path: root/main_func
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7 files changed, 785 insertions, 654 deletions
diff --git a/main_func/FGP_TV.c b/main_func/FGP_TV.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a1fd13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main_func/FGP_TV.c
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+#include "mex.h"
+#include <matrix.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp.h"
+/* C-OMP implementation of FGP-TV [1] denoising/regularization model (2D/3D case)
+ *
+ * Input Parameters:
+ * 1. Noisy image/volume [REQUIRED]
+ * 2. lambda - regularization parameter [REQUIRED]
+ * 3. Number of iterations [OPTIONAL parameter]
+ * 4. eplsilon: tolerance constant [OPTIONAL parameter]
+ * 5. TV-type: 'iso' or 'l1' [OPTIONAL parameter]
+ *
+ * Output:
+ * [1] Filtered/regularized image
+ * [2] last function value
+ *
+ * Example of image denoising:
+ * figure;
+ * Im = double(imread('lena_gray_256.tif'))/255; % loading image
+ * u0 = Im + .05*randn(size(Im)); % adding noise
+ * u = FGP_TV(single(u0), 0.05, 100, 1e-04);
+ *
+ * to compile with OMP support: mex FGP_TV.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
+ * This function is based on the Matlab's code and paper by
+ * [1] Amir Beck and Marc Teboulle, "Fast Gradient-Based Algorithms for Constrained Total Variation Image Denoising and Deblurring Problems"
+ *
+ * D. Kazantsev, 2016-17
+ *
+ */
+float copyIm(float *A, float *B, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
+float Obj_func2D(float *A, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY);
+float Grad_func2D(float *P1, float *P2, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY);
+float Proj_func2D(float *P1, float *P2, int methTV, int dimX, int dimY);
+float Rupd_func2D(float *P1, float *P1_old, float *P2, float *P2_old, float *R1, float *R2, float tkp1, float tk, int dimX, int dimY);
+float Obj_func3D(float *A, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
+float Grad_func3D(float *P1, float *P2, float *P3, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
+float Proj_func3D(float *P1, float *P2, float *P3, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
+float Rupd_func3D(float *P1, float *P1_old, float *P2, float *P2_old, float *P3, float *P3_old, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float tkp1, float tk, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
+void mexFunction(
+ int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
+ int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
+ int number_of_dims, iter, dimX, dimY, dimZ, ll, j, count, methTV;
+ const int *dim_array;
+ float *A, *D=NULL, *D_old=NULL, *P1=NULL, *P2=NULL, *P3=NULL, *P1_old=NULL, *P2_old=NULL, *P3_old=NULL, *R1=NULL, *R2=NULL, *R3=NULL, lambda, tk, tkp1, re, re1, re_old, epsil, funcval;
+ number_of_dims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
+ dim_array = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
+ /*Handling Matlab input data*/
+ if ((nrhs < 2) || (nrhs > 5)) mexErrMsgTxt("At least 2 parameters is required: Image(2D/3D), Regularization parameter. The full list of parameters: Image(2D/3D), Regularization parameter, iterations number, tolerance, penalty type ('iso' or 'l1')");
+ A = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[0]); /*noisy image (2D/3D) */
+ lambda = (float) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); /* regularization parameter */
+ iter = 50; /* default iterations number */
+ epsil = 0.001; /* default tolerance constant */
+ methTV = 0; /* default isotropic TV penalty */
+ if ((nrhs == 3) || (nrhs == 4) || (nrhs == 5)) iter = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[2]); /* iterations number */
+ if ((nrhs == 4) || (nrhs == 5)) epsil = (float) mxGetScalar(prhs[3]); /* tolerance constant */
+ if (nrhs == 5) {
+ char *penalty_type;
+ penalty_type = mxArrayToString(prhs[4]); /* choosing TV penalty: 'iso' or 'l1', 'iso' is the default */
+ if ((strcmp(penalty_type, "l1") != 0) && (strcmp(penalty_type, "iso") != 0)) mexErrMsgTxt("Choose TV type: 'iso' or 'l1',");
+ if (strcmp(penalty_type, "l1") == 0) methTV = 1; /* enable 'l1' penalty */
+ mxFree(penalty_type);
+ }
+ /*output function value (last iteration) */
+ funcval = 0.0f;
+ plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, 1, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
+ float *funcvalA = (float *) mxGetData(plhs[1]);
+ if (mxGetClassID(prhs[0]) != mxSINGLE_CLASS) {mexErrMsgTxt("The input image must be in a single precision"); }
+ /*Handling Matlab output data*/
+ dimX = dim_array[0]; dimY = dim_array[1]; dimZ = dim_array[2];
+ tk = 1.0f;
+ tkp1=1.0f;
+ count = 1;
+ re_old = 0.0f;
+ if (number_of_dims == 2) {
+ dimZ = 1; /*2D case*/
+ D = (float*)mxGetPr(plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ D_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ P1 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ P2 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ P1_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ P2_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ R1 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ R2 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ /* begin iterations */
+ for(ll=0; ll<iter; ll++) {
+ /* computing the gradient of the objective function */
+ Obj_func2D(A, D, R1, R2, lambda, dimX, dimY);
+ /*Taking a step towards minus of the gradient*/
+ Grad_func2D(P1, P2, D, R1, R2, lambda, dimX, dimY);
+ /* projection step */
+ Proj_func2D(P1, P2, methTV, dimX, dimY);
+ /*updating R and t*/
+ tkp1 = (1.0f + sqrt(1.0f + 4.0f*tk*tk))*0.5f;
+ Rupd_func2D(P1, P1_old, P2, P2_old, R1, R2, tkp1, tk, dimX, dimY);
+ /* calculate norm */
+ re = 0.0f; re1 = 0.0f;
+ for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++)
+ {
+ re += pow(D[j] - D_old[j],2);
+ re1 += pow(D[j],2);
+ }
+ re = sqrt(re)/sqrt(re1);
+ if (re < epsil) count++;
+ if (count > 3) {
+ Obj_func2D(A, D, P1, P2, lambda, dimX, dimY);
+ funcval = 0.0f;
+ for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++) funcval += pow(D[j],2);
+ funcvalA[0] = sqrt(funcval);
+ break; }
+ /* check that the residual norm is decreasing */
+ if (ll > 2) {
+ if (re > re_old) {
+ Obj_func2D(A, D, P1, P2, lambda, dimX, dimY);
+ funcval = 0.0f;
+ for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++) funcval += pow(D[j],2);
+ funcvalA[0] = sqrt(funcval);
+ break; }}
+ re_old = re;
+ /*printf("%f %i %i \n", re, ll, count); */
+ /*storing old values*/
+ copyIm(D, D_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ copyIm(P1, P1_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ copyIm(P2, P2_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ tk = tkp1;
+ /* calculating the objective function value */
+ if (ll == (iter-1)) {
+ Obj_func2D(A, D, P1, P2, lambda, dimX, dimY);
+ funcval = 0.0f;
+ for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++) funcval += pow(D[j],2);
+ funcvalA[0] = sqrt(funcval);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("FGP-TV iterations stopped at iteration %i with the function value %f \n", ll, funcvalA[0]);
+ }
+ if (number_of_dims == 3) {
+ D = (float*)mxGetPr(plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ D_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ P1 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ P2 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ P3 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ P1_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ P2_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ P3_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ R1 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ R2 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ R3 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ /* begin iterations */
+ for(ll=0; ll<iter; ll++) {
+ /* computing the gradient of the objective function */
+ Obj_func3D(A, D, R1, R2, R3,lambda, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ /*Taking a step towards minus of the gradient*/
+ Grad_func3D(P1, P2, P3, D, R1, R2, R3, lambda, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ /* projection step */
+ Proj_func3D(P1, P2, P3, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ /*updating R and t*/
+ tkp1 = (1.0f + sqrt(1.0f + 4.0f*tk*tk))*0.5f;
+ Rupd_func3D(P1, P1_old, P2, P2_old, P3, P3_old, R1, R2, R3, tkp1, tk, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ /* calculate norm - stopping rules*/
+ re = 0.0f; re1 = 0.0f;
+ for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++)
+ {
+ re += pow(D[j] - D_old[j],2);
+ re1 += pow(D[j],2);
+ }
+ re = sqrt(re)/sqrt(re1);
+ /* stop if the norm residual is less than the tolerance EPS */
+ if (re < epsil) count++;
+ if (count > 3) {
+ Obj_func3D(A, D, P1, P2, P3,lambda, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ funcval = 0.0f;
+ for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++) funcval += pow(D[j],2);
+ funcvalA[0] = sqrt(funcval);
+ break;}
+ /* check that the residual norm is decreasing */
+ if (ll > 2) {
+ if (re > re_old) {
+ Obj_func3D(A, D, P1, P2, P3,lambda, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ funcval = 0.0f;
+ for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++) funcval += pow(D[j],2);
+ funcvalA[0] = sqrt(funcval);
+ break; }}
+ re_old = re;
+ /*printf("%f %i %i \n", re, ll, count); */
+ /*storing old values*/
+ copyIm(D, D_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ copyIm(P1, P1_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ copyIm(P2, P2_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ copyIm(P3, P3_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ tk = tkp1;
+ if (ll == (iter-1)) {
+ Obj_func3D(A, D, P1, P2, P3,lambda, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ funcval = 0.0f;
+ for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++) funcval += pow(D[j],2);
+ funcvalA[0] = sqrt(funcval);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("FGP-TV iterations stopped at iteration %i with the function value %f \n", ll, funcvalA[0]);
+ }
+/* 2D-case related Functions */
+float Obj_func2D(float *A, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY)
+ float val1, val2;
+ int i,j;
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(A,D,R1,R2) private(i,j,val1,val2)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
+ /* boundary conditions */
+ if (i == 0) {val1 = 0.0f;} else {val1 = R1[(i-1)*dimY + (j)];}
+ if (j == 0) {val2 = 0.0f;} else {val2 = R2[(i)*dimY + (j-1)];}
+ D[(i)*dimY + (j)] = A[(i)*dimY + (j)] - lambda*(R1[(i)*dimY + (j)] + R2[(i)*dimY + (j)] - val1 - val2);
+ }}
+ return *D;
+float Grad_func2D(float *P1, float *P2, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY)
+ float val1, val2, multip;
+ int i,j;
+ multip = (1.0f/(8.0f*lambda));
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2,D,R1,R2,multip) private(i,j,val1,val2)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
+ /* boundary conditions */
+ if (i == dimX-1) val1 = 0.0f; else val1 = D[(i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(i+1)*dimY + (j)];
+ if (j == dimY-1) val2 = 0.0f; else val2 = D[(i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(i)*dimY + (j+1)];
+ P1[(i)*dimY + (j)] = R1[(i)*dimY + (j)] + multip*val1;
+ P2[(i)*dimY + (j)] = R2[(i)*dimY + (j)] + multip*val2;
+ }}
+ return 1;
+float Proj_func2D(float *P1, float *P2, int methTV, int dimX, int dimY)
+ float val1, val2, denom;
+ int i,j;
+ if (methTV == 0) {
+ /* isotropic TV*/
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2) private(i,j,denom)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
+ denom = pow(P1[(i)*dimY + (j)],2) + pow(P2[(i)*dimY + (j)],2);
+ if (denom > 1) {
+ P1[(i)*dimY + (j)] = P1[(i)*dimY + (j)]/sqrt(denom);
+ P2[(i)*dimY + (j)] = P2[(i)*dimY + (j)]/sqrt(denom);
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ else {
+ /* anisotropic TV*/
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2) private(i,j,val1,val2)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
+ val1 = fabs(P1[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ val2 = fabs(P2[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ if (val1 < 1.0f) {val1 = 1.0f;}
+ if (val2 < 1.0f) {val2 = 1.0f;}
+ P1[(i)*dimY + (j)] = P1[(i)*dimY + (j)]/val1;
+ P2[(i)*dimY + (j)] = P2[(i)*dimY + (j)]/val2;
+ }}
+ }
+ return 1;
+float Rupd_func2D(float *P1, float *P1_old, float *P2, float *P2_old, float *R1, float *R2, float tkp1, float tk, int dimX, int dimY)
+ int i,j;
+ float multip;
+ multip = ((tk-1.0f)/tkp1);
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2,P1_old,P2_old,R1,R2,multip) private(i,j)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
+ R1[(i)*dimY + (j)] = P1[(i)*dimY + (j)] + multip*(P1[(i)*dimY + (j)] - P1_old[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ R2[(i)*dimY + (j)] = P2[(i)*dimY + (j)] + multip*(P2[(i)*dimY + (j)] - P2_old[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ }}
+ return 1;
+/* 3D-case related Functions */
+float Obj_func3D(float *A, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
+ float val1, val2, val3;
+ int i,j,k;
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(A,D,R1,R2,R3) private(i,j,k,val1,val2,val3)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
+ for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
+ /* boundary conditions */
+ if (i == 0) {val1 = 0.0f;} else {val1 = R1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i-1)*dimY + (j)];}
+ if (j == 0) {val2 = 0.0f;} else {val2 = R2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j-1)];}
+ if (k == 0) {val3 = 0.0f;} else {val3 = R3[(dimX*dimY)*(k-1) + (i)*dimY + (j)];}
+ D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = A[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - lambda*(R1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + R2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + R3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - val1 - val2 - val3);
+ }}}
+ return *D;
+float Grad_func3D(float *P1, float *P2, float *P3, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
+ float val1, val2, val3, multip;
+ int i,j,k;
+ multip = (1.0f/(8.0f*lambda));
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2,P3,D,R1,R2,R3,multip) private(i,j,k,val1,val2,val3)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
+ for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
+ /* boundary conditions */
+ if (i == dimX-1) val1 = 0.0f; else val1 = D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i+1)*dimY + (j)];
+ if (j == dimY-1) val2 = 0.0f; else val2 = D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j+1)];
+ if (k == dimZ-1) val3 = 0.0f; else val3 = D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(dimX*dimY)*(k+1) + (i)*dimY + (j)];
+ P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = R1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + multip*val1;
+ P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = R2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + multip*val2;
+ P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = R3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + multip*val3;
+ }}}
+ return 1;
+float Proj_func3D(float *P1, float *P2, float *P3, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
+ float val1, val2, val3;
+ int i,j,k;
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2,P3) private(i,j,k,val1,val2,val3)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
+ for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
+ val1 = fabs(P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ val2 = fabs(P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ val3 = fabs(P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ if (val1 < 1.0f) {val1 = 1.0f;}
+ if (val2 < 1.0f) {val2 = 1.0f;}
+ if (val3 < 1.0f) {val3 = 1.0f;}
+ P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]/val1;
+ P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]/val2;
+ P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]/val3;
+ }}}
+ return 1;
+float Rupd_func3D(float *P1, float *P1_old, float *P2, float *P2_old, float *P3, float *P3_old, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float tkp1, float tk, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
+ int i,j,k;
+ float multip;
+ multip = ((tk-1.0f)/tkp1);
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2,P3,P1_old,P2_old,P3_old,R1,R2,R3,multip) private(i,j,k)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
+ for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
+ R1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + multip*(P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - P1_old[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ R2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + multip*(P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - P2_old[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ R3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + multip*(P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - P3_old[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ }}}
+ return 1;
+/* General Functions */
+/* Copy Image */
+float copyIm(float *A, float *B, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
+ int j;
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(A, B) private(j)
+ for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++) B[j] = A[j];
+ return *B;
diff --git a/main_func/FISTA_REC.m b/main_func/FISTA_REC.m
index 79369a5..ed74181 100644
--- a/main_func/FISTA_REC.m
+++ b/main_func/FISTA_REC.m
@@ -1,34 +1,36 @@
-function [X, error, objective, residual] = FISTA_REC(params)
+function [X, output] = FISTA_REC(params)
-% <<<< FISTA-based reconstruction algorithm using ASTRA-toolbox (parallel beam) >>>>
+% <<<< FISTA-based reconstruction algorithm using ASTRA-toolbox >>>>
% ___Input___:
% params.[] file:
-% - .sino (2D or 3D sinogram) [required]
-% - .N (image dimension) [required]
-% - .angles (in radians) [required]
+% - .proj_geom (geometry of the projector) [required]
+% - .vol_geom (geometry of the reconstructed object) [required]
+% - .sino (vectorized in 2D or 3D sinogram) [required]
% - .iterFISTA (iterations for the main loop)
% - .L_const (Lipschitz constant, default Power method) )
% - .X_ideal (ideal image, if given)
-% - .weights (statisitcal weights, size of sinogram)
+% - .weights (statisitcal weights, size of the sinogram)
% - .ROI (Region-of-interest, only if X_ideal is given)
-% - .lambdaTV (TV regularization parameter, default 0 - reg. TV is switched off)
-% - .tol (tolerance to terminate TV regularization, default 1.0e-04)
-% - .iterTV (iterations for the TV penalty, default 0)
-% - .lambdaHO (Higher Order LLT regularization parameter, default 0 - LLT reg. switched off)
-% - .iterHO (iterations for HO penalty, default 50)
-% - .tauHO (time step parameter for HO term)
-% - .lambdaR_L1 (regularization parameter for L1 ring minimization, if lambdaR_L1 > 0 then switch on ring removal, default 0)
-% - .alpha_ring (larger values can accelerate convergence but check stability, default 1)
+% - .Regul_LambdaTV (TV regularization parameter, default 0 - reg. TV is switched off)
+% - .Regul_tol (tolerance to terminate TV regularization, default 1.0e-04)
+% - .Regul_iterTV (iterations for the TV penalty, default 0)
+% - .Regul_LambdaHO (Higher Order LLT regularization parameter, default 0 - LLT reg. switched off)
+% - .Regul_iterHO (iterations for HO penalty, default 50)
+% - .Regul_tauHO (time step parameter for HO term)
+% - .Ring_LambdaR_L1 (regularization parameter for L1 ring minimization, if lambdaR_L1 > 0 then switch on ring removal, default 0)
+% - .Ring_Alpha (larger values can accelerate convergence but check stability, default 1)
% - .fidelity (choose between "LS" and "student" data fidelities)
+% - .initializ (a 'warm start' using SIRT method from ASTRA)
% - .precondition (1 - switch on Fourier filtering before backprojection)
% - .show (visualize reconstruction 1/0, (0 default))
% - .maxvalplot (maximum value to use for imshow[0 maxvalplot])
% - .slice (for 3D volumes - slice number to imshow)
% ___Output___:
% 1. X - reconstructed image/volume
-% 2. error - residual error (if X_ideal is given)
+% 2. Resid_error - residual error (if X_ideal is given)
% 3. value of the objective function
-% 4. forward projection(X)
+% 4. forward projection of X
% References:
% 1. "A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse
% Problems" by A. Beck and M Teboulle
@@ -38,49 +40,53 @@ function [X, error, objective, residual] = FISTA_REC(params)
% D. Kazantsev, 2016-17
% Dealing with input parameters
-if (isfield(params,'sino'))
- sino = params.sino;
- [anglesNumb, Detectors, SlicesZ] = size(sino);
- fprintf('%s %i %s %i %s %i %s \n', 'Sinogram has a dimension of', anglesNumb, 'projections;', Detectors, 'detectors;', SlicesZ, 'vertical slices.');
+if (isfield(params,'proj_geom') == 0)
+ error('%s \n', 'Please provide ASTRA projection geometry - proj_geom');
- fprintf('%s \n', 'Please provide a sinogram');
+ proj_geom = params.proj_geom;
-if (isfield(params,'N'))
- N = params.N;
+if (isfield(params,'vol_geom') == 0)
+ error('%s \n', 'Please provide ASTRA object geometry - vol_geom');
- fprintf('%s \n', 'Please provide N-size for the reconstructed image [N x N]');
+ vol_geom = params.vol_geom;
-if (isfield(params,'N'))
- angles = params.angles;
- if (length(angles) ~= anglesNumb)
- fprintf('%s \n', 'Sinogram angular dimension does not correspond to the angles dimension provided');
- end
+N = params.vol_geom.GridColCount;
+if (isfield(params,'sino'))
+ sino = params.sino;
+ [Detectors, anglesNumb, SlicesZ] = size(sino);
+ fprintf('%s %i %s %i %s %i %s \n', 'Sinogram has a dimension of', Detectors, 'detectors;', anglesNumb, 'projections;', SlicesZ, 'vertical slices.');
- fprintf('%s \n', 'Please provide a vector of angles');
+ error('%s \n', 'Please provide a sinogram');
if (isfield(params,'iterFISTA'))
iterFISTA = params.iterFISTA;
iterFISTA = 30;
+if (isfield(params,'weights'))
+ weights = params.weights;
+ weights = ones(size(sino));
if (isfield(params,'L_const'))
L_const = params.L_const;
% using Power method (PM) to establish L constant
- vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom(N, N);
- proj_geom = astra_create_proj_geom('parallel', 1.0, Detectors, angles);
- niter = 10; % number of iteration for PM
- x = rand(N,N);
- [sino_id, y] = astra_create_sino_cuda(x, proj_geom, vol_geom);
- astra_mex_data2d('delete', sino_id);
+ niter = 5; % number of iteration for PM
+ x = rand(N,N,SlicesZ);
+ sqweight = sqrt(weights);
+ [sino_id, y] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(x, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ y = sqweight.*y;
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', sino_id);
for i = 1:niter
- x = astra_create_backprojection_cuda(y, proj_geom, vol_geom);
- s = norm(x);
+ [id,x] = astra_create_backprojection3d_cuda(sqweight.*y, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ s = norm(x(:));
x = x/s;
- [sino_id, y] = astra_create_sino_cuda(x, proj_geom, vol_geom);
- astra_mex_data2d('delete', sino_id);
+ [sino_id, y] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(x, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ y = sqweight.*y;
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', sino_id);
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', id);
L_const = s;
@@ -89,53 +95,48 @@ if (isfield(params,'X_ideal'))
X_ideal = 'none';
-if (isfield(params,'weights'))
- weights = params.weights;
- weights = 1;
if (isfield(params,'ROI'))
ROI = params.ROI;
ROI = find(X_ideal>=0.0);
-if (isfield(params,'lambdaTV'))
- lambdaTV = params.lambdaTV;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_LambdaTV'))
+ lambdaTV = params.Regul_LambdaTV;
lambdaTV = 0;
-if (isfield(params,'tol'))
- tol = params.tol;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_tol'))
+ tol = params.Regul_tol;
tol = 1.0e-04;
-if (isfield(params,'iterTV'))
- iterTV = params.iterTV;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_iterTV'))
+ iterTV = params.Regul_iterTV;
- iterTV = 10;
+ iterTV = 25;
-if (isfield(params,'lambdaHO'))
- lambdaHO = params.lambdaHO;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_LambdaHO'))
+ lambdaHO = params.Regul_LambdaHO;
lambdaHO = 0;
-if (isfield(params,'iterHO'))
- iterHO = params.iterHO;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_iterHO'))
+ iterHO = params.Regul_iterHO;
iterHO = 50;
-if (isfield(params,'tauHO'))
- tauHO = params.tauHO;
+if (isfield(params,'Regul_tauHO'))
+ tauHO = params.Regul_tauHO;
tauHO = 0.0001;
-if (isfield(params,'lambdaR_L1'))
- lambdaR_L1 = params.lambdaR_L1;
+if (isfield(params,'Ring_LambdaR_L1'))
+ lambdaR_L1 = params.Ring_LambdaR_L1;
lambdaR_L1 = 0;
-if (isfield(params,'alpha_ring'))
- alpha_ring = params.alpha_ring; % higher values can accelerate ring removal procedure
+if (isfield(params,'Ring_Alpha'))
+ alpha_ring = params.Ring_Alpha; % higher values can accelerate ring removal procedure
alpha_ring = 1;
@@ -164,21 +165,43 @@ if (isfield(params,'slice'))
slice = 1;
+if (isfield(params,'initilize'))
+ % Create a data object for the reconstruction
+ rec_id = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-vol', vol_geom);
+ sinogram_id = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-proj3d', proj_geom, sino);
+ % Set up the parameters for a reconstruction algorithm using the GPU
+ cfg = astra_struct('SIRT3D_CUDA');
+ cfg.ReconstructionDataId = rec_id;
+ cfg.ProjectionDataId = sinogram_id;
+ % Create the algorithm object from the configuration structure
+ alg_id = astra_mex_algorithm('create', cfg);
+ astra_mex_algorithm('iterate', alg_id, 35);
+ % Get the result
+ X = astra_mex_data3d('get', rec_id);
+ % Clean up. Note that GPU memory is tied up in the algorithm object,
+ % and main RAM in the data objects.
+ astra_mex_algorithm('delete', alg_id);
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', rec_id);
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', sinogram_id);
+ X = zeros(N,N,SlicesZ, 'single'); % storage for the solution
-% building geometry (parallel-beam)
-vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom(N, N);
-proj_geom = astra_create_proj_geom('parallel', 1.0, Detectors, angles);
-error = zeros(iterFISTA,1); % error vector
+Resid_error = zeros(iterFISTA,1); % error vector
objective = zeros(iterFISTA,1); % obhective vector
if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
% do reconstruction WITH ring removal (Group-Huber fidelity)
t = 1;
- X = zeros(N,N,SlicesZ, 'single');
X_t = X;
- add_ring = zeros(anglesNumb, Detectors, SlicesZ, 'single'); % size of sinogram array
+ add_ring = zeros(size(sino),'single'); % size of sinogram array
r = zeros(Detectors,SlicesZ, 'single'); % 2D array (for 3D data) of sparse "ring" vectors
r_x = r;
@@ -189,47 +212,40 @@ if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
t_old = t;
r_old = r;
- % all slices loop
- for j = 1:SlicesZ
- [sino_id, sino_updt] = astra_create_sino_cuda(X_t(:,:,j), proj_geom, vol_geom);
- for kkk = 1:anglesNumb
- add_ring(kkk,:,j) = sino(kkk,:,j) - alpha_ring.*r_x(:,j)';
- end
- residual = sino_updt - add_ring(:,:,j);
- if (precondition == 1)
- residual = filtersinc(residual'); % filtering residual (Fourier preconditioning)
- residual = residual';
- end
- vec = sum(residual);
- r(:,j) = r_x(:,j) - (1/L_const).*vec';
- x_temp = astra_create_backprojection_cuda(residual, proj_geom, vol_geom);
- X(:,:,j) = X_t(:,:,j) - (1/L_const).*x_temp;
- astra_mex_data2d('delete', sino_id);
+ [sino_id, sino_updt] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(X_t, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ for kkk = 1:anglesNumb
+ add_ring(:,kkk,:) = sino(:,kkk,:) - alpha_ring.*r_x;
+ end
+ residual = weights.*(sino_updt - add_ring);
+ if (precondition == 1)
+ residual = filtersinc(residual'); % filtering residual (Fourier preconditioning)
+ residual = residual';
+ vec = sum(residual,2);
+ r = r_x - (1./L_const).*vec;
+ [id, x_temp] = astra_create_backprojection3d_cuda(residual, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ X = X_t - (1/L_const).*x_temp;
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', sino_id);
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', id);
if ((lambdaTV > 0) && (lambdaHO == 0))
- if (size(X,3) > 1)
- [X] = FISTA_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV regularization using FISTA
- gradTV = 1;
- else
- [X, gradTV] = FISTA_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV regularization using FISTA
- end
- objective(i) = 0.5.*norm(residual(:))^2 + norm(gradTV(:));
+ [X, f_val] = FGP_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV regularization using FISTA
+ objective(i) = 0.5.*norm(residual(:))^2 + f_val;
% X = SplitBregman_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV-Split Bregman regularization on CPU (memory limited)
elseif ((lambdaHO > 0) && (lambdaTV == 0))
% Higher Order regularization
X = LLT_model(single(X), lambdaHO, tauHO, iterHO, tol, 0); % LLT higher order model
elseif ((lambdaTV > 0) && (lambdaHO > 0))
%X1 = SplitBregman_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV-Split Bregman regularization on CPU (memory limited)
- X1 = FISTA_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV regularization using FISTA
- X2 = LLT_model(single(X), lambdaHO, tauHO, iterHO, tol, 0); % LLT higher order model
+ X1 = FGP_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV regularization using FISTA
+ X2 = LLT_model(single(X), lambdaHO, tauHO, iterHO, 3.0e-05, 0); % LLT higher order model
X = 0.5.*(X1 + X2); % averaged combination of two solutions
elseif ((lambdaTV == 0) && (lambdaHO == 0))
objective(i) = 0.5.*norm(residual(:))^2;
@@ -244,11 +260,11 @@ if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
if (show == 1)
figure(10); imshow(X(:,:,slice), [0 maxvalplot]);
figure(11); plot(r); title('Rings offset vector')
- pause(0.03);
+ pause(0.03);
if (strcmp(X_ideal, 'none' ) == 0)
- error(i) = RMSE(X(ROI), X_ideal(ROI));
- fprintf('%s %i %s %s %.4f %s %s %.4f \n', 'Iteration Number:', i, '|', 'Error RMSE:', error(i), '|', 'Objective:', objective(i));
+ Resid_error(i) = RMSE(X(ROI), X_ideal(ROI));
+ fprintf('%s %i %s %s %.4f %s %s %.4f \n', 'Iteration Number:', i, '|', 'Error RMSE:', Resid_error(i), '|', 'Objective:', objective(i));
fprintf('%s %i %s %s %.4f \n', 'Iteration Number:', i, '|', 'Objective:', objective(i));
@@ -258,50 +274,42 @@ if (lambdaR_L1 > 0)
% WITHOUT ring removal
t = 1;
- X = zeros(N,N,SlicesZ, 'single');
X_t = X;
- % iterations loop
+ % FISTA outer iterations loop
for i = 1:iterFISTA
X_old = X;
t_old = t;
- % slices loop
- for j = 1:SlicesZ
- [sino_id, sino_updt] = astra_create_sino_cuda(X_t(:,:,j), proj_geom, vol_geom);
- residual = weights.*(sino_updt - sino(:,:,j));
- % employ students t fidelity term
- if (strcmp(fidelity,'student') == 1)
- res_vec = reshape(residual, anglesNumb*Detectors,1);
- %s = 100;
- %gr = (2)*res_vec./(s*2 + conj(res_vec).*res_vec);
- [ff, gr] = studentst(res_vec,1);
- residual = reshape(gr, anglesNumb, Detectors);
- end
- if (precondition == 1)
- residual = filtersinc(residual'); % filtering residual (Fourier preconditioning)
- residual = residual';
- end
- x_temp = astra_create_backprojection_cuda(residual, proj_geom, vol_geom);
- X(:,:,j) = X_t(:,:,j) - (1/L_const).*x_temp;
- astra_mex_data2d('delete', sino_id);
+ [sino_id, sino_updt] = astra_create_sino3d_cuda(X_t, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ residual = weights.*(sino_updt - sino);
+ % employ students t fidelity term
+ if (strcmp(fidelity,'student') == 1)
+ res_vec = reshape(residual, anglesNumb*Detectors*SlicesZ,1);
+ %s = 100;
+ %gr = (2)*res_vec./(s*2 + conj(res_vec).*res_vec);
+ [ff, gr] = studentst(res_vec,1);
+ residual = reshape(gr, Detectors, anglesNumb, SlicesZ);
+ end
+ if (precondition == 1)
+ residual = filtersinc(residual'); % filtering residual (Fourier preconditioning)
+ residual = residual';
+ [id, x_temp] = astra_create_backprojection3d_cuda(residual, proj_geom, vol_geom);
+ X = X_t - (1/L_const).*x_temp;
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', sino_id);
+ astra_mex_data3d('delete', id);
if ((lambdaTV > 0) && (lambdaHO == 0))
- if (size(X,3) > 1)
- [X] = FISTA_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV regularization using FISTA
- gradTV = 1;
- else
- [X, gradTV] = FISTA_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV regularization using FISTA
- end
+ [X,f_val] = FGP_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV regularization using FISTA
if (strcmp(fidelity,'student') == 1)
- objective(i) = ff + norm(gradTV(:));
+ objective(i) = ff + f_val;
- objective(i) = 0.5.*norm(residual(:))^2 + norm(gradTV(:));
+ objective(i) = 0.5.*norm(residual(:))^2 + f_val;
% X = SplitBregman_TV(single(X), lambdaTV, iterTV, tol); % TV-Split Bregman regularization on CPU (memory limited)
elseif ((lambdaHO > 0) && (lambdaTV == 0))
@@ -315,24 +323,25 @@ else
objective(i) = 0.5.*norm(residual(:))^2;
t = (1 + sqrt(1 + 4*t^2))/2; % updating t
X_t = X + ((t_old-1)/t).*(X - X_old); % updating X
if (show == 1)
figure(11); imshow(X(:,:,slice), [0 maxvalplot]);
- pause(0.03);
+ pause(0.03);
if (strcmp(X_ideal, 'none' ) == 0)
- error(i) = RMSE(X(ROI), X_ideal(ROI));
- fprintf('%s %i %s %s %.4f %s %s %.4f \n', 'Iteration Number:', i, '|', 'Error RMSE:', error(i), '|', 'Objective:', objective(i));
+ Resid_error(i) = RMSE(X(ROI), X_ideal(ROI));
+ fprintf('%s %i %s %s %.4f %s %s %.4f \n', 'Iteration Number:', i, '|', 'Error RMSE:', Resid_error(i), '|', 'Objective:', objective(i));
fprintf('%s %i %s %s %.4f \n', 'Iteration Number:', i, '|', 'Objective:', objective(i));
+output.Resid_error = Resid_error;
+output.objective = objective;
+output.L_const = L_const;
diff --git a/main_func/FISTA_TV.c b/main_func/FISTA_TV.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 87681bc..0000000
--- a/main_func/FISTA_TV.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-#include "mex.h"
-#include <matrix.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <memory.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "omp.h"
-/* C-OMP implementation of FISTA-TV denoising-regularization model (2D/3D)
- *
- * Input Parameters:
- * 1. Noisy image/volume
- * 2. lambda - regularization parameter
- * 3. Number of iterations
- * 4. eplsilon - tolerance constant
- *
- * Output:
- * Filtered/regularized image
- *
- * Example:
- * figure;
- * Im = double(imread('lena_gray_256.tif'))/255; % loading image
- * u0 = Im + .05*randn(size(Im)); % adding noise
- * u = FISTA_TV(single(u0), 0.05, 150, 1e-04);
- *
- * to compile with OMP support: mex FISTA_TV.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
- * References: A. Beck & M. Teboulle
- *
- * D. Kazantsev, 2016*
- */
-float copyIm(float *A, float *B, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
-float Obj_func2D(float *A, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float *grad, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY);
-float Grad_func2D(float *P1, float *P2, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY);
-float Proj_func2D(float *P1, float *P2, int dimX, int dimY);
-float Rupd_func2D(float *P1, float *P1_old, float *P2, float *P2_old, float *R1, float *R2, float tkp1, float tk, int dimX, int dimY);
-float Obj_func3D(float *A, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
-float Grad_func3D(float *P1, float *P2, float *P3, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
-float Proj_func3D(float *P1, float *P2, float *P3, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
-float Rupd_func3D(float *P1, float *P1_old, float *P2, float *P2_old, float *P3, float *P3_old, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float tkp1, float tk, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
-void mexFunction(
- int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
- int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
- int number_of_dims, iter, dimX, dimY, dimZ, ll, j, count;
- const int *dim_array;
- float *A, *grad=NULL, *D=NULL, *D_old=NULL, *P1=NULL, *P2=NULL, *P3=NULL, *P1_old=NULL, *P2_old=NULL, *P3_old=NULL, *R1=NULL, *R2=NULL, *R3=NULL, lambda, tk, tkp1, re, re1, re_old, epsil;
- number_of_dims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
- dim_array = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
- if(nrhs != 4) mexErrMsgTxt("Four input parameters is reqired: Image(2D/3D), Regularization parameter, Iterations, Tolerance");
- /*Handling Matlab input data*/
- A = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[0]); /*noisy image (2D/3D) */
- lambda = (float) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); /* regularization parameter */
- iter = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[2]); /* iterations number */
- epsil = (float) mxGetScalar(prhs[3]); /* tolerance constant */
- /*Handling Matlab output data*/
- dimX = dim_array[0]; dimY = dim_array[1]; dimZ = dim_array[2];
- tk = 1.0f;
- tkp1=1.0f;
- count = 1;
- re_old = 0.0f;
- if (number_of_dims == 2) {
- dimZ = 1; /*2D case*/
- D = (float*)mxGetPr(plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- grad = (float*)mxGetPr(plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- D_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- P1 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- P2 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- P1_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- P2_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- R1 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- R2 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- /* begin iterations */
- for(ll=0; ll<iter; ll++) {
- /*storing old values*/
- copyIm(D, D_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- copyIm(P1, P1_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- copyIm(P2, P2_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- tk = tkp1;
- /* computing the gradient of the objective function */
- Obj_func2D(A, D, R1, R2, grad, lambda, dimX, dimY);
- /*Taking a step towards minus of the gradient*/
- Grad_func2D(P1, P2, D, R1, R2, lambda, dimX, dimY);
- /* projection step */
- Proj_func2D(P1, P2, dimX, dimY);
- /*updating R and t*/
- tkp1 = (1.0f + sqrt(1.0f + 4.0f*tk*tk))*0.5f;
- Rupd_func2D(P1, P1_old, P2, P2_old, R1, R2, tkp1, tk, dimX, dimY);
- /* calculate norm */
- re = 0.0f; re1 = 0.0f;
- for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++)
- {
- re += pow(D[j] - D_old[j],2);
- re1 += pow(D[j],2);
- }
- re = sqrt(re)/sqrt(re1);
- if (re < epsil) count++;
- if (count > 3) break;
- /* check that the residual norm is decreasing */
- if (ll > 2) {
- if (re > re_old) break; }
- re_old = re;
- /*printf("%f %i %i \n", re, ll, count); */
- }
- printf("TV iterations stopped at iteration: %i\n", ll);
- }
- if (number_of_dims == 3) {
- D = (float*)mxGetPr(plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- D_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- P1 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- P2 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- P3 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- P1_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- P2_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- P3_old = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- R1 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- R2 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- R3 = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- /* begin iterations */
- for(ll=0; ll<iter; ll++) {
- /*storing old values*/
- copyIm(D, D_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- copyIm(P1, P1_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- copyIm(P2, P2_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- copyIm(P3, P3_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- tk = tkp1;
- /* computing the gradient of the objective function */
- Obj_func3D(A, D, R1, R2, R3,lambda, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- /*Taking a step towards minus of the gradient*/
- Grad_func3D(P1, P2, P3, D, R1, R2, R3, lambda, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- /* projection step */
- Proj_func3D(P1, P2, P3, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- /*updating R and t*/
- tkp1 = (1.0f + sqrt(1.0f + 4.0f*tk*tk))*0.5f;
- Rupd_func3D(P1, P1_old, P2, P2_old, P3, P3_old, R1, R2, R3, tkp1, tk, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- /* calculate norm - stopping rules*/
- re = 0.0f; re1 = 0.0f;
- for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++)
- {
- re += pow(D[j] - D_old[j],2);
- re1 += pow(D[j],2);
- }
- re = sqrt(re)/sqrt(re1);
- /* stop if the norm residual is less than the tolerance EPS */
- if (re < epsil) count++;
- if (count > 3) break;
- /* check that the residual norm is decreasing */
- if (ll > 2) {
- if (re > re_old) break; }
- re_old = re;
- /*printf("%f %i %i \n", re, ll, count); */
- }
- printf("TV iterations stopped at iteration: %i\n", ll);
- }
-/* 2D-case related Functions */
-float Obj_func2D(float *A, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float *grad, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY)
- float val1, val2;
- int i,j;
-#pragma omp parallel for shared(A,D,R1,R2) private(i,j,val1,val2)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
- for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
- /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
- if (i == 0) {val1 = R1[(i+1)*dimY + (j)];} else {val1 = R1[(i-1)*dimY + (j)];}
- if (j == 0) {val2 = R2[(i)*dimY + (j+1)];} else {val2 = R2[(i)*dimY + (j-1)];}
- D[(i)*dimY + (j)] = A[(i)*dimY + (j)] - lambda*(R1[(i)*dimY + (j)] + R2[(i)*dimY + (j)] - val1 - val2);
- grad[(i)*dimY + (j)] = lambda*(R1[(i)*dimY + (j)] + R2[(i)*dimY + (j)] - val1 - val2);
- }}
- return *D;
-float Grad_func2D(float *P1, float *P2, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY)
- float val1, val2;
- int i,j;
-#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2,D,R1,R2) private(i,j,val1,val2)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
- for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
- /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
- if (i == dimX-1) {val1 = D[(i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(i-1)*dimY + (j)];} else {val1 = D[(i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(i+1)*dimY + (j)];}
- if (j == dimY-1) {val2 = D[(i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(i)*dimY + (j-1)];} else {val2 = D[(i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(i)*dimY + (j+1)];}
- P1[(i)*dimY + (j)] = R1[(i)*dimY + (j)] + (1.0f/(8.0f*lambda))*val1;
- P2[(i)*dimY + (j)] = R2[(i)*dimY + (j)] + (1.0f/(8.0f*lambda))*val2;
- }}
- return 1;
-float Proj_func2D(float *P1, float *P2, int dimX, int dimY)
- float val1, val2;
- int i,j;
-#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2) private(i,j,val1,val2)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
- for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
- val1 = fabs(P1[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
- val2 = fabs(P2[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
- if (val1 < 1.0f) {val1 = 1.0f;}
- if (val2 < 1.0f) {val2 = 1.0f;}
- P1[(i)*dimY + (j)] = P1[(i)*dimY + (j)]/val1;
- P2[(i)*dimY + (j)] = P2[(i)*dimY + (j)]/val2;
- }}
- return 1;
-float Rupd_func2D(float *P1, float *P1_old, float *P2, float *P2_old, float *R1, float *R2, float tkp1, float tk, int dimX, int dimY)
- int i,j;
-#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2,P1_old,P2_old,R1,R2) private(i,j)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
- for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
- R1[(i)*dimY + (j)] = P1[(i)*dimY + (j)] + ((tk-1.0f)/tkp1)*(P1[(i)*dimY + (j)] - P1_old[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
- R2[(i)*dimY + (j)] = P2[(i)*dimY + (j)] + ((tk-1.0f)/tkp1)*(P2[(i)*dimY + (j)] - P2_old[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
- }}
- return 1;
-/* 3D-case related Functions */
-float Obj_func3D(float *A, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
- float val1, val2, val3;
- int i,j,k;
-#pragma omp parallel for shared(A,D,R1,R2,R3) private(i,j,k,val1,val2,val3)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
- for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
- for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
- /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
- if (i == 0) {val1 = R1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i+1)*dimY + (j)];} else {val1 = R1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i-1)*dimY + (j)];}
- if (j == 0) {val2 = R2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j+1)];} else {val2 = R2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j-1)];}
- if (k == 0) {val3 = R3[(dimX*dimY)*(k+1) + (i)*dimY + (j)];} else {val3 = R3[(dimX*dimY)*(k-1) + (i)*dimY + (j)];}
- D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = A[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - lambda*(R1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + R2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + R3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - val1 - val2 - val3);
- }}}
- return *D;
-float Grad_func3D(float *P1, float *P2, float *P3, float *D, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float lambda, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
- float val1, val2, val3;
- int i,j,k;
-#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2,P3,D,R1,R2,R3) private(i,j,k,val1,val2,val3)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
- for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
- for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
- /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
- if (i == dimX-1) {val1 = D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i-1)*dimY + (j)];} else {val1 = D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i+1)*dimY + (j)];}
- if (j == dimY-1) {val2 = D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j-1)];} else {val2 = D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j+1)];}
- if (k == dimZ-1) {val3 = D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(dimX*dimY)*(k-1) + (i)*dimY + (j)];} else {val3 = D[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - D[(dimX*dimY)*(k+1) + (i)*dimY + (j)];}
- P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = R1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + (1.0f/(8.0f*lambda))*val1;
- P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = R2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + (1.0f/(8.0f*lambda))*val2;
- P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = R3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + (1.0f/(8.0f*lambda))*val3;
- }}}
- return 1;
-float Proj_func3D(float *P1, float *P2, float *P3, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
- float val1, val2, val3;
- int i,j,k;
-#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2,P3) private(i,j,k,val1,val2,val3)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
- for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
- for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
- val1 = fabs(P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
- val2 = fabs(P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
- val3 = fabs(P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
- if (val1 < 1.0f) {val1 = 1.0f;}
- if (val2 < 1.0f) {val2 = 1.0f;}
- if (val3 < 1.0f) {val3 = 1.0f;}
- P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]/val1;
- P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]/val2;
- P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]/val3;
- }}}
- return 1;
-float Rupd_func3D(float *P1, float *P1_old, float *P2, float *P2_old, float *P3, float *P3_old, float *R1, float *R2, float *R3, float tkp1, float tk, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
- int i,j,k;
-#pragma omp parallel for shared(P1,P2,P3,P1_old,P2_old,P3_old,R1,R2,R3) private(i,j,k)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
- for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
- for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
- R1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + ((tk-1.0f)/tkp1)*(P1[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - P1_old[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
- R2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + ((tk-1.0f)/tkp1)*(P2[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - P2_old[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
- R3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + ((tk-1.0f)/tkp1)*(P3[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - P3_old[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
- }}}
- return 1;
-/* General Functions */
-/* Copy Image */
-float copyIm(float *A, float *B, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
- int j;
-#pragma omp parallel for shared(A, B) private(j)
- for(j=0; j<dimX*dimY*dimZ; j++) B[j] = A[j];
- return *B;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main_func/LLT_model.c b/main_func/LLT_model.c
index a611e54..0aed31e 100644
--- a/main_func/LLT_model.c
+++ b/main_func/LLT_model.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "omp.h"
-#define EPS 0.001
+#define EPS 0.01
/* C-OMP implementation of Lysaker, Lundervold and Tai (LLT) model of higher order regularization penalty
diff --git a/main_func/SplitBregman_TV.c b/main_func/SplitBregman_TV.c
index 691ccce..f143aa6 100644
--- a/main_func/SplitBregman_TV.c
+++ b/main_func/SplitBregman_TV.c
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
* Input Parameters:
* 1. Noisy image/volume
* 2. lambda - regularization parameter
- * 3. Number of iterations
- * 4. eplsilon - tolerance constant
+ * 3. Number of iterations [OPTIONAL parameter]
+ * 4. eplsilon - tolerance constant [OPTIONAL parameter]
+ * 5. TV-type: 'iso' or 'l1' [OPTIONAL parameter]
* Output:
* Filtered/regularized image
@@ -31,12 +32,13 @@
float copyIm(float *A, float *B, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
float gauss_seidel2D(float *U, float *A, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX, int dimY, float lambda, float mu);
-float updDxDy_shrink2D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX, int dimY, float lambda);
float updDxDy_shrinkAniso2D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX, int dimY, float lambda);
+float updDxDy_shrinkIso2D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX, int dimY, float lambda);
float updBxBy2D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX, int dimY);
float gauss_seidel3D(float *U, float *A, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Dz, float *Bx, float *By, float *Bz, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ, float lambda, float mu);
-float updDxDyDz_shrink3D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Dz, float *Bx, float *By, float *Bz, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ, float lambda);
+float updDxDyDz_shrinkAniso3D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Dz, float *Bx, float *By, float *Bz, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ, float lambda);
+float updDxDyDz_shrinkIso3D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Dz, float *Bx, float *By, float *Bz, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ, float lambda);
float updBxByBz3D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Dz, float *Bx, float *By, float *Bz, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ);
void mexFunction(
@@ -44,28 +46,39 @@ void mexFunction(
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
- int number_of_dims, iter, dimX, dimY, dimZ, ll, j, count;
+ int number_of_dims, iter, dimX, dimY, dimZ, ll, j, count, methTV;
const int *dim_array;
float *A, *U=NULL, *U_old=NULL, *Dx=NULL, *Dy=NULL, *Dz=NULL, *Bx=NULL, *By=NULL, *Bz=NULL, lambda, mu, epsil, re, re1, re_old;
number_of_dims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
dim_array = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
- if(nrhs != 4) mexErrMsgTxt("Four input parameters is reqired: Image(2D/3D), Regularization parameter, Iterations, Tolerance");
+ /*Handling Matlab input data*/
+ if ((nrhs < 2) || (nrhs > 5)) mexErrMsgTxt("At least 2 parameters is required: Image(2D/3D), Regularization parameter. The full list of parameters: Image(2D/3D), Regularization parameter, iterations number, tolerance, penalty type ('iso' or 'l1')");
/*Handling Matlab input data*/
A = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[0]); /*noisy image (2D/3D) */
mu = (float) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); /* regularization parameter */
- iter = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[2]); /* iterations number */
- epsil = (float) mxGetScalar(prhs[3]); /* tolerance constant */
+ iter = 35; /* default iterations number */
+ epsil = 0.0001; /* default tolerance constant */
+ methTV = 0; /* default isotropic TV penalty */
+ if ((nrhs == 3) || (nrhs == 4) || (nrhs == 5)) iter = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[2]); /* iterations number */
+ if ((nrhs == 4) || (nrhs == 5)) epsil = (float) mxGetScalar(prhs[3]); /* tolerance constant */
+ if (nrhs == 5) {
+ char *penalty_type;
+ penalty_type = mxArrayToString(prhs[4]); /* choosing TV penalty: 'iso' or 'l1', 'iso' is the default */
+ if ((strcmp(penalty_type, "l1") != 0) && (strcmp(penalty_type, "iso") != 0)) mexErrMsgTxt("Choose TV type: 'iso' or 'l1',");
+ if (strcmp(penalty_type, "l1") == 0) methTV = 1; /* enable 'l1' penalty */
+ mxFree(penalty_type);
+ }
+ if (mxGetClassID(prhs[0]) != mxSINGLE_CLASS) {mexErrMsgTxt("The input image must be in a single precision"); }
- lambda = 2.0f*2.0f;
+ lambda = 2.0f*mu;
count = 1;
- re_old = 0.0f;
+ re_old = 0.0f;
/*Handling Matlab output data*/
dimY = dim_array[0]; dimX = dim_array[1]; dimZ = dim_array[2];
if (number_of_dims == 2) {
dimZ = 1; /*2D case*/
U = (float*)mxGetPr(plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
@@ -73,7 +86,7 @@ void mexFunction(
Dx = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
Dy = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
Bx = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- By = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ By = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(2, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
copyIm(A, U, dimX, dimY, dimZ); /*initialize */
@@ -82,13 +95,14 @@ void mexFunction(
/*storing old values*/
copyIm(U, U_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- gauss_seidel2D(U, A, Dx, Dy, Bx, By, dimX, dimY, lambda, mu);
- updDxDy_shrink2D(U, Dx, Dy, Bx, By, dimX, dimY, lambda);
- //updDxDy_shrinkAniso2D(U, Dx, Dy, Bx, By, dimX, dimY, lambda);
- updBxBy2D(U, Dx, Dy, Bx, By, dimX, dimY);
+ /*GS iteration */
+ gauss_seidel2D(U, A, Dx, Dy, Bx, By, dimX, dimY, lambda, mu);
+ if (methTV == 1) updDxDy_shrinkAniso2D(U, Dx, Dy, Bx, By, dimX, dimY, lambda);
+ else updDxDy_shrinkIso2D(U, Dx, Dy, Bx, By, dimX, dimY, lambda);
+ updBxBy2D(U, Dx, Dy, Bx, By, dimX, dimY);
/* calculate norm to terminate earlier */
re = 0.0f; re1 = 0.0f;
@@ -97,20 +111,20 @@ void mexFunction(
re += pow(U_old[j] - U[j],2);
re1 += pow(U_old[j],2);
- re = sqrt(re)/sqrt(re1);
+ re = sqrt(re)/sqrt(re1);
if (re < epsil) count++;
- if (count > 4) break;
+ if (count > 4) break;
/* check that the residual norm is decreasing */
if (ll > 2) {
- if (re > re_old) break;
+ if (re > re_old) break;
- re_old = re;
- /*printf("%f %i %i \n", re, ll, count); */
+ re_old = re;
+ /*printf("%f %i %i \n", re, ll, count); */
- /*copyIm(U_old, U, dimX, dimY, dimZ); */
+ /*copyIm(U_old, U, dimX, dimY, dimZ); */
- printf("SB iterations stopped at iteration: %i\n", ll);
+ printf("SB iterations stopped at iteration: %i\n", ll);
if (number_of_dims == 3) {
U = (float*)mxGetPr(plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
@@ -119,22 +133,24 @@ void mexFunction(
Dy = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
Dz = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
Bx = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- By = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
- Bz = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ By = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
+ Bz = (float*)mxGetPr(mxCreateNumericArray(3, dim_array, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
copyIm(A, U, dimX, dimY, dimZ); /*initialize */
/* begin outer SB iterations */
for(ll=0; ll<iter; ll++) {
- /*storing old values*/
- copyIm(U, U_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
- gauss_seidel3D(U, A, Dx, Dy, Dz, Bx, By, Bz, dimX, dimY, dimZ, lambda, mu);
- updDxDyDz_shrink3D(U, Dx, Dy, Dz, Bx, By, Bz, dimX, dimY, dimZ, lambda);
+ /*storing old values*/
+ copyIm(U, U_old, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ /*GS iteration */
+ gauss_seidel3D(U, A, Dx, Dy, Dz, Bx, By, Bz, dimX, dimY, dimZ, lambda, mu);
+ if (methTV == 1) updDxDyDz_shrinkAniso3D(U, Dx, Dy, Dz, Bx, By, Bz, dimX, dimY, dimZ, lambda);
+ else updDxDyDz_shrinkIso3D(U, Dx, Dy, Dz, Bx, By, Bz, dimX, dimY, dimZ, lambda);
- updBxByBz3D(U, Dx, Dy, Dz, Bx, By, Bz, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
+ updBxByBz3D(U, Dx, Dy, Dz, Bx, By, Bz, dimX, dimY, dimZ);
/* calculate norm to terminate earlier */
re = 0.0f; re1 = 0.0f;
@@ -143,17 +159,17 @@ void mexFunction(
re += pow(U[j] - U_old[j],2);
re1 += pow(U[j],2);
- re = sqrt(re)/sqrt(re1);
+ re = sqrt(re)/sqrt(re1);
if (re < epsil) count++;
- if (count > 4) break;
+ if (count > 4) break;
/* check that the residual norm is decreasing */
if (ll > 2) {
if (re > re_old) break; }
/*printf("%f %i %i \n", re, ll, count); */
- re_old = re;
+ re_old = re;
- printf("SB iterations stopped at iteration: %i\n", ll);
+ printf("SB iterations stopped at iteration: %i\n", ll);
@@ -167,92 +183,92 @@ float gauss_seidel2D(float *U, float *A, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float
#pragma omp parallel for shared(U) private(i,j,i1,i2,j1,j2,sum)
for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
- /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
- i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
- i2 = i-1; if (i2 < 0) i2 = i+1;
+ /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
+ i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
+ i2 = i-1; if (i2 < 0) i2 = i+1;
for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
- /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
+ /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
- j2 = j-1; if (j2 < 0) j2 = j+1;
+ j2 = j-1; if (j2 < 0) j2 = j+1;
- sum = Dx[(i2)*dimY + (j)] - Dx[(i)*dimY + (j)] + Dy[(i)*dimY + (j2)] - Dy[(i)*dimY + (j)] - Bx[(i2)*dimY + (j)] + Bx[(i)*dimY + (j)] - By[(i)*dimY + (j2)] + By[(i)*dimY + (j)];
+ sum = Dx[(i2)*dimY + (j)] - Dx[(i)*dimY + (j)] + Dy[(i)*dimY + (j2)] - Dy[(i)*dimY + (j)] - Bx[(i2)*dimY + (j)] + Bx[(i)*dimY + (j)] - By[(i)*dimY + (j2)] + By[(i)*dimY + (j)];
sum += (U[(i1)*dimY + (j)] + U[(i2)*dimY + (j)] + U[(i)*dimY + (j1)] + U[(i)*dimY + (j2)]);
sum *= lambda;
- sum += mu*A[(i)*dimY + (j)];
+ sum += mu*A[(i)*dimY + (j)];
U[(i)*dimY + (j)] = normConst*sum;
return *U;
-float updDxDy_shrink2D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX, int dimY, float lambda)
+float updDxDy_shrinkAniso2D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX, int dimY, float lambda)
- int i,j,i1,j1;
- float val1, val11, val2, val22;
- #pragma omp parallel for shared(U) private(i,j,i1,j1,val1,val11,val2,val22)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ int i,j,i1,j1;
+ float val1, val11, val2, val22, denom_lam;
+ denom_lam = 1.0f/lambda;
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(U,denom_lam) private(i,j,i1,j1,val1,val11,val2,val22)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
/* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
val1 = (U[(i1)*dimY + (j)] - U[(i)*dimY + (j)]) + Bx[(i)*dimY + (j)];
val2 = (U[(i)*dimY + (j1)] - U[(i)*dimY + (j)]) + By[(i)*dimY + (j)];
- val11 = fabs(val1) - 1.0f/lambda; if (val11 < 0) val11 = 0;
- val22 = fabs(val2) - 1.0f/lambda; if (val22 < 0) val22 = 0;
+ val11 = fabs(val1) - denom_lam; if (val11 < 0) val11 = 0;
+ val22 = fabs(val2) - denom_lam; if (val22 < 0) val22 = 0;
if (val1 !=0) Dx[(i)*dimY + (j)] = (val1/fabs(val1))*val11; else Dx[(i)*dimY + (j)] = 0;
if (val2 !=0) Dy[(i)*dimY + (j)] = (val2/fabs(val2))*val22; else Dy[(i)*dimY + (j)] = 0;
- }}
+ }}
return 1;
-float updDxDy_shrinkAniso2D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX, int dimY, float lambda)
+float updDxDy_shrinkIso2D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX, int dimY, float lambda)
- int i,j,i1,j1;
- float val1, val11, val2, denom, denom_lam;
- denom_lam = 1.0f/lambda;
- #pragma omp parallel for shared(U) private(i,j,i1,j1,val1,val11,val2,denom,denom_lam)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ int i,j,i1,j1;
+ float val1, val11, val2, denom, denom_lam;
+ denom_lam = 1.0f/lambda;
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(U,denom_lam) private(i,j,i1,j1,val1,val11,val2,denom)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
/* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
val1 = (U[(i1)*dimY + (j)] - U[(i)*dimY + (j)]) + Bx[(i)*dimY + (j)];
val2 = (U[(i)*dimY + (j1)] - U[(i)*dimY + (j)]) + By[(i)*dimY + (j)];
denom = sqrt(val1*val1 + val2*val2);
- val11 = (denom - denom_lam); if (val11 < 0) val11 = 0.0f;
+ val11 = (denom - denom_lam); if (val11 < 0) val11 = 0.0f;
if (denom != 0.0f) {
- Dx[(i)*dimY + (j)] = val11*(val1/denom);
- Dy[(i)*dimY + (j)] = val11*(val2/denom);
- }
+ Dx[(i)*dimY + (j)] = val11*(val1/denom);
+ Dy[(i)*dimY + (j)] = val11*(val2/denom);
+ }
else {
Dx[(i)*dimY + (j)] = 0;
Dy[(i)*dimY + (j)] = 0;
- }}
+ }}
return 1;
float updBxBy2D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX, int dimY)
- int i,j,i1,j1;
- #pragma omp parallel for shared(U) private(i,j,i1,j1)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ int i,j,i1,j1;
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(U) private(i,j,i1,j1)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
/* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
- j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
+ j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
Bx[(i)*dimY + (j)] = Bx[(i)*dimY + (j)] + ((U[(i1)*dimY + (j)] - U[(i)*dimY + (j)]) - Dx[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
- By[(i)*dimY + (j)] = By[(i)*dimY + (j)] + ((U[(i)*dimY + (j1)] - U[(i)*dimY + (j)]) - Dy[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
- }}
- return 1;
+ By[(i)*dimY + (j)] = By[(i)*dimY + (j)] + ((U[(i)*dimY + (j1)] - U[(i)*dimY + (j)]) - Dy[(i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ }}
+ return 1;
@@ -261,78 +277,115 @@ float updBxBy2D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Bx, float *By, int dimX,
float gauss_seidel3D(float *U, float *A, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Dz, float *Bx, float *By, float *Bz, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ, float lambda, float mu)
float normConst, d_val, b_val, sum;
- int i,j,i1,i2,j1,j2,k,k1,k2;
+ int i,j,i1,i2,j1,j2,k,k1,k2;
normConst = 1.0f/(mu + 6.0f*lambda);
#pragma omp parallel for shared(U) private(i,j,i1,i2,j1,j2,k,k1,k2,d_val,b_val,sum)
for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
- /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
- i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
- i2 = i-1; if (i2 < 0) i2 = i+1;
- j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
- j2 = j-1; if (j2 < 0) j2 = j+1;
- k1 = k+1; if (k1 == dimZ) k1 = k-1;
- k2 = k-1; if (k2 < 0) k2 = k+1;
- d_val = Dx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i2)*dimY + (j)] - Dx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + Dy[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j2)] - Dy[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + Dz[(dimX*dimY)*k2 + (i)*dimY + (j)] - Dz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)];
- b_val = -Bx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i2)*dimY + (j)] + Bx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - By[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j2)] + By[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - Bz[(dimX*dimY)*k2 + (i)*dimY + (j)] + Bz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)];
- sum = d_val + b_val;
- sum += U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i1)*dimY + (j)] + U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i2)*dimY + (j)] + U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j1)] + U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j2)] + U[(dimX*dimY)*k1 + (i)*dimY + (j)] + U[(dimX*dimY)*k2 + (i)*dimY + (j)];
- sum *= lambda;
- sum += mu*A[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)];
- U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = normConst*sum;
- }}}
- return *U;
+ /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
+ i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
+ i2 = i-1; if (i2 < 0) i2 = i+1;
+ j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
+ j2 = j-1; if (j2 < 0) j2 = j+1;
+ k1 = k+1; if (k1 == dimZ) k1 = k-1;
+ k2 = k-1; if (k2 < 0) k2 = k+1;
+ d_val = Dx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i2)*dimY + (j)] - Dx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + Dy[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j2)] - Dy[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + Dz[(dimX*dimY)*k2 + (i)*dimY + (j)] - Dz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)];
+ b_val = -Bx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i2)*dimY + (j)] + Bx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - By[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j2)] + By[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] - Bz[(dimX*dimY)*k2 + (i)*dimY + (j)] + Bz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)];
+ sum = d_val + b_val;
+ sum += U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i1)*dimY + (j)] + U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i2)*dimY + (j)] + U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j1)] + U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j2)] + U[(dimX*dimY)*k1 + (i)*dimY + (j)] + U[(dimX*dimY)*k2 + (i)*dimY + (j)];
+ sum *= lambda;
+ sum += mu*A[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)];
+ U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = normConst*sum;
+ }}}
+ return *U;
-float updDxDyDz_shrink3D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Dz, float *Bx, float *By, float *Bz, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ, float lambda)
+float updDxDyDz_shrinkAniso3D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Dz, float *Bx, float *By, float *Bz, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ, float lambda)
- int i,j,i1,j1,k,k1;
- float val1, val11, val2, val22, val3, val33;
- #pragma omp parallel for shared(U) private(i,j,i1,j1,k,k1,val1,val11,val2,val22,val3,val33)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ int i,j,i1,j1,k,k1,index;
+ float val1, val11, val2, val22, val3, val33, denom_lam;
+ denom_lam = 1.0f/lambda;
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(U,denom_lam) private(index,i,j,i1,j1,k,k1,val1,val11,val2,val22,val3,val33)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
- /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
- i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
- j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
- k1 = k+1; if (k1 == dimZ) k1 = k-1;
- val1 = (U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i1)*dimY + (j)] - U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]) + Bx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)];
- val2 = (U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j1)] - U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]) + By[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)];
- val3 = (U[(dimX*dimY)*k1 + (i)*dimY + (j)] - U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]) + Bz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)];
- val11 = fabs(val1) - 1.0f/lambda; if (val11 < 0) val11 = 0;
- val22 = fabs(val2) - 1.0f/lambda; if (val22 < 0) val22 = 0;
- val33 = fabs(val3) - 1.0f/lambda; if (val33 < 0) val33 = 0;
- if (val1 !=0) Dx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = (val1/fabs(val1))*val11; else Dx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = 0;
- if (val2 !=0) Dy[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = (val2/fabs(val2))*val22; else Dy[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = 0;
- if (val3 !=0) Dz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = (val3/fabs(val3))*val33; else Dz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = 0;
- }}}
+ index = (dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j);
+ /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
+ i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
+ j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
+ k1 = k+1; if (k1 == dimZ) k1 = k-1;
+ val1 = (U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i1)*dimY + (j)] - U[index]) + Bx[index];
+ val2 = (U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j1)] - U[index]) + By[index];
+ val3 = (U[(dimX*dimY)*k1 + (i)*dimY + (j)] - U[index]) + Bz[index];
+ val11 = fabs(val1) - denom_lam; if (val11 < 0) val11 = 0;
+ val22 = fabs(val2) - denom_lam; if (val22 < 0) val22 = 0;
+ val33 = fabs(val3) - denom_lam; if (val33 < 0) val33 = 0;
+ if (val1 !=0) Dx[index] = (val1/fabs(val1))*val11; else Dx[index] = 0;
+ if (val2 !=0) Dy[index] = (val2/fabs(val2))*val22; else Dy[index] = 0;
+ if (val3 !=0) Dz[index] = (val3/fabs(val3))*val33; else Dz[index] = 0;
+ }}}
+ return 1;
+float updDxDyDz_shrinkIso3D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Dz, float *Bx, float *By, float *Bz, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ, float lambda)
+ int i,j,i1,j1,k,k1,index;
+ float val1, val11, val2, val3, denom, denom_lam;
+ denom_lam = 1.0f/lambda;
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(U,denom_lam) private(index,denom,i,j,i1,j1,k,k1,val1,val11,val2,val3)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
+ for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
+ index = (dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j);
+ /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
+ i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
+ j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
+ k1 = k+1; if (k1 == dimZ) k1 = k-1;
+ val1 = (U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i1)*dimY + (j)] - U[index]) + Bx[index];
+ val2 = (U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j1)] - U[index]) + By[index];
+ val3 = (U[(dimX*dimY)*k1 + (i)*dimY + (j)] - U[index]) + Bz[index];
+ denom = sqrt(val1*val1 + val2*val2 + val3*val3);
+ val11 = (denom - denom_lam); if (val11 < 0) val11 = 0.0f;
+ if (denom != 0.0f) {
+ Dx[index] = val11*(val1/denom);
+ Dy[index] = val11*(val2/denom);
+ Dz[index] = val11*(val3/denom);
+ }
+ else {
+ Dx[index] = 0;
+ Dy[index] = 0;
+ Dz[index] = 0;
+ }
+ }}}
return 1;
float updBxByBz3D(float *U, float *Dx, float *Dy, float *Dz, float *Bx, float *By, float *Bz, int dimX, int dimY, int dimZ)
- int i,j,k,i1,j1,k1;
- #pragma omp parallel for shared(U) private(i,j,k,i1,j1,k1)
- for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
+ int i,j,k,i1,j1,k1;
+#pragma omp parallel for shared(U) private(i,j,k,i1,j1,k1)
+ for(i=0; i<dimX; i++) {
for(j=0; j<dimY; j++) {
for(k=0; k<dimZ; k++) {
- /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
- i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
- j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
- k1 = k+1; if (k1 == dimZ) k1 = k-1;
- Bx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = Bx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + ((U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i1)*dimY + (j)] - U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]) - Dx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
- By[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = By[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + ((U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j1)] - U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]) - Dy[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
- Bz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = Bz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + ((U[(dimX*dimY)*k1 + (i)*dimY + (j)] - U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]) - Dz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
- }}}
- return 1;
+ /* symmetric boundary conditions (Neuman) */
+ i1 = i+1; if (i1 == dimX) i1 = i-1;
+ j1 = j+1; if (j1 == dimY) j1 = j-1;
+ k1 = k+1; if (k1 == dimZ) k1 = k-1;
+ Bx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = Bx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + ((U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i1)*dimY + (j)] - U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]) - Dx[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ By[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = By[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + ((U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j1)] - U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]) - Dy[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ Bz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] = Bz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)] + ((U[(dimX*dimY)*k1 + (i)*dimY + (j)] - U[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]) - Dz[(dimX*dimY)*k + (i)*dimY + (j)]);
+ }}}
+ return 1;
/* General Functions */
diff --git a/main_func/compile_mex.m b/main_func/compile_mex.m
index ea6e3a5..4d97bc2 100644
--- a/main_func/compile_mex.m
+++ b/main_func/compile_mex.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
% compile mex's
mex LLT_model.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
-mex FISTA_TV.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
-mex SplitBregman_TV.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp" \ No newline at end of file
+mex FGP_TV.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
+mex SplitBregman_TV.c CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -fopenmp -Wall -std=c99" LDFLAGS="\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp"
diff --git a/main_func/studentst.m b/main_func/studentst.m
index 99fed1e..93e0a0a 100644
--- a/main_func/studentst.m
+++ b/main_func/studentst.m
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-function [f,g,h,s,k] = studentst(r,k,s)
-% Students T penalty with 'auto-tuning'
-% use:
-% [f,g,h,{k,{s}}] = studentst(r) - automatically fits s and k
-% [f,g,h,{k,{s}}] = studentst(r,k) - automatically fits s
-% [f,g,h,{k,{s}}] = studentst(r,k,s) - use given s and k
-% input:
-% r - residual as column vector
-% s - scale (optional)
-% k - degrees of freedom (optional)
-% output:
-% f - misfit (scalar)
-% g - gradient (column vector)
-% h - positive approximation of the Hessian (column vector, Hessian is a diagonal matrix)
-% s,k - scale and degrees of freedom
-% Tristan van Leeuwen, 2012.
-% fit both s and k
-if nargin == 1
- opts = optimset('maxFunEvals',1e2);
- tmp = fminsearch(@(x)st(r,x(1),x(2)),[1;2],opts);
- s = tmp(1);
- k = tmp(2);
-if nargin == 2
- opts = optimset('maxFunEvals',1e2);
- tmp = fminsearch(@(x)st(r,x,k),[1],opts);
- s = tmp(1);
-% evaulate penalty
-[f,g,h] = st(r,s,k);
-function [f,g,h] = st(r,s,k)
-n = length(r);
-c = -n*(gammaln((k+1)/2) - gammaln(k/2) - .5*log(pi*s*k));
-f = c + .5*(k+1)*sum(log(1 + conj(r).*r/(s*k)));
-g = (k+1)*r./(s*k + conj(r).*r);
-h = (k+1)./(s*k + conj(r).*r);
+function [f,g,h,s,k] = studentst(r,k,s)
+% Students T penalty with 'auto-tuning'
+% use:
+% [f,g,h,{k,{s}}] = studentst(r) - automatically fits s and k
+% [f,g,h,{k,{s}}] = studentst(r,k) - automatically fits s
+% [f,g,h,{k,{s}}] = studentst(r,k,s) - use given s and k
+% input:
+% r - residual as column vector
+% s - scale (optional)
+% k - degrees of freedom (optional)
+% output:
+% f - misfit (scalar)
+% g - gradient (column vector)
+% h - positive approximation of the Hessian (column vector, Hessian is a diagonal matrix)
+% s,k - scale and degrees of freedom
+% Tristan van Leeuwen, 2012.
+% fit both s and k
+if nargin == 1
+ opts = optimset('maxFunEvals',1e2);
+ tmp = fminsearch(@(x)st(r,x(1),x(2)),[1;2],opts);
+ s = tmp(1);
+ k = tmp(2);
+if nargin == 2
+ opts = optimset('maxFunEvals',1e2);
+ tmp = fminsearch(@(x)st(r,x,k),[1],opts);
+ s = tmp(1);
+% evaulate penalty
+[f,g,h] = st(r,s,k);
+function [f,g,h] = st(r,s,k)
+n = length(r);
+c = -n*(gammaln((k+1)/2) - gammaln(k/2) - .5*log(pi*s*k));
+f = c + .5*(k+1)*sum(log(1 + conj(r).*r/(s*k)));
+g = (k+1)*r./(s*k + conj(r).*r);
+h = (k+1)./(s*k + conj(r).*r);