package: name: astra-toolbox version: '1.8rc1' source: git_url: git_rev: master # for testing # git_tag: 1.8 # TODO: change to this for next release build: number: 0 script_env: - CC # [not win] - CUDA_ROOT # [not win] test: imports: - astra requires: # To avoid large downloads just for testing after build phase - nomkl # [not win] requirements: build: - python - boost ==1.61 # [win] - cython >=0.13 - nomkl # [not win] - numpy - scipy - six - libastra ==1.8b # TODO: change to release version run: - python - numpy - scipy - six - libastra ==1.8b # TODO: change to release version about: home: license: GPLv3 summary: 'The ASTRA Toolbox is a Python toolbox of high-performance GPU primitives for 2D and 3D tomography.' # See # for # more information about meta.yaml