path: root/src
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27 files changed, 2259 insertions, 567 deletions
diff --git a/src/CompositeGeometryManager.cpp b/src/CompositeGeometryManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9be4797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CompositeGeometryManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+Copyright: 2010-2015, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp
+ 2014-2015, CWI, Amsterdam
+This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox.
+The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <>.
+#include "astra/CompositeGeometryManager.h"
+#ifdef ASTRA_CUDA
+#include "astra/GeometryUtil3D.h"
+#include "astra/VolumeGeometry3D.h"
+#include "astra/ConeProjectionGeometry3D.h"
+#include "astra/ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D.h"
+#include "astra/ParallelProjectionGeometry3D.h"
+#include "astra/ParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D.h"
+#include "astra/Projector3D.h"
+#include "astra/CudaProjector3D.h"
+#include "astra/Float32ProjectionData3DMemory.h"
+#include "astra/Float32VolumeData3DMemory.h"
+#include "astra/Logging.h"
+#include "../cuda/3d/mem3d.h"
+#include <cstring>
+namespace astra {
+// JOB:
+// VolumePart
+// ProjectionPart
+// FP-or-BP
+// SET-or-ADD
+// Running a set of jobs:
+// [ Assume OUTPUT Parts in a single JobSet don't alias?? ]
+// Group jobs by output Part
+// One thread per group?
+// Automatically split parts if too large
+// Performance model for odd-sized tasks?
+// Automatically split parts if not enough tasks to fill available GPUs
+// Splitting:
+// Constraints:
+// number of sub-parts divisible by N
+// max size of sub-parts
+// For splitting on both input and output side:
+// How to divide up memory? (Optimization problem; compute/benchmark)
+// (First approach: 0.5/0.5)
+bool CCompositeGeometryManager::splitJobs(TJobSet &jobs, size_t maxSize, int div, TJobSet &split)
+ split.clear();
+ for (TJobSet::const_iterator i = jobs.begin(); i != jobs.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ CPart* pOutput = i->first;
+ const TJobList &L = i->second;
+ // 1. Split output part
+ // 2. Per sub-part:
+ // a. reduce input part
+ // b. split input part
+ // c. create jobs for new (input,output) subparts
+ TPartList splitOutput = pOutput->split(maxSize/3, div);
+ for (TJobList::const_iterator j = L.begin(); j != L.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ const SJob &job = *j;
+ for (TPartList::iterator i_out = splitOutput.begin();
+ i_out != splitOutput.end(); ++i_out)
+ {
+ boost::shared_ptr<CPart> outputPart = *i_out;
+ SJob newjob;
+ newjob.pOutput = outputPart;
+ newjob.eType = j->eType;
+ newjob.eMode = j->eMode;
+ newjob.pProjector = j->pProjector;
+ CPart* input = job.pInput->reduce(outputPart.get());
+ if (input->getSize() == 0) {
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("Empty input");
+ newjob.eType = SJob::JOB_NOP;
+ split[outputPart.get()].push_back(newjob);
+ continue;
+ }
+ size_t remainingSize = ( maxSize - outputPart->getSize() ) / 2;
+ TPartList splitInput = input->split(remainingSize, 1);
+ delete input;
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("Input split into %d parts", splitInput.size());
+ for (TPartList::iterator i_in = splitInput.begin();
+ i_in != splitInput.end(); ++i_in)
+ {
+ newjob.pInput = *i_in;
+ split[outputPart.get()].push_back(newjob);
+ // Second and later (input) parts should always be added to
+ // output of first (input) part.
+ newjob.eMode = SJob::MODE_ADD;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+CCompositeGeometryManager::CPart::CPart(const CPart& other)
+ eType = other.eType;
+ pData = other.pData;
+ subX = other.subX;
+ subY = other.subY;
+ subZ = other.subZ;
+CCompositeGeometryManager::CVolumePart::CVolumePart(const CVolumePart& other)
+ : CPart(other)
+ pGeom = other.pGeom->clone();
+ delete pGeom;
+void CCompositeGeometryManager::CVolumePart::getDims(size_t &x, size_t &y, size_t &z)
+ if (!pGeom) {
+ x = y = z = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ x = pGeom->getGridColCount();
+ y = pGeom->getGridRowCount();
+ z = pGeom->getGridSliceCount();
+size_t CCompositeGeometryManager::CPart::getSize()
+ size_t x, y, z;
+ getDims(x, y, z);
+ return x * y * z;
+CCompositeGeometryManager::CPart* CCompositeGeometryManager::CVolumePart::reduce(const CPart *_other)
+ const CProjectionPart *other = dynamic_cast<const CProjectionPart *>(_other);
+ assert(other);
+ // TODO: Is 0.5 sufficient?
+ double umin = -0.5;
+ double umax = other->pGeom->getDetectorColCount() + 0.5;
+ double vmin = -0.5;
+ double vmax = other->pGeom->getDetectorRowCount() + 0.5;
+ double uu[4];
+ double vv[4];
+ uu[0] = umin; vv[0] = vmin;
+ uu[1] = umin; vv[1] = vmax;
+ uu[2] = umax; vv[2] = vmin;
+ uu[3] = umax; vv[3] = vmax;
+ double pixx = pGeom->getPixelLengthX();
+ double pixy = pGeom->getPixelLengthY();
+ double pixz = pGeom->getPixelLengthZ();
+ double xmin = pGeom->getWindowMinX() - 0.5 * pixx;
+ double xmax = pGeom->getWindowMaxX() + 0.5 * pixx;
+ double ymin = pGeom->getWindowMinY() - 0.5 * pixy;
+ double ymax = pGeom->getWindowMaxY() + 0.5 * pixy;
+ // NB: Flipped
+ double zmax = pGeom->getWindowMinZ() - 2.5 * pixz;
+ double zmin = pGeom->getWindowMaxZ() + 2.5 * pixz;
+ // TODO: This isn't as tight as it could be.
+ // In particular it won't detect the detector being
+ // missed entirely on the u side.
+ for (int i = 0; i < other->pGeom->getProjectionCount(); ++i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
+ double px, py, pz;
+ other->pGeom->backprojectPointX(i, uu[j], vv[j], xmin, py, pz);
+ //ASTRA_DEBUG("%f %f (%f - %f)", py, pz, ymin, ymax);
+ if (pz < zmin) zmin = pz;
+ if (pz > zmax) zmax = pz;
+ other->pGeom->backprojectPointX(i, uu[j], vv[j], xmax, py, pz);
+ //ASTRA_DEBUG("%f %f (%f - %f)", py, pz, ymin, ymax);
+ if (pz < zmin) zmin = pz;
+ if (pz > zmax) zmax = pz;
+ other->pGeom->backprojectPointY(i, uu[j], vv[j], ymin, px, pz);
+ //ASTRA_DEBUG("%f %f (%f - %f)", px, pz, xmin, xmax);
+ if (pz < zmin) zmin = pz;
+ if (pz > zmax) zmax = pz;
+ other->pGeom->backprojectPointY(i, uu[j], vv[j], ymax, px, pz);
+ //ASTRA_DEBUG("%f %f (%f - %f)", px, pz, xmin, xmax);
+ if (pz < zmin) zmin = pz;
+ if (pz > zmax) zmax = pz;
+ }
+ }
+ //ASTRA_DEBUG("coord extent: %f - %f", zmin, zmax);
+ zmin = (zmin - pixz - pGeom->getWindowMinZ()) / pixz;
+ zmax = (zmax + pixz - pGeom->getWindowMinZ()) / pixz;
+ int _zmin = (int)floor(zmin);
+ int _zmax = (int)ceil(zmax);
+ //ASTRA_DEBUG("index extent: %d - %d", _zmin, _zmax);
+ if (_zmin < 0)
+ _zmin = 0;
+ if (_zmax > pGeom->getGridSliceCount())
+ _zmax = pGeom->getGridSliceCount();
+ if (_zmax <= _zmin) {
+ _zmin = _zmax = 0;
+ }
+ //ASTRA_DEBUG("adjusted extent: %d - %d", _zmin, _zmax);
+ CVolumePart *sub = new CVolumePart();
+ sub->subX = this->subX;
+ sub->subY = this->subY;
+ sub->subZ = this->subZ + _zmin;
+ sub->pData = pData;
+ if (_zmin == _zmax) {
+ sub->pGeom = 0;
+ } else {
+ sub->pGeom = new CVolumeGeometry3D(pGeom->getGridColCount(),
+ pGeom->getGridRowCount(),
+ _zmax - _zmin,
+ pGeom->getWindowMinX(),
+ pGeom->getWindowMinY(),
+ pGeom->getWindowMinZ() + _zmin * pixz,
+ pGeom->getWindowMaxX(),
+ pGeom->getWindowMaxY(),
+ pGeom->getWindowMinZ() + _zmax * pixz);
+ }
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("Reduce volume from %d - %d to %d - %d", this->subZ, this->subZ + pGeom->getGridSliceCount(), this->subZ + _zmin, this->subZ + _zmax);
+ return sub;
+static size_t ceildiv(size_t a, size_t b) {
+ return (a + b - 1) / b;
+static size_t computeVerticalSplit(size_t maxBlock, int div, size_t sliceCount)
+ size_t blockSize = maxBlock;
+ size_t blockCount = ceildiv(sliceCount, blockSize);
+ // Increase number of blocks to be divisible by div
+ size_t divCount = div * ceildiv(blockCount, div);
+ // If divCount is above sqrt(number of slices), then
+ // we can't guarantee divisibility by div, but let's try anyway
+ if (ceildiv(sliceCount, ceildiv(sliceCount, divCount)) % div == 0) {
+ blockCount = divCount;
+ } else {
+ // If divisibility isn't achievable, we may want to optimize
+ // differently.
+ // TODO: Figure out how to model and optimize this.
+ }
+ // Final adjustment to make blocks more evenly sized
+ // (This can't make the blocks larger)
+ blockSize = ceildiv(sliceCount, blockCount);
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("%ld %ld -> %ld * %ld", sliceCount, maxBlock, blockCount, blockSize);
+ assert(blockSize <= maxBlock);
+ assert((divCount * divCount > sliceCount) || (blockCount % div) == 0);
+ return blockSize;
+template<class V, class P>
+static V* getProjectionVectors(const P* geom);
+SConeProjection* getProjectionVectors(const CConeProjectionGeometry3D* pProjGeom)
+ return genConeProjections(pProjGeom->getProjectionCount(),
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorColCount(),
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
+ pProjGeom->getOriginSourceDistance(),
+ pProjGeom->getOriginDetectorDistance(),
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
+ pProjGeom->getProjectionAngles());
+SConeProjection* getProjectionVectors(const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D* pProjGeom)
+ int nth = pProjGeom->getProjectionCount();
+ SConeProjection* pProjs = new SConeProjection[nth];
+ for (int i = 0; i < nth; ++i)
+ pProjs[i] = pProjGeom->getProjectionVectors()[i];
+ return pProjs;
+SPar3DProjection* getProjectionVectors(const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D* pProjGeom)
+ return genPar3DProjections(pProjGeom->getProjectionCount(),
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorColCount(),
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
+ pProjGeom->getProjectionAngles());
+SPar3DProjection* getProjectionVectors(const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D* pProjGeom)
+ int nth = pProjGeom->getProjectionCount();
+ SPar3DProjection* pProjs = new SPar3DProjection[nth];
+ for (int i = 0; i < nth; ++i)
+ pProjs[i] = pProjGeom->getProjectionVectors()[i];
+ return pProjs;
+template<class V>
+static void translateProjectionVectors(V* pProjs, int count, double dv)
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ pProjs[i].fDetSX += dv * pProjs[i].fDetVX;
+ pProjs[i].fDetSY += dv * pProjs[i].fDetVY;
+ pProjs[i].fDetSZ += dv * pProjs[i].fDetVZ;
+ }
+static CProjectionGeometry3D* getSubProjectionGeometry(const CProjectionGeometry3D* pProjGeom, int v, int size)
+ // First convert to vectors, then translate, then convert into new object
+ const CConeProjectionGeometry3D* conegeom = dynamic_cast<const CConeProjectionGeometry3D*>(pProjGeom);
+ const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D* par3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D*>(pProjGeom);
+ const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D* parvec3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(pProjGeom);
+ const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D* conevec3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(pProjGeom);
+ if (conegeom || conevec3dgeom) {
+ SConeProjection* pConeProjs;
+ if (conegeom) {
+ pConeProjs = getProjectionVectors<SConeProjection>(conegeom);
+ } else {
+ pConeProjs = getProjectionVectors<SConeProjection>(conevec3dgeom);
+ }
+ translateProjectionVectors(pConeProjs, pProjGeom->getProjectionCount(), v);
+ CProjectionGeometry3D* ret = new CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D(pProjGeom->getProjectionCount(),
+ size,
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorColCount(),
+ pConeProjs);
+ delete[] pConeProjs;
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ assert(par3dgeom || parvec3dgeom);
+ SPar3DProjection* pParProjs;
+ if (par3dgeom) {
+ pParProjs = getProjectionVectors<SPar3DProjection>(par3dgeom);
+ } else {
+ pParProjs = getProjectionVectors<SPar3DProjection>(parvec3dgeom);
+ }
+ translateProjectionVectors(pParProjs, pProjGeom->getProjectionCount(), v);
+ CProjectionGeometry3D* ret = new CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D(pProjGeom->getProjectionCount(),
+ size,
+ pProjGeom->getDetectorColCount(),
+ pParProjs);
+ delete[] pParProjs;
+ return ret;
+ }
+// split self into sub-parts:
+// - each no bigger than maxSize
+// - number of sub-parts is divisible by div
+// - maybe all approximately the same size?
+CCompositeGeometryManager::TPartList CCompositeGeometryManager::CVolumePart::split(size_t maxSize, int div)
+ TPartList ret;
+ if (true) {
+ // Split in vertical direction only at first, until we figure out
+ // a model for splitting in other directions
+ size_t sliceSize = ((size_t) pGeom->getGridColCount()) * pGeom->getGridRowCount();
+ int sliceCount = pGeom->getGridSliceCount();
+ size_t blockSize = computeVerticalSplit(maxSize / sliceSize, div, sliceCount);
+ int rem = sliceCount % blockSize;
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("From %d to %d step %d", -(rem / 2), sliceCount, blockSize);
+ for (int z = -(rem / 2); z < sliceCount; z += blockSize) {
+ int newsubZ = z;
+ if (newsubZ < 0) newsubZ = 0;
+ int endZ = z + blockSize;
+ if (endZ > sliceCount) endZ = sliceCount;
+ int size = endZ - newsubZ;
+ CVolumePart *sub = new CVolumePart();
+ sub->subX = this->subX;
+ sub->subY = this->subY;
+ sub->subZ = this->subZ + newsubZ;
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("VolumePart split %d %d %d -> %p", sub->subX, sub->subY, sub->subZ, (void*)sub);
+ double shift = pGeom->getPixelLengthZ() * newsubZ;
+ sub->pData = pData;
+ sub->pGeom = new CVolumeGeometry3D(pGeom->getGridColCount(),
+ pGeom->getGridRowCount(),
+ size,
+ pGeom->getWindowMinX(),
+ pGeom->getWindowMinY(),
+ pGeom->getWindowMinZ() + shift,
+ pGeom->getWindowMaxX(),
+ pGeom->getWindowMaxY(),
+ pGeom->getWindowMinZ() + shift + size * pGeom->getPixelLengthZ());
+ ret.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<CPart>(sub));
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+CCompositeGeometryManager::CVolumePart* CCompositeGeometryManager::CVolumePart::clone() const
+ return new CVolumePart(*this);
+CCompositeGeometryManager::CProjectionPart::CProjectionPart(const CProjectionPart& other)
+ : CPart(other)
+ pGeom = other.pGeom->clone();
+ delete pGeom;
+void CCompositeGeometryManager::CProjectionPart::getDims(size_t &x, size_t &y, size_t &z)
+ if (!pGeom) {
+ x = y = z = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ x = pGeom->getDetectorColCount();
+ y = pGeom->getProjectionCount();
+ z = pGeom->getDetectorRowCount();
+CCompositeGeometryManager::CPart* CCompositeGeometryManager::CProjectionPart::reduce(const CPart *_other)
+ const CVolumePart *other = dynamic_cast<const CVolumePart *>(_other);
+ assert(other);
+ double vmin_g, vmax_g;
+ // reduce self to only cover intersection with projection of VolumePart
+ // (Project corners of volume, take bounding box)
+ for (int i = 0; i < pGeom->getProjectionCount(); ++i) {
+ double vol_u[8];
+ double vol_v[8];
+ double pixx = other->pGeom->getPixelLengthX();
+ double pixy = other->pGeom->getPixelLengthY();
+ double pixz = other->pGeom->getPixelLengthZ();
+ // TODO: Is 0.5 sufficient?
+ double xmin = other->pGeom->getWindowMinX() - 0.5 * pixx;
+ double xmax = other->pGeom->getWindowMaxX() + 0.5 * pixx;
+ double ymin = other->pGeom->getWindowMinY() - 0.5 * pixy;
+ double ymax = other->pGeom->getWindowMaxY() + 0.5 * pixy;
+ double zmin = other->pGeom->getWindowMinZ() - 0.5 * pixz;
+ double zmax = other->pGeom->getWindowMaxZ() + 0.5 * pixz;
+ pGeom->projectPoint(xmin, ymin, zmin, i, vol_u[0], vol_v[0]);
+ pGeom->projectPoint(xmin, ymin, zmax, i, vol_u[1], vol_v[1]);
+ pGeom->projectPoint(xmin, ymax, zmin, i, vol_u[2], vol_v[2]);
+ pGeom->projectPoint(xmin, ymax, zmax, i, vol_u[3], vol_v[3]);
+ pGeom->projectPoint(xmax, ymin, zmin, i, vol_u[4], vol_v[4]);
+ pGeom->projectPoint(xmax, ymin, zmax, i, vol_u[5], vol_v[5]);
+ pGeom->projectPoint(xmax, ymax, zmin, i, vol_u[6], vol_v[6]);
+ pGeom->projectPoint(xmax, ymax, zmax, i, vol_u[7], vol_v[7]);
+ double vmin = vol_v[0];
+ double vmax = vol_v[0];
+ for (int j = 1; j < 8; ++j) {
+ if (vol_v[j] < vmin)
+ vmin = vol_v[j];
+ if (vol_v[j] > vmax)
+ vmax = vol_v[j];
+ }
+ if (i == 0 || vmin < vmin_g)
+ vmin_g = vmin;
+ if (i == 0 || vmax > vmax_g)
+ vmax_g = vmax;
+ }
+ // fprintf(stderr, "v extent: %f %f\n", vmin_g, vmax_g);
+ int _vmin = (int)floor(vmin_g - 1.0f);
+ int _vmax = (int)ceil(vmax_g + 1.0f);
+ if (_vmin < 0)
+ _vmin = 0;
+ if (_vmax > pGeom->getDetectorRowCount())
+ _vmax = pGeom->getDetectorRowCount();
+ if (_vmin >= _vmax) {
+ _vmin = _vmax = 0;
+ }
+ CProjectionPart *sub = new CProjectionPart();
+ sub->subX = this->subX;
+ sub->subY = this->subY;
+ sub->subZ = this->subZ + _vmin;
+ sub->pData = pData;
+ if (_vmin == _vmax) {
+ sub->pGeom = 0;
+ } else {
+ sub->pGeom = getSubProjectionGeometry(pGeom, _vmin, _vmax - _vmin);
+ }
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("Reduce projection from %d - %d to %d - %d", this->subZ, this->subZ + pGeom->getDetectorRowCount(), this->subZ + _vmin, this->subZ + _vmax);
+ return sub;
+CCompositeGeometryManager::TPartList CCompositeGeometryManager::CProjectionPart::split(size_t maxSize, int div)
+ TPartList ret;
+ if (true) {
+ // Split in vertical direction only at first, until we figure out
+ // a model for splitting in other directions
+ size_t sliceSize = ((size_t) pGeom->getDetectorColCount()) * pGeom->getProjectionCount();
+ int sliceCount = pGeom->getDetectorRowCount();
+ size_t blockSize = computeVerticalSplit(maxSize / sliceSize, div, sliceCount);
+ int rem = sliceCount % blockSize;
+ for (int z = -(rem / 2); z < sliceCount; z += blockSize) {
+ int newsubZ = z;
+ if (newsubZ < 0) newsubZ = 0;
+ int endZ = z + blockSize;
+ if (endZ > sliceCount) endZ = sliceCount;
+ int size = endZ - newsubZ;
+ CProjectionPart *sub = new CProjectionPart();
+ sub->subX = this->subX;
+ sub->subY = this->subY;
+ sub->subZ = this->subZ + newsubZ;
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("ProjectionPart split %d %d %d -> %p", sub->subX, sub->subY, sub->subZ, (void*)sub);
+ sub->pData = pData;
+ sub->pGeom = getSubProjectionGeometry(pGeom, newsubZ, size);
+ ret.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<CPart>(sub));
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+CCompositeGeometryManager::CProjectionPart* CCompositeGeometryManager::CProjectionPart::clone() const
+ return new CProjectionPart(*this);
+bool CCompositeGeometryManager::doFP(CProjector3D *pProjector, CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory *pVolData,
+ CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory *pProjData)
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("CCompositeGeometryManager::doFP");
+ // Create single job for FP
+ // Run result
+ CVolumePart *input = new CVolumePart();
+ input->pData = pVolData;
+ input->subX = 0;
+ input->subY = 0;
+ input->subZ = 0;
+ input->pGeom = pVolData->getGeometry()->clone();
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("Main FP VolumePart -> %p", (void*)input);
+ CProjectionPart *output = new CProjectionPart();
+ output->pData = pProjData;
+ output->subX = 0;
+ output->subY = 0;
+ output->subZ = 0;
+ output->pGeom = pProjData->getGeometry()->clone();
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("Main FP ProjectionPart -> %p", (void*)output);
+ SJob FP;
+ FP.pInput = boost::shared_ptr<CPart>(input);
+ FP.pOutput = boost::shared_ptr<CPart>(output);
+ FP.pProjector = pProjector;
+ FP.eType = SJob::JOB_FP;
+ FP.eMode = SJob::MODE_SET;
+ TJobList L;
+ L.push_back(FP);
+ return doJobs(L);
+bool CCompositeGeometryManager::doBP(CProjector3D *pProjector, CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory *pVolData,
+ CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory *pProjData)
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("CCompositeGeometryManager::doBP");
+ // Create single job for BP
+ // Run result
+ CProjectionPart *input = new CProjectionPart();
+ input->pData = pProjData;
+ input->subX = 0;
+ input->subY = 0;
+ input->subZ = 0;
+ input->pGeom = pProjData->getGeometry()->clone();
+ CVolumePart *output = new CVolumePart();
+ output->pData = pVolData;
+ output->subX = 0;
+ output->subY = 0;
+ output->subZ = 0;
+ output->pGeom = pVolData->getGeometry()->clone();
+ SJob BP;
+ BP.pInput = boost::shared_ptr<CPart>(input);
+ BP.pOutput = boost::shared_ptr<CPart>(output);
+ BP.pProjector = pProjector;
+ BP.eType = SJob::JOB_BP;
+ BP.eMode = SJob::MODE_SET;
+ TJobList L;
+ L.push_back(BP);
+ return doJobs(L);
+bool CCompositeGeometryManager::doFP(CProjector3D *pProjector, const std::vector<CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory *>& volData, const std::vector<CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory *>& projData)
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("CCompositeGeometryManager::doFP, multi-volume");
+ std::vector<CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory *>::const_iterator i;
+ std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CPart> > inputs;
+ for (i = volData.begin(); i != volData.end(); ++i) {
+ CVolumePart *input = new CVolumePart();
+ input->pData = *i;
+ input->subX = 0;
+ input->subY = 0;
+ input->subZ = 0;
+ input->pGeom = (*i)->getGeometry()->clone();
+ inputs.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<CPart>(input));
+ }
+ std::vector<CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory *>::const_iterator j;
+ std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CPart> > outputs;
+ for (j = projData.begin(); j != projData.end(); ++j) {
+ CProjectionPart *output = new CProjectionPart();
+ output->pData = *j;
+ output->subX = 0;
+ output->subY = 0;
+ output->subZ = 0;
+ output->pGeom = (*j)->getGeometry()->clone();
+ outputs.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<CPart>(output));
+ }
+ std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CPart> >::iterator i2;
+ std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CPart> >::iterator j2;
+ TJobList L;
+ for (i2 = outputs.begin(); i2 != outputs.end(); ++i2) {
+ SJob FP;
+ FP.eMode = SJob::MODE_SET;
+ for (j2 = inputs.begin(); j2 != inputs.end(); ++j2) {
+ FP.pInput = *j2;
+ FP.pOutput = *i2;
+ FP.pProjector = pProjector;
+ FP.eType = SJob::JOB_FP;
+ L.push_back(FP);
+ // Set first, add rest
+ FP.eMode = SJob::MODE_ADD;
+ }
+ }
+ return doJobs(L);
+bool CCompositeGeometryManager::doBP(CProjector3D *pProjector, const std::vector<CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory *>& volData, const std::vector<CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory *>& projData)
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("CCompositeGeometryManager::doBP, multi-volume");
+ std::vector<CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory *>::const_iterator i;
+ std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CPart> > outputs;
+ for (i = volData.begin(); i != volData.end(); ++i) {
+ CVolumePart *output = new CVolumePart();
+ output->pData = *i;
+ output->subX = 0;
+ output->subY = 0;
+ output->subZ = 0;
+ output->pGeom = (*i)->getGeometry()->clone();
+ outputs.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<CPart>(output));
+ }
+ std::vector<CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory *>::const_iterator j;
+ std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CPart> > inputs;
+ for (j = projData.begin(); j != projData.end(); ++j) {
+ CProjectionPart *input = new CProjectionPart();
+ input->pData = *j;
+ input->subX = 0;
+ input->subY = 0;
+ input->subZ = 0;
+ input->pGeom = (*j)->getGeometry()->clone();
+ inputs.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<CPart>(input));
+ }
+ std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CPart> >::iterator i2;
+ std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<CPart> >::iterator j2;
+ TJobList L;
+ for (i2 = outputs.begin(); i2 != outputs.end(); ++i2) {
+ SJob BP;
+ BP.eMode = SJob::MODE_SET;
+ for (j2 = inputs.begin(); j2 != inputs.end(); ++j2) {
+ BP.pInput = *j2;
+ BP.pOutput = *i2;
+ BP.pProjector = pProjector;
+ BP.eType = SJob::JOB_BP;
+ L.push_back(BP);
+ // Set first, add rest
+ BP.eMode = SJob::MODE_ADD;
+ }
+ }
+ return doJobs(L);
+bool CCompositeGeometryManager::doJobs(TJobList &jobs)
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("CCompositeGeometryManager::doJobs");
+ // Sort job list into job set by output part
+ TJobSet jobset;
+ for (TJobList::iterator i = jobs.begin(); i != jobs.end(); ++i) {
+ jobset[i->pOutput.get()].push_back(*i);
+ }
+ size_t maxSize = astraCUDA3d::availableGPUMemory();
+ if (maxSize == 0) {
+ ASTRA_WARN("Unable to get available GPU memory. Defaulting to 1GB.");
+ maxSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+ } else {
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("Detected %lu bytes of GPU memory", maxSize);
+ }
+ maxSize = (maxSize * 9) / 10;
+ maxSize /= sizeof(float);
+ int div = 1;
+ // TODO: Multi-GPU support
+ // Split jobs to fit
+ TJobSet split;
+ splitJobs(jobset, maxSize, div, split);
+ jobset.clear();
+ // Run jobs
+ for (TJobSet::iterator iter = split.begin(); iter != split.end(); ++iter) {
+ CPart* output = iter->first;
+ TJobList& L = iter->second;
+ assert(!L.empty());
+ bool zero = L.begin()->eMode == SJob::MODE_SET;
+ size_t outx, outy, outz;
+ output->getDims(outx, outy, outz);
+ if (L.begin()->eType == SJob::JOB_NOP) {
+ // just zero output?
+ if (zero) {
+ for (size_t z = 0; z < outz; ++z) {
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < outy; ++y) {
+ float* ptr = output->pData->getData();
+ ptr += (z + output->subX) * (size_t)output->pData->getHeight() * (size_t)output->pData->getWidth();
+ ptr += (y + output->subY) * (size_t)output->pData->getWidth();
+ ptr += output->subX;
+ memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(float) * outx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ astraCUDA3d::SSubDimensions3D dstdims;
+ dstdims.nx = output->pData->getWidth();
+ dstdims.pitch = dstdims.nx;
+ dstdims.ny = output->pData->getHeight();
+ = output->pData->getDepth();
+ dstdims.subnx = outx;
+ dstdims.subny = outy;
+ dstdims.subnz = outz;
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("dstdims: %d,%d,%d in %d,%d,%d", dstdims.subnx, dstdims.subny, dstdims.subnz, dstdims.nx, dstdims.ny,;
+ dstdims.subx = output->subX;
+ dstdims.suby = output->subY;
+ dstdims.subz = output->subZ;
+ float *dst = output->pData->getData();
+ astraCUDA3d::MemHandle3D outputMem = astraCUDA3d::allocateGPUMemory(outx, outy, outz, zero ? astraCUDA3d::INIT_ZERO : astraCUDA3d::INIT_NO);
+ bool ok = outputMem;
+ for (TJobList::iterator i = L.begin(); i != L.end(); ++i) {
+ SJob &j = *i;
+ assert(j.pInput);
+ CCudaProjector3D *projector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(j.pProjector);
+ Cuda3DProjectionKernel projKernel = ker3d_default;
+ int detectorSuperSampling = 1;
+ int voxelSuperSampling = 1;
+ if (projector) {
+ projKernel = projector->getProjectionKernel();
+ detectorSuperSampling = projector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
+ voxelSuperSampling = projector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
+ }
+ size_t inx, iny, inz;
+ j.pInput->getDims(inx, iny, inz);
+ astraCUDA3d::MemHandle3D inputMem = astraCUDA3d::allocateGPUMemory(inx, iny, inz, astraCUDA3d::INIT_NO);
+ astraCUDA3d::SSubDimensions3D srcdims;
+ srcdims.nx = j.pInput->pData->getWidth();
+ srcdims.pitch = srcdims.nx;
+ srcdims.ny = j.pInput->pData->getHeight();
+ = j.pInput->pData->getDepth();
+ srcdims.subnx = inx;
+ srcdims.subny = iny;
+ srcdims.subnz = inz;
+ srcdims.subx = j.pInput->subX;
+ srcdims.suby = j.pInput->subY;
+ srcdims.subz = j.pInput->subZ;
+ const float *src = j.pInput->pData->getDataConst();
+ ok = astraCUDA3d::copyToGPUMemory(src, inputMem, srcdims);
+ if (!ok) ASTRA_ERROR("Error copying input data to GPU");
+ if (j.eType == SJob::JOB_FP) {
+ assert(dynamic_cast<CVolumePart*>(j.pInput.get()));
+ assert(dynamic_cast<CProjectionPart*>(j.pOutput.get()));
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("CCompositeGeometryManager::doJobs: doing FP");
+ ok = astraCUDA3d::FP(((CProjectionPart*)j.pOutput.get())->pGeom, outputMem, ((CVolumePart*)j.pInput.get())->pGeom, inputMem, detectorSuperSampling, projKernel);
+ if (!ok) ASTRA_ERROR("Error performing sub-FP");
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("CCompositeGeometryManager::doJobs: FP done");
+ } else if (j.eType == SJob::JOB_BP) {
+ assert(dynamic_cast<CVolumePart*>(j.pOutput.get()));
+ assert(dynamic_cast<CProjectionPart*>(j.pInput.get()));
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("CCompositeGeometryManager::doJobs: doing BP");
+ ok = astraCUDA3d::BP(((CProjectionPart*)j.pInput.get())->pGeom, inputMem, ((CVolumePart*)j.pOutput.get())->pGeom, outputMem, voxelSuperSampling);
+ if (!ok) ASTRA_ERROR("Error performing sub-BP");
+ ASTRA_DEBUG("CCompositeGeometryManager::doJobs: BP done");
+ } else {
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ ok = astraCUDA3d::freeGPUMemory(inputMem);
+ if (!ok) ASTRA_ERROR("Error freeing GPU memory");
+ }
+ ok = astraCUDA3d::copyFromGPUMemory(dst, outputMem, dstdims);
+ if (!ok) ASTRA_ERROR("Error copying output data from GPU");
+ ok = astraCUDA3d::freeGPUMemory(outputMem);
+ if (!ok) ASTRA_ERROR("Error freeing GPU memory");
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/src/ConeProjectionGeometry3D.cpp b/src/ConeProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
index dd22eba..18f0f8a 100644
--- a/src/ConeProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
+++ b/src/ConeProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ $Id$
#include "astra/ConeProjectionGeometry3D.h"
#include "astra/Logging.h"
+#include "astra/GeometryUtil3D.h"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <cstring>
@@ -230,14 +231,14 @@ CVector3D CConeProjectionGeometry3D::getProjectionDirection(int _iProjectionInde
return ret;
-void CConeProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(float32 fX, float32 fY, float32 fZ,
- int iAngleIndex,
- float32 &fU, float32 &fV) const
+void CConeProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(double fX, double fY, double fZ,
+ int iAngleIndex,
+ double &fU, double &fV) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
- float alpha = m_pfProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex];
+ double alpha = m_pfProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex];
// Project point onto optical axis
@@ -245,14 +246,14 @@ void CConeProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(float32 fX, float32 fY, float32 fZ,
// Vector source->origin is (-sin(alpha), cos(alpha))
// Distance from source, projected on optical axis
- float fD = -sin(alpha) * fX + cos(alpha) * fY + m_fOriginSourceDistance;
+ double fD = -sin(alpha) * fX + cos(alpha) * fY + m_fOriginSourceDistance;
// Scale fZ to detector plane
fV = detectorOffsetYToRowIndexFloat( (fZ * (m_fOriginSourceDistance + m_fOriginDetectorDistance)) / fD );
// Orthogonal distance in XY-plane to optical axis
- float fS = cos(alpha) * fX + sin(alpha) * fY;
+ double fS = cos(alpha) * fX + sin(alpha) * fY;
// Scale fS to detector plane
fU = detectorOffsetXToColIndexFloat( (fS * (m_fOriginSourceDistance + m_fOriginDetectorDistance)) / fD );
@@ -261,5 +262,84 @@ void CConeProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(float32 fX, float32 fY, float32 fZ,
+void CConeProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointX(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fX, double &fY, double &fZ) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SConeProjection *projs = genConeProjections(1, m_iDetectorColCount, m_iDetectorRowCount,
+ m_fOriginSourceDistance,
+ m_fOriginDetectorDistance,
+ m_fDetectorSpacingX, m_fDetectorSpacingY,
+ &m_pfProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex]);
+ SConeProjection &proj = projs[0];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fX - proj.fSrcX) / (px - proj.fSrcX);
+ fY = proj.fSrcY + a * (py - proj.fSrcY);
+ fZ = proj.fSrcZ + a * (pz - proj.fSrcZ);
+ delete[] projs;
+void CConeProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointY(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fY, double &fX, double &fZ) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SConeProjection *projs = genConeProjections(1, m_iDetectorColCount, m_iDetectorRowCount,
+ m_fOriginSourceDistance,
+ m_fOriginDetectorDistance,
+ m_fDetectorSpacingX, m_fDetectorSpacingY,
+ &m_pfProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex]);
+ SConeProjection &proj = projs[0];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fY - proj.fSrcY) / (py - proj.fSrcY);
+ fX = proj.fSrcX + a * (px - proj.fSrcX);
+ fZ = proj.fSrcZ + a * (pz - proj.fSrcZ);
+ delete[] projs;
+void CConeProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointZ(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fZ, double &fX, double &fY) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SConeProjection *projs = genConeProjections(1, m_iDetectorColCount, m_iDetectorRowCount,
+ m_fOriginSourceDistance,
+ m_fOriginDetectorDistance,
+ m_fDetectorSpacingX, m_fDetectorSpacingY,
+ &m_pfProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex]);
+ SConeProjection &proj = projs[0];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fZ - proj.fSrcZ) / (pz - proj.fSrcZ);
+ fX = proj.fSrcX + a * (px - proj.fSrcX);
+ fY = proj.fSrcY + a * (py - proj.fSrcY);
+ delete[] projs;
} // end namespace astra
diff --git a/src/ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D.cpp b/src/ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
index 47ed630..86e3bd6 100644
--- a/src/ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
+++ b/src/ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
@@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ CVector3D CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D::getProjectionDirection(int _iProjectionI
return CVector3D(p.fDetSX + (u+0.5)*p.fDetUX + (v+0.5)*p.fDetVX - p.fSrcX, p.fDetSY + (u+0.5)*p.fDetUY + (v+0.5)*p.fDetVY - p.fSrcY, p.fDetSZ + (u+0.5)*p.fDetUZ + (v+0.5)*p.fDetVZ - p.fSrcZ);
-void CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(float32 fX, float32 fY, float32 fZ,
+void CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(double fX, double fY, double fZ,
int iAngleIndex,
- float32 &fU, float32 &fV) const
+ double &fU, double &fV) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
@@ -262,6 +262,60 @@ void CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(float32 fX, float32 fY, float32
+void CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointX(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fX, double &fY, double &fZ) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SConeProjection &proj = m_pProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fX - proj.fSrcX) / (px - proj.fSrcX);
+ fY = proj.fSrcY + a * (py - proj.fSrcY);
+ fZ = proj.fSrcZ + a * (pz - proj.fSrcZ);
+void CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointY(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fY, double &fX, double &fZ) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SConeProjection &proj = m_pProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fY - proj.fSrcY) / (py - proj.fSrcY);
+ fX = proj.fSrcX + a * (px - proj.fSrcX);
+ fZ = proj.fSrcZ + a * (pz - proj.fSrcZ);
+void CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointZ(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fZ, double &fX, double &fY) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SConeProjection &proj = m_pProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fZ - proj.fSrcZ) / (pz - proj.fSrcZ);
+ fX = proj.fSrcX + a * (px - proj.fSrcX);
+ fY = proj.fSrcY + a * (py - proj.fSrcY);
bool CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D::_check()
diff --git a/src/CudaBackProjectionAlgorithm.cpp b/src/CudaBackProjectionAlgorithm.cpp
index 365e058..a73f895 100644
--- a/src/CudaBackProjectionAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaBackProjectionAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -76,10 +76,9 @@ bool CCudaBackProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
// Initialize - C++
bool CCudaBackProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector,
CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram,
- CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction,
- int _iGPUindex, int _iPixelSuperSampling)
+ CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction)
- m_bIsInitialized = CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction, _iGPUindex, 1, _iPixelSuperSampling);
+ m_bIsInitialized = CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction);
if (!m_bIsInitialized)
return false;
diff --git a/src/CudaBackProjectionAlgorithm3D.cpp b/src/CudaBackProjectionAlgorithm3D.cpp
index e8e0433..ce8e111 100644
--- a/src/CudaBackProjectionAlgorithm3D.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaBackProjectionAlgorithm3D.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ $Id$
#include "astra/ParallelProjectionGeometry3D.h"
#include "astra/ParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D.h"
#include "astra/ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D.h"
+#include "astra/CompositeGeometryManager.h"
+#include "astra/Logging.h"
#include "../cuda/3d/astra3d.h"
@@ -87,6 +90,24 @@ bool CCudaBackProjectionAlgorithm3D::_check()
+void CCudaBackProjectionAlgorithm3D::initializeFromProjector()
+ m_iVoxelSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iGPUIndex = -1;
+ CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(m_pProjector);
+ if (!pCudaProjector) {
+ if (m_pProjector) {
+ ASTRA_WARN("non-CUDA Projector3D passed to BP3D_CUDA");
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_iVoxelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
+ m_iGPUIndex = pCudaProjector->getGPUIndex();
+ }
// Initialize - Config
bool CCudaBackProjectionAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
@@ -103,32 +124,21 @@ bool CCudaBackProjectionAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
return false;
- CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = 0;
- pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(m_pProjector);
- if (!pCudaProjector) {
- // TODO: Report
- }
+ initializeFromProjector();
- m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
- CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
- m_iVoxelSuperSampling = 1;
- if (pCudaProjector)
- m_iVoxelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
+ // Deprecated options
m_iVoxelSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("VoxelSuperSampling", m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
+ if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex"))
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
- CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory* pSinoMem = dynamic_cast<CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory*>(m_pSinogram);
- const CProjectionGeometry3D* projgeom = pSinoMem->getGeometry();
-const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D* par3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D* parvec3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- if (parvec3dgeom || par3dgeom) {
- // This option is only supported for Par3D currently
- m_bSIRTWeighting = _cfg.self.getOptionBool("SIRTWeighting", false);
- CC.markOptionParsed("SIRTWeighting");
- }
+ m_bSIRTWeighting = _cfg.self.getOptionBool("SIRTWeighting", false);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("SIRTWeighting");
// success
m_bIsInitialized = _check();
@@ -151,6 +161,8 @@ bool CCudaBackProjectionAlgorithm3D::initialize(CProjector3D* _pProjector,
m_pSinogram = _pSinogram;
m_pReconstruction = _pReconstruction;
+ initializeFromProjector();
// success
m_bIsInitialized = _check();
return m_bIsInitialized;
@@ -184,88 +196,24 @@ void CCudaBackProjectionAlgorithm3D::run(int _iNrIterations)
const CProjectionGeometry3D* projgeom = pSinoMem->getGeometry();
- const CConeProjectionGeometry3D* conegeom = dynamic_cast<const CConeProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D* par3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D* conevecgeom = dynamic_cast<const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D* parvec3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
const CVolumeGeometry3D& volgeom = *pReconMem->getGeometry();
- if (conegeom) {
- astraCudaConeBP(pReconMem->getData(), pSinoMem->getDataConst(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- conegeom->getProjectionCount(),
- conegeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- conegeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- conegeom->getOriginSourceDistance(),
- conegeom->getOriginDetectorDistance(),
- conegeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
- conegeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
- conegeom->getProjectionAngles(),
- m_iGPUIndex, m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
- } else if (par3dgeom) {
- if (!m_bSIRTWeighting) {
- astraCudaPar3DBP(pReconMem->getData(), pSinoMem->getDataConst(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- par3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
- par3dgeom->getProjectionAngles(),
- m_iGPUIndex, m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
- } else {
- astraCudaPar3DBP_SIRTWeighted(pReconMem->getData(),
- pSinoMem->getDataConst(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- par3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
- par3dgeom->getProjectionAngles(),
- m_iGPUIndex, m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
- }
- } else if (parvec3dgeom) {
- if (!m_bSIRTWeighting) {
- astraCudaPar3DBP(pReconMem->getData(), pSinoMem->getDataConst(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getProjectionVectors(),
- m_iGPUIndex, m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
- } else {
- astraCudaPar3DBP_SIRTWeighted(pReconMem->getData(),
- pSinoMem->getDataConst(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getProjectionVectors(),
- m_iGPUIndex, m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
- }
- } else if (conevecgeom) {
- astraCudaConeBP(pReconMem->getData(), pSinoMem->getDataConst(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- conevecgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- conevecgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- conevecgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- conevecgeom->getProjectionVectors(),
- m_iGPUIndex, m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
+ if (m_bSIRTWeighting) {
+ astraCudaBP_SIRTWeighted(pReconMem->getData(),
+ pSinoMem->getDataConst(),
+ &volgeom, projgeom,
+ m_iGPUIndex, m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
} else {
- ASTRA_ASSERT(false);
+#if 1
+ CCompositeGeometryManager cgm;
+ cgm.doBP(m_pProjector, pReconMem, pSinoMem);
+ astraCudaBP(pReconMem->getData(), pSinoMem->getDataConst(),
+ &volgeom, projgeom,
+ m_iGPUIndex, m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
diff --git a/src/CudaCglsAlgorithm.cpp b/src/CudaCglsAlgorithm.cpp
index 0cedff6..9dd4f78 100644
--- a/src/CudaCglsAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaCglsAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -77,11 +77,9 @@ bool CCudaCglsAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
// Initialize - C++
bool CCudaCglsAlgorithm::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector,
CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram,
- CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction,
- int _iGPUindex, int _iDetectorSuperSampling,
- int _iPixelSuperSampling)
+ CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction)
- m_bIsInitialized = CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction, _iGPUindex, _iDetectorSuperSampling, _iPixelSuperSampling);
+ m_bIsInitialized = CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction);
if (!m_bIsInitialized)
return false;
diff --git a/src/CudaCglsAlgorithm3D.cpp b/src/CudaCglsAlgorithm3D.cpp
index f527dc5..abc18d1 100644
--- a/src/CudaCglsAlgorithm3D.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaCglsAlgorithm3D.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ $Id$
#include "astra/ParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D.h"
#include "astra/ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D.h"
+#include "astra/Logging.h"
#include "../cuda/3d/astra3d.h"
using namespace std;
@@ -90,6 +92,26 @@ bool CCudaCglsAlgorithm3D::_check()
+void CCudaCglsAlgorithm3D::initializeFromProjector()
+ m_iVoxelSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iGPUIndex = -1;
+ CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(m_pProjector);
+ if (!pCudaProjector) {
+ if (m_pProjector) {
+ ASTRA_WARN("non-CUDA Projector3D passed to CGLS3D_CUDA");
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_iVoxelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
+ m_iGPUIndex = pCudaProjector->getGPUIndex();
+ }
// Initialize - Config
bool CCudaCglsAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
@@ -107,27 +129,20 @@ bool CCudaCglsAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
return false;
- CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = 0;
- pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(m_pProjector);
- if (!pCudaProjector) {
- // TODO: Report
- }
+ initializeFromProjector();
- m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
- CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
- m_iVoxelSuperSampling = 1;
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
- if (pCudaProjector) {
- // New interface
- m_iVoxelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
- }
// Deprecated options
m_iVoxelSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("VoxelSuperSampling", m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
m_iDetectorSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("DetectorSuperSampling", m_iDetectorSuperSampling);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
+ if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex"))
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
m_pCgls = new AstraCGLS3d();
@@ -155,6 +170,8 @@ bool CCudaCglsAlgorithm3D::initialize(CProjector3D* _pProjector,
m_pSinogram = _pSinogram;
m_pReconstruction = _pReconstruction;
+ initializeFromProjector();
m_pCgls = new AstraCGLS3d;
m_bAstraCGLSInit = false;
@@ -187,9 +204,6 @@ void CCudaCglsAlgorithm3D::run(int _iNrIterations)
const CProjectionGeometry3D* projgeom = m_pSinogram->getGeometry();
- const CConeProjectionGeometry3D* conegeom = dynamic_cast<const CConeProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D* parvec3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D* conevec3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
const CVolumeGeometry3D& volgeom = *m_pReconstruction->getGeometry();
bool ok = true;
@@ -198,41 +212,7 @@ void CCudaCglsAlgorithm3D::run(int _iNrIterations)
ok &= m_pCgls->setGPUIndex(m_iGPUIndex);
- ok &= m_pCgls->setReconstructionGeometry(volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount());
- unsigned int iProjAngles,
- unsigned int iProjU,
- unsigned int iProjV,
- float fOriginSourceDistance,
- float fOriginDetectorDistance,
- float fDetUSize,
- float fDetVSize,
- const float *pfAngles)
- if (conegeom) {
- ok &= m_pCgls->setConeGeometry(conegeom->getProjectionCount(),
- conegeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- conegeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- conegeom->getOriginSourceDistance(),
- conegeom->getOriginDetectorDistance(),
- conegeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
- conegeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
- conegeom->getProjectionAngles());
- } else if (parvec3dgeom) {
- ok &= m_pCgls->setPar3DGeometry(parvec3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getProjectionVectors());
- } else if (conevec3dgeom) {
- ok &= m_pCgls->setConeGeometry(conevec3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- conevec3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- conevec3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- conevec3dgeom->getProjectionVectors());
- } else {
- ASTRA_ASSERT(false);
- }
+ ok &= m_pCgls->setGeometry(&volgeom, projgeom);
ok &= m_pCgls->enableSuperSampling(m_iVoxelSuperSampling, m_iDetectorSuperSampling);
diff --git a/src/CudaEMAlgorithm.cpp b/src/CudaEMAlgorithm.cpp
index 5c71f3d..d0afd80 100644
--- a/src/CudaEMAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaEMAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -76,11 +76,9 @@ bool CCudaEMAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
// Initialize - C++
bool CCudaEMAlgorithm::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector,
CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram,
- CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction,
- int _iGPUindex, int _iDetectorSuperSampling,
- int _iPixelSuperSampling)
+ CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction)
- m_bIsInitialized = CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction, _iGPUindex, _iDetectorSuperSampling, _iPixelSuperSampling);
+ m_bIsInitialized = CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction);
if (!m_bIsInitialized)
return false;
diff --git a/src/CudaFDKAlgorithm3D.cpp b/src/CudaFDKAlgorithm3D.cpp
index 667d926..1316daa 100644
--- a/src/CudaFDKAlgorithm3D.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaFDKAlgorithm3D.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ $Id$
#include "astra/CudaProjector3D.h"
#include "astra/ConeProjectionGeometry3D.h"
+#include "astra/Logging.h"
#include "../cuda/3d/astra3d.h"
using namespace std;
@@ -85,6 +87,24 @@ bool CCudaFDKAlgorithm3D::_check()
+void CCudaFDKAlgorithm3D::initializeFromProjector()
+ m_iVoxelSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iGPUIndex = -1;
+ CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(m_pProjector);
+ if (!pCudaProjector) {
+ if (m_pProjector) {
+ ASTRA_WARN("non-CUDA Projector3D passed to FDK_CUDA");
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_iVoxelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
+ m_iGPUIndex = pCudaProjector->getGPUIndex();
+ }
// Initialize - Config
bool CCudaFDKAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
@@ -101,20 +121,18 @@ bool CCudaFDKAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
return false;
- CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = 0;
- pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(m_pProjector);
- if (!pCudaProjector) {
- // TODO: Report
- }
- m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
- CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
+ initializeFromProjector();
- m_iVoxelSuperSampling = 1;
- if (pCudaProjector)
- m_iVoxelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
+ // Deprecated options
m_iVoxelSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("VoxelSuperSampling", m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
+ if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex"))
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
m_bShortScan = _cfg.self.getOptionBool("ShortScan", false);
@@ -182,17 +200,7 @@ void CCudaFDKAlgorithm3D::run(int _iNrIterations)
bool ok = true;
ok = astraCudaFDK(pReconMem->getData(), pSinoMem->getDataConst(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- conegeom->getProjectionCount(),
- conegeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- conegeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- conegeom->getOriginSourceDistance(),
- conegeom->getOriginDetectorDistance(),
- conegeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
- conegeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
- conegeom->getProjectionAngles(),
+ &volgeom, conegeom,
m_bShortScan, m_iGPUIndex, m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
diff --git a/src/CudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm.cpp b/src/CudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm.cpp
index aac96d6..bcd70c4 100644
--- a/src/CudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -67,6 +67,24 @@ CCudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm::~CCudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm()
+void CCudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm::initializeFromProjector()
+ m_iPixelSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iGPUIndex = -1;
+ // Projector
+ CCudaProjector2D* pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector2D*>(m_pProjector);
+ if (!pCudaProjector) {
+ if (m_pProjector) {
+ ASTRA_WARN("non-CUDA Projector2D passed to FBP_CUDA");
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_iPixelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
+ m_iGPUIndex = pCudaProjector->getGPUIndex();
+ }
bool CCudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
@@ -163,35 +181,30 @@ bool CCudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
CC.markNodeParsed("FilterD"); // TODO: Only for some types!
- // GPU number
- m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
- CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
- m_iPixelSuperSampling = 1;
- if (pCudaProjector) {
- // New interface
- m_iPixelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
- }
- // Deprecated options
- m_iPixelSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("PixelSuperSampling", m_iPixelSuperSampling);
- CC.markOptionParsed("PixelSuperSampling");
// Fan beam short scan mode
if (m_pSinogram && dynamic_cast<CFanFlatProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pSinogram->getGeometry())) {
m_bShortScan = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionBool("ShortScan", false);
+ initializeFromProjector();
+ // Deprecated options
+ m_iPixelSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("PixelSuperSampling", m_iPixelSuperSampling);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("PixelSuperSampling");
+ // GPU number
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
+ if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex"))
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
m_pFBP = new AstraFBP;
m_bAstraFBPInit = false;
- // success
- m_bIsInitialized = true;
- return m_bIsInitialized;
+ return check();
bool CCudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(CFloat32ProjectionData2D * _pSinogram, CFloat32VolumeData2D * _pReconstruction, E_FBPFILTER _eFilter, const float * _pfFilter /* = NULL */, int _iFilterWidth /* = 0 */, int _iGPUIndex /* = 0 */, float _fFilterParameter /* = -1.0f */)
@@ -241,7 +254,7 @@ bool CCudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(CFloat32ProjectionData2D *
m_fFilterParameter = _fFilterParameter;
- return m_bIsInitialized;
+ return check();
void CCudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm::run(int _iNrIterations /* = 0 */)
@@ -361,7 +374,7 @@ bool CCudaFilteredBackProjectionAlgorithm::check()
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstruction->isInitialized(), "FBP_CUDA", "Reconstruction Data Object Not Initialized.");
// check gpu index
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iGPUIndex >= -1, "FBP_CUDA", "GPUIndex must be a non-negative integer.");
+ ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iGPUIndex >= -1, "FBP_CUDA", "GPUIndex must be a non-negative integer or -1.");
// check pixel supersampling
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iPixelSuperSampling >= 0, "FBP_CUDA", "PixelSuperSampling must be a non-negative integer.");
diff --git a/src/CudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm.cpp b/src/CudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm.cpp
index b382f2e..9ca13ae 100644
--- a/src/CudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -38,8 +38,11 @@ $Id$
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include "astra/AstraObjectManager.h"
+#include "astra/ParallelProjectionGeometry2D.h"
#include "astra/FanFlatProjectionGeometry2D.h"
#include "astra/FanFlatVecProjectionGeometry2D.h"
+#include "astra/Float32ProjectionData2D.h"
+#include "astra/Float32VolumeData2D.h"
#include "astra/CudaProjector2D.h"
#include "astra/Logging.h"
@@ -66,6 +69,24 @@ CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm::~CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm()
+void CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm::initializeFromProjector()
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iGPUIndex = -1;
+ // Projector
+ CCudaProjector2D* pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector2D*>(m_pProjector);
+ if (!pCudaProjector) {
+ if (m_pProjector) {
+ ASTRA_WARN("non-CUDA Projector2D passed to FP_CUDA");
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
+ m_iGPUIndex = pCudaProjector->getGPUIndex();
+ }
// Initialize - Config
bool CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
@@ -74,14 +95,9 @@ bool CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
// Projector
XMLNode node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("ProjectorId");
- CCudaProjector2D* pCudaProjector = 0;
if (node) {
int id = boost::lexical_cast<int>(node.getContent());
- CProjector2D *projector = CProjector2DManager::getSingleton().get(id);
- pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector2D*>(projector);
- if (!pCudaProjector) {
- ASTRA_WARN("non-CUDA Projector2D passed to FP_CUDA");
- }
+ m_pProjector = CProjector2DManager::getSingleton().get(id);
@@ -101,22 +117,18 @@ bool CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
m_pVolume = dynamic_cast<CFloat32VolumeData2D*>(CData2DManager::getSingleton().get(id));
+ initializeFromProjector();
+ // Deprecated options
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("DetectorSuperSampling", m_iDetectorSuperSampling);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("DetectorSuperSampling");
// GPU number
m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex);
- CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
- if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUindex"))
- CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
+ if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex"))
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
- // Detector supersampling factor
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
- if (pCudaProjector) {
- // New interface
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
- }
- // Deprecated option
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("DetectorSuperSampling", m_iDetectorSuperSampling);
- CC.markOptionParsed("DetectorSuperSampling");
// return success
@@ -125,20 +137,16 @@ bool CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
// Initialize - C++
-bool CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(CProjectionGeometry2D* _pProjectionGeometry,
- CVolumeGeometry2D* _pReconstructionGeometry,
+bool CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector,
CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pVolume,
- CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram,
- int _iGPUindex, int _iDetectorSuperSampling)
+ CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram)
// store classes
- //m_pProjectionGeometry = _pProjectionGeometry;
- //m_pReconstructionGeometry = _pReconstructionGeometry;
+ m_pProjector = _pProjector;
m_pVolume = _pVolume;
m_pSinogram = _pSinogram;
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = _iDetectorSuperSampling;
- m_iGPUIndex = _iGPUindex;
+ initializeFromProjector();
// return success
return check();
diff --git a/src/CudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D.cpp b/src/CudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D.cpp
index 46dab12..209f5a5 100644
--- a/src/CudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ $Id$
#include "astra/ParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D.h"
#include "astra/ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D.h"
+#include "astra/CompositeGeometryManager.h"
#include "astra/Logging.h"
#include "../cuda/3d/astra3d.h"
@@ -72,6 +74,23 @@ CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D::~CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D()
+void CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D::initializeFromProjector()
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iGPUIndex = -1;
+ CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(m_pProjector);
+ if (!pCudaProjector) {
+ if (m_pProjector) {
+ ASTRA_WARN("non-CUDA Projector3D passed to FP3D_CUDA");
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
+ m_iGPUIndex = pCudaProjector->getGPUIndex();
+ }
// Initialize - Config
bool CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
@@ -97,29 +116,21 @@ bool CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
// optional: projector
node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("ProjectorId");
- CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = 0;
m_pProjector = 0;
if (node) {
id = boost::lexical_cast<int>(node.getContent());
m_pProjector = CProjector3DManager::getSingleton().get(id);
- pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(CProjector3DManager::getSingleton().get(id));
- m_pProjector = pCudaProjector;
- if (!pCudaProjector) {
- // TODO: Report
- }
- // GPU number
- m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
- CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
+ initializeFromProjector();
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
- if (pCudaProjector)
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
+ // Deprecated options
m_iDetectorSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("DetectorSuperSampling", m_iDetectorSuperSampling);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
// success
m_bIsInitialized = check();
@@ -142,8 +153,15 @@ bool CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D::initialize(CProjector3D* _pProjector,
m_pProjections = _pProjections;
m_pVolume = _pVolume;
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = _iDetectorSuperSampling;
- m_iGPUIndex = _iGPUindex;
+ CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(m_pProjector);
+ if (!pCudaProjector) {
+ // TODO: Report
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = _iDetectorSuperSampling;
+ m_iGPUIndex = _iGPUindex;
+ } else {
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
+ m_iGPUIndex = pCudaProjector->getGPUIndex();
+ }
// success
m_bIsInitialized = check();
@@ -247,11 +265,13 @@ void CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D::run(int)
// check initialized
+#if 1
+ CCompositeGeometryManager cgm;
+ cgm.doFP(m_pProjector, m_pVolume, m_pProjections);
const CProjectionGeometry3D* projgeom = m_pProjections->getGeometry();
- const CConeProjectionGeometry3D* conegeom = dynamic_cast<const CConeProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D* par3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D* conevecgeom = dynamic_cast<const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D* parvec3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
const CVolumeGeometry3D& volgeom = *m_pVolume->getGeometry();
Cuda3DProjectionKernel projKernel = ker3d_default;
@@ -279,58 +299,10 @@ void CCudaForwardProjectionAlgorithm3D::run(int)
- if (conegeom) {
- astraCudaConeFP(m_pVolume->getDataConst(), m_pProjections->getData(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- conegeom->getProjectionCount(),
- conegeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- conegeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- conegeom->getOriginSourceDistance(),
- conegeom->getOriginDetectorDistance(),
- conegeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
- conegeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
- conegeom->getProjectionAngles(),
- m_iGPUIndex, m_iDetectorSuperSampling);
- } else if (par3dgeom) {
- astraCudaPar3DFP(m_pVolume->getDataConst(), m_pProjections->getData(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- par3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
- par3dgeom->getProjectionAngles(),
- m_iGPUIndex, m_iDetectorSuperSampling,
- projKernel);
- } else if (parvec3dgeom) {
- astraCudaPar3DFP(m_pVolume->getDataConst(), m_pProjections->getData(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getProjectionVectors(),
- m_iGPUIndex, m_iDetectorSuperSampling,
- projKernel);
- } else if (conevecgeom) {
- astraCudaConeFP(m_pVolume->getDataConst(), m_pProjections->getData(),
- volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount(),
- conevecgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- conevecgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- conevecgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- conevecgeom->getProjectionVectors(),
- m_iGPUIndex, m_iDetectorSuperSampling);
- } else {
- ASTRA_ASSERT(false);
- }
+ astraCudaFP(m_pVolume->getDataConst(), m_pProjections->getData(),
+ &volgeom, projgeom,
+ m_iGPUIndex, m_iDetectorSuperSampling, projKernel);
diff --git a/src/CudaProjector2D.cpp b/src/CudaProjector2D.cpp
index a26e32d..acf6000 100644
--- a/src/CudaProjector2D.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaProjector2D.cpp
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ void CCudaProjector2D::_clear()
m_projectionKernel = ker2d_default;
m_iVoxelSuperSampling = 1;
m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iGPUIndex = -1;
@@ -125,18 +126,18 @@ bool CCudaProjector2D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
m_iDetectorSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("DetectorSuperSampling", 1);
+ // GPU number
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
+ if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex"))
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
m_bIsInitialized = _check();
return m_bIsInitialized;
-bool CProjector2D::initialize(astra::CProjectionGeometry2D *, astra::CVolumeGeometry2D *)
- ASTRA_ASSERT(false);
- return false;
std::string CCudaProjector2D::description() const
diff --git a/src/CudaProjector3D.cpp b/src/CudaProjector3D.cpp
index d2fd74c..bbfbd34 100644
--- a/src/CudaProjector3D.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaProjector3D.cpp
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ void CCudaProjector3D::_clear()
m_projectionKernel = ker3d_default;
m_iVoxelSuperSampling = 1;
m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iGPUIndex = -1;
@@ -128,6 +129,12 @@ bool CCudaProjector3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
m_iDetectorSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("DetectorSuperSampling", 1);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
+ if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex"))
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
m_bIsInitialized = _check();
return m_bIsInitialized;
diff --git a/src/CudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D.cpp b/src/CudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D.cpp
index 71b6637..71dddf7 100644
--- a/src/CudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D.cpp
@@ -84,111 +84,51 @@ void CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::_clear()
-// Initialize - Config
-bool CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
+void CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initializeFromProjector()
- ASTRA_ASSERT(_cfg.self);
- ConfigStackCheck<CAlgorithm> CC("CudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D", this, _cfg);
- // if already initialized, clear first
- if (m_bIsInitialized) {
- clear();
- }
+ m_iPixelSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iGPUIndex = -1;
// Projector
- XMLNode node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("ProjectorId");
- CCudaProjector2D* pCudaProjector = 0;
- if (node) {
- int id = boost::lexical_cast<int>(node.getContent());
- CProjector2D *projector = CProjector2DManager::getSingleton().get(id);
- pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector2D*>(projector);
- if (!pCudaProjector) {
+ CCudaProjector2D* pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector2D*>(m_pProjector);
+ if (!pCudaProjector) {
+ if (m_pProjector) {
ASTRA_WARN("non-CUDA Projector2D passed");
- }
- CC.markNodeParsed("ProjectorId");
- // sinogram data
- node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("ProjectionDataId");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "CudaSirt2", "No ProjectionDataId tag specified.");
- int id = boost::lexical_cast<int>(node.getContent());
- m_pSinogram = dynamic_cast<CFloat32ProjectionData2D*>(CData2DManager::getSingleton().get(id));
- CC.markNodeParsed("ProjectionDataId");
- // reconstruction data
- node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("ReconstructionDataId");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "CudaSirt2", "No ReconstructionDataId tag specified.");
- id = boost::lexical_cast<int>(node.getContent());
- m_pReconstruction = dynamic_cast<CFloat32VolumeData2D*>(CData2DManager::getSingleton().get(id));
- CC.markNodeParsed("ReconstructionDataId");
- // fixed mask
- if (_cfg.self.hasOption("ReconstructionMaskId")) {
- m_bUseReconstructionMask = true;
- id = boost::lexical_cast<int>(_cfg.self.getOption("ReconstructionMaskId"));
- m_pReconstructionMask = dynamic_cast<CFloat32VolumeData2D*>(CData2DManager::getSingleton().get(id));
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstructionMask, "CudaReconstruction2D", "Invalid ReconstructionMaskId.");
- }
- CC.markOptionParsed("ReconstructionMaskId");
- // fixed mask
- if (_cfg.self.hasOption("SinogramMaskId")) {
- m_bUseSinogramMask = true;
- id = boost::lexical_cast<int>(_cfg.self.getOption("SinogramMaskId"));
- m_pSinogramMask = dynamic_cast<CFloat32ProjectionData2D*>(CData2DManager::getSingleton().get(id));
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pSinogramMask, "CudaReconstruction2D", "Invalid SinogramMaskId.");
- }
- CC.markOptionParsed("SinogramMaskId");
- // Constraints - NEW
- if (_cfg.self.hasOption("MinConstraint")) {
- m_bUseMinConstraint = true;
- m_fMinValue = _cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("MinConstraint", 0.0f);
- CC.markOptionParsed("MinConstraint");
- } else {
- // Constraint - OLD
- m_bUseMinConstraint = _cfg.self.getOptionBool("UseMinConstraint", false);
- CC.markOptionParsed("UseMinConstraint");
- if (m_bUseMinConstraint) {
- m_fMinValue = _cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("MinConstraintValue", 0.0f);
- CC.markOptionParsed("MinConstraintValue");
- }
- }
- if (_cfg.self.hasOption("MaxConstraint")) {
- m_bUseMaxConstraint = true;
- m_fMaxValue = _cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("MaxConstraint", 255.0f);
- CC.markOptionParsed("MaxConstraint");
} else {
- // Constraint - OLD
- m_bUseMaxConstraint = _cfg.self.getOptionBool("UseMaxConstraint", false);
- CC.markOptionParsed("UseMaxConstraint");
- if (m_bUseMaxConstraint) {
- m_fMaxValue = _cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("MaxConstraintValue", 0.0f);
- CC.markOptionParsed("MaxConstraintValue");
- }
- }
- // GPU number
- m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
- m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex);
- CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
- if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUindex"))
- CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
- // Supersampling factors
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
- m_iPixelSuperSampling = 1;
- if (pCudaProjector) {
- // New interface
m_iDetectorSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
m_iPixelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
+ m_iGPUIndex = pCudaProjector->getGPUIndex();
+// Initialize - Config
+bool CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(_cfg.self);
+ ConfigStackCheck<CAlgorithm> CC("CudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D", this, _cfg);
+ m_bIsInitialized = CReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_cfg);
+ if (!m_bIsInitialized)
+ return false;
+ initializeFromProjector();
// Deprecated options
m_iDetectorSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("DetectorSuperSampling", m_iDetectorSuperSampling);
m_iPixelSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("PixelSuperSampling", m_iPixelSuperSampling);
+ // GPU number
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
+ if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex"))
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
return _check();
@@ -199,32 +139,18 @@ bool CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector,
CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram,
CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction)
- return initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction, 0, 1);
-// Initialize - C++
-bool CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector,
- CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram,
- CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction,
- int _iGPUindex,
- int _iDetectorSuperSampling,
- int _iPixelSuperSampling)
// if already initialized, clear first
if (m_bIsInitialized) {
- m_pProjector = 0;
+ m_pProjector = _pProjector;
// required classes
m_pSinogram = _pSinogram;
m_pReconstruction = _pReconstruction;
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = _iDetectorSuperSampling;
- m_iPixelSuperSampling = _iPixelSuperSampling;
- m_iGPUIndex = _iGPUindex;
+ initializeFromProjector();
return _check();
@@ -234,40 +160,13 @@ bool CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector,
// Check
bool CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::_check()
- // check pointers
- //ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pProjector, "Reconstruction2D", "Invalid Projector Object.");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pSinogram, "SIRT_CUDA", "Invalid Projection Data Object.");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstruction, "SIRT_CUDA", "Invalid Reconstruction Data Object.");
- // check initializations
- //ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pProjector->isInitialized(), "Reconstruction2D", "Projector Object Not Initialized.");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pSinogram->isInitialized(), "SIRT_CUDA", "Projection Data Object Not Initialized.");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstruction->isInitialized(), "SIRT_CUDA", "Reconstruction Data Object Not Initialized.");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iDetectorSuperSampling >= 1, "SIRT_CUDA", "DetectorSuperSampling must be a positive integer.");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iPixelSuperSampling >= 1, "SIRT_CUDA", "PixelSuperSampling must be a positive integer.");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iGPUIndex >= -1, "SIRT_CUDA", "GPUIndex must be a non-negative integer.");
- // check compatibility between projector and data classes
-// ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pSinogram->getGeometry()->isEqual(m_pProjector->getProjectionGeometry()), "SIRT_CUDA", "Projection Data not compatible with the specified Projector.");
-// ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstruction->getGeometry()->isEqual(m_pProjector->getVolumeGeometry()), "SIRT_CUDA", "Reconstruction Data not compatible with the specified Projector.");
- // todo: turn some of these back on
+ if (!CReconstructionAlgorithm2D::_check())
+ return false;
-// ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pProjectionGeometry, "SIRT_CUDA", "ProjectionGeometry not specified.");
-// ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pProjectionGeometry->isInitialized(), "SIRT_CUDA", "ProjectionGeometry not initialized.");
-// ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstructionGeometry, "SIRT_CUDA", "ReconstructionGeometry not specified.");
-// ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstructionGeometry->isInitialized(), "SIRT_CUDA", "ReconstructionGeometry not initialized.");
+ ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iDetectorSuperSampling >= 1, "CudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D", "DetectorSuperSampling must be a positive integer.");
+ ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iPixelSuperSampling >= 1, "CudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D", "PixelSuperSampling must be a positive integer.");
+ ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iGPUIndex >= -1, "CudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D", "GPUIndex must be a non-negative integer or -1.");
- // check dimensions
- //ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pSinogram->getAngleCount() == m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngleCount(), "SIRT_CUDA", "Sinogram data object size mismatch.");
- //ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pSinogram->getDetectorCount() == m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), "SIRT_CUDA", "Sinogram data object size mismatch.");
- //ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstruction->getWidth() == m_pReconstructionGeometry->getGridColCount(), "SIRT_CUDA", "Reconstruction data object size mismatch.");
- //ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstruction->getHeight() == m_pReconstructionGeometry->getGridRowCount(), "SIRT_CUDA", "Reconstruction data object size mismatch.");
// check restrictions
// TODO: check restrictions built into cuda code
@@ -462,10 +361,18 @@ void CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::run(int _iNrIterations)
- if (m_bUseMinConstraint)
- ok &= m_pAlgo->setMinConstraint(m_fMinValue);
- if (m_bUseMaxConstraint)
- ok &= m_pAlgo->setMaxConstraint(m_fMaxValue);
+ if (m_bUseMinConstraint) {
+ bool ret = m_pAlgo->setMinConstraint(m_fMinValue);
+ if (!ret) {
+ ASTRA_WARN("This algorithm ignores MinConstraint");
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_bUseMaxConstraint) {
+ bool ret= m_pAlgo->setMaxConstraint(m_fMaxValue);
+ if (!ret) {
+ ASTRA_WARN("This algorithm ignores MaxConstraint");
+ }
+ }
ok &= m_pAlgo->iterate(_iNrIterations);
diff --git a/src/CudaSartAlgorithm.cpp b/src/CudaSartAlgorithm.cpp
index 8c0c6d7..d202847 100644
--- a/src/CudaSartAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaSartAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -116,10 +116,9 @@ bool CCudaSartAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
// Initialize - C++
bool CCudaSartAlgorithm::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector,
CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram,
- CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction,
- int _iGPUindex, int _iDetectorSuperSampling)
+ CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction)
- m_bIsInitialized = CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction, _iGPUindex, _iDetectorSuperSampling, 1);
+ m_bIsInitialized = CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction);
if (!m_bIsInitialized)
return false;
diff --git a/src/CudaSirtAlgorithm.cpp b/src/CudaSirtAlgorithm.cpp
index d424915..ab0a418 100644
--- a/src/CudaSirtAlgorithm.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaSirtAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -98,11 +98,9 @@ bool CCudaSirtAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
// Initialize - C++
bool CCudaSirtAlgorithm::initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector,
CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram,
- CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction,
- int _iGPUindex, int _iDetectorSuperSampling,
- int _iPixelSuperSampling)
+ CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction)
- m_bIsInitialized = CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction, _iGPUindex, _iDetectorSuperSampling, _iPixelSuperSampling);
+ m_bIsInitialized = CCudaReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(_pProjector, _pSinogram, _pReconstruction);
if (!m_bIsInitialized)
return false;
diff --git a/src/CudaSirtAlgorithm3D.cpp b/src/CudaSirtAlgorithm3D.cpp
index abbb9fd..1fa0da2 100644
--- a/src/CudaSirtAlgorithm3D.cpp
+++ b/src/CudaSirtAlgorithm3D.cpp
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ $Id$
#include "astra/ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D.h"
#include "astra/CudaProjector3D.h"
+#include "astra/Logging.h"
#include "../cuda/3d/astra3d.h"
using namespace std;
@@ -90,7 +92,27 @@ bool CCudaSirtAlgorithm3D::_check()
return true;
+void CCudaSirtAlgorithm3D::initializeFromProjector()
+ m_iVoxelSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
+ m_iGPUIndex = -1;
+ CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(m_pProjector);
+ if (!pCudaProjector) {
+ if (m_pProjector) {
+ ASTRA_WARN("non-CUDA Projector3D passed to SIRT3D_CUDA");
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_iVoxelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
+ m_iDetectorSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
+ m_iGPUIndex = pCudaProjector->getGPUIndex();
+ }
// Initialize - Config
bool CCudaSirtAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
@@ -108,28 +130,20 @@ bool CCudaSirtAlgorithm3D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
return false;
- CCudaProjector3D* pCudaProjector = 0;
- pCudaProjector = dynamic_cast<CCudaProjector3D*>(m_pProjector);
- if (!pCudaProjector) {
- // TODO: Report
- }
+ initializeFromProjector();
- m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", -1);
- CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
- m_iVoxelSuperSampling = 1;
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = 1;
- if (pCudaProjector) {
- // New interface
- m_iVoxelSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getVoxelSuperSampling();
- m_iDetectorSuperSampling = pCudaProjector->getDetectorSuperSampling();
- }
// Deprecated options
m_iVoxelSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("VoxelSuperSampling", m_iVoxelSuperSampling);
m_iDetectorSuperSampling = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("DetectorSuperSampling", m_iDetectorSuperSampling);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUindex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ m_iGPUIndex = (int)_cfg.self.getOptionNumerical("GPUIndex", m_iGPUIndex);
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUIndex");
+ if (!_cfg.self.hasOption("GPUIndex"))
+ CC.markOptionParsed("GPUindex");
m_pSirt = new AstraSIRT3d();
@@ -189,10 +203,6 @@ void CCudaSirtAlgorithm3D::run(int _iNrIterations)
const CProjectionGeometry3D* projgeom = m_pSinogram->getGeometry();
- const CConeProjectionGeometry3D* conegeom = dynamic_cast<const CConeProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D* par3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D* parvec3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
- const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D* conevec3dgeom = dynamic_cast<const CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D*>(projgeom);
const CVolumeGeometry3D& volgeom = *m_pReconstruction->getGeometry();
bool ok = true;
@@ -201,39 +211,7 @@ void CCudaSirtAlgorithm3D::run(int _iNrIterations)
ok &= m_pSirt->setGPUIndex(m_iGPUIndex);
- ok &= m_pSirt->setReconstructionGeometry(volgeom.getGridColCount(),
- volgeom.getGridRowCount(),
- volgeom.getGridSliceCount());
- if (conegeom) {
- ok &= m_pSirt->setConeGeometry(conegeom->getProjectionCount(),
- conegeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- conegeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- conegeom->getOriginSourceDistance(),
- conegeom->getOriginDetectorDistance(),
- conegeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
- conegeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
- conegeom->getProjectionAngles());
- } else if (par3dgeom) {
- ok &= m_pSirt->setPar3DGeometry(par3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorSpacingX(),
- par3dgeom->getDetectorSpacingY(),
- par3dgeom->getProjectionAngles());
- } else if (parvec3dgeom) {
- ok &= m_pSirt->setPar3DGeometry(parvec3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- parvec3dgeom->getProjectionVectors());
- } else if (conevec3dgeom) {
- ok &= m_pSirt->setConeGeometry(conevec3dgeom->getProjectionCount(),
- conevec3dgeom->getDetectorColCount(),
- conevec3dgeom->getDetectorRowCount(),
- conevec3dgeom->getProjectionVectors());
- } else {
- ASTRA_ASSERT(false);
- }
+ ok &= m_pSirt->setGeometry(&volgeom, projgeom);
ok &= m_pSirt->enableSuperSampling(m_iVoxelSuperSampling, m_iDetectorSuperSampling);
diff --git a/src/Float32ProjectionData3D.cpp b/src/Float32ProjectionData3D.cpp
index 2bd0447..680ad55 100644
--- a/src/Float32ProjectionData3D.cpp
+++ b/src/Float32ProjectionData3D.cpp
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ CFloat32ProjectionData3D& CFloat32ProjectionData3D::operator+=(const CFloat32Pro
CProjectionGeometry3D * pThisGeometry = getGeometry();
int iProjectionCount = pThisGeometry->getProjectionCount();
+ int iDetectorCount = pThisGeometry->getDetectorTotCount();
#ifdef _DEBUG
CProjectionGeometry3D * pDataGeometry = _data.getGeometry();
- int iThisProjectionDetectorCount = pThisGeometry->getDetectorRowCount() * pThisGeometry->getDetectorColCount();
- int iDataProjectionDetectorCount = pDataGeometry->getDetectorRowCount() * pDataGeometry->getDetectorColCount();
+ int iDataProjectionDetectorCount = pDataGeometry->getDetectorTotCount();
ASTRA_ASSERT(iProjectionCount == pDataGeometry->getProjectionCount());
- ASTRA_ASSERT(iThisProjectionDetectorCount == iDataProjectionDetectorCount);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iDetectorCount == iDataProjectionDetectorCount);
for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ CFloat32ProjectionData3D& CFloat32ProjectionData3D::operator+=(const CFloat32Pro
CFloat32VolumeData2D * pThisProjection = fetchProjection(iProjectionIndex);
CFloat32VolumeData2D * pDataProjection = _data.fetchProjection(iProjectionIndex);
- for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorIndex; iDetectorIndex++)
+ for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorCount; iDetectorIndex++)
float32 fThisValue = pThisProjection->getData()[iDetectorIndex];
float32 fDataValue = pDataProjection->getDataConst()[iDetectorIndex];
@@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ CFloat32ProjectionData3D& CFloat32ProjectionData3D::operator-=(const CFloat32Pro
CProjectionGeometry3D * pThisGeometry = getGeometry();
int iProjectionCount = pThisGeometry->getProjectionCount();
+ int iDetectorCount = pThisGeometry->getDetectorTotCount();
#ifdef _DEBUG
CProjectionGeometry3D * pDataGeometry = _data.getGeometry();
- int iThisProjectionDetectorCount = pThisGeometry->getDetectorRowCount() * pThisGeometry->getDetectorColCount();
- int iDataProjectionDetectorCount = pDataGeometry->getDetectorRowCount() * pDataGeometry->getDetectorColCount();
+ int iDataProjectionDetectorCount = pDataGeometry->getDetectorTotCount();
ASTRA_ASSERT(iProjectionCount == pDataGeometry->getProjectionCount());
- ASTRA_ASSERT(iThisProjectionDetectorCount == iDataProjectionDetectorCount);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iDetectorCount == iDataProjectionDetectorCount);
for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ CFloat32ProjectionData3D& CFloat32ProjectionData3D::operator-=(const CFloat32Pro
CFloat32VolumeData2D * pThisProjection = fetchProjection(iProjectionIndex);
CFloat32VolumeData2D * pDataProjection = _data.fetchProjection(iProjectionIndex);
- for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorIndex; iDetectorIndex++)
+ for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorCount; iDetectorIndex++)
float32 fThisValue = pThisProjection->getData()[iDetectorIndex];
float32 fDataValue = pDataProjection->getDataConst()[iDetectorIndex];
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ CFloat32ProjectionData3D& CFloat32ProjectionData3D::operator*=(const CFloat32Pro
CProjectionGeometry3D * pThisGeometry = getGeometry();
int iProjectionCount = pThisGeometry->getProjectionCount();
+ int iDetectorCount = pThisGeometry->getDetectorTotCount();
#ifdef _DEBUG
CProjectionGeometry3D * pDataGeometry = _data.getGeometry();
- int iThisProjectionDetectorCount = pThisGeometry->getDetectorRowCount() * pThisGeometry->getDetectorColCount();
- int iDataProjectionDetectorCount = pDataGeometry->getDetectorRowCount() * pDataGeometry->getDetectorColCount();
+ int iDataProjectionDetectorCount = pDataGeometry->getDetectorTotCount();
ASTRA_ASSERT(iProjectionCount == pDataGeometry->getProjectionCount());
- ASTRA_ASSERT(iThisProjectionDetectorCount == iDataProjectionDetectorCount);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iDetectorCount == iDataProjectionDetectorCount);
for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ CFloat32ProjectionData3D& CFloat32ProjectionData3D::operator*=(const CFloat32Pro
CFloat32VolumeData2D * pThisProjection = fetchProjection(iProjectionIndex);
CFloat32VolumeData2D * pDataProjection = _data.fetchProjection(iProjectionIndex);
- for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorIndex; iDetectorIndex++)
+ for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorCount; iDetectorIndex++)
float32 fThisValue = pThisProjection->getData()[iDetectorIndex];
float32 fDataValue = pDataProjection->getDataConst()[iDetectorIndex];
@@ -167,12 +167,13 @@ CFloat32ProjectionData3D& CFloat32ProjectionData3D::operator*=(const float32& _f
CProjectionGeometry3D * pThisGeometry = getGeometry();
int iProjectionCount = pThisGeometry->getProjectionCount();
+ int iDetectorCount = pThisGeometry->getDetectorTotCount();
for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
CFloat32VolumeData2D * pThisProjection = fetchProjection(iProjectionIndex);
- for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorIndex; iDetectorIndex++)
+ for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorCount; iDetectorIndex++)
float32 fThisValue = pThisProjection->getData()[iDetectorIndex];
@@ -194,12 +195,13 @@ CFloat32ProjectionData3D& CFloat32ProjectionData3D::operator/=(const float32& _f
CProjectionGeometry3D * pThisGeometry = getGeometry();
int iProjectionCount = pThisGeometry->getProjectionCount();
+ int iDetectorCount = pThisGeometry->getDetectorTotCount();
for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
CFloat32VolumeData2D * pThisProjection = fetchProjection(iProjectionIndex);
- for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorIndex; iDetectorIndex++)
+ for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorCount; iDetectorIndex++)
float32 fThisValue = pThisProjection->getData()[iDetectorIndex];
@@ -221,12 +223,13 @@ CFloat32ProjectionData3D& CFloat32ProjectionData3D::operator+=(const float32& _f
CProjectionGeometry3D * pThisGeometry = getGeometry();
int iProjectionCount = pThisGeometry->getProjectionCount();
+ int iDetectorCount = pThisGeometry->getDetectorTotCount();
for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
CFloat32VolumeData2D * pThisProjection = fetchProjection(iProjectionIndex);
- for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorIndex; iDetectorIndex++)
+ for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorCount; iDetectorIndex++)
float32 fThisValue = pThisProjection->getData()[iDetectorIndex];
@@ -248,12 +251,13 @@ CFloat32ProjectionData3D& CFloat32ProjectionData3D::operator-=(const float32& _f
CProjectionGeometry3D * pThisGeometry = getGeometry();
int iProjectionCount = pThisGeometry->getProjectionCount();
+ int iDetectorCount = pThisGeometry->getDetectorTotCount();
for(int iProjectionIndex = 0; iProjectionIndex < iProjectionCount; iProjectionIndex++)
CFloat32VolumeData2D * pThisProjection = fetchProjection(iProjectionIndex);
- for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorIndex; iDetectorIndex++)
+ for(int iDetectorIndex = 0; iDetectorIndex < iDetectorCount; iDetectorIndex++)
float32 fThisValue = pThisProjection->getData()[iDetectorIndex];
diff --git a/src/GeometryUtil3D.cpp b/src/GeometryUtil3D.cpp
index 52dd5a9..c6bfd8b 100644
--- a/src/GeometryUtil3D.cpp
+++ b/src/GeometryUtil3D.cpp
@@ -28,8 +28,96 @@ $Id$
#include "astra/GeometryUtil3D.h"
+#include <cmath>
namespace astra {
+SConeProjection* genConeProjections(unsigned int iProjAngles,
+ unsigned int iProjU,
+ unsigned int iProjV,
+ double fOriginSourceDistance,
+ double fOriginDetectorDistance,
+ double fDetUSize,
+ double fDetVSize,
+ const float *pfAngles)
+ SConeProjection base;
+ base.fSrcX = 0.0f;
+ base.fSrcY = -fOriginSourceDistance;
+ base.fSrcZ = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetSX = iProjU * fDetUSize * -0.5f;
+ base.fDetSY = fOriginDetectorDistance;
+ base.fDetSZ = iProjV * fDetVSize * -0.5f;
+ base.fDetUX = fDetUSize;
+ base.fDetUY = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetUZ = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetVX = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetVY = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetVZ = fDetVSize;
+ SConeProjection* p = new SConeProjection[iProjAngles];
+#define ROTATE0(name,i,alpha) do { p[i].f##name##X = base.f##name##X * cos(alpha) - base.f##name##Y * sin(alpha); p[i].f##name##Y = base.f##name##X * sin(alpha) + base.f##name##Y * cos(alpha); p[i].f##name##Z = base.f##name##Z; } while(0)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iProjAngles; ++i) {
+ ROTATE0(Src, i, pfAngles[i]);
+ ROTATE0(DetS, i, pfAngles[i]);
+ ROTATE0(DetU, i, pfAngles[i]);
+ ROTATE0(DetV, i, pfAngles[i]);
+ }
+#undef ROTATE0
+ return p;
+SPar3DProjection* genPar3DProjections(unsigned int iProjAngles,
+ unsigned int iProjU,
+ unsigned int iProjV,
+ double fDetUSize,
+ double fDetVSize,
+ const float *pfAngles)
+ SPar3DProjection base;
+ base.fRayX = 0.0f;
+ base.fRayY = 1.0f;
+ base.fRayZ = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetSX = iProjU * fDetUSize * -0.5f;
+ base.fDetSY = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetSZ = iProjV * fDetVSize * -0.5f;
+ base.fDetUX = fDetUSize;
+ base.fDetUY = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetUZ = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetVX = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetVY = 0.0f;
+ base.fDetVZ = fDetVSize;
+ SPar3DProjection* p = new SPar3DProjection[iProjAngles];
+#define ROTATE0(name,i,alpha) do { p[i].f##name##X = base.f##name##X * cos(alpha) - base.f##name##Y * sin(alpha); p[i].f##name##Y = base.f##name##X * sin(alpha) + base.f##name##Y * cos(alpha); p[i].f##name##Z = base.f##name##Z; } while(0)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iProjAngles; ++i) {
+ ROTATE0(Ray, i, pfAngles[i]);
+ ROTATE0(DetS, i, pfAngles[i]);
+ ROTATE0(DetU, i, pfAngles[i]);
+ ROTATE0(DetV, i, pfAngles[i]);
+ }
+#undef ROTATE0
+ return p;
// (See declaration in header for (mathematical) description of these functions)
@@ -72,4 +160,88 @@ void computeBP_UV_Coeffs(const SConeProjection& proj, double &fUX, double &fUY,
+// TODO: Handle cases of rays parallel to coordinate planes
+void backprojectPointX(const SPar3DProjection& proj, double fU, double fV,
+ double fX, double &fY, double &fZ)
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fX - px) / proj.fRayX;
+ fY = py + a * proj.fRayY;
+ fZ = pz + a * proj.fRayZ;
+void backprojectPointY(const SPar3DProjection& proj, double fU, double fV,
+ double fY, double &fX, double &fZ)
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fY - py) / proj.fRayY;
+ fX = px + a * proj.fRayX;
+ fZ = pz + a * proj.fRayZ;
+void backprojectPointZ(const SPar3DProjection& proj, double fU, double fV,
+ double fZ, double &fX, double &fY)
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fZ - pz) / proj.fRayZ;
+ fX = px + a * proj.fRayX;
+ fY = py + a * proj.fRayY;
+void backprojectPointX(const SConeProjection& proj, double fU, double fV,
+ double fX, double &fY, double &fZ)
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fX - proj.fSrcX) / (px - proj.fSrcX);
+ fY = proj.fSrcY + a * (py - proj.fSrcY);
+ fZ = proj.fSrcZ + a * (pz - proj.fSrcZ);
+void backprojectPointY(const SConeProjection& proj, double fU, double fV,
+ double fY, double &fX, double &fZ)
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fY - proj.fSrcY) / (py - proj.fSrcY);
+ fX = proj.fSrcX + a * (px - proj.fSrcX);
+ fZ = proj.fSrcZ + a * (pz - proj.fSrcZ);
+void backprojectPointZ(const SConeProjection& proj, double fU, double fV,
+ double fZ, double &fX, double &fY)
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fZ - proj.fSrcZ) / (pz - proj.fSrcZ);
+ fX = proj.fSrcX + a * (px - proj.fSrcX);
+ fY = proj.fSrcY + a * (py - proj.fSrcY);
diff --git a/src/Globals.cpp b/src/Globals.cpp
index 813f9c9..904a459 100644
--- a/src/Globals.cpp
+++ b/src/Globals.cpp
@@ -28,5 +28,8 @@ $Id$
#include "astra/Globals.h"
+namespace astra{
+ bool running_in_matlab=false;
// nothing to see here :)
diff --git a/src/Logging.cpp b/src/Logging.cpp
index 8290ca0..cd7e3f0 100644
--- a/src/Logging.cpp
+++ b/src/Logging.cpp
@@ -70,37 +70,65 @@ void CLogger::disable()
void CLogger::debug(const char *sfile, int sline, const char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- if(m_bEnabledScreen) clog_debug(sfile,sline,0,fmt,ap);
- if(m_bEnabledFile && m_bFileProvided) clog_debug(sfile,sline,1,fmt,ap);
+ va_list ap, apf;
+ if(m_bEnabledScreen){
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ clog_debug(sfile,sline,0,fmt,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ }
+ if(m_bEnabledFile && m_bFileProvided){
+ va_start(apf, fmt);
+ clog_debug(sfile,sline,1,fmt,apf);
+ va_end(apf);
+ }
void CLogger::info(const char *sfile, int sline, const char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- if(m_bEnabledScreen) clog_info(sfile,sline,0,fmt,ap);
- if(m_bEnabledFile && m_bFileProvided) clog_info(sfile,sline,1,fmt,ap);
+ va_list ap, apf;
+ if(m_bEnabledScreen){
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ clog_info(sfile,sline,0,fmt,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ }
+ if(m_bEnabledFile && m_bFileProvided){
+ va_start(apf, fmt);
+ clog_info(sfile,sline,1,fmt,apf);
+ va_end(apf);
+ }
void CLogger::warn(const char *sfile, int sline, const char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- if(m_bEnabledScreen) clog_warn(sfile,sline,0,fmt,ap);
- if(m_bEnabledFile && m_bFileProvided) clog_warn(sfile,sline,1,fmt,ap);
+ va_list ap, apf;
+ if(m_bEnabledScreen){
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ clog_warn(sfile,sline,0,fmt,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ }
+ if(m_bEnabledFile && m_bFileProvided){
+ va_start(apf, fmt);
+ clog_warn(sfile,sline,1,fmt,apf);
+ va_end(apf);
+ }
void CLogger::error(const char *sfile, int sline, const char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- if(m_bEnabledScreen) clog_error(sfile,sline,0,fmt,ap);
- if(m_bEnabledFile && m_bFileProvided) clog_error(sfile,sline,1,fmt,ap);
+ va_list ap, apf;
+ if(m_bEnabledScreen){
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ clog_error(sfile,sline,0,fmt,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ }
+ if(m_bEnabledFile && m_bFileProvided){
+ va_start(apf, fmt);
+ clog_error(sfile,sline,1,fmt,apf);
+ va_end(apf);
+ }
void CLogger::_setLevel(int id, log_level m_eLevel)
diff --git a/src/ParallelProjectionGeometry3D.cpp b/src/ParallelProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
index 1c87157..7b64fd9 100644
--- a/src/ParallelProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
+++ b/src/ParallelProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
@@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ $Id$
#include "astra/ParallelProjectionGeometry3D.h"
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include "astra/GeometryUtil3D.h"
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
@@ -185,9 +187,9 @@ CVector3D CParallelProjectionGeometry3D::getProjectionDirection(int _iProjection
return CVector3D(fDirX, fDirY, fDirZ);
-void CParallelProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(float32 fX, float32 fY, float32 fZ,
+void CParallelProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(double fX, double fY, double fZ,
int iAngleIndex,
- float32 &fU, float32 &fV) const
+ double &fU, double &fV) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
@@ -214,6 +216,79 @@ CParallelProjectionGeometry2D * CParallelProjectionGeometry3D::createProjectionG
return pOutput;
+void CParallelProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointX(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fX, double &fY, double &fZ) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SPar3DProjection *projs = genPar3DProjections(1, m_iDetectorColCount, m_iDetectorRowCount,
+ m_fDetectorSpacingX, m_fDetectorSpacingY,
+ &m_pfProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex]);
+ SPar3DProjection &proj = projs[0];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fX - px) / proj.fRayX;
+ fY = py + a * proj.fRayY;
+ fZ = pz + a * proj.fRayZ;
+ delete[] projs;
+void CParallelProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointY(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fY, double &fX, double &fZ) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SPar3DProjection *projs = genPar3DProjections(1, m_iDetectorColCount, m_iDetectorRowCount,
+ m_fDetectorSpacingX, m_fDetectorSpacingY,
+ &m_pfProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex]);
+ SPar3DProjection &proj = projs[0];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fY - py) / proj.fRayY;
+ fX = px + a * proj.fRayX;
+ fZ = pz + a * proj.fRayZ;
+ delete[] projs;
+void CParallelProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointZ(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fZ, double &fX, double &fY) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SPar3DProjection *projs = genPar3DProjections(1, m_iDetectorColCount, m_iDetectorRowCount,
+ m_fDetectorSpacingX, m_fDetectorSpacingY,
+ &m_pfProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex]);
+ SPar3DProjection &proj = projs[0];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fZ - pz) / proj.fRayZ;
+ fX = px + a * proj.fRayX;
+ fY = py + a * proj.fRayY;
+ delete[] projs;
} // end namespace astra
diff --git a/src/ParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D.cpp b/src/ParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
index ffad6d0..d04400b 100644
--- a/src/ParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
+++ b/src/ParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D.cpp
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ CVector3D CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D::getProjectionDirection(int _iProject
return CVector3D(p.fRayX, p.fRayY, p.fRayZ);
-void CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(float32 fX, float32 fY, float32 fZ,
- int iAngleIndex,
- float32 &fU, float32 &fV) const
+void CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(double fX, double fY, double fZ,
+ int iAngleIndex,
+ double &fU, double &fV) const
ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
@@ -258,6 +258,61 @@ void CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D::projectPoint(float32 fX, float32 fY, floa
+void CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointX(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fX, double &fY, double &fZ) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SPar3DProjection &proj = m_pProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fX - px) / proj.fRayX;
+ fY = py + a * proj.fRayY;
+ fZ = pz + a * proj.fRayZ;
+void CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointY(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fY, double &fX, double &fZ) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SPar3DProjection &proj = m_pProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fY - py) / proj.fRayY;
+ fX = px + a * proj.fRayX;
+ fZ = pz + a * proj.fRayZ;
+void CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D::backprojectPointZ(int iAngleIndex, double fU, double fV,
+ double fZ, double &fX, double &fY) const
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex >= 0);
+ ASTRA_ASSERT(iAngleIndex < m_iProjectionAngleCount);
+ SPar3DProjection &proj = m_pProjectionAngles[iAngleIndex];
+ double px = proj.fDetSX + fU * proj.fDetUX + fV * proj.fDetVX;
+ double py = proj.fDetSY + fU * proj.fDetUY + fV * proj.fDetVY;
+ double pz = proj.fDetSZ + fU * proj.fDetUZ + fV * proj.fDetVZ;
+ double a = (fZ - pz) / proj.fRayZ;
+ fX = px + a * proj.fRayX;
+ fY = py + a * proj.fRayY;
bool CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D::_check()
diff --git a/src/PluginAlgorithm.cpp b/src/PluginAlgorithm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f7dfc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PluginAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+Copyright: 2010-2015, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp
+ 2014-2015, CWI, Amsterdam
+This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox.
+The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <>.
+#include "astra/PluginAlgorithm.h"
+#include "astra/Logging.h"
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <Python.h>
+#include "bytesobject.h"
+namespace astra {
+void logPythonError(){
+ if(PyErr_Occurred()){
+ PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptraceback;
+ PyErr_Fetch(&ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback);
+ PyErr_NormalizeException(&ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback);
+ PyObject *traceback = PyImport_ImportModule("traceback");
+ if(traceback!=NULL){
+ PyObject *exc;
+ if(ptraceback==NULL){
+ exc = PyObject_CallMethod(traceback,"format_exception_only","OO",ptype, pvalue);
+ }else{
+ exc = PyObject_CallMethod(traceback,"format_exception","OOO",ptype, pvalue, ptraceback);
+ }
+ if(exc!=NULL){
+ PyObject *six = PyImport_ImportModule("six");
+ if(six!=NULL){
+ PyObject *iter = PyObject_GetIter(exc);
+ if(iter!=NULL){
+ PyObject *line;
+ std::string errStr = "";
+ while(line = PyIter_Next(iter)){
+ PyObject *retb = PyObject_CallMethod(six,"b","O",line);
+ if(retb!=NULL){
+ errStr += std::string(PyBytes_AsString(retb));
+ Py_DECREF(retb);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(line);
+ }
+ ASTRA_ERROR("%s",errStr.c_str());
+ Py_DECREF(iter);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(six);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(exc);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(traceback);
+ }
+ if(ptype!=NULL) Py_DECREF(ptype);
+ if(pvalue!=NULL) Py_DECREF(pvalue);
+ if(ptraceback!=NULL) Py_DECREF(ptraceback);
+ }
+CPluginAlgorithm::CPluginAlgorithm(PyObject* pyclass){
+ instance = PyObject_CallObject(pyclass, NULL);
+ if(instance==NULL) logPythonError();
+ if(instance!=NULL){
+ Py_DECREF(instance);
+ instance = NULL;
+ }
+bool CPluginAlgorithm::initialize(const Config& _cfg){
+ if(instance==NULL) return false;
+ PyObject *cfgDict = XMLNode2dict(_cfg.self);
+ PyObject *retVal = PyObject_CallMethod(instance, "astra_init", "O",cfgDict);
+ Py_DECREF(cfgDict);
+ if(retVal==NULL){
+ logPythonError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_bIsInitialized = true;
+ Py_DECREF(retVal);
+ return m_bIsInitialized;
+void CPluginAlgorithm::run(int _iNrIterations){
+ if(instance==NULL) return;
+ PyGILState_STATE state = PyGILState_Ensure();
+ PyObject *retVal = PyObject_CallMethod(instance, "run", "i",_iNrIterations);
+ if(retVal==NULL){
+ logPythonError();
+ }else{
+ Py_DECREF(retVal);
+ }
+ PyGILState_Release(state);
+void fixLapackLoading(){
+ // When running in Matlab, we need to force numpy
+ // to use its internal lapack library instead of
+ // Matlab's MKL library to avoid errors. To do this,
+ // we set Python's dlopen flags to RTLD_NOW|RTLD_DEEPBIND
+ // and import 'numpy.linalg.lapack_lite' here. We reset
+ // Python's dlopen flags afterwards.
+ PyObject *sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
+ if(sys!=NULL){
+ PyObject *curFlags = PyObject_CallMethod(sys,"getdlopenflags",NULL);
+ if(curFlags!=NULL){
+ PyObject *retVal = PyObject_CallMethod(sys, "setdlopenflags", "i",10);
+ if(retVal!=NULL){
+ PyObject *lapack = PyImport_ImportModule("numpy.linalg.lapack_lite");
+ if(lapack!=NULL){
+ Py_DECREF(lapack);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(sys, "setdlopenflags", "O",curFlags);
+ Py_DECREF(retVal);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(curFlags);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(sys);
+ }
+ if(!Py_IsInitialized()){
+ Py_Initialize();
+ PyEval_InitThreads();
+ }
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+ if(astra::running_in_matlab) fixLapackLoading();
+ pluginDict = PyDict_New();
+ inspect = PyImport_ImportModule("inspect");
+ six = PyImport_ImportModule("six");
+ if(pluginDict!=NULL){
+ Py_DECREF(pluginDict);
+ }
+ if(inspect!=NULL) Py_DECREF(inspect);
+ if(six!=NULL) Py_DECREF(six);
+PyObject * getClassFromString(std::string str){
+ std::vector<std::string> items;
+ boost::split(items, str, boost::is_any_of("."));
+ PyObject *pyclass = PyImport_ImportModule(items[0].c_str());
+ if(pyclass==NULL){
+ logPythonError();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ PyObject *submod = pyclass;
+ for(unsigned int i=1;i<items.size();i++){
+ submod = PyObject_GetAttrString(submod,items[i].c_str());
+ Py_DECREF(pyclass);
+ pyclass = submod;
+ if(pyclass==NULL){
+ logPythonError();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return pyclass;
+bool CPluginAlgorithmFactory::registerPlugin(std::string name, std::string className){
+ PyObject *str = PyBytes_FromString(className.c_str());
+ PyDict_SetItemString(pluginDict, name.c_str(), str);
+ Py_DECREF(str);
+ return true;
+bool CPluginAlgorithmFactory::registerPlugin(std::string className){
+ PyObject *pyclass = getClassFromString(className);
+ if(pyclass==NULL) return false;
+ bool ret = registerPluginClass(pyclass);
+ Py_DECREF(pyclass);
+ return ret;
+bool CPluginAlgorithmFactory::registerPluginClass(std::string name, PyObject * className){
+ PyDict_SetItemString(pluginDict, name.c_str(), className);
+ return true;
+bool CPluginAlgorithmFactory::registerPluginClass(PyObject * className){
+ PyObject *astra_name = PyObject_GetAttrString(className,"astra_name");
+ if(astra_name==NULL){
+ logPythonError();
+ return false;
+ }
+ PyObject *retb = PyObject_CallMethod(six,"b","O",astra_name);
+ if(retb!=NULL){
+ PyDict_SetItemString(pluginDict,PyBytes_AsString(retb),className);
+ Py_DECREF(retb);
+ }else{
+ logPythonError();
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(astra_name);
+ return true;
+CPluginAlgorithm * CPluginAlgorithmFactory::getPlugin(std::string name){
+ PyObject *className = PyDict_GetItemString(pluginDict, name.c_str());
+ if(className==NULL) return NULL;
+ CPluginAlgorithm *alg = NULL;
+ if(PyBytes_Check(className)){
+ std::string str = std::string(PyBytes_AsString(className));
+ PyObject *pyclass = getClassFromString(str);
+ if(pyclass!=NULL){
+ alg = new CPluginAlgorithm(pyclass);
+ Py_DECREF(pyclass);
+ }
+ }else{
+ alg = new CPluginAlgorithm(className);
+ }
+ return alg;
+PyObject * CPluginAlgorithmFactory::getRegistered(){
+ Py_INCREF(pluginDict);
+ return pluginDict;
+std::map<std::string, std::string> CPluginAlgorithmFactory::getRegisteredMap(){
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> ret;
+ PyObject *key, *value;
+ Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
+ while (PyDict_Next(pluginDict, &pos, &key, &value)) {
+ PyObject *keystr = PyObject_Str(key);
+ if(keystr!=NULL){
+ PyObject *valstr = PyObject_Str(value);
+ if(valstr!=NULL){
+ PyObject * keyb = PyObject_CallMethod(six,"b","O",keystr);
+ if(keyb!=NULL){
+ PyObject * valb = PyObject_CallMethod(six,"b","O",valstr);
+ if(valb!=NULL){
+ ret[PyBytes_AsString(keyb)] = PyBytes_AsString(valb);
+ Py_DECREF(valb);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(keyb);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(valstr);
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(keystr);
+ }
+ logPythonError();
+ }
+ return ret;
+std::string CPluginAlgorithmFactory::getHelp(std::string name){
+ PyObject *className = PyDict_GetItemString(pluginDict, name.c_str());
+ if(className==NULL){
+ ASTRA_ERROR("Plugin %s not found!",name.c_str());
+ PyErr_Clear();
+ return "";
+ }
+ std::string ret = "";
+ PyObject *pyclass;
+ if(PyBytes_Check(className)){
+ std::string str = std::string(PyBytes_AsString(className));
+ pyclass = getClassFromString(str);
+ }else{
+ pyclass = className;
+ }
+ if(pyclass==NULL) return "";
+ if(inspect!=NULL && six!=NULL){
+ PyObject *retVal = PyObject_CallMethod(inspect,"getdoc","O",pyclass);
+ if(retVal!=NULL){
+ if(retVal!=Py_None){
+ PyObject *retb = PyObject_CallMethod(six,"b","O",retVal);
+ if(retb!=NULL){
+ ret = std::string(PyBytes_AsString(retb));
+ Py_DECREF(retb);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_DECREF(retVal);
+ }else{
+ logPythonError();
+ }
+ }
+ if(PyBytes_Check(className)){
+ Py_DECREF(pyclass);
+ }
+ return ret;
+PyObject * pyStringFromString(std::string str){
+ return PyUnicode_FromString(str.c_str());
+PyObject * pyStringFromString(std::string str){
+ return PyBytes_FromString(str.c_str());
+PyObject* stringToPythonValue(std::string str){
+ if(str.find(";")!=std::string::npos){
+ std::vector<std::string> rows, row;
+ boost::split(rows, str, boost::is_any_of(";"));
+ PyObject *mat = PyList_New(rows.size());
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<rows.size(); i++){
+ boost::split(row, rows[i], boost::is_any_of(","));
+ PyObject *rowlist = PyList_New(row.size());
+ for(unsigned int j=0;j<row.size();j++){
+ PyList_SetItem(rowlist, j, PyFloat_FromDouble(boost::lexical_cast<double>(row[j])));
+ }
+ PyList_SetItem(mat, i, rowlist);
+ }
+ return mat;
+ }
+ if(str.find(",")!=std::string::npos){
+ std::vector<std::string> vec;
+ boost::split(vec, str, boost::is_any_of(","));
+ PyObject *veclist = PyList_New(vec.size());
+ for(unsigned int i=0;i<vec.size();i++){
+ PyList_SetItem(veclist, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(boost::lexical_cast<double>(vec[i])));
+ }
+ return veclist;
+ }
+ try{
+ return PyLong_FromLong(boost::lexical_cast<long>(str));
+ }catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast &){
+ try{
+ return PyFloat_FromDouble(boost::lexical_cast<double>(str));
+ }catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast &){
+ return pyStringFromString(str);
+ }
+ }
+PyObject* XMLNode2dict(XMLNode node){
+ PyObject *dct = PyDict_New();
+ PyObject *opts = PyDict_New();
+ if(node.hasAttribute("type")){
+ PyObject *obj = pyStringFromString(node.getAttribute("type").c_str());
+ PyDict_SetItemString(dct, "type", obj);
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+ }
+ std::list<XMLNode> nodes = node.getNodes();
+ std::list<XMLNode>::iterator it = nodes.begin();
+ while(it!=nodes.end()){
+ XMLNode subnode = *it;
+ if(subnode.getName()=="Option"){
+ PyObject *obj;
+ if(subnode.hasAttribute("value")){
+ obj = stringToPythonValue(subnode.getAttribute("value"));
+ }else{
+ obj = stringToPythonValue(subnode.getContent());
+ }
+ PyDict_SetItemString(opts, subnode.getAttribute("key").c_str(), obj);
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+ }else{
+ PyObject *obj = stringToPythonValue(subnode.getContent());
+ PyDict_SetItemString(dct, subnode.getName().c_str(), obj);
+ Py_DECREF(obj);
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ PyDict_SetItemString(dct, "options", opts);
+ Py_DECREF(opts);
+ return dct;
diff --git a/src/ReconstructionAlgorithm2D.cpp b/src/ReconstructionAlgorithm2D.cpp
index 767efe6..4575ff7 100644
--- a/src/ReconstructionAlgorithm2D.cpp
+++ b/src/ReconstructionAlgorithm2D.cpp
@@ -85,9 +85,16 @@ bool CReconstructionAlgorithm2D::initialize(const Config& _cfg)
// projector
XMLNode node = _cfg.self.getSingleNode("ProjectorId");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "Reconstruction2D", "No ProjectorId tag specified.");
- int id = boost::lexical_cast<int>(node.getContent());
- m_pProjector = CProjector2DManager::getSingleton().get(id);
+ if (requiresProjector()) {
+ ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(node, "Reconstruction2D", "No ProjectorId tag specified.");
+ }
+ int id;
+ if (node) {
+ id = boost::lexical_cast<int>(node.getContent());
+ m_pProjector = CProjector2DManager::getSingleton().get(id);
+ } else {
+ m_pProjector = 0;
+ }
// sinogram data
@@ -205,18 +212,22 @@ void CReconstructionAlgorithm2D::setSinogramMask(CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pMas
bool CReconstructionAlgorithm2D::_check()
// check pointers
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pProjector, "Reconstruction2D", "Invalid Projector Object.");
+ if (requiresProjector())
+ ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pProjector, "Reconstruction2D", "Invalid Projector Object.");
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pSinogram, "Reconstruction2D", "Invalid Projection Data Object.");
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstruction, "Reconstruction2D", "Invalid Reconstruction Data Object.");
// check initializations
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pProjector->isInitialized(), "Reconstruction2D", "Projector Object Not Initialized.");
+ if (requiresProjector())
+ ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pProjector->isInitialized(), "Reconstruction2D", "Projector Object Not Initialized.");
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pSinogram->isInitialized(), "Reconstruction2D", "Projection Data Object Not Initialized.");
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstruction->isInitialized(), "Reconstruction2D", "Reconstruction Data Object Not Initialized.");
// check compatibility between projector and data classes
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pSinogram->getGeometry()->isEqual(m_pProjector->getProjectionGeometry()), "Reconstruction2D", "Projection Data not compatible with the specified Projector.");
- ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstruction->getGeometry()->isEqual(m_pProjector->getVolumeGeometry()), "Reconstruction2D", "Reconstruction Data not compatible with the specified Projector.");
+ if (requiresProjector()) {
+ ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pSinogram->getGeometry()->isEqual(m_pProjector->getProjectionGeometry()), "Reconstruction2D", "Projection Data not compatible with the specified Projector.");
+ ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_pReconstruction->getGeometry()->isEqual(m_pProjector->getVolumeGeometry()), "Reconstruction2D", "Reconstruction Data not compatible with the specified Projector.");
+ }
// success
return true;
diff --git a/src/VolumeGeometry3D.cpp b/src/VolumeGeometry3D.cpp
index a1cf424..3de146f 100644
--- a/src/VolumeGeometry3D.cpp
+++ b/src/VolumeGeometry3D.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ bool CVolumeGeometry3D::_check()
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_fWindowMinZ < m_fWindowMaxZ, "VolumeGeometry3D", "WindowMinZ should be lower than WindowMaxZ.");
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_iGridTotCount == (m_iGridColCount * m_iGridRowCount * m_iGridSliceCount), "VolumeGeometry3D", "Internal configuration error.");
+#if 0
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_fWindowLengthX == (m_fWindowMaxX - m_fWindowMinX), "VolumeGeometry3D", "Internal configuration error.");
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_fWindowLengthY == (m_fWindowMaxY - m_fWindowMinY), "VolumeGeometry3D", "Internal configuration error.");
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_fWindowLengthZ == (m_fWindowMaxZ - m_fWindowMinZ), "VolumeGeometry3D", "Internal configuration error.");
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ bool CVolumeGeometry3D::_check()
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_fDivPixelLengthX == (1.0f / m_fPixelLengthX), "VolumeGeometry3D", "Internal configuration error.");
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_fDivPixelLengthY == (1.0f / m_fPixelLengthY), "VolumeGeometry3D", "Internal configuration error.");
ASTRA_CONFIG_CHECK(m_fDivPixelLengthZ == (1.0f / m_fPixelLengthZ), "VolumeGeometry3D", "Internal configuration error.");
return true;