function im = overlayImage(reconstruction, ground_truth) %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % im = overlayImage(reconstruction, ground_truth) % % Produces an overlay image of two images, useful for image comparison. % % reconstruction: first input image matrix. % ground_truth: second input image matrix. % im: output 3-component image, third channel is 0. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox % % Copyright: 2010-2016, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp % 2014-2016, CWI, Amsterdam % License: Open Source under GPLv3 % Contact: % Website: %------------------------------------------------------------------------ im(:,:,1) = reconstruction ./ max(reconstruction(:)); im(:,:,2) = ground_truth ./ max(ground_truth(:)); im(:,:,3) = zeros(size(reconstruction));