path: root/Wrappers
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Diffstat (limited to 'Wrappers')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/operators/ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/operators/
index 4bbc536..b2af8fc 100755
--- a/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/operators/
+++ b/Wrappers/Python/ccpi/optimisation/operators/
@@ -27,11 +27,14 @@ class BlockOperator(Operator):
Do not include the `self` parameter in the ``Args`` section.
- vararg (Operator): Operators in the block. varargs are passed in a
- row-by-row fashion.
- shape (:obj:`tuple`, optional): If passed the Operators listed
- in the vararg are laid out as described. Shape and number
- of Operators must match.
+ vararg (Operator): Operators in the block.
+ shape (:obj:`tuple`, optional): If shape is passed the Operators in
+ vararg are considered input in a row-by-row fashion.
+ Shape and number of Operators must match.
+ Example:
+ BlockOperator(op0,op1) results in a row block
+ BlockOperator(op0,op1,shape=(1,2)) results in a column block
self.operators = args
shape = kwargs.get('shape', None)
@@ -95,33 +98,63 @@ class BlockOperator(Operator):
raise ValueError('Incompatible shapes {} {}'.format(self.shape, xshape))
return (oshape, xshape[-1])
- def direct(self, x, out=None):
- out = [None]*self.dimension[0]
- for i in range(self.dimension[0]):
- z1 = ImageData(np.zeros(self.compMat[i][0].range_dim()))
- for j in range(self.dimension[1]):
- z1 += self.compMat[i][j].direct(x[j])
- out[i] = z1
- return out
- def adjoint(self, x, out=None):
+class BlockLinearOperator(BlockOperator):
+ '''Class to hold a block operator
+ Class to hold a number of Operators in a block.
+ User may specify the shape of the block, by default is a row vector
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ Class creator
+ Note:
+ Do not include the `self` parameter in the ``Args`` section.
+ Args:
+ vararg (Operator): LinearOperators in the block.
+ shape (:obj:`tuple`, optional): If shape is passed the Operators in
+ vararg are considered input in a row-by-row fashion.
+ Shape and number of Operators must match.
+ Example:
+ BlockLinearOperator(op0,op1) results in a row block
+ BlockLinearOperator(op0,op1,shape=(1,2)) results in a column block
+ '''
+ for i,op in enumerate(args):
+ if not op.is_linear():
+ raise ValueError('Operator {} must be LinearOperator'.format(i))
+ super(BlockLinearOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def adjoint(self, x, out=None):
+ '''Adjoint operation for the BlockOperator
- out = [None]*self.dimension[1]
- for i in range(self.dimension[1]):
- z2 = ImageData(np.zeros(self.compMat[0][i].domain_dim()))
- for j in range(self.dimension[0]):
- z2 += self.compMat[j][i].adjoint(x[j])
- out[i] = z2
-from ccpi.optimisation.algorithms import CGLS
+ only available on BlockLinearOperator
+ '''
+ shape = self.get_output_shape(x.shape, adjoint=True)
+ res = []
+ for row in range(self.shape[1]):
+ for col in range(self.shape[0]):
+ if col == 0:
+ prod = self.get_item(col,row).adjoint(x.get_item(row))
+ else:
+ prod += self.get_item(col,row).adjoint(x.get_item(row))
+ res.append(prod)
+ return BlockDataContainer(*res, shape=shape)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#from ccpi.optimisation.Algorithms import GradientDescent
+ from ccpi.optimisation.algorithms import CGLS
from ccpi.plugins.ops import CCPiProjectorSimple
from ccpi.optimisation.ops import PowerMethodNonsquare
from ccpi.optimisation.ops import TomoIdentity
@@ -131,193 +164,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
#from ccpi.optimisation.Algorithms import CGLS
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- ig0 = ImageGeometry(2,3,4)
- ig1 = ImageGeometry(12,42,55,32)
- data0 = ImageData(geometry=ig0)
- data1 = ImageData(geometry=ig1) + 1
- data2 = ImageData(geometry=ig0) + 2
- data3 = ImageData(geometry=ig1) + 3
- cp0 = BlockDataContainer(data0,data1)
- cp1 = BlockDataContainer(data2,data3)
- a = [ (el, ot) for el,ot in zip(cp0.containers,cp1.containers)]
- print (a[0][0].shape)
- #cp2 = BlockDataContainer(*a)
- cp2 = cp0.add(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 2.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 4.)
- cp2 = cp0 + cp1
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 2.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 4.)
- cp2 = cp0 + 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0 + [1 ,2]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 3., decimal = 5)
- cp2 += cp1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +3. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +6., decimal = 5)
- cp2 += 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +4. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +7., decimal = 5)
- cp2 += [-2,-1]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 6., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0.subtract(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
- cp2 = cp0 - cp1
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == -2.)
- cp2 = cp0 - 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -1. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0, decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0 - [1 ,2]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -1. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -1., decimal = 5)
- cp2 -= cp1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -3. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -4., decimal = 5)
- cp2 -= 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -4. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -5., decimal = 5)
- cp2 -= [-2,-1]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -2. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -4., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0.multiply(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 3.)
- cp2 = cp0 * cp1
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- assert (cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 3.)
- cp2 = cp0 * 2
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2, decimal = 5)
- cp2 = 2 * cp0
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2, decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0 * [3 ,2]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0 * numpy.asarray([3 ,2])
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = [3,2] * cp0
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = numpy.asarray([3,2]) * cp0
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = [3,2,3] * cp0
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 2., decimal = 5)
- cp2 *= cp1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0 , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +6., decimal = 5)
- cp2 *= 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , +6., decimal = 5)
- cp2 *= [-2,-1]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -6., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0.divide(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1./3., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0/cp1
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1./3., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0 / 2
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0 / [3 ,2]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0 / numpy.asarray([3 ,2])
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
- cp3 = numpy.asarray([3 ,2]) / (cp0+1)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp3.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 3. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp3.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1, decimal = 5)
- cp2 += 1
- cp2 /= cp1
- # TODO fix inplace division
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1./2 , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1.5/3., decimal = 5)
- cp2 /= 1
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5 , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0.5, decimal = 5)
- cp2 /= [-2,-1]
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -0.5/2. , decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , -0.5, decimal = 5)
- ####
- cp2 = cp0.power(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0**cp1
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == 0.)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0 ** 2
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 0., decimal=5)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0] , 1., decimal = 5)
- cp2 = cp0.maximum(cp1)
- assert (cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0] == cp1.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0])
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0.abs()
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 0., decimal=4)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(cp2.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], 1., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0.subtract(cp1)
- s = cp2.sign()
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0], -1., decimal=4)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], -1., decimal=4)
- cp2 = cp0.add(cp1)
- s = cp2.sqrt()
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0], numpy.sqrt(2), decimal=4)
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0], numpy.sqrt(4), decimal=4)
- s = cp0.sum()
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s[0], 0, decimal=4)
- s0 = 1
- s1 = 1
- for i in cp0.get_item(0,0).shape:
- s0 *= i
- for i in cp0.get_item(1,0).shape:
- s1 *= i
- numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(s[1], cp0.get_item(0,0).as_array()[0][0][0]*s0 +cp0.get_item(1,0).as_array()[0][0][0]*s1, decimal=4)
# Set up phantom size N x N x vert by creating ImageGeometry, initialising the
# ImageData object with this geometry and empty array and finally put some