Copyright: 2010-2016, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp
2014-2016, CWI, Amsterdam
Contact: astra@astra-toolbox.com
Website: http://www.astra-toolbox.com/
This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox.
The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see .
#include "mexCopyDataHelpFunctions.h"
#include "mexHelpFunctions.h"
#define ROUND_DOWN(x, s) ((x) & ~((s)-1))
#ifdef _OPENMP
#if defined(__SSE2__)
# include
# define STORE_32F_64F_CORE8(in, out, count, base) \
const __m128 inV0 = *((const __m128 *) &in[count + 0 + base]);\
const __m128 inV1 = *((const __m128 *) &in[count + 4 + base]);\
*((__m128d *)&out[count + 0 + base]) = _mm_cvtps_pd(inV0);\
*((__m128d *)&out[count + 2 + base]) = _mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_movehl_ps(inV0, inV0));\
*((__m128d *)&out[count + 4 + base]) = _mm_cvtps_pd(inV1);\
*((__m128d *)&out[count + 6 + base]) = _mm_cvtps_pd(_mm_movehl_ps(inV1, inV1));\
# define STORE_64F_32F_CORE8(in, out, count, base) \
const __m128d inV0 = *((const __m128d *) &in[count + 0 + base]);\
const __m128d inV1 = *((const __m128d *) &in[count + 2 + base]);\
const __m128d inV2 = *((const __m128d *) &in[count + 4 + base]);\
const __m128d inV3 = *((const __m128d *) &in[count + 6 + base]);\
*((__m128 *)&out[count + 0 + base]) = _mm_movelh_ps(_mm_cvtpd_ps(inV0), _mm_cvtpd_ps(inV1));\
*((__m128 *)&out[count + 4 + base]) = _mm_movelh_ps(_mm_cvtpd_ps(inV2), _mm_cvtpd_ps(inV3));\
# define STORE_32F_32F_CORE8(in, out, count, base) \
*((__m128 *)&out[count + 0 + base]) = *((const __m128 *)&in[count + 0 + base]);\
*((__m128 *)&out[count + 4 + base]) = *((const __m128 *)&in[count + 4 + base]);\
# define STORE_CONST_32F_CORE8(val, out, count, base) \
*((__m128 *)&out[count + 0 + base]) = val;\
*((__m128 *)&out[count + 4 + base]) = val;\
# define STORE_32F_64F_CORE8(in, out, count, base) \
out[count + 0 + base] = (double)in[count + 0 + base];\
out[count + 1 + base] = (double)in[count + 1 + base];\
out[count + 2 + base] = (double)in[count + 2 + base];\
out[count + 3 + base] = (double)in[count + 3 + base];\
out[count + 4 + base] = (double)in[count + 4 + base];\
out[count + 5 + base] = (double)in[count + 5 + base];\
out[count + 6 + base] = (double)in[count + 6 + base];\
out[count + 7 + base] = (double)in[count + 7 + base];\
# define STORE_64F_32F_CORE8(in, out, count, base) \
out[count + 0 + base] = (float)in[count + 0 + base];\
out[count + 1 + base] = (float)in[count + 1 + base];\
out[count + 2 + base] = (float)in[count + 2 + base];\
out[count + 3 + base] = (float)in[count + 3 + base];\
out[count + 4 + base] = (float)in[count + 4 + base];\
out[count + 5 + base] = (float)in[count + 5 + base];\
out[count + 6 + base] = (float)in[count + 6 + base];\
out[count + 7 + base] = (float)in[count + 7 + base];\
# define STORE_32F_32F_CORE8(in, out, count, base) \
out[count + 0 + base] = in[count + 0 + base];\
out[count + 1 + base] = in[count + 1 + base];\
out[count + 2 + base] = in[count + 2 + base];\
out[count + 3 + base] = in[count + 3 + base];\
out[count + 4 + base] = in[count + 4 + base];\
out[count + 5 + base] = in[count + 5 + base];\
out[count + 6 + base] = in[count + 6 + base];\
out[count + 7 + base] = in[count + 7 + base];\
#define STORE_8F_32F_CORE8(in, out, count, base) \
out[count + 0 + base] = (float)in[count + 0 + base];\
out[count + 1 + base] = (float)in[count + 1 + base];\
out[count + 2 + base] = (float)in[count + 2 + base];\
out[count + 3 + base] = (float)in[count + 3 + base];\
out[count + 4 + base] = (float)in[count + 4 + base];\
out[count + 5 + base] = (float)in[count + 5 + base];\
out[count + 6 + base] = (float)in[count + 6 + base];\
out[count + 7 + base] = (float)in[count + 7 + base];\
const char * warnDataTypeNotSupported = "Data type not supported: nothing was copied";
_copyMexToCFloat32Array(const mxArray * const inArray, astra::float32 * const out)
const long long tot_size = mxGetNumberOfElements(inArray);
const long long block = 32;
const long long totRoundedPixels = ROUND_DOWN(tot_size, block);
// Array of doubles
if (mxIsDouble(inArray)) {
const double * const pdMatlabData = mxGetPr(inArray);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = 0; count < totRoundedPixels; count += block) {
STORE_64F_32F_CORE8(pdMatlabData, out, count, 0);
STORE_64F_32F_CORE8(pdMatlabData, out, count, 8);
STORE_64F_32F_CORE8(pdMatlabData, out, count, 16);
STORE_64F_32F_CORE8(pdMatlabData, out, count, 24);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = totRoundedPixels; count < tot_size; count++) {
out[count] = pdMatlabData[count];
// Array of floats
else if (mxIsSingle(inArray)) {
const float * const pfMatlabData = (const float *)mxGetData(inArray);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = 0; count < totRoundedPixels; count += block) {
STORE_32F_32F_CORE8(pfMatlabData, out, count, 0);
STORE_32F_32F_CORE8(pfMatlabData, out, count, 8);
STORE_32F_32F_CORE8(pfMatlabData, out, count, 16);
STORE_32F_32F_CORE8(pfMatlabData, out, count, 24);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = totRoundedPixels; count < tot_size; count++) {
out[count] = pfMatlabData[count];
// Array of logicals
else if (mxIsLogical(inArray)) {
const mxLogical * const pfMatlabData = (const mxLogical *)mxGetLogicals(inArray);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = 0; count < totRoundedPixels; count += block) {
STORE_8F_32F_CORE8(pfMatlabData, out, count, 0);
STORE_8F_32F_CORE8(pfMatlabData, out, count, 8);
STORE_8F_32F_CORE8(pfMatlabData, out, count, 16);
STORE_8F_32F_CORE8(pfMatlabData, out, count, 24);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = totRoundedPixels; count < tot_size; count++) {
out[count] = pfMatlabData[count];
else {
#pragma omp single nowait
mexWarnMsgIdAndTxt("ASTRA_MEX:wrong_datatype", warnDataTypeNotSupported);
_copyCFloat32ArrayToMex(const astra::float32 * const in, mxArray * const outArray)
const long long tot_size = mxGetNumberOfElements(outArray);
const long long block = 32;
const long long tot_rounded_size = ROUND_DOWN(tot_size, block);
if (mxIsDouble(outArray)) {
double * const pdMatlabData = mxGetPr(outArray);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = 0; count < tot_rounded_size; count += block) {
STORE_32F_64F_CORE8(in, pdMatlabData, count, 0);
STORE_32F_64F_CORE8(in, pdMatlabData, count, 8);
STORE_32F_64F_CORE8(in, pdMatlabData, count, 16);
STORE_32F_64F_CORE8(in, pdMatlabData, count, 24);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = tot_rounded_size; count < tot_size; count++) {
pdMatlabData[count] = in[count];
else if (mxIsSingle(outArray)) {
float * const pfMatlabData = (float *) mxGetData(outArray);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = 0; count < tot_rounded_size; count += block) {
STORE_32F_32F_CORE8(in, pfMatlabData, count, 0);
STORE_32F_32F_CORE8(in, pfMatlabData, count, 8);
STORE_32F_32F_CORE8(in, pfMatlabData, count, 16);
STORE_32F_32F_CORE8(in, pfMatlabData, count, 24);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = tot_rounded_size; count < tot_size; count++) {
pfMatlabData[count] = in[count];
else {
#pragma omp single nowait
mexWarnMsgIdAndTxt("ASTRA_MEX:wrong_datatype", warnDataTypeNotSupported);
_initializeCFloat32Array(const astra::float32 & val, astra::float32 * const out,
const size_t & tot_size)
#ifdef __SSE2__
const long long block = 32;
const long long tot_rounded_size = ROUND_DOWN(tot_size, block);
const __m128 vecVal = _mm_set1_ps(val);
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = 0; count < tot_rounded_size; count += block) {
STORE_CONST_32F_CORE8(vecVal, out, count, 0);
STORE_CONST_32F_CORE8(vecVal, out, count, 8);
STORE_CONST_32F_CORE8(vecVal, out, count, 16);
STORE_CONST_32F_CORE8(vecVal, out, count, 24);
const long long tot_rounded_size = 0;
#pragma omp for nowait
for (long long count = tot_rounded_size; count < (long long)tot_size; count++) {
out[count] = val;
copyMexToCFloat32Array(const mxArray * const in,
astra::float32 * const out, const size_t &tot_size)
#pragma omp parallel
// fill with scalar value
if (mexIsScalar(in) || mxIsEmpty(in)) {
astra::float32 fValue = 0.f;
if (!mxIsEmpty(in)) {
fValue = (astra::float32)mxGetScalar(in);
_initializeCFloat32Array(fValue, out, tot_size);
// fill with array value
else {
_copyMexToCFloat32Array(in, out);
copyCFloat32ArrayToMex(const float * const in, mxArray * const outArray)
#pragma omp parallel
_copyCFloat32ArrayToMex(in, outArray);