#!/usr/bin/env bash # define CIL_VERSION if not defined by calling environment if [[ -n ${CIL_VERSION} ]]; then echo Using defined version: $CIL_VERSION else export CIL_VERSION=0.10.4 echo Defining version: $CIL_VERSION fi # install miniconda if it is not already present if hash conda 2>/dev/null; then echo using preinstalled conda else echo installing miniconda if [ ! -f Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh ]; then wget -q https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh fi ./Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -u -b -p . PATH=$PATH:./bin fi # presume that git clone is done before this script is launched, if not, uncomment # git clone https://github.com/vais-ral/CCPi-Framework.git conda install -y conda-build # need to call first build conda build Wrappers/Python/conda-recipe -c conda-forge -c ccpi # then need to call the same with --output export REG_FILES=`conda build Wrappers/Python/conda-recipe --output` # REG_FILES variable should contain output files echo files created: $REG_FILES #upload to anaconda if [[ -n ${CCPI_CONDA_TOKEN} ]] then conda install anaconda-client while read -r outfile; do anaconda -v -t ${CCPI_CONDA_TOKEN} upload $outfile --force --label dev done <<< "$REG_FILES" else echo CCPI_CONDA_TOKEN not defined, will not upload to anaconda. fi