function slice = sliceExtractor(data, dir, slicenr) %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % slice = sliceExtractor(data, dir, slicenr) % % Outputs a specified slice from a three dimensional matrix/volume % % data: the 3D volume. % dir: the direction in which the volume is sliced. % slicenr: the index of the slice to retrieve. % slice: 2D image matrix containing the slice. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox % % Copyright: 2010-2021, imec Vision Lab, University of Antwerp % 2014-2021, CWI, Amsterdam % License: Open Source under GPLv3 % Contact: % Website: %------------------------------------------------------------------------ slicenr = round(slicenr); if strcmp(dir,'z') slice = squeeze(data(:,:,slicenr)); end if strcmp(dir,'x') slice = squeeze(data(:,slicenr,:)); end if strcmp(dir,'y') slice = squeeze(data(slicenr,:,:)); end