function vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom(varargin) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom([row_count col_count]); % vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom(row_count, col_count); % vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom(row_count, col_count, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y); % % Create a 2D volume geometry. See the API for more information. % row_count: number of rows. % col_count: number of columns. % min_x: minimum value on the x-axis. % max_x: maximum value on the x-axis. % min_y: minimum value on the y-axis. % max_y: maximum value on the y-axis. % vol_geom: MATLAB struct containing all information of the geometry. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom(row_count, col_count, slice_count); % vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom(row_count, col_count, slice_count, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z); % % Create a 3D volume geometry. See the API for more information. % row_count: number of rows. % col_count: number of columns. % slice_count: number of slices. % vol_geom: MATLAB struct containing all information of the geometry. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox % % Copyright: 2010-2016, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp % 2014-2016, CWI, Amsterdam % License: Open Source under GPLv3 % Contact: % Website: %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % astra_create_vol_geom([row_and_col_count ]) if numel(varargin) == 1 && numel(varargin{1}) == 1 vol_geom = struct(); vol_geom.GridRowCount = varargin{1}(1); vol_geom.GridColCount = varargin{1}(1); % astra_create_vol_geom([row_count col_count]) elseif numel(varargin) == 1 && numel(varargin{1}) == 2 vol_geom = struct(); vol_geom.GridRowCount = varargin{1}(1); vol_geom.GridColCount = varargin{1}(2); % astra_create_vol_geom([row_count col_count slice_count]) elseif numel(varargin) == 1 && numel(varargin{1}) == 3 vol_geom = struct(); vol_geom.GridRowCount = varargin{1}(1); vol_geom.GridColCount = varargin{1}(2); vol_geom.GridSliceCount = varargin{1}(3); % astra_create_vol_geom(row_count, col_count) elseif numel(varargin) == 2 vol_geom = struct(); vol_geom.GridRowCount = varargin{1}; vol_geom.GridColCount = varargin{2}; % astra_create_vol_geom(row_count, col_count, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y) elseif numel(varargin) == 6 vol_geom = struct(); vol_geom.GridRowCount = varargin{1}; vol_geom.GridColCount = varargin{2}; vol_geom.option.WindowMinX = varargin{3}; vol_geom.option.WindowMaxX = varargin{4}; vol_geom.option.WindowMinY = varargin{5}; vol_geom.option.WindowMaxY = varargin{6}; % astra_create_vol_geom(row_count, col_count, slice_count) elseif numel(varargin) == 3 vol_geom = struct(); vol_geom.GridRowCount = varargin{1}; vol_geom.GridColCount = varargin{2}; vol_geom.GridSliceCount = varargin{3}; % astra_create_vol_geom(row_count, col_count, slice_count, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z) elseif numel(varargin) == 9 vol_geom = struct(); vol_geom.GridRowCount = varargin{1}; vol_geom.GridColCount = varargin{2}; vol_geom.GridSliceCount = varargin{3}; vol_geom.option.WindowMinX = varargin{4}; vol_geom.option.WindowMaxX = varargin{5}; vol_geom.option.WindowMinY = varargin{6}; vol_geom.option.WindowMaxY = varargin{7}; vol_geom.option.WindowMinZ = varargin{8}; vol_geom.option.WindowMaxZ = varargin{9}; end % set the window options, if not set already. if ~isfield(vol_geom, 'option') || ~isfield(vol_geom.option, 'WindowMinX') vol_geom.option.WindowMinX = -vol_geom.GridColCount / 2; vol_geom.option.WindowMaxX = vol_geom.GridColCount / 2; vol_geom.option.WindowMinY = -vol_geom.GridRowCount / 2; vol_geom.option.WindowMaxY = vol_geom.GridRowCount / 2; if isfield(vol_geom, 'GridSliceCount') vol_geom.option.WindowMinZ = -vol_geom.GridSliceCount / 2; vol_geom.option.WindowMaxZ = vol_geom.GridSliceCount / 2; end end