path: root/Wrappers/Python
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authorepapoutsellis <>2019-05-13 16:15:55 +0100
committerepapoutsellis <>2019-05-13 16:15:55 +0100
commit186d8f44b7abc5d5a4bcadea4ee3f9d08a7bcd33 (patch)
treeb53ea7da61d16617ab413e3e044883a2e7d52bbe /Wrappers/Python
parent6c9b8e5bbf571de3c748a8abc1d9c768d5896b67 (diff)
fix call conv_conj
Diffstat (limited to 'Wrappers/Python')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/functions/ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/functions/
index 4dd77cf..0d3c8f5 100644
--- a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/functions/
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/functions/
@@ -20,33 +20,42 @@
import numpy
from ccpi.optimisation.functions import Function
from ccpi.optimisation.functions.ScaledFunction import ScaledFunction
-from ccpi.framework import ImageData, ImageGeometry
import functools
+import scipy.special
class KullbackLeibler(Function):
- ''' Assume that data >= 0
+ '''
+ KL_div(x, y + back) = int x * log(x/(y+back)) - x + (y+back)
+ Assumption: y>=0
+ back>=0
- def __init__(self,data, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
super(KullbackLeibler, self).__init__()
- self.b = data
- self.bnoise = kwargs.get('bnoise', 0)
+ self.b = data
+ self.bnoise = 0
def __call__(self, x):
- res_tmp = numpy.zeros(x.shape)
- tmp = x + self.bnoise
- ind = x.as_array()>0
- res_tmp[ind] = x.as_array()[ind] - self.b.as_array()[ind] * numpy.log(tmp.as_array()[ind])
+ '''
- return res_tmp.sum()
+ x - y * log( x + bnoise) + y * log(y) - y + bnoise
+ '''
+ # TODO avoid scipy import ????
+ tmp = scipy.special.kl_div(self.b.as_array(), x.as_array())
+ return numpy.sum(tmp)
def log(self, datacontainer):
'''calculates the in-place log of the datacontainer'''
@@ -58,7 +67,6 @@ class KullbackLeibler(Function):
def gradient(self, x, out=None):
- #TODO Division check
if out is None:
return 1 - self.b/(x + self.bnoise)
@@ -70,12 +78,10 @@ class KullbackLeibler(Function):
def convex_conjugate(self, x):
- tmp = self.b/(1-x)
- ind = tmp.as_array()>0
- return (self.b.as_array()[ind] * (numpy.log(tmp.as_array()[ind])-1)).sum()
+ # TODO avoid scipy import ????
+ xlogy = scipy.special.xlogy(self.b.as_array(), 1 - x.as_array())
+ return numpy.sum(-xlogy)
def proximal(self, x, tau, out=None):
if out is None:
@@ -140,8 +146,86 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
M, N = 2,3
ig = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x=M, voxel_num_y = N)
u = ig.allocate('random_int')
- b = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, size=ig.shape)
+ b = ig.allocate('random_int')
+ u.as_array()[1,1]=0
+ u.as_array()[2,0]=0
+ b.as_array()[1,1]=0
+ b.as_array()[2,0]=0
+ f = KullbackLeibler(b)
+# longest = reduce(lambda x, y: len(x) if len(x) > len(y) else len(y), strings)
+# tmp = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: \
+# 0 if x==0 and not numpy.isnan(y) else x * numpy.log(y), \
+# zip(b.as_array().ravel(), u.as_array().ravel()),0)
+# np.multiply.reduce(X, 0)
+# sf = reduce(lambda x,y: x + y[0]*y[1],
+# zip(self.as_array().ravel(),
+# other.as_array().ravel()),
+# 0)
+#cdef inline number_t xlogy(number_t x, number_t y) nogil:
+# if x == 0 and not zisnan(y):
+# return 0
+# else:
+# return x * zlog(y)
+# if npy_isnan(x):
+# return x
+# elif x > 0:
+# return -x * log(x)
+# elif x == 0:
+# return 0
+# else:
+# return -inf
+# cdef inline double kl_div(double x, double y) nogil:
+# if npy_isnan(x) or npy_isnan(y):
+# return nan
+# elif x > 0 and y > 0:
+# return x * log(x / y) - x + y
+# elif x == 0 and y >= 0:
+# return y
+# else:
+# return inf
+# def xlogy(self, dc1, dc2):
+# return numpy.sum(numpy.where(dc1.as_array() != 0, dc2.as_array() * numpy.log(dc2.as_array() / dc1.as_array()), 0))
+# f.xlog(u, b)
+# tmp1 = b.as_array()
+# tmp2 = u.as_array()
+# zz = scipy.special.xlogy(tmp1, tmp2)
+# print(np.sum(zz))
+# ww = f.xlogy(b, u)
+# print(ww)
+#cdef inline double kl_div(double x, double y) nogil: