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1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/wip/ b/Wrappers/Python/wip/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bf6ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/wip/
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+import numpy
+import tomophantom
+from tomophantom import TomoP3D
+from tomophantom.supp.artifacts import ArtifactsClass as Artifact
+import os
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from ccpi.optimisation.algorithms import CGLS
+from ccpi.plugins.ops import CCPiProjectorSimple
+from ccpi.optimisation.ops import PowerMethodNonsquare
+from ccpi.optimisation.ops import TomoIdentity
+from ccpi.optimisation.funcs import Norm2sq, Norm1
+from ccpi.framework import ImageGeometry, AcquisitionGeometry, ImageData, AcquisitionData
+from ccpi.optimisation.algorithms import GradientDescent
+from ccpi.framework import BlockDataContainer
+from ccpi.optimisation.operators import BlockOperator
+model = 13 # select a model number from tomophantom library
+N_size = 64 # Define phantom dimensions using a scalar value (cubic phantom)
+path = os.path.dirname(tomophantom.__file__)
+path_library3D = os.path.join(path, "Phantom3DLibrary.dat")
+#This will generate a N_size x N_size x N_size phantom (3D)
+phantom_tm = TomoP3D.Model(model, N_size, path_library3D)
+# detector column count (horizontal)
+detector_horiz = int(numpy.sqrt(2)*N_size)
+# detector row count (vertical) (no reason for it to be > N)
+detector_vert = N_size
+# number of projection angles
+angles_num = int(0.5*numpy.pi*N_size)
+# angles are expressed in degrees
+angles = numpy.linspace(0.0, 179.9, angles_num, dtype='float32')
+acquisition_data_array = TomoP3D.ModelSino(model, N_size,
+ detector_horiz, detector_vert,
+ angles,
+ path_library3D)
+tomophantom_acquisition_axes_order = ['vertical', 'angle', 'horizontal']
+artifacts = Artifact(acquisition_data_array)
+tp_acq_data = AcquisitionData(artifacts.noise(0.2, 'Gaussian'),
+ dimension_labels=tomophantom_acquisition_axes_order)
+#print ("size", acquisition_data.shape)
+print ("horiz", detector_horiz)
+print ("vert", detector_vert)
+print ("angles", angles_num)
+tp_acq_geometry = AcquisitionGeometry(geom_type='parallel', dimension='3D',
+ angles=angles,
+ pixel_num_h=detector_horiz,
+ pixel_num_v=detector_vert,
+ channels=1,
+ )
+acq_data = tp_acq_geometry.allocate()
+#print (tp_acq_geometry)
+print ("AcquisitionData", acq_data.shape)
+print ("TomoPhantom", tp_acq_data.shape, tp_acq_data.dimension_labels)
+default_acquisition_axes_order = ['angle', 'vertical', 'horizontal']
+acq_data2 = tp_acq_data.subset(dimensions=default_acquisition_axes_order)
+print ("AcquisitionData", acq_data2.shape, acq_data2.dimension_labels)
+print ("AcquisitionData {} TomoPhantom {}".format(id(acq_data2.as_array()),
+ id(acquisition_data_array)))
+fig = plt.figure()
+plt.title('Sinogram + noise')
+# Set up Operator object combining the ImageGeometry and AcquisitionGeometry
+# wrapping calls to CCPi projector.
+ig = ImageGeometry(voxel_num_x=detector_horiz,
+ voxel_num_y=detector_horiz,
+ voxel_num_z=detector_vert)
+A = CCPiProjectorSimple(ig, tp_acq_geometry)
+# Forward and backprojection are available as methods direct and adjoint. Here
+# generate test data b and some noise
+#b =
+b = acq_data2
+#z = A.adjoint(b)
+# Using the test data b, different reconstruction methods can now be set up as
+# demonstrated in the rest of this file. In general all methods need an initial
+# guess and some algorithm options to be set. Note that 100 iterations for
+# some of the methods is a very low number and 1000 or 10000 iterations may be
+# needed if one wants to obtain a converged solution.
+x_init = ImageData(geometry=ig,
+ dimension_labels=['horizontal_x','horizontal_y','vertical'])
+X_init = BlockDataContainer(x_init)
+B = BlockDataContainer(b,
+ ImageData(geometry=ig, dimension_labels=['horizontal_x','horizontal_y','vertical']))
+# setup a tomo identity
+Ibig = 4e1 * TomoIdentity(geometry=ig)
+Ismall = 1e-3 * TomoIdentity(geometry=ig)
+Iok = 7.6e0 * TomoIdentity(geometry=ig)
+# composite operator
+Kbig = BlockOperator(A, Ibig, shape=(2,1))
+Ksmall = BlockOperator(A, Ismall, shape=(2,1))
+Kok = BlockOperator(A, Iok, shape=(2,1))
+#out =
+#x0 = x_init.copy()
+#lipschitz = PowerMethodNonsquare(A, 5, x0)
+#print("lipschitz", lipschitz)
+simplef = Norm2sq(A, b, memopt=False)
+#simplef.L = lipschitz[0]/3000.
+simplef.L = 0.00003
+f = Norm2sq(Kbig,B)
+f.L = 0.00003
+fsmall = Norm2sq(Ksmall,B)
+fsmall.L = 0.00003
+fok = Norm2sq(Kok,B)
+fok.L = 0.00003
+print("setup gradient descent")
+gd = GradientDescent( x_init=x_init, objective_function=simplef,
+ rate=simplef.L)
+gd.max_iteration = 5
+simplef2 = Norm2sq(A, b, memopt=True)
+#simplef.L = lipschitz[0]/3000.
+simplef2.L = 0.00003
+print("setup gradient descent")
+gd2 = GradientDescent( x_init=x_init, objective_function=simplef2,
+ rate=simplef2.L)
+gd2.max_iteration = 5
+print("setup CGLS")
+cg = CGLS()
+cg.set_up(X_init, Kbig, B )
+cg.max_iteration = 10
+print("setup CGLS")
+cgsmall = CGLS()
+cgsmall.set_up(X_init, Ksmall, B )
+cgsmall.max_iteration = 10
+print("setup CGLS")
+cgs = CGLS()
+cgs.set_up(x_init, A, b )
+cgs.max_iteration = 10
+print("setup CGLS")
+cgok = CGLS()
+cgok.set_up(X_init, Kok, B )
+cgok.max_iteration = 10
+# #
+#out2 = K.adjoint(out)
+#(2.0*self.c)*self.A.adjoint( - self.b )
+for _ in gd:
+ print ("GradientDescent iteration {} {}".format(gd.iteration, gd.get_last_loss())),verbose=True)
+print("CGLS block lambda big"), lambda it,val: print ("CGLS big iteration {} objective {}".format(it,val)))
+print("CGLS standard"), lambda it,val: print ("CGLS standard iteration {} objective {}".format(it,val)))
+print("CGLS block lambda small"), lambda it,val: print ("CGLS small iteration {} objective {}".format(it,val)))
+print("CGLS block lambdaok"), verbose=True)
+# # for _ in cg:
+# print ("iteration {} {}".format(cg.iteration, cg.get_current_loss()))
+# #
+# # fig = plt.figure()
+# # plt.imshow(cg.get_output().get_item(0,0).subset(vertical=0).as_array())
+# # plt.title('Composite CGLS')
+# #
+# #
+# # for _ in cgs:
+# print ("iteration {} {}".format(cgs.iteration, cgs.get_current_loss()))
+# #
+Phantom = ImageData(phantom_tm)
+fig = plt.figure()
+plt.imshow(numpy.flip(Phantom.subset(vertical=theslice).as_array(),axis=0), cmap='gray')
+plt.title('Simulated Phantom')
+plt.imshow(gd.get_output().subset(vertical=theslice).as_array(), cmap='gray')
+plt.title('Simple Gradient Descent')
+plt.imshow(cgs.get_output().subset(vertical=theslice).as_array(), cmap='gray')
+plt.title('Simple CGLS')
+plt.imshow(cg.get_output().get_item(0).subset(vertical=theslice).as_array(), cmap='gray')
+plt.title('Composite CGLS\nbig lambda')
+plt.imshow(cgsmall.get_output().get_item(0).subset(vertical=theslice).as_array(), cmap='gray')
+plt.title('Composite CGLS\nsmall lambda')
+plt.imshow(cgok.get_output().get_item(0).subset(vertical=theslice).as_array(), cmap='gray')
+plt.title('Composite CGLS\nok lambda')
+#Ibig = 7e1 * TomoIdentity(geometry=ig)
+#Kbig = BlockOperator(A, Ibig, shape=(2,1))
+#cg2 = CGLS(x_init=X_init, operator=Kbig, data=B)
+#cg2.max_iteration = 10, verbose=True)