCount = pData->dims.iProjAngles;
- int iRealFilterElementCount = iProjectionCount * iFFTRealDetCount;
- float* pfHostRealFilter = new float[iRealFilterElementCount];
- memset(pfHostRealFilter, 0, sizeof(float) * iRealFilterElementCount);
- int iUsedFilterWidth = min(_iFilterWidth, iFFTRealDetCount);
- int iStartFilterIndex = (_iFilterWidth - iUsedFilterWidth) / 2;
- int iMaxFilterIndex = iStartFilterIndex + iUsedFilterWidth;
- int iFilterShiftSize = _iFilterWidth / 2;
- for(int iDetectorIndex = iStartFilterIndex; iDetectorIndex < iMaxFilterIndex; iDetectorIndex++)
- {
- int iFFTInFilterIndex = (iDetectorIndex + iFFTRealDetCount - iFilterShiftSize) % iFFTRealDetCount;
- for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < (int)pData->dims.iProjAngles; iProjectionIndex++)
- {
- float fValue = _pfHostFilter[iDetectorIndex + iProjectionIndex * _iFilterWidth];
- pfHostRealFilter[iFFTInFilterIndex + iProjectionIndex * iFFTRealDetCount] = fValue;
- }
- }
- float* pfDevRealFilter = NULL;
- cudaMalloc((void **)&pfDevRealFilter, sizeof(float) * iRealFilterElementCount); // TODO: check for errors
- cudaMemcpy(pfDevRealFilter, pfHostRealFilter, sizeof(float) * iRealFilterElementCount, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
- delete[] pfHostRealFilter;
- runCudaFFT(iProjectionCount, pfDevRealFilter, iFFTRealDetCount, iFFTRealDetCount, iFFTRealDetCount, iFreqBinCount, pData->m_pDevFilter);
- cudaFree(pfDevRealFilter);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- ASTRA_ERROR("AstraFBP::setFilter: Unknown filter type requested");
- delete [] pHostFilter;
- return false;
- }
- }
- delete [] pHostFilter;
- return true;
@@ -617,18 +110,17 @@ float BPalgo::computeDiffNorm()
bool astraCudaFP(const float* pfVolume, float* pfSinogram,
unsigned int iVolWidth, unsigned int iVolHeight,
unsigned int iProjAngles, unsigned int iProjDets,
- const float *pfAngles, const float *pfOffsets,
- float fDetSize, unsigned int iDetSuperSampling,
+ const SParProjection *pAngles,
+ unsigned int iDetSuperSampling,
float fOutputScale, int iGPUIndex)
SDimensions dims;
- if (iProjAngles == 0 || iProjDets == 0 || pfAngles == 0)
+ if (iProjAngles == 0 || iProjDets == 0 || pAngles == 0)
return false;
dims.iProjAngles = iProjAngles;
dims.iProjDets = iProjDets;
- dims.fDetScale = fDetSize;
if (iDetSuperSampling == 0)
return false;
@@ -678,7 +170,7 @@ bool astraCudaFP(const float* pfVolume, float* pfSinogram,
zeroProjectionData(D_sinoData, sinoPitch, dims);
- ok = FP(D_volumeData, volumePitch, D_sinoData, sinoPitch, dims, pfAngles, pfOffsets, fOutputScale);
+ ok = FP(D_volumeData, volumePitch, D_sinoData, sinoPitch, dims, pAngles, fOutputScale);
if (!ok) {
@@ -713,7 +205,6 @@ bool astraCudaFanFP(const float* pfVolume, float* pfSinogram,
dims.iProjAngles = iProjAngles;
dims.iProjDets = iProjDets;
- dims.fDetScale = 1.0f; // TODO?
if (iDetSuperSampling == 0)
return false;
@@ -789,118 +280,99 @@ bool astraCudaFanFP(const float* pfVolume, float* pfSinogram,
-bool convertAstraGeometry(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
- const CParallelProjectionGeometry2D* pProjGeom,
- float*& detectorOffsets, float*& projectionAngles,
- float& detSize, float& outputScale)
+// adjust pProjs to normalize volume geometry
+template<typename ProjectionT>
+static bool convertAstraGeometry_internal(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
+ unsigned int iProjectionAngleCount,
+ ProjectionT*& pProjs,
+ float& fOutputScale)
- assert(pVolGeom);
- assert(pProjGeom);
- assert(pProjGeom->getProjectionAngles());
+ // TODO: Make EPS relative
const float EPS = 0.00001f;
- int nth = pProjGeom->getProjectionAngleCount();
// Check if pixels are square
if (abs(pVolGeom->getPixelLengthX() - pVolGeom->getPixelLengthY()) > EPS)
return false;
+ float dx = -(pVolGeom->getWindowMinX() + pVolGeom->getWindowMaxX()) / 2;
+ float dy = -(pVolGeom->getWindowMinY() + pVolGeom->getWindowMaxY()) / 2;
- // Scale volume pixels to 1x1
- detSize = pProjGeom->getDetectorWidth() / pVolGeom->getPixelLengthX();
+ float factor = 1.0f / pVolGeom->getPixelLengthX();
- // Copy angles
- float *angles = new float[nth];
- for (int i = 0; i < nth; ++i)
- angles[i] = pProjGeom->getProjectionAngles()[i];
- projectionAngles = angles;
- // Check if we need to translate
- bool offCenter = false;
- if (abs(pVolGeom->getWindowMinX() + pVolGeom->getWindowMaxX()) > EPS ||
- abs(pVolGeom->getWindowMinY() + pVolGeom->getWindowMaxY()) > EPS)
- {
- offCenter = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < iProjectionAngleCount; ++i) {
+ // CHECKME: Order of scaling and translation
+ pProjs[i].translate(dx, dy);
+ pProjs[i].scale(factor);
+ // CHECKME: Check factor
+ fOutputScale *= pVolGeom->getPixelLengthX() * pVolGeom->getPixelLengthY();
- // If there are existing detector offsets, or if we need to translate,
- // we need to return offsets
- if (offCenter)
- {
- float* offset = new float[nth];
+ return true;
- for (int i = 0; i < nth; ++i)
- offset[i] = 0.0f;
- if (offCenter) {
- float dx = (pVolGeom->getWindowMinX() + pVolGeom->getWindowMaxX()) / 2;
- float dy = (pVolGeom->getWindowMinY() + pVolGeom->getWindowMaxY()) / 2;
- // CHECKME: Is d in pixels or in units?
+bool convertAstraGeometry(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
+ const CParallelProjectionGeometry2D* pProjGeom,
+ SParProjection*& pProjs,
+ float& fOutputScale)
+ assert(pVolGeom);
+ assert(pProjGeom);
+ assert(pProjGeom->getProjectionAngles());
- for (int i = 0; i < nth; ++i) {
- float d = dx * cos(angles[i]) + dy * sin(angles[i]);
- offset[i] += d;
- }
- }
+ int nth = pProjGeom->getProjectionAngleCount();
- // CHECKME: Order of scaling and translation
+ pProjs = genParProjections(nth,
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorCount(),
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorWidth(),
+ pProjGeom->getProjectionAngles(), 0);
- // Scale volume pixels to 1x1
- for (int i = 0; i < nth; ++i) {
- //offset[i] /= pVolGeom->getPixelLengthX();
- //offset[i] *= detSize;
- }
+ bool ok;
+ fOutputScale = 1.0f;
+ ok = convertAstraGeometry_internal(pVolGeom, nth, pProjs, fOutputScale);
- detectorOffsets = offset;
- } else {
- detectorOffsets = 0;
+ if (!ok) {
+ delete[] pProjs;
+ pProjs = 0;
- outputScale = pVolGeom->getPixelLengthX();
- outputScale *= outputScale;
- return true;
+ return ok;
-static void convertAstraGeometry_internal(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
- unsigned int iProjectionAngleCount,
- astraCUDA::SFanProjection*& pProjs,
- float& outputScale)
+bool convertAstraGeometry(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
+ const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D* pProjGeom,
+ SParProjection*& pProjs,
+ float& fOutputScale)
- // Translate
- float dx = (pVolGeom->getWindowMinX() + pVolGeom->getWindowMaxX()) / 2;
- float dy = (pVolGeom->getWindowMinY() + pVolGeom->getWindowMaxY()) / 2;
+ assert(pVolGeom);
+ assert(pProjGeom);
+ assert(pProjGeom->getProjectionVectors());
- for (int i = 0; i < iProjectionAngleCount; ++i) {
- pProjs[i].fSrcX -= dx;
- pProjs[i].fSrcY -= dy;
- pProjs[i].fDetSX -= dx;
- pProjs[i].fDetSY -= dy;
+ int nth = pProjGeom->getProjectionAngleCount();
+ pProjs = new SParProjection[nth];
+ for (int i = 0; i < nth; ++i) {
+ pProjs[i] = pProjGeom->getProjectionVectors()[i];
- // CHECKME: Order of scaling and translation
+ bool ok;
+ fOutputScale = 1.0f;
- // Scale
- float factor = 1.0f / pVolGeom->getPixelLengthX();
- for (int i = 0; i < iProjectionAngleCount; ++i) {
- pProjs[i].fSrcX *= factor;
- pProjs[i].fSrcY *= factor;
- pProjs[i].fDetSX *= factor;
- pProjs[i].fDetSY *= factor;
- pProjs[i].fDetUX *= factor;
- pProjs[i].fDetUY *= factor;
+ ok = convertAstraGeometry_internal(pVolGeom, nth, pProjs, fOutputScale);
+ if (!ok) {
+ delete[] pProjs;
+ pProjs = 0;
- // CHECKME: Check factor
- outputScale = pVolGeom->getPixelLengthX();
-// outputScale *= outputScale;
+ return ok;
bool convertAstraGeometry(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
const CFanFlatProjectionGeometry2D* pProjGeom,
astraCUDA::SFanProjection*& pProjs,
@@ -910,6 +382,7 @@ bool convertAstraGeometry(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
+ // TODO: Make EPS relative
const float EPS = 0.00001f;
int nth = pProjGeom->getProjectionAngleCount();
@@ -928,23 +401,9 @@ bool convertAstraGeometry(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
float fDetSize = pProjGeom->getDetectorWidth();
const float *pfAngles = pProjGeom->getProjectionAngles();
- pProjs = new SFanProjection[nth];
- float fSrcX0 = 0.0f;
- float fSrcY0 = -fOriginSourceDistance;
- float fDetUX0 = fDetSize;
- float fDetUY0 = 0.0f;
- float fDetSX0 = pProjGeom->getDetectorCount() * fDetUX0 / -2.0f;
- float fDetSY0 = fOriginDetectorDistance;
-#define ROTATE0(name,i,alpha) do { pProjs[i].f##name##X = f##name##X0 * cos(alpha) - f##name##Y0 * sin(alpha); pProjs[i].f##name##Y = f##name##X0 * sin(alpha) + f##name##Y0 * cos(alpha); } while(0)
- for (int i = 0; i < nth; ++i) {
- ROTATE0(Src, i, pfAngles[i]);
- ROTATE0(DetS, i, pfAngles[i]);
- ROTATE0(DetU, i, pfAngles[i]);
- }
-#undef ROTATE0
+ pProjs = genFanProjections(nth, pProjGeom->getDetectorCount(),
+ fOriginSourceDistance, fOriginDetectorDistance,
+ fDetSize, pfAngles);
convertAstraGeometry_internal(pVolGeom, nth, pProjs, outputScale);
@@ -961,6 +420,7 @@ bool convertAstraGeometry(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
+ // TODO: Make EPS relative
const float EPS = 0.00001f;
int nx = pVolGeom->getGridColCount();
@@ -983,6 +443,52 @@ bool convertAstraGeometry(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
+bool convertAstraGeometry(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
+ const CProjectionGeometry2D* pProjGeom,
+ astraCUDA::SParProjection*& pParProjs,
+ astraCUDA::SFanProjection*& pFanProjs,
+ float& outputScale)
+ const CParallelProjectionGeometry2D* parProjGeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelProjectionGeometry2D*>(pProjGeom);
+ const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D* parVecProjGeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D*>(pProjGeom);
+ const CFanFlatProjectionGeometry2D* fanProjGeom = dynamic_cast<const CFanFlatProjectionGeometry2D*>(pProjGeom);
+ const CFanFlatVecProjectionGeometry2D* fanVecProjGeom = dynamic_cast<const CFanFlatVecProjectionGeometry2D*>(pProjGeom);
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (parProjGeom) {
+ ok = convertAstraGeometry(pVolGeom, parProjGeom, pParProjs, outputScale);
+ } else if (parVecProjGeom) {
+ ok = convertAstraGeometry(pVolGeom, parVecProjGeom, pParProjs, outputScale);
+ } else if (fanProjGeom) {
+ ok = convertAstraGeometry(pVolGeom, fanProjGeom, pFanProjs, outputScale);
+ } else if (fanVecProjGeom) {
+ ok = convertAstraGeometry(pVolGeom, fanVecProjGeom, pFanProjs, outputScale);
+ } else {
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ return ok;
+bool convertAstraGeometry_dims(const CVolumeGeometry2D* pVolGeom,
+ const CProjectionGeometry2D* pProjGeom,
+ SDimensions& dims)
+ dims.iVolWidth = pVolGeom->getGridColCount();
+ dims.iVolHeight = pVolGeom->getGridRowCount();
+ dims.iProjAngles = pProjGeom->getProjectionAngleCount();
+ dims.iProjDets = pProjGeom->getDetectorCount();
+ dims.iRaysPerDet = 1;
+ dims.iRaysPerPixelDim = 1;
+ return true;