/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright: 2010-2015, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp 2014-2015, CWI, Amsterdam Contact: astra@uantwerpen.be Website: http://sf.net/projects/astra-toolbox This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox. The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id$ */ #include "mexDataManagerHelpFunctions.h" #include "mexHelpFunctions.h" #include "astra/ParallelProjectionGeometry3D.h" #include "astra/ParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D.h" #include "astra/ConeProjectionGeometry3D.h" #include "astra/ConeVecProjectionGeometry3D.h" #include "astra/Float32VolumeData3DMemory.h" #include "astra/Float32ProjectionData3DMemory.h" #define USE_MATLAB_UNDOCUMENTED #ifdef USE_MATLAB_UNDOCUMENTED extern "C" { mxArray *mxCreateSharedDataCopy(const mxArray *pr); bool mxUnshareArray(mxArray *pr, bool noDeepCopy); mxArray *mxUnreference(mxArray *pr); #if 0 // Unsupported in Matlab R2014b and later bool mxIsSharedArray(const mxArray *pr); #endif } class CFloat32CustomMemoryMatlab3D : public astra::CFloat32CustomMemory { public: // offset allows linking the data object to a sub-volume (in the z direction) // offset is measured in floats. CFloat32CustomMemoryMatlab3D(const mxArray* _pArray, bool bUnshare, size_t iOffset) { // Convert from slice to offset mwSize dims[3]; get3DMatrixDims(_pArray, dims); iOffset *= dims[0]; iOffset *= dims[1]; //fprintf(stderr, "Passed:\narray: %p\tdata: %p\n", (void*)_pArray, (void*)mxGetData(_pArray)); // First unshare the input array, so that we may modify it. if (bUnshare) { #if 0 // Unsupported in Matlab R2014b and later if (mxIsSharedArray(_pArray)) { fprintf(stderr, "Performance note: unsharing shared array in link\n"); } #endif mxUnshareArray(const_cast<mxArray*>(_pArray), false); //fprintf(stderr, "Unshared:\narray: %p\tdata: %p\n", (void*)_pArray, (void*)mxGetData(_pArray)); } // Then create a (persistent) copy so the data won't be deleted // or changed. m_pLink = mxCreateSharedDataCopy(_pArray); //fprintf(stderr, "SharedDataCopy:\narray: %p\tdata: %p\n", (void*)m_pLink, (void*)mxGetData(m_pLink)); mexMakeArrayPersistent(m_pLink); m_fPtr = (float *)mxGetData(_pArray); m_fPtr += iOffset; } virtual ~CFloat32CustomMemoryMatlab3D() { // destroy the shared array //fprintf(stderr, "Destroy:\narray: %p\tdata: %p\n", (void*)m_pLink, (void*)mxGetData(m_pLink)); mxDestroyArray(m_pLink); } private: mxArray* m_pLink; }; #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkID(const astra::int32 & id, astra::CFloat32Data3DMemory *& pDataObj) { pDataObj = dynamic_cast<astra::CFloat32Data3DMemory *>( astra::CData3DManager::getSingleton().get(id) ); return (pDataObj && pDataObj->isInitialized()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkDataType(const mxArray * const in) { return (mexIsScalar(in) || mxIsDouble(in) || mxIsSingle(in) || mxIsLogical(in)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkStructs(const mxArray * const in) { return mxIsStruct(in); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkDataSize(const mxArray * const mArray, const astra::CProjectionGeometry3D * const geom) { mwSize dims[3]; get3DMatrixDims(mArray, dims); return (geom->getDetectorColCount() == dims[0] && geom->getProjectionCount() == dims[1] && geom->getDetectorRowCount() == dims[2]); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkDataSize(const mxArray * const mArray, const astra::CVolumeGeometry3D * const geom) { mwSize dims[3]; get3DMatrixDims(mArray, dims); return (geom->getGridColCount() == dims[0] && geom->getGridRowCount() == dims[1] && geom->getGridSliceCount() == dims[2]); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkDataSize(const mxArray * const mArray, const astra::CProjectionGeometry3D * const geom, const mwIndex & zOffset) { mwSize dims[3]; get3DMatrixDims(mArray, dims); return (geom->getDetectorColCount() == dims[0] && geom->getProjectionCount() == dims[1] && (zOffset + geom->getDetectorRowCount()) <= dims[2]); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool checkDataSize(const mxArray * const mArray, const astra::CVolumeGeometry3D * const geom, const mwIndex & zOffset) { mwSize dims[3]; get3DMatrixDims(mArray, dims); return (geom->getGridColCount() == dims[0] && geom->getGridRowCount() == dims[1] && (zOffset + geom->getGridSliceCount()) <= dims[2]); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void updateStatistics(const std::vector<astra::CFloat32Data3DMemory *> & vecIn) { const size_t tot_size = vecIn.size(); for (size_t count = 0; count < tot_size; count++) { vecIn[count]->updateStatistics(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void getDataPointers(const std::vector<astra::CFloat32Data3DMemory *> & vecIn, std::vector<astra::float32 *> & vecOut) { const size_t tot_size = vecIn.size(); vecOut.resize(tot_size); for (size_t count = 0; count < tot_size; count++) { vecOut[count] = vecIn[count]->getData(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void getDataSizes(const std::vector<astra::CFloat32Data3DMemory *> & vecIn, std::vector<size_t> & vecOut) { const size_t tot_size = vecIn.size(); vecOut.resize(tot_size); for (size_t count = 0; count < tot_size; count++) { vecOut[count] = vecIn[count]->getSize(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- astra::CFloat32Data3DMemory * allocateDataObject(const std::string & sDataType, const mxArray * const geometry, const mxArray * const data, const mxArray * const unshare, const mxArray * const zIndex) { astra::CFloat32Data3DMemory* pDataObject3D = NULL; bool bUnshare = true; if (unshare) { if (!mexIsScalar(unshare)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Argument 5 (read-only) must be scalar"); return NULL; } // unshare the array if we're not linking read-only bUnshare = !(bool)mxGetScalar(unshare); } mwIndex iZ = 0; if (zIndex) { if (!mexIsScalar(zIndex)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Argument 6 (Z) must be scalar"); return NULL; } iZ = (mwSignedIndex)mxGetScalar(zIndex); } // SWITCH DataType if (sDataType == "-vol") { // Read geometry astra::Config* cfg = structToConfig("VolumeGeometry3D", geometry); astra::CVolumeGeometry3D* pGeometry = new astra::CVolumeGeometry3D(); if (!pGeometry->initialize(*cfg)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Geometry class not initialized. \n"); delete pGeometry; delete cfg; return NULL; } delete cfg; // If data is specified, check dimensions if (data && !mexIsScalar(data)) { if (! (zIndex ? checkDataSize(data, pGeometry, iZ) : checkDataSize(data, pGeometry)) ) { mexErrMsgTxt("The dimensions of the data do not match those specified in the geometry. \n"); delete pGeometry; return NULL; } } // Initialize data object #ifdef USE_MATLAB_UNDOCUMENTED if (unshare) { CFloat32CustomMemoryMatlab3D* pHandle = new CFloat32CustomMemoryMatlab3D(data, bUnshare, iZ); // Initialize data object pDataObject3D = new astra::CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory(pGeometry, pHandle); } else { pDataObject3D = new astra::CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory(pGeometry); } #else pDataObject3D = new astra::CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory(pGeometry); #endif delete pGeometry; } else if (sDataType == "-sino" || sDataType == "-proj3d" || sDataType == "-sinocone") { // Read geometry astra::Config* cfg = structToConfig("ProjectionGeometry3D", geometry); // FIXME: Change how the base class is created. (This is duplicated // in Projector3D.cpp.) std::string type = cfg->self.getAttribute("type"); astra::CProjectionGeometry3D* pGeometry = 0; if (type == "parallel3d") { pGeometry = new astra::CParallelProjectionGeometry3D(); } else if (type == "parallel3d_vec") { pGeometry = new astra::CParallelVecProjectionGeometry3D(); } else if (type == "cone") { pGeometry = new astra::CConeProjectionGeometry3D(); } else if (type == "cone_vec") { pGeometry = new astra::CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D(); } else { mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid geometry type.\n"); return NULL; } if (!pGeometry->initialize(*cfg)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Geometry class not initialized. \n"); delete pGeometry; delete cfg; return NULL; } delete cfg; // If data is specified, check dimensions if (data && !mexIsScalar(data)) { if (! (zIndex ? checkDataSize(data, pGeometry, iZ) : checkDataSize(data, pGeometry)) ) { mexErrMsgTxt("The dimensions of the data do not match those specified in the geometry. \n"); delete pGeometry; return NULL; } } // Initialize data object #ifdef USE_MATLAB_UNDOCUMENTED if (unshare) { CFloat32CustomMemoryMatlab3D* pHandle = new CFloat32CustomMemoryMatlab3D(data, bUnshare, iZ); // Initialize data object pDataObject3D = new astra::CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory(pGeometry, pHandle); } else { pDataObject3D = new astra::CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory(pGeometry); } #else pDataObject3D = new astra::CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory(pGeometry); #endif delete pGeometry; } else { mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid datatype. Please specify '-vol' or '-proj3d'. \n"); return NULL; } // Check initialization if (!pDataObject3D->isInitialized()) { mexErrMsgTxt("Couldn't initialize data object.\n"); delete pDataObject3D; return NULL; } return pDataObject3D; }