/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright: 2010-2015, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp 2014-2015, CWI, Amsterdam Contact: astra@uantwerpen.be Website: http://sf.net/projects/astra-toolbox This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox. The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see . ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id$ */ #include "astra/XMLNode.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #include "rapidxml/rapidxml.hpp" #include "rapidxml/rapidxml_print.hpp" #else #include "rapidxml.hpp" #include "rapidxml_print.hpp" #endif #include using namespace rapidxml; using namespace astra; using namespace std; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility function to delete a list of nodes static void deleteNodes(list& nodes) { for (list::iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i) delete (*i); nodes.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // default constructor XMLNode::XMLNode() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private constructor XMLNode::XMLNode(xml_node<>* node) { fDOMElement = node; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // destructor XMLNode::~XMLNode() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // set DOM node (private) void XMLNode::setDOMNode(xml_node<>* n) { fDOMElement = n; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // print XML Node void XMLNode::print() { std::cout << fDOMElement; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // print XML Node std::string XMLNode::toString() { std::string s; ::print(std::back_inserter(s), *fDOMElement, 0); return s; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get single node XMLNode* XMLNode::getSingleNode(string name) { xml_node<> *node = fDOMElement->first_node(name.c_str()); if (node) return new XMLNode(node); else return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get list of nodes list XMLNode::getNodes(string name) { list result; xml_node<> *iter; for (iter = fDOMElement->first_node(name.c_str()); iter; iter = iter->next_sibling(name.c_str())) { result.push_back(new XMLNode(iter)); } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get list of nodes list XMLNode::getNodes() { list result; xml_node<> *iter; for (iter = fDOMElement->first_node(); iter; iter = iter->next_sibling()) { result.push_back(new XMLNode(iter)); } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get name of this node std::string XMLNode::getName() { return fDOMElement->name(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get node content - STRING string XMLNode::getContent() { return fDOMElement->value(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get node content - NUMERICAL float32 XMLNode::getContentNumerical() { return boost::lexical_cast(getContent()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get node content - BOOLEAN bool XMLNode::getContentBool() { string res = getContent(); return ((res == "1") || (res == "yes") || (res == "true") || (res == "on")); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get node content - STRING LIST vector XMLNode::getContentArray() { // get listsize int iSize = boost::lexical_cast(getAttribute("listsize")); // create result array vector res(iSize); // loop all list item nodes list nodes = getNodes("ListItem"); for (list::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { int iIndex = (*it)->getAttributeNumerical("index"); string sValue = (*it)->getAttribute("value"); ASTRA_ASSERT(iIndex < iSize); res[iIndex] = sValue; } deleteNodes(nodes); // return return res; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get node content - NUMERICAL LIST vector XMLNode::getContentNumericalArray() { // is scalar if (!hasAttribute("listsize")) { vector res(1); res[0] = getContentNumerical(); return res; } int iSize = boost::lexical_cast(getAttribute("listsize")); // create result array vector res(iSize); // loop all list item nodes list nodes = getNodes("ListItem"); for (list::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { int iIndex = (*it)->getAttributeNumerical("index"); float32 fValue = (*it)->getAttributeNumerical("value"); ASTRA_ASSERT(iIndex < iSize); res[iIndex] = fValue; } deleteNodes(nodes); // return return res; } vector XMLNode::getContentNumericalArrayDouble() { // is scalar if (!hasAttribute("listsize")) { vector res(1); res[0] = getContentNumerical(); return res; } int iSize = boost::lexical_cast(getAttribute("listsize")); // create result array vector res(iSize); // loop all list item nodes list nodes = getNodes("ListItem"); for (list::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { int iIndex = (*it)->getAttributeNumerical("index"); double fValue = (*it)->getAttributeNumericalDouble("value"); ASTRA_ASSERT(iIndex < iSize); res[iIndex] = fValue; } deleteNodes(nodes); // return return res; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get node content - NUMERICAL LIST 2 void XMLNode::getContentNumericalArray(float32*& _pfData, int& _iSize) { // is scalar if (!hasAttribute("listsize")) { _iSize = 1; _pfData = new float32[_iSize]; _pfData[0] = getContentNumerical(); return; } // get listsize _iSize = boost::lexical_cast(getAttribute("listsize")); // create result array _pfData = new float32[_iSize]; // loop all list item nodes list nodes = getNodes("ListItem"); for (list::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { int iIndex = (*it)->getAttributeNumerical("index"); float32 fValue = (*it)->getAttributeNumerical("value"); ASTRA_ASSERT(iIndex < _iSize); _pfData[iIndex] = fValue; } deleteNodes(nodes); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is attribute? bool XMLNode::hasAttribute(string _sName) { xml_attribute<> *attr = fDOMElement->first_attribute(_sName.c_str()); return (attr != 0); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get attribute - STRING string XMLNode::getAttribute(string _sName, string _sDefaultValue) { xml_attribute<> *attr = fDOMElement->first_attribute(_sName.c_str()); if (!attr) return _sDefaultValue; return attr->value(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get attribute - NUMERICAL float32 XMLNode::getAttributeNumerical(string _sName, float32 _fDefaultValue) { if (!hasAttribute(_sName)) return _fDefaultValue; return boost::lexical_cast(getAttribute(_sName)); } double XMLNode::getAttributeNumericalDouble(string _sName, double _fDefaultValue) { if (!hasAttribute(_sName)) return _fDefaultValue; return boost::lexical_cast(getAttribute(_sName)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get attribute - BOOLEAN bool XMLNode::getAttributeBool(string _sName, bool _bDefaultValue) { if (!hasAttribute(_sName)) return _bDefaultValue; string res = getAttribute(_sName); return ((res == "1") || (res == "yes") || (res == "true") || (res == "on")); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Has option? bool XMLNode::hasOption(string _sKey) { xml_node<> *iter; for (iter = fDOMElement->first_node("Option"); iter; iter = iter->next_sibling("Option")) { xml_attribute<> *attr = iter->first_attribute("key"); if (attr && _sKey == attr->value()) return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get option - STRING string XMLNode::getOption(string _sKey, string _sDefaultValue) { xml_node<> *iter; for (iter = fDOMElement->first_node("Option"); iter; iter = iter->next_sibling("Option")) { xml_attribute<> *attr = iter->first_attribute("key"); if (attr && _sKey == attr->value()) { attr = iter->first_attribute("value"); if (!attr) return ""; return attr->value(); } } return _sDefaultValue; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get option - NUMERICAL float32 XMLNode::getOptionNumerical(string _sKey, float32 _fDefaultValue) { if (!hasOption(_sKey)) return _fDefaultValue; return boost::lexical_cast(getOption(_sKey)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get option - BOOL bool XMLNode::getOptionBool(string _sKey, bool _bDefaultValue) { bool bHasOption = hasOption(_sKey); if (!bHasOption) return _bDefaultValue; string res = getOption(_sKey); return ((res == "1") || (res == "yes") || (res == "true") || (res == "on")); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get option - NUMERICAL ARRAY vector XMLNode::getOptionNumericalArray(string _sKey) { if (!hasOption(_sKey)) return vector(); list nodes = getNodes("Option"); for (list::iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->getAttribute("key") == _sKey) { vector vals = (*it)->getContentNumericalArray(); deleteNodes(nodes); return vals; } } deleteNodes(nodes); return vector(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BUILD NODE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add child node - EMPTY XMLNode* XMLNode::addChildNode(string _sNodeName) { xml_document<> *doc = fDOMElement->document(); char *node_name = doc->allocate_string(_sNodeName.c_str()); xml_node<> *node = doc->allocate_node(node_element, node_name); fDOMElement->append_node(node); // TODO: clean up: this 'new' requires callers to do memory management return new XMLNode(node); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add child node - STRING XMLNode* XMLNode::addChildNode(string _sNodeName, string _sText) { XMLNode* res = addChildNode(_sNodeName); res->setContent(_sText); return res; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add child node - FLOAT XMLNode* XMLNode::addChildNode(string _sNodeName, float32 _fValue) { XMLNode* res = addChildNode(_sNodeName); res->setContent(_fValue); return res; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add child node - LIST XMLNode* XMLNode::addChildNode(string _sNodeName, float32* _pfList, int _iSize) { XMLNode* res = addChildNode(_sNodeName); res->setContent(_pfList, _iSize); return res; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set content - STRING void XMLNode::setContent(string _sText) { xml_document<> *doc = fDOMElement->document(); char *text = doc->allocate_string(_sText.c_str()); fDOMElement->value(text); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set content - FLOAT void XMLNode::setContent(float32 _fValue) { setContent(boost::lexical_cast(_fValue)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set content - LIST void XMLNode::setContent(float32* pfList, int _iSize) { std::string str = (_iSize > 0) ? boost::lexical_cast(pfList[0]) : ""; for (int i = 1; i < _iSize; i++) { str += "," + boost::lexical_cast(pfList[i]); } setContent(str); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add attribute - STRING void XMLNode::addAttribute(string _sName, string _sText) { xml_document<> *doc = fDOMElement->document(); char *name = doc->allocate_string(_sName.c_str()); char *text = doc->allocate_string(_sText.c_str()); xml_attribute<> *attr = doc->allocate_attribute(name, text); fDOMElement->append_attribute(attr); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add attribute - FLOAT void XMLNode::addAttribute(string _sName, float32 _fValue) { addAttribute(_sName, boost::lexical_cast(_fValue)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add option - STRING void XMLNode::addOption(string _sName, string _sText) { XMLNode* node = addChildNode("Option"); node->addAttribute("key", _sName); node->addAttribute("value", _sText); delete node; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add option - FLOAT void XMLNode::addOption(string _sName, float32 _sText) { XMLNode* node = addChildNode("Option"); node->addAttribute("key", _sName); node->addAttribute("value", _sText); delete node; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------