

Before installing *libuca* itself, you should install any drivers and SDKs
needed to access the cameras you want to access through *libuca*.  Now you have
two options: install pre-built packages or build from source.

Installing packages

Packages for the core library and all plugins are currently provided for
openSUSE and can be obtained from the openSUSE Build Service at

Building on Linux

In order to build *libuca* from source, you need

- CMake,
- a C compiler (currently tested with gcc and clang),
- GLib and GObject development libraries and
- any required camera SDKs.

For the base system, install ::

    [Debian] sudo apt-get install libglib2.0 cmake gcc
    [openSUSE] sudo zypper in glib2-devel cmake gcc

In case you want to use the graphical user interface you also need the Gtk+
development libraries::

    [Debian] sudo apt-get install libgtk+2.0-dev
    [openSUSE] sudo zypper in gtk2-devel

To generate bindings for third-party languages, you have to install ::

    [Debian] sudo apt-get install gobject-introspection
    [openSUSE] sudo zypper in gobject-introspection-devel

Fetching the sources

Clone the repository ::

    git clone https://github.com/ufo-kit/libuca

or download the latest release at https://github.com/ufo-kit/libuca/releases and 
unzip the ``.zip`` file::

    unzip libuca-x.y.z.zip

or untar the ``.tar.gz`` file::

    tar -zxvf libuca-x.y.z.tar.gz

and create a new, empty build directory inside::

    cd libuca/
    mkdir build

Configuring and building

Now you need to create the Makefile with CMake. Go into the build directory and
point CMake to the ``libuca`` top-level directory::

    cd build/
    cmake ..

As long as the last line reads "Build files have been written to", the
configuration stage is successful. In this case you can build ``libuca`` with ::


and install with ::

    sudo make install

If an *essential* dependency could not be found, the configuration stage will
stop and build files will not be written. If a *non-essential* dependency (such
as a certain camera SDK) is not found, the configuration stage will continue but
that particular camera support not built.

If you want to customize the build process you can pass several variables to

    cmake .. -DPREFIX=/usr -DLIBDIR=/usr/lib64

The former tells CMake to install into ``/usr`` instead of ``/usr/local`` and
the latter that we want to install the libraries and plugins into the ``lib64``
subdir instead of the default ``lib`` subdir as it is common on SUSE systems.

Building on Windows

Using MSYS2, the build procedure is similar to Linux but differs in some points.
First, download msys2-<arch>-<release-date>.exe from `msys2.org
<https://msys2.org/>`_ (preferably the x86_64 variant) and install it to
``C:\msys64`` or any other location.

Run the MSYS2 MinGW shell from the start menu and update the core if this is the
first time using::

    pacman -Syu

Close the terminal and open a new shell again. Install all required dependencies

    pacman -S gcc make cmake pkg-config git glib2-devel gettext-devel

Clone libuca and any plugins you want to use on Windows::

    git clone https://github.com/ufo-kit/libuca

and create an empty ``build`` directory in libuca's root folder. Change
directory to that folder, configure libuca using CMake and build and install it::

    cd libuca
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
    make && make install

Before proceeding with the plugins you *must* soft link the library to fit the
naming scheme::

    ln -s /usr/bin/libuca.so /usr/lib/libuca.dll.a

To build plugins nothing special is required. Clone the repository, create an
empty build directory, configure and build::

    git clone https://github.com/ufo-kit/uca-net
    cd uca-net
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make && make install


.. highlight:: c

The API for accessing cameras is straightforward. First you need to
include the necessary header files::

    #include <glib-object.h>
    #include <uca/uca-plugin-manager.h>
    #include <uca/uca-camera.h>

Then you need to setup the type system::

    main (int argc, char *argv[])
        UcaPluginManager *manager;
        UcaCamera *camera;
        GError *error = NULL; /* this _must_ be set to NULL */

    #if !(GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0))

Now you can instantiate new camera *objects*. Each camera is identified
by a human-readable string, in this case we want to access any pco
camera that is supported by
`libpco <http://ufo.kit.edu/extra/libpco/html/>`__. To instantiate a
camera we have to create a plugin manager first::

        manager = uca_plugin_manager_new ();
        camera = uca_plugin_manager_get_camera (manager, "pco", &error, NULL);

Errors are indicated with a returned value ``NULL`` and ``error`` set to
a value other than ``NULL``::

        if (camera == NULL) {
            g_error ("Initialization: %s", error->message);
            return 1;

You should always remove the
`reference <http://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/gobject-memory.html#gobject-memory-refcount>`__
from the camera object when not using it in order to free all associated

        g_object_unref (camera);
        return 0;

Compile this program with ::

    cc `pkg-config --cflags --libs libuca glib-2.0` foo.c -o foo

Now, run ``foo`` and verify that no errors occur.

Grabbing frames

To synchronously grab frames, first start the camera::

        uca_camera_start_recording (camera, &error);
        g_assert_no_error (error);

Now, you have to allocate a suitably sized buffer and pass it to

        gpointer buffer = g_malloc0 (640 * 480 * 2);

        uca_camera_grab (camera, buffer, &error);

You have to make sure that the buffer is large enough by querying the
size of the region of interest and the number of bits that are

Getting and setting camera parameters

Because camera parameters vary tremendously between different vendors
and products, they are realized with so-called GObject *properties*, a
mechanism that maps string keys to typed and access restricted values.
To get a value, you use the ``g_object_get`` function and provide memory
where the result is stored::

        guint roi_width;
        gdouble exposure_time;

        g_object_get (G_OBJECT(camera),
                      "roi-width", &roi_width,
                      "exposure-time", &exposure_time,
                      /* The NULL marks the end! */

        g_print ("Width of the region of interest: %d\n", roi_width);
        g_print ("Exposure time: %3.5fs\n", exposure_time);

In a similar way, properties are set with ``g_object_set``::

        guint roi_width = 512;
        gdouble exposure_time = 0.001;

        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (camera),
                      "roi-width", roi_width,
                      "exposure-time", exposure_time,

Each property can be associated with a physical unit. To query for the
unit call ``uca_camera_get_unit`` and pass a property name. The function
will then return a value from the ``UcaUnit`` enum.