path: root/Wrappers/Matlab
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authorEdoardo Pasca <>2017-11-10 14:03:37 +0000
committerEdoardo Pasca <>2018-01-19 14:26:06 +0000
commitd8da92d590fcab561b9e65ee57851e2e402f0cd4 (patch)
tree8ff25f41a7ea4a690235fe92f79c807615f0aef2 /Wrappers/Matlab
parent2b11ca3f30580b814971fcad39110e0751161acb (diff)
code refactoring step1
Diffstat (limited to 'Wrappers/Matlab')
3 files changed, 762 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Wrappers/Matlab/FISTA_REC.m b/Wrappers/Matlab/FISTA_REC.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d717a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wrappers/Matlab/FISTA_REC.m
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+function [X, output] = FISTA_REC(params)
+% <<<< FISTA-based reconstruction routine using ASTRA-toolbox >>>>
+% This code solves regularised PWLS problem using FISTA approach.
+% The code contains multiple regularisation penalties as well as it can be
+% accelerated by using ordered-subset version. Various projection
+% geometries supported.
+% It is recommended to use ASTRA version 1.8 or later in order to avoid
+% crashing due to GPU memory overflow for big datasets
+% ___Input___:
+% params.[] file:
+%----------------General Parameters------------------------
+% - .proj_geom (geometry of the projector) [required]
+% - .vol_geom (geometry of the reconstructed object) [required]
+% - .sino (2D or 3D sinogram) [required]
+% - .iterFISTA (iterations for the main loop, default 40)
+% - .L_const (Lipschitz constant, default Power method) )
+% - .X_ideal (ideal image, if given)
+% - .weights (statisitcal weights for the PWLS model, size of the sinogram)
+% - .fidelity (use 'studentt' fidelity)
+% - .ROI (Region-of-interest, only if X_ideal is given)
+% - .initialize (a 'warm start' using SIRT method from ASTRA)
+%----------------Regularization choices------------------------
+% 1 .Regul_Lambda_FGPTV (FGP-TV regularization parameter)
+% 2 .Regul_Lambda_SBTV (SplitBregman-TV regularization parameter)
+% 3 .Regul_LambdaLLT (Higher order LLT regularization parameter)
+% 3.1 .Regul_tauLLT (time step parameter for LLT (HO) term)
+% 4 .Regul_LambdaPatchBased_CPU (Patch-based nonlocal regularization parameter)
+% 4.1 .Regul_PB_SearchW (ratio of the searching window (e.g. 3 = (2*3+1) = 7 pixels window))
+% 4.2 .Regul_PB_SimilW (ratio of the similarity window (e.g. 1 = (2*1+1) = 3 pixels window))
+% 4.3 .Regul_PB_h (PB penalty function threshold)
+% 5 .Regul_LambdaPatchBased_GPU (Patch-based nonlocal regularization parameter)
+% 5.1 .Regul_PB_SearchW (ratio of the searching window (e.g. 3 = (2*3+1) = 7 pixels window))
+% 5.2 .Regul_PB_SimilW (ratio of the similarity window (e.g. 1 = (2*1+1) = 3 pixels window))
+% 5.3 .Regul_PB_h (PB penalty function threshold)
+% 6 .Regul_LambdaDiffHO (Higher-Order Diffusion regularization parameter)
+% 6.1 .Regul_DiffHO_EdgePar (edge-preserving noise related parameter)
+% 7 .Regul_LambdaTGV (Total Generalized variation regularization parameter)
+% - .Regul_tol (tolerance to terminate regul iterations, default 1.0e-04)
+% - .Regul_Iterations (iterations for the selected penalty, default 25)
+% - .Regul_Dimension ('2D' or '3D' way to apply regularization, '3D' is the default)
+%----------------Ring removal------------------------
+% - .Ring_LambdaR_L1 (regularization parameter for L1-ring minimization, if lambdaR_L1 > 0 then switch on ring removal)
+% - .Ring_Alpha (larger values can accelerate convergence but check stability, default 1)
+%----------------Visualization parameters------------------------
+% - .show (visualize reconstruction 1/0, (0 default))
+% - .maxvalplot (maximum value to use for imshow[0 maxvalplot])
+% - .slice (for 3D volumes - slice number to imshow)
+% ___Output___:
+% 1. X - reconstructed image/volume
+% 2. output - a structure with
+% - .Resid_error - residual error (if X_ideal is given)
+% - .objective: value of the objective function
+% - .L_const: Lipshitz constant to avoid recalculations
+% References:
+% 1. "A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse
+% Problems" by A. Beck and M Teboulle
+% 2. "Ring artifacts correction in compressed sensing..." by P. Paleo
+% 3. "A novel tomographic reconstruction method based on the robust
+% Student's t function for suppressing data outliers" D. Kazantsev
+% D. Kazantsev, 2016-17
+% Dealing with input parameters
+if (isfield(params,'proj_geom') == 0)
+ error('%s \n', 'Please provide ASTRA projection geometry - proj_geom');
+ proj_geom = params.proj_geom;
+if (isfield(params,'vol_geom') == 0)
+ error('%s \n', 'Please provide ASTRA object geometry - vol_geom');
+ vol_geom = params.vol_geom;
+N = params.vol_geom.GridColCount;
+if (isfield(params,'sino'))
+ sino = params.sino;
+ [Detectors, anglesNumb, SlicesZ] = size(sino);
+ fprintf('%s %i %s %i %s %i %s \n', 'Sinogram has a dimension of', Detectors, 'detectors;', anglesNumb, 'projections;', SlicesZ, 'vertical slices.');
+ error('%s \n', 'Please provide a sinogram');
+if (isfield(params,'iterFISTA'))
+ iterFISTA = params.iterFISTA;
+ iterFISTA = 40;
+if (isfield(params,'weights'))
+ weights = params.weights;
+ weights = ones(size(sino));
+if (isfield(params,'fidelity'))
+ studentt = 0;
+ if (strcmp(,'studentt') == 1)
+ studentt = 1;
+ end
+ studentt = 0;
+if (isfield(params,'L_const'))
+ L_const = params.L_const;
+ % using Power method (PM) to establish L constant
+ fprintf('%s %s %s \n', 'Calculating Lipshitz constant for',proj_geom.type, 'beam geometry...');
+ if (strcmp(proj_geom.type,'parallel') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'fanflat') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'fanflat_vec'))
+ % for 2D geometry we can do just one selected slice
+ niter = 15; % number of iteration for the PM
+ x1 = rand(N,N,1);
+ sqweight = sqrt(weights(:,:,1));
+ [sino_id, y] = astra_create_sino_cuda(x1, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ y = sqweight.*y';
+ astra_mex_data2d('delete', sino_id);
+ for i = 1:niter
+ [x1] = astra_create_backprojection_cuda((sqweight.*y)', proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ s = norm(x1(:));
+ x1 = x1./s;
+ [sino_id, y] = astra_create_sino_cuda(x1, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ y = sqweight.*y';
+ astra_mex_data2d('delete', sino_id);
+ end
+ elseif (strcmp(proj_geom.type,'cone') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'parallel3d') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'parallel3d_vec') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'cone_vec'))
+ % 3D geometry
+ niter = 8; % number of iteration for PM
+ x1 = rand(N,N,SlicesZ);
+ sqweight = sqrt(weights);
+ [sino_id, y] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(x1, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ y = sqweight.*y;
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', sino_id);
+ for i = 1:niter
+ [id,x1] = astra_create_backprojection3d_cuda(sqweight.*y, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ s = norm(x1(:));
+ x1 = x1/s;
+ [sino_id, y] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(x1, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ y = sqweight.*y;
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', sino_id);
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', id);
+ end
+ clear x1
+ else
+ error('%s \n', 'No suitable geometry has been found!');
+ end
+ L_const = s;
+if (isfield(params,'X_ideal'))
+ X_ideal = params.X_ideal;
+ X_ideal = 'none';
+if (isfield(params,'ROI'))
+ ROI = params.ROI;
+ ROI = find(X_ideal>=0.0);
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_Lambda_FGPTV'))
+ lambdaFGP_TV = params.Regul_Lambda_FGPTV;
+ lambdaFGP_TV = 0;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_Lambda_SBTV'))
+ lambdaSB_TV = params.Regul_Lambda_SBTV;
+ lambdaSB_TV = 0;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_tol'))
+ tol = params.Regul_tol;
+ tol = 1.0e-05;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_Iterations'))
+ IterationsRegul = params.Regul_Iterations;
+ IterationsRegul = 45;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_LambdaLLT'))
+ lambdaHO = params.Regul_LambdaLLT;
+ lambdaHO = 0;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_iterHO'))
+ iterHO = params.Regul_iterHO;
+ iterHO = 50;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_tauLLT'))
+ tauHO = params.Regul_tauLLT;
+ tauHO = 0.0001;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_LambdaPatchBased_CPU'))
+ lambdaPB = params.Regul_LambdaPatchBased_CPU;
+ lambdaPB = 0;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_LambdaPatchBased_GPU'))
+ lambdaPB_GPU = params.Regul_LambdaPatchBased_GPU;
+ lambdaPB_GPU = 0;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_PB_SearchW'))
+ SearchW = params.Regul_PB_SearchW;
+ SearchW = 3; % default
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_PB_SimilW'))
+ SimilW = params.Regul_PB_SimilW;
+ SimilW = 1; % default
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_PB_h'))
+ h_PB = params.Regul_PB_h;
+ h_PB = 0.1; % default
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_LambdaDiffHO'))
+ LambdaDiff_HO = params.Regul_LambdaDiffHO;
+ LambdaDiff_HO = 0;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_DiffHO_EdgePar'))
+ LambdaDiff_HO_EdgePar = params.Regul_DiffHO_EdgePar;
+ LambdaDiff_HO_EdgePar = 0.01;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_LambdaTGV'))
+ LambdaTGV = params.Regul_LambdaTGV;
+ LambdaTGV = 0;
+if (isfield(params,'Ring_LambdaR_L1'))
+ lambdaR_L1 = params.Ring_LambdaR_L1;
+ lambdaR_L1 = 0;
+if (isfield(params,'Ring_Alpha'))
+ alpha_ring = params.Ring_Alpha; % higher values can accelerate ring removal procedure
+ alpha_ring = 1;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_Dimension'))
+ Dimension = params.Regul_Dimension;
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) ~= 1) && (strcmp('3D', Dimension) ~= 1))
+ Dimension = '3D';
+ end
+ Dimension = '3D';
+if (isfield(params,'show'))
+ show =;
+ show = 0;
+if (isfield(params,'maxvalplot'))
+ maxvalplot = params.maxvalplot;
+ maxvalplot = 1;
+if (isfield(params,'slice'))
+ slice = params.slice;
+ slice = 1;
+if (isfield(params,'initialize'))
+ X = params.initialize;
+ if ((size(X,1) ~= N) || (size(X,2) ~= N) || (size(X,3) ~= SlicesZ))
+ error('%s \n', 'The initialized volume has different dimensions!');
+ end
+ X = zeros(N,N,SlicesZ, 'single'); % storage for the solution
+if (isfield(params,'subsets'))
+ % Ordered Subsets reorganisation of data and angles
+ subsets = params.subsets; % subsets number
+ angles = proj_geom.ProjectionAngles;
+ binEdges = linspace(min(angles),max(angles),subsets+1);
+ % assign values to bins
+ [binsDiscr,~] = histc(angles, [binEdges(1:end-1) Inf]);
+ % get rearranged subset indices
+ IndicesReorg = zeros(length(angles),1);
+ counterM = 0;
+ for ii = 1:max(binsDiscr(:))
+ counter = 0;
+ for jj = 1:subsets
+ curr_index = ii+jj-1 + counter;
+ if (binsDiscr(jj) >= ii)
+ counterM = counterM + 1;
+ IndicesReorg(counterM) = curr_index;
+ end
+ counter = (counter + binsDiscr(jj)) - 1;
+ end
+ end
+ subsets = 0; % Classical FISTA
+%----------------Reconstruction part------------------------
+Resid_error = zeros(iterFISTA,1); % errors vector (if the ground truth is given)
+objective = zeros(iterFISTA,1); % objective function values vector
+if (subsets == 0)
+ % Classical FISTA
+ t = 1;
+ X_t = X;
+ r = zeros(Detectors,SlicesZ, 'single'); % 2D array (for 3D data) of sparse "ring" vectors
+ r_x = r; % another ring variable
+ residual = zeros(size(sino),'single');
+ % Outer FISTA iterations loop
+ for i = 1:iterFISTA
+ X_old = X;
+ t_old = t;
+ r_old = r;
+ if (strcmp(proj_geom.type,'parallel') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'fanflat') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'fanflat_vec'))
+ % if geometry is 2D use slice-by-slice projection-backprojection routine
+ sino_updt = zeros(size(sino),'single');
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ [sino_id, sinoT] = astra_create_sino_cuda(X_t(:,:,kkk), proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ sino_updt(:,:,kkk) = sinoT';
+ astra_mex_data2d('delete', sino_id);
+ end
+ else
+ % for 3D geometry (watch the GPU memory overflow in earlier ASTRA versions < 1.8)
+ [sino_id, sino_updt] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(X_t, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', sino_id);
+ end
+ if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
+ % the ring removal part (Group-Huber fidelity)
+ for kkk = 1:anglesNumb
+ residual(:,kkk,:) = squeeze(weights(:,kkk,:)).*(squeeze(sino_updt(:,kkk,:)) - (squeeze(sino(:,kkk,:)) - alpha_ring.*r_x));
+ end
+ vec = sum(residual,2);
+ if (SlicesZ > 1)
+ vec = squeeze(vec(:,1,:));
+ end
+ r = r_x - (1./L_const).*vec;
+ objective(i) = (0.5*sum(residual(:).^2)); % for the objective function output
+ elseif (studentt > 0)
+ % artifacts removal with Students t penalty
+ residual = weights.*(sino_updt - sino);
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ res_vec = reshape(residual(:,:,kkk), Detectors*anglesNumb, 1); % 1D vectorized sinogram
+ %s = 100;
+ %gr = (2)*res_vec./(s*2 + conj(res_vec).*res_vec);
+ [ff, gr] = studentst(res_vec, 1);
+ residual(:,:,kkk) = reshape(gr, Detectors, anglesNumb);
+ end
+ objective(i) = ff; % for the objective function output
+ else
+ % no ring removal (LS model)
+ residual = weights.*(sino_updt - sino);
+ objective(i) = 0.5*norm(residual(:)); % for the objective function output
+ end
+ % if the geometry is 2D use slice-by-slice projection-backprojection routine
+ if (strcmp(proj_geom.type,'parallel') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'fanflat') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'fanflat_vec'))
+ x_temp = zeros(size(X),'single');
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ [x_temp(:,:,kkk)] = astra_create_backprojection_cuda(squeeze(residual(:,:,kkk))', proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ end
+ else
+ [id, x_temp] = astra_create_backprojection3d_cuda(residual, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', id);
+ end
+ X = X_t - (1/L_const).*x_temp;
+ % ----------------Regularization part------------------------%
+ if (lambdaFGP_TV > 0)
+ % FGP-TV regularization
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ [X(:,:,kkk), f_val] = FGP_TV(single(X(:,:,kkk)), lambdaFGP_TV/L_const, IterationsRegul, tol, 'iso');
+ end
+ else
+ % 3D regularization
+ [X, f_val] = FGP_TV(single(X), lambdaFGP_TV/L_const, IterationsRegul, tol, 'iso');
+ end
+ objective(i) = (objective(i) + f_val)./(Detectors*anglesNumb*SlicesZ);
+ end
+ if (lambdaSB_TV > 0)
+ % Split Bregman regularization
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X(:,:,kkk) = SplitBregman_TV(single(X(:,:,kkk)), lambdaSB_TV/L_const, IterationsRegul, tol); % (more memory efficent)
+ end
+ else
+ % 3D regularization
+ X = SplitBregman_TV(single(X), lambdaSB_TV/L_const, IterationsRegul, tol); % (more memory efficent)
+ end
+ end
+ if (lambdaHO > 0)
+ % Higher Order (LLT) regularization
+ X2 = zeros(N,N,SlicesZ,'single');
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X2(:,:,kkk) = LLT_model(single(X(:,:,kkk)), lambdaHO/L_const, tauHO, iterHO, 3.0e-05, 0);
+ end
+ else
+ % 3D regularization
+ X2 = LLT_model(single(X), lambdaHO/L_const, tauHO, iterHO, 3.0e-05, 0);
+ end
+ X = 0.5.*(X + X2); % averaged combination of two solutions
+ end
+ if (lambdaPB > 0)
+ % Patch-Based regularization (can be very slow on CPU)
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X(:,:,kkk) = PatchBased_Regul(single(X(:,:,kkk)), SearchW, SimilW, h_PB, lambdaPB/L_const);
+ end
+ else
+ X = PatchBased_Regul(single(X), SearchW, SimilW, h_PB, lambdaPB/L_const);
+ end
+ end
+ if (lambdaPB_GPU > 0)
+ % Patch-Based regularization (GPU CUDA implementation)
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X(:,:,kkk) = NLM_GPU(single(X(:,:,kkk)), SearchW, SimilW, h_PB, lambdaPB_GPU/L_const);
+ end
+ else
+ X = NLM_GPU(single(X), SearchW, SimilW, h_PB, lambdaPB_GPU/L_const);
+ end
+ end
+ if (LambdaDiff_HO > 0)
+ % Higher-order diffusion penalty (GPU CUDA implementation)
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X(:,:,kkk) = Diff4thHajiaboli_GPU(single(X(:,:,kkk)), LambdaDiff_HO_EdgePar, LambdaDiff_HO/L_const, IterationsRegul);
+ end
+ else
+ X = Diff4thHajiaboli_GPU(X, LambdaDiff_HO_EdgePar, LambdaDiff_HO/L_const, IterationsRegul);
+ end
+ end
+ if (LambdaTGV > 0)
+ % Total Generalized variation (currently only 2D)
+ lamTGV1 = 1.1; % smoothing trade-off parameters, see Pock's paper
+ lamTGV2 = 0.8; % second-order term
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X(:,:,kkk) = TGV_PD(single(X(:,:,kkk)), LambdaTGV/L_const, lamTGV1, lamTGV2, IterationsRegul);
+ end
+ end
+ if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
+ r = max(abs(r)-lambdaR_L1, 0).*sign(r); % soft-thresholding operator for ring vector
+ end
+ t = (1 + sqrt(1 + 4*t^2))/2; % updating t
+ X_t = X + ((t_old-1)/t).*(X - X_old); % updating X
+ if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
+ r_x = r + ((t_old-1)/t).*(r - r_old); % updating r
+ end
+ if (show == 1)
+ figure(10); imshow(X(:,:,slice), [0 maxvalplot]);
+ if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
+ figure(11); plot(r); title('Rings offset vector')
+ end
+ pause(0.01);
+ end
+ if (strcmp(X_ideal, 'none' ) == 0)
+ Resid_error(i) = RMSE(X(ROI), X_ideal(ROI));
+ fprintf('%s %i %s %s %.4f %s %s %f \n', 'Iteration Number:', i, '|', 'Error RMSE:', Resid_error(i), '|', 'Objective:', objective(i));
+ else
+ fprintf('%s %i %s %s %f \n', 'Iteration Number:', i, '|', 'Objective:', objective(i));
+ end
+ end
+ % Ordered Subsets (OS) FISTA reconstruction routine (normally one order of magnitude faster than the classical version)
+ t = 1;
+ X_t = X;
+ proj_geomSUB = proj_geom;
+ r = zeros(Detectors,SlicesZ, 'single'); % 2D array (for 3D data) of sparse "ring" vectors
+ r_x = r; % another ring variable
+ residual2 = zeros(size(sino),'single');
+ sino_updt_FULL = zeros(size(sino),'single');
+ % Outer FISTA iterations loop
+ for i = 1:iterFISTA
+ if ((i > 1) && (lambdaR_L1 > 0))
+ % in order to make Group-Huber fidelity work with ordered subsets
+ % we still need to work with full sinogram
+ % the offset variable must be calculated for the whole
+ % updated sinogram - sino_updt_FULL
+ for kkk = 1:anglesNumb
+ residual2(:,kkk,:) = squeeze(weights(:,kkk,:)).*(squeeze(sino_updt_FULL(:,kkk,:)) - (squeeze(sino(:,kkk,:)) - alpha_ring.*r_x));
+ end
+ r_old = r;
+ vec = sum(residual2,2);
+ if (SlicesZ > 1)
+ vec = squeeze(vec(:,1,:));
+ end
+ r = r_x - (1./L_const).*vec; % update ring variable
+ end
+ % subsets loop
+ counterInd = 1;
+ for ss = 1:subsets
+ X_old = X;
+ t_old = t;
+ numProjSub = binsDiscr(ss); % the number of projections per subset
+ sino_updt_Sub = zeros(Detectors, numProjSub, SlicesZ,'single');
+ CurrSubIndeces = IndicesReorg(counterInd:(counterInd + numProjSub - 1)); % extract indeces attached to the subset
+ proj_geomSUB.ProjectionAngles = angles(CurrSubIndeces);
+ if (strcmp(proj_geom.type,'parallel') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'fanflat') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'fanflat_vec'))
+ % if geometry is 2D use slice-by-slice projection-backprojection routine
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ [sino_id, sinoT] = astra_create_sino_cuda(X_t(:,:,kkk), proj_geomSUB, vol_geom);
+ sino_updt_Sub(:,:,kkk) = sinoT';
+ astra_mex_data2d('delete', sino_id);
+ end
+ else
+ % for 3D geometry (watch the GPU memory overflow in earlier ASTRA versions < 1.8)
+ [sino_id, sino_updt_Sub] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(X_t, proj_geomSUB, vol_geom);
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', sino_id);
+ end
+ if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
+ % Group-Huber fidelity (ring removal)
+ residualSub = zeros(Detectors, numProjSub, SlicesZ,'single'); % residual for a chosen subset
+ for kkk = 1:numProjSub
+ indC = CurrSubIndeces(kkk);
+ residualSub(:,kkk,:) = squeeze(weights(:,indC,:)).*(squeeze(sino_updt_Sub(:,kkk,:)) - (squeeze(sino(:,indC,:)) - alpha_ring.*r_x));
+ sino_updt_FULL(:,indC,:) = squeeze(sino_updt_Sub(:,kkk,:)); % filling the full sinogram
+ end
+ elseif (studentt > 0)
+ % student t data fidelity
+ % artifacts removal with Students t penalty
+ residualSub = squeeze(weights(:,CurrSubIndeces,:)).*(sino_updt_Sub - squeeze(sino(:,CurrSubIndeces,:)));
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ res_vec = reshape(residualSub(:,:,kkk), Detectors*numProjSub, 1); % 1D vectorized sinogram
+ %s = 100;
+ %gr = (2)*res_vec./(s*2 + conj(res_vec).*res_vec);
+ [ff, gr] = studentst(res_vec, 1);
+ residualSub(:,:,kkk) = reshape(gr, Detectors, numProjSub);
+ end
+ objective(i) = ff; % for the objective function output
+ else
+ % PWLS model
+ residualSub = squeeze(weights(:,CurrSubIndeces,:)).*(sino_updt_Sub - squeeze(sino(:,CurrSubIndeces,:)));
+ objective(i) = 0.5*norm(residualSub(:)); % for the objective function output
+ end
+ % perform backprojection of a subset
+ if (strcmp(proj_geom.type,'parallel') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'fanflat') || strcmp(proj_geom.type,'fanflat_vec'))
+ % if geometry is 2D use slice-by-slice projection-backprojection routine
+ x_temp = zeros(size(X),'single');
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ [x_temp(:,:,kkk)] = astra_create_backprojection_cuda(squeeze(residualSub(:,:,kkk))', proj_geomSUB, vol_geom);
+ end
+ else
+ [id, x_temp] = astra_create_backprojection3d_cuda(residualSub, proj_geomSUB, vol_geom);
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', id);
+ end
+ X = X_t - (1/L_const).*x_temp;
+ % ----------------Regularization part------------------------%
+ if (lambdaFGP_TV > 0)
+ % FGP-TV regularization
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ [X(:,:,kkk), f_val] = FGP_TV(single(X(:,:,kkk)), lambdaFGP_TV/(subsets*L_const), IterationsRegul, tol, 'iso');
+ end
+ else
+ % 3D regularization
+ [X, f_val] = FGP_TV(single(X), lambdaFGP_TV/(subsets*L_const), IterationsRegul, tol, 'iso');
+ end
+ objective(i) = objective(i) + f_val;
+ end
+ if (lambdaSB_TV > 0)
+ % Split Bregman regularization
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X(:,:,kkk) = SplitBregman_TV(single(X(:,:,kkk)), lambdaSB_TV/(subsets*L_const), IterationsRegul, tol); % (more memory efficent)
+ end
+ else
+ % 3D regularization
+ X = SplitBregman_TV(single(X), lambdaSB_TV/(subsets*L_const), IterationsRegul, tol); % (more memory efficent)
+ end
+ end
+ if (lambdaHO > 0)
+ % Higher Order (LLT) regularization
+ X2 = zeros(N,N,SlicesZ,'single');
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X2(:,:,kkk) = LLT_model(single(X(:,:,kkk)), lambdaHO/(subsets*L_const), tauHO/subsets, iterHO, 2.0e-05, 0);
+ end
+ else
+ % 3D regularization
+ X2 = LLT_model(single(X), lambdaHO/(subsets*L_const), tauHO/subsets, iterHO, 2.0e-05, 0);
+ end
+ X = 0.5.*(X + X2); % the averaged combination of two solutions
+ end
+ if (lambdaPB > 0)
+ % Patch-Based regularization (can be slow on CPU)
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X(:,:,kkk) = PatchBased_Regul(single(X(:,:,kkk)), SearchW, SimilW, h_PB, lambdaPB/(subsets*L_const));
+ end
+ else
+ X = PatchBased_Regul(single(X), SearchW, SimilW, h_PB, lambdaPB/(subsets*L_const));
+ end
+ end
+ if (lambdaPB_GPU > 0)
+ % Patch-Based regularization (GPU CUDA implementation)
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X(:,:,kkk) = NLM_GPU(single(X(:,:,kkk)), SearchW, SimilW, h_PB, lambdaPB_GPU/(subsets*L_const));
+ end
+ else
+ X = NLM_GPU(single(X), SearchW, SimilW, h_PB, lambdaPB_GPU/(subsets*L_const));
+ end
+ end
+ if (LambdaDiff_HO > 0)
+ % Higher-order diffusion penalty (GPU CUDA implementation)
+ if ((strcmp('2D', Dimension) == 1))
+ % 2D regularization
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X(:,:,kkk) = Diff4thHajiaboli_GPU(single(X(:,:,kkk)), LambdaDiff_HO_EdgePar, LambdaDiff_HO/(subsets*L_const), round(IterationsRegul/subsets));
+ end
+ else
+ X = Diff4thHajiaboli_GPU(X, LambdaDiff_HO_EdgePar, LambdaDiff_HO/(subsets*L_const), round(IterationsRegul/subsets));
+ end
+ end
+ if (LambdaTGV > 0)
+ % Total Generalized variation (currently only 2D)
+ lamTGV1 = 1.1; % smoothing trade-off parameters, see Pock's paper
+ lamTGV2 = 0.5; % second-order term
+ for kkk = 1:SlicesZ
+ X(:,:,kkk) = TGV_PD(single(X(:,:,kkk)), LambdaTGV/(subsets*L_const), lamTGV1, lamTGV2, IterationsRegul);
+ end
+ end
+ t = (1 + sqrt(1 + 4*t^2))/2; % updating t
+ X_t = X + ((t_old-1)/t).*(X - X_old); % updating X
+ counterInd = counterInd + numProjSub;
+ end
+ if (i == 1)
+ r_old = r;
+ end
+ % working with a 'ring vector'
+ if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
+ r = max(abs(r)-lambdaR_L1, 0).*sign(r); % soft-thresholding operator for ring vector
+ r_x = r + ((t_old-1)/t).*(r - r_old); % updating r
+ end
+ if (show == 1)
+ figure(10); imshow(X(:,:,slice), [0 maxvalplot]);
+ if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
+ figure(11); plot(r); title('Rings offset vector')
+ end
+ pause(0.01);
+ end
+ if (strcmp(X_ideal, 'none' ) == 0)
+ Resid_error(i) = RMSE(X(ROI), X_ideal(ROI));
+ fprintf('%s %i %s %s %.4f %s %s %f \n', 'Iteration Number:', i, '|', 'Error RMSE:', Resid_error(i), '|', 'Objective:', objective(i));
+ else
+ fprintf('%s %i %s %s %f \n', 'Iteration Number:', i, '|', 'Objective:', objective(i));
+ end
+ end
+output.Resid_error = Resid_error;
+output.objective = objective;
+output.L_const = L_const;
diff --git a/Wrappers/Matlab/compile_mex.m b/Wrappers/Matlab/compile_mex.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66c05da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wrappers/Matlab/compile_mex.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+% compile mex's in Matlab once
+cd regularizers_CPU/
+mex LLT_model.c LLT_model_core.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
+mex FGP_TV.c FGP_TV_core.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
+mex SplitBregman_TV.c SplitBregman_TV_core.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
+mex TGV_PD.c TGV_PD_core.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
+mex PatchBased_Regul.c PatchBased_Regul_core.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
+cd ../../
+cd demos
diff --git a/Wrappers/Matlab/studentst.m b/Wrappers/Matlab/studentst.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99fed1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wrappers/Matlab/studentst.m
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+function [f,g,h,s,k] = studentst(r,k,s)
+% Students T penalty with 'auto-tuning'
+% use:
+% [f,g,h,{k,{s}}] = studentst(r) - automatically fits s and k
+% [f,g,h,{k,{s}}] = studentst(r,k) - automatically fits s
+% [f,g,h,{k,{s}}] = studentst(r,k,s) - use given s and k
+% input:
+% r - residual as column vector
+% s - scale (optional)
+% k - degrees of freedom (optional)
+% output:
+% f - misfit (scalar)
+% g - gradient (column vector)
+% h - positive approximation of the Hessian (column vector, Hessian is a diagonal matrix)
+% s,k - scale and degrees of freedom
+% Tristan van Leeuwen, 2012.
+% fit both s and k
+if nargin == 1
+ opts = optimset('maxFunEvals',1e2);
+ tmp = fminsearch(@(x)st(r,x(1),x(2)),[1;2],opts);
+ s = tmp(1);
+ k = tmp(2);
+if nargin == 2
+ opts = optimset('maxFunEvals',1e2);
+ tmp = fminsearch(@(x)st(r,x,k),[1],opts);
+ s = tmp(1);
+% evaulate penalty
+[f,g,h] = st(r,s,k);
+function [f,g,h] = st(r,s,k)
+n = length(r);
+c = -n*(gammaln((k+1)/2) - gammaln(k/2) - .5*log(pi*s*k));
+f = c + .5*(k+1)*sum(log(1 + conj(r).*r/(s*k)));
+g = (k+1)*r./(s*k + conj(r).*r);
+h = (k+1)./(s*k + conj(r).*r);