function rayOrder = createOrderART(proj_geom, mode) %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % rayOrder = createOrderART(proj_geom, mode) % % Creates an array defining the order in which ART will iterate over the % projections and projection rays % % proj_geom: MATLAB struct containing the projection geometry. % mode: string defining the wanted ray order, can be either 'sequential', % 'randomray' or 'randomproj'. % rayOrder: array of two columns of length angle_count * det_count, with % the first column being the index of the projection and the second column % the index of the ray. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox % % Copyright: 2010-2016, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp % 2014-2016, CWI, Amsterdam % License: Open Source under GPLv3 % Contact: % Website: %------------------------------------------------------------------------ angle_count = length(proj_geom.projection_angles); det_count = proj_geom.detector_count; % create order rayOrder = zeros(angle_count * det_count, 2); if strcmp(mode,'sequential') == 1 index = 1; for i = 1:angle_count for j = 1:det_count rayOrder(index,1) = i; rayOrder(index,2) = j; index = index + 1; end end elseif strcmp(mode,'randomray') == 1 index = 1; for i = 1:angle_count for j = 1:det_count rayOrder(index,1) = i; rayOrder(index,2) = j; index = index + 1; end end r = randperm(angle_count * det_count); rayOrder(:,1) = rayOrder(r,1); rayOrder(:,2) = rayOrder(r,2); elseif strcmp(mode,'randomproj') == 1 index = 1; r = randperm(angle_count); for i = 1:angle_count for j = 1:det_count rayOrder(index,1) = r(i); rayOrder(index,2) = j; index = index + 1; end end else disp('mode not known'); end