# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright: 2010-2021, imec Vision Lab, University of Antwerp # 2013-2021, CWI, Amsterdam # # Contact: astra@astra-toolbox.com # Website: http://www.astra-toolbox.com/ # # This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox. # # # The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # distutils: language = c++ # distutils: libraries = astra import sys cimport numpy as np import numpy as np import six if six.PY3: import builtins else: import __builtin__ as builtins from libcpp.string cimport string from libcpp.vector cimport vector from libcpp.list cimport list from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref, preincrement as inc from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION cimport PyXMLDocument from .PyXMLDocument cimport XMLDocument from .PyXMLDocument cimport XMLNode from .PyIncludes cimport * from .pythonutils import GPULink, checkArrayForLink cdef extern from "CFloat32CustomPython.h": cdef cppclass CFloat32CustomPython: CFloat32CustomPython(arrIn) cdef extern from "Python.h": void* PyLong_AsVoidPtr(object) include "config.pxi" cdef Config * dictToConfig(string rootname, dc) except NULL: cdef Config * cfg = new Config() cfg.initialize(rootname) try: readDict(cfg.self, dc) except Exception: del cfg exc = sys.exc_info() raise exc[0], exc[1], exc[2] return cfg def convert_item(item): if isinstance(item, six.string_types): return item.encode('ascii') if type(item) is not dict: return item out_dict = {} for k in item: out_dict[convert_item(k)] = convert_item(item[k]) return out_dict def wrap_to_bytes(value): if isinstance(value, six.binary_type): return value s = str(value) if PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 3: s = s.encode('ascii') return s def wrap_from_bytes(value): s = value if PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 3: s = s.decode('ascii') return s cdef bool readDict(XMLNode root, _dc) except False: cdef XMLNode listbase cdef XMLNode itm cdef int i cdef int j cdef double* data dc = convert_item(_dc) for item in dc: val = dc[item] if isinstance(val, builtins.list) or isinstance(val, tuple): val = np.array(val,dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): if val.size == 0: break listbase = root.addChildNode(item) contig_data = np.ascontiguousarray(val,dtype=np.float64) data = <double*>np.PyArray_DATA(contig_data) if val.ndim == 2: listbase.setContent(data, val.shape[1], val.shape[0], False) elif val.ndim == 1: listbase.setContent(data, val.shape[0]) else: raise Exception("Only 1 or 2 dimensions are allowed") elif isinstance(val, dict): if item == six.b('option') or item == six.b('options') or item == six.b('Option') or item == six.b('Options'): readOptions(root, val) else: itm = root.addChildNode(item) readDict(itm, val) else: if item == six.b('type'): root.addAttribute(< string > six.b('type'), <string> wrap_to_bytes(val)) else: if isinstance(val, builtins.bool): val = int(val) itm = root.addChildNode(item, wrap_to_bytes(val)) return True cdef bool readOptions(XMLNode node, dc) except False: cdef XMLNode listbase cdef XMLNode itm cdef int i cdef int j cdef double* data for item in dc: val = dc[item] if node.hasOption(item): raise Exception('Duplicate Option: %s' % item) if isinstance(val, builtins.list) or isinstance(val, tuple): val = np.array(val,dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): if val.size == 0: break listbase = node.addChildNode(six.b('Option')) listbase.addAttribute(< string > six.b('key'), < string > item) contig_data = np.ascontiguousarray(val,dtype=np.float64) data = <double*>np.PyArray_DATA(contig_data) if val.ndim == 2: listbase.setContent(data, val.shape[1], val.shape[0], False) elif val.ndim == 1: listbase.setContent(data, val.shape[0]) else: raise Exception("Only 1 or 2 dimensions are allowed") else: if isinstance(val, builtins.bool): val = int(val) node.addOption(item, wrap_to_bytes(val)) return True cdef configToDict(Config *cfg): return XMLNode2dict(cfg.self) def castString3(input): return input.decode('utf-8') def castString2(input): return input if six.PY3: castString = castString3 else: castString = castString2 def stringToPythonValue(inputIn): input = castString(inputIn) # matrix if ';' in input: input = input.rstrip(';') row_strings = input.split(';') col_strings = row_strings[0].split(',') nRows = len(row_strings) nCols = len(col_strings) out = np.empty((nRows,nCols)) for ridx, row in enumerate(row_strings): col_strings = row.split(',') for cidx, col in enumerate(col_strings): out[ridx,cidx] = float(col) return out # vector if ',' in input: input = input.rstrip(',') items = input.split(',') out = np.empty(len(items)) for idx,item in enumerate(items): out[idx] = float(item) return out try: # integer return int(input) except ValueError: try: #float return float(input) except ValueError: # string return str(input) cdef XMLNode2dict(XMLNode node): cdef XMLNode subnode cdef list[XMLNode] nodes cdef list[XMLNode].iterator it dct = {} opts = {} if node.hasAttribute(six.b('type')): dct['type'] = castString(node.getAttribute(six.b('type'))) nodes = node.getNodes() it = nodes.begin() while it != nodes.end(): subnode = deref(it) if castString(subnode.getName())=="Option": if subnode.hasAttribute('value'): opts[castString(subnode.getAttribute('key'))] = stringToPythonValue(subnode.getAttribute('value')) else: opts[castString(subnode.getAttribute('key'))] = stringToPythonValue(subnode.getContent()) else: dct[castString(subnode.getName())] = stringToPythonValue(subnode.getContent()) inc(it) if len(opts)>0: dct['options'] = opts return dct cdef CFloat32VolumeData3D* linkVolFromGeometry(CVolumeGeometry3D *pGeometry, data) except NULL: cdef CFloat32VolumeData3D * pDataObject3D = NULL geom_shape = (pGeometry.getGridSliceCount(), pGeometry.getGridRowCount(), pGeometry.getGridColCount()) if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data_shape = data.shape elif isinstance(data, GPULink): data_shape = (data.z, data.y, data.x) if geom_shape != data_shape: raise ValueError( "The dimensions of the data do not match those specified in the geometry: {} != {}".format(data_shape, geom_shape)) if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): checkArrayForLink(data) pCustom = <CFloat32CustomMemory*> new CFloat32CustomPython(data) pDataObject3D = new CFloat32VolumeData3DMemory(pGeometry, pCustom) elif isinstance(data, GPULink): IF HAVE_CUDA==True: hnd = wrapHandle(<float*>PyLong_AsVoidPtr(data.ptr), data.x, data.y, data.z, data.pitch/4) pDataObject3D = new CFloat32VolumeData3DGPU(pGeometry, hnd) ELSE: raise NotImplementedError("CUDA support is not enabled in ASTRA") else: raise TypeError("data should be a numpy.ndarray or a GPULink object") return pDataObject3D cdef CFloat32ProjectionData3D* linkProjFromGeometry(CProjectionGeometry3D *pGeometry, data) except NULL: cdef CFloat32ProjectionData3D * pDataObject3D = NULL geom_shape = (pGeometry.getDetectorRowCount(), pGeometry.getProjectionCount(), pGeometry.getDetectorColCount()) if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data_shape = data.shape elif isinstance(data, GPULink): data_shape = (data.z, data.y, data.x) if geom_shape != data_shape: raise ValueError( "The dimensions of the data do not match those specified in the geometry: {} != {}".format(data_shape, geom_shape)) if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): checkArrayForLink(data) pCustom = <CFloat32CustomMemory*> new CFloat32CustomPython(data) pDataObject3D = new CFloat32ProjectionData3DMemory(pGeometry, pCustom) elif isinstance(data, GPULink): IF HAVE_CUDA==True: hnd = wrapHandle(<float*>PyLong_AsVoidPtr(data.ptr), data.x, data.y, data.z, data.pitch/4) pDataObject3D = new CFloat32ProjectionData3DGPU(pGeometry, hnd) ELSE: raise NotImplementedError("CUDA support is not enabled in ASTRA") else: raise TypeError("data should be a numpy.ndarray or a GPULink object") return pDataObject3D